Anonymous 11/11/21(Thu)23:03:49 No.866545786 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Edition - 334 'Rent free' / 'Obsessed' counter - 136 'Just come out' / 'Closet faggot' counter - 41 'Virgin' / 'Incel' counter - 31 '/pol/tard' counter - 34 Let's increase that 61% /b/ros. Previous thread >>866511795
Anonymous 11/12/21(Fri)00:27:52 No.866549371 is it possible to change a troons mind? i don't understand why anyone would focus on what sex they are when the thing they should be focusing on is who attracts them
Anonymous 11/12/21(Fri)02:23:13 No.866553915 >>866553754 >What the fuck is wrong with me? You have been desensitised to troons and faggots by the Jews, unironically. You need to see past the subversion and rewire your brain back to a state of normalcy.
Anonymous 11/12/21(Fri)02:32:24 No.866554264 Much love to OP (no homo) keep bumping the suicide numbers up my fren! > Due to the jewish brainwashing skills, there’s no end to these faggots!