Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)08:27:30 No.871430222 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Edition - 423 'Rent free' / 'Obsessed' counter - 266 'Just come out' / 'Closet faggot' counter - 43 'Virgin' / 'Incel' counter - 95 '/pol/tard' counter - 73 Seething troon spammer visits (since 404) - 14 Let's increase that 61% /b/ros. Previous thread >>871403146
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)08:50:26 No.871431064 Because a woman is just a simpering fag Jew with long hair, after all
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)10:17:08 No.871434533 >>871430222 It will not go higher seethe as much as you want chuds Trans falx will gets better and stronger
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)10:17:48 No.871434561 >>871432748 touch grass, enjoy getting shoah'd for spamming cringe
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)10:52:12 No.871436033 >Trannies: Bloody penis equals Horny, also trannies; Furry Porn Equals more horny. wtf
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)10:52:44 No.871436052 I think I understand why half of trannies kill themselves. If my genitals looked anything like that, I wouldn't hesitate for a single second to put a bullet through my brainstem. Ugh... imagine the pain. Imagine the smell. Its nightmare fuel.
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)11:53:25 No.871439160 >>871430222 >>871430230 >>871430235 >>871430249 >>871430266 >>871430767 >>871430791 >>871430813 >>871430830 >>871431019 >>871431035 >>871431064 >>871431308 >>871431790 >>871431825 >>871431911 >>871432357 >>871432452 >>871432627 >>871432748 >>871434067 >>871434075 >>871436033 >>871436052 >>871436109 >>871436864 >>871436964 >>871437141 >>871437943 >>871438780 >>871439066
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)12:12:22 No.871440072 Why do troons attempt to counter these threads with anime instead of posting pics of trans "women" who "pass"
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)12:41:31 No.871441638 >>871440072 Why do /pol/tard permavigins larp that there are actual trans people conveniently in every single one of these cringe threads to fight with them?
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)12:43:21 No.871441736 >Why do /pol/tard permavigins larp that there are actual trans people conveniently in every single one of these cringe threads to fight with them?
Anonymous 01/26/22(Wed)13:14:20 No.871443388 >>871443318 Completely unphased....cept for the new counter he added, just for my image dumps. kek