Trap thread ID: 879269361

First found on 2022-06-01(04:30:34)


05/31/22(Tue)22:51:06 No.879269361

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New trap/CD thread /b/ulge edition


05/31/22(Tue)23:07:09 No.879270114

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>>879269991 >>879270033 I keel you


05/31/22(Tue)23:10:33 No.879270308

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05/31/22(Tue)23:14:22 No.879270491

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Kind of a bulge


05/31/22(Tue)23:15:54 No.879270567

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05/31/22(Tue)23:16:50 No.879270608

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>>879270563 Sounds rough


05/31/22(Tue)23:23:13 No.879270944

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>>879270625 >>879270718 Not quite but thank ye >>879270788 Bitings always fun


05/31/22(Tue)23:28:08 No.879271172

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Some more random OC from the other night.


05/31/22(Tue)23:34:39 No.879271498

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>>879271336 >>879271467 Forgot pic but here you go <3


05/31/22(Tue)23:38:24 No.879271688

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bulge? o.o


05/31/22(Tue)23:40:31 No.879271806

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>>879271589 >>879271648 There will be no ball dragging while they're still needed >>879271615 I do not


05/31/22(Tue)23:41:22 No.879271856

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05/31/22(Tue)23:41:57 No.879271897

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>>879271277 >>879271358 ...huh?


05/31/22(Tue)23:45:13 No.879272095

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>>879271857 <3 >>879271871 They should be interesting, able to take care of themselves, dominant but caring, mature


05/31/22(Tue)23:46:09 No.879272141

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05/31/22(Tue)23:47:05 No.879272214

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05/31/22(Tue)23:54:51 No.879272685

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>>879272221 Im flexible, either a skinny femboy like me or muscular daddy type is preferred tho >>879272371 Think I have some videos like that around :p


05/31/22(Tue)23:59:15 No.879272949

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>>879272685 Okay, do you mean muscular like a 3 on this list? Or a 4? Actually what ones do you like from these if you had to choose one or two. Also what do you think is more important? Sexual/physical compatibility or emotional/mental compatibility


06/01/22(Wed)00:04:13 No.879273229

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>>879272949 1 to 6 are all good. And you need to be compatible on all levels for a relationship. >>879273115 Don't have we ms but my OF is Alexbecute


06/01/22(Wed)00:04:51 No.879273260

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06/01/22(Wed)00:07:06 No.879273385

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>>879273205 I absolutely would


06/01/22(Wed)00:08:46 No.879273469

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>>879272123 Okay


06/01/22(Wed)00:15:45 No.879273820

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>>879273559 Don't date people based on their physical traits alone. Everyone ages, some gracefully, others not. You have to date based on a lot of things. This isn't for trans/traps/etc. It's a general thing. >>879273682 Oh god lol. Be careful.


06/01/22(Wed)00:16:14 No.879273841

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>>879273476 I would >>879273551 Lol fine, 2 and 3


06/01/22(Wed)00:26:16 No.879274368

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Less talkin More traps


06/01/22(Wed)00:27:47 No.879274444

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>>879274041 I don't sorry, only use OF, Alexbecute, now because I got spammed so much >>879274064 I can't speak for everyone, personally I go both ways >>879274094 Middle earth


06/01/22(Wed)00:33:51 No.879274739

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06/01/22(Wed)00:37:07 No.879274900

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>>879273967 Converse are always amazing. >>879274230 I'm not sure what to say, exactly. Love is love and you have to date for more than looks like we already said. It's a hard place to be in. I personally don't struggle with that sort of thing because that's not how my brain operates, so I guess I'm not the best to give advice on this, but I'm sure that when you meet the right person, hot or not, you'll stick around.


06/01/22(Wed)00:37:57 No.879274945

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>>879274424 Wtf dude Im a guy posting traps, are you retarded or something?


06/01/22(Wed)00:40:23 No.879275097

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>>879274518 >>879274659 >>879274831 Only have vids of me cumming but not webms sadly >>879274900 Very breedable butt btw


06/01/22(Wed)00:45:10 No.879275358

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>>879269361 Y'all are gay. - signed, 5'4 near-hairless 100lb man


06/01/22(Wed)00:50:24 No.879275645

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Me from last weekend shooting an oiled up scene with another femboy. Ask me anything


06/01/22(Wed)00:55:26 No.879275925

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06/01/22(Wed)00:59:41 No.879276155

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>>879274996 I am pretty gay, not gonna lie. >>879275087 >>879275097 Thanks <3 >>879275286 Sounds like a pretty typical outfit honestly.


06/01/22(Wed)01:02:08 No.879276289

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06/01/22(Wed)01:02:41 No.879276320

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kik me @asappanda for more :3


06/01/22(Wed)01:02:54 No.879276335

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06/01/22(Wed)01:03:17 No.879276356

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>>879275924 You eat pieces of shit for breakfast? 0.o


06/01/22(Wed)01:03:39 No.879276377

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06/01/22(Wed)01:17:31 No.879277088

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>>879276664 When I say "the right person" I mean someone that fits what you're looking for. Not like "Your soulmate." I'm someone who compromises. I don't really care if my SO has sex with others if I'm being truthful. Sometimes I just get too tired and don't want to put out. If you can have safe sex with someone else and come home to me, go for it. >>879276908 I have basically that entire outfit. I go to rock shows in a similar getup. I have a few from a concert I went to with my roommate. I'll try to find something that shows some of what I'm wearing, but my focus that day was getting drunk and taking pictures of the bands and fucking around in the pit.


06/01/22(Wed)01:21:42 No.879277319

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>>879276664 Me and my BF have essentially said "swinging's fine if we know the other couple or the other person, but we aren't actively searching for it". So if a right couple/friend comes along and hey, we wanna do that, sure. But neither of us are trying to find someone, if that makes sense. Here's the only other high-quality pic of me I have. The rest are taken by me on my own phone and suck lul.


06/01/22(Wed)01:26:20 No.879277546

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>>879277521 I ain't got that many.


06/01/22(Wed)01:28:24 No.879277646

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Here's a couple from a recent concert. Not amazing and the lighting is a bit unflattering but yeah. >>879277296 Lol yeah well, let me just hire a cameraman. If I had like, Sneaky's budget, I'd be world class famous or some shit, I think. Then again, mostly anyone would. I'm nearly 29 though. My prime years are behind me but I'm still doing what I can. I dunno if it means they prefer sex with someone else over me, but maybe they want sex and if I won't give it, they can find it somewhere else without judgement. I dunno. It's not a hard line for me. I've been involved very, very thoroughly in a poly dynamic before, and it was great. And yeah I do, except for a cage actually. I don't own one.


06/01/22(Wed)01:30:54 No.879277772

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>>879277659 We both look at things extremely logically, so far at least. To the point where I'm suspicious I'm autistic. Completely honest with problems and so on. So, if all goes well, it should. I actually never touched anyone else until I was 20 (21 soon) because I just found 99% of people to be fucking retarded. If it helps your imagination, I'm hypersensitive basically everywhere, _especially_ my right ear (whispers, ASMR), jawline, neck. And I seem to get intense physical sensations from just thoughts alone - reading _text_ makes me feel like I'm having sex in some cases. Seriously.


06/01/22(Wed)01:32:19 No.879277838

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I'm a fat slut for cock


06/01/22(Wed)01:41:28 No.879278309

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Hi babes ;3 am i fuckable?


06/01/22(Wed)01:41:39 No.879278319

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>>879277847 I agree with the Sneaky comments. People simp pretty hard for him though. Kinda nuts. I don't know if I'm really that simped for in these threads. I'm here maybe 1-2 times every 1-2 weeks just to check things out so maybe if people post my stuff and talk about it, but I wouldn't know otherwise. I think mostly, people respond to me because I respond back and talk? I don't really know. I don't personally think I'm very special but I do try to keep in shape regardless. It was very, very healthy for me. I would have stayed with them if it wasn't for my future goals and trying to find a level of personal satisfaction with my life that I need to travel to achieve. I could always go back with them though. They are an amazing group of people and I love them all very much. As far as what I would prefer? I'm ambivalent. Just feed me and have things in common with me and you've checked my boxesS.


06/01/22(Wed)01:43:42 No.879278415

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How do I look?


06/01/22(Wed)01:44:51 No.879278466

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>>879278375 Nah. Here's another angle. You can zoom in if you'd like. >>879278436 <3 ily2 bby


06/01/22(Wed)02:00:49 No.879279054

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>>879278319 >>879278466 Photos like these are what I mean. Yeah, your stuff is reposted somewhat often in these threads. I’ve found that people who possess good things, or in this case great bodies, don’t often feel that they do. Just look at many models for example. You’d think that they are super confident and ultra in-touch with their inner self with the way they carry themselves. However, the truth is pretty far from that. Aside from a few outliers, many models and even body builders, suffer from body dysmorphia. There’s always another pound of muscle to be gained or an inch of waist to be shrunken. Once you take that jump and walk the path of self improvement, you realize just how long it goes on for. It’s never enough. But if you look at dumb people, you’ll see the opposite. (When I say dumb I don’t mean this insultingly, I jusr mean people who genuinely don’t have any sort of self awareness or high mental skills. AKA the average pol user) Dumb people will believe they are the best. There is no need for self improvement because they already are at the top, according to themselves. There’s always that one guy who flaunts what he has when in reality he has very little. For example, I’ve seen “femboys” post to threads who are just normal chubby dudes who wear a thong, poorly shave their ass and call it a day. How is that fair? It ruins the reputation and sullies the name. I’m not saying that people should give up before they begin, but seeing people with average bodies proclaim beauty and then people like you saying you’re nothing special does make neva bit angry. I’m rambling on over here a bit too much. I apologize. what I’m saying is your body is better than you realize. I’m just a stranger on the internet who’s nothing but a bunch of black and white letters to you, so believe me when I say your body is pretty good. A solid 8.5/10, probably would be higher if I actually knew you as a person. Picrel: dunning-kruger effect


06/01/22(Wed)02:04:37 No.879279209

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>>879278700 thanks! I need a good fucking


06/01/22(Wed)02:04:44 No.879279213

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>>879279054 If I typed less and worked out more I’d be so buff by now hesus


06/01/22(Wed)02:11:01 No.879279466

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>>879279318 My ass is ready for some cock


06/01/22(Wed)02:14:44 No.879279640

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>>879279209 I want to take a picture like this. >>879279054 > It’s never enough. Yeah that's a mood for sure. I just always feel like "I can be better" and it's partly why I don't take much new content. I put it off until I get better inspiration, or until I reach X weight goal. Things like that. And yeah, for sure, dumb people shit on the parade for everyone else. They want all the satisfaction and "glorification" with none of the effort. Kind of obnoxious. Especially when they don't listen to advice from people who have been doing it longer than they have. Nah you don't need to apologize. We're like, the only 2 here really. At least that's what it feels like.


06/01/22(Wed)02:22:18 No.879280021

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>>879279640 Nice hair.


06/01/22(Wed)02:23:36 No.879280077

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>>879279615 sorry nope but have another pic! >>879279640 You can do it! But only if your comfortable doing so! You gotta make sure you are true to you, if you need time, take it


06/01/22(Wed)02:27:44 No.879280259

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Me >>879279640 You're very cute <3


06/01/22(Wed)02:32:50 No.879280467

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>>879280227 I've been considering it cause everyone requests it but not at the moment


06/01/22(Wed)02:34:23 No.879280517

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>>879280021 Thanks. It was particularly not the best in that photo. Here's a better one. >>879280077 I'm comfy. It's just remembering to do it. Maybe tomorrow. >>879280259 <3 Thank you!


06/01/22(Wed)02:41:55 No.879280789

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>>879280363 Since i was a kid u could see my ribs when im shirtless lol All things considered I've got b cups at less than a yr on hormones and im rlly shocked they could grow this big at my weight : )


06/01/22(Wed)03:02:18 No.879281470

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>>879280891 I don't workout beyond playing sports now and then, so i guess im just lucky picrel was around 6 months hrt for reference <3 >>879280936 Thanks >_<


06/01/22(Wed)04:11:52 No.879283356

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06/01/22(Wed)04:26:44 No.879283784

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>>879278466 yeah this looks edited, why are there repeating patterns on your balls