Anonymous 10/18/21(Mon)19:06:11 No.865193829 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Edition - 286 'Rent free' / 'Obsessed' counter - 109 'Just come out' / 'Closet faggot' counter - 36 'Virgin' / 'Incel' counter - 27 '/pol/tard' counter - 31 Let's increase that 61% /b/ros.
Anonymous 10/18/21(Mon)19:16:23 No.865194191 >>865193829 Idk if I’m a fagget. I am disgusted with the male facial/body structure but a feminine trany alway gets to me
Anonymous 10/18/21(Mon)19:38:46 No.865195100 >>865193829 Why is it so rare for tranners to actually put effort into their body?
Anonymous 10/18/21(Mon)20:38:01 No.865197474 I don't remember the last time I jerked off to real women.
Anonymous 10/18/21(Mon)20:43:18 No.865197711 >>865193829 >>865197474 >mfw thith 'hate' thread Yeth, very rithible. Nice trapth.