Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)00:34:05 No.864412895 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Edition - 288 'Rent free' / 'Obsessed' counter - 111 'Just come out' / 'Closet faggot' counter - 36 'Virgin' / 'Incel' counter - 27 '/pol/tard' counter - 31 Let's increase that 61% /b/ros. Previous thread >>864407486
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)00:58:39 No.864414011 >>864412895 >>864413674 the "doctors" who mutilated this mentally ill man belong in jail.
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)01:19:52 No.864414884 >>864412895 is that shit coming out of his mangina loool
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)01:23:33 No.864415050 >>864412895 Lets goooo, daily reminder gender studies are born from a literal pedo child molester.
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)04:41:16 No.864422555 I hate trannies so much. Would like to have a gay bf and talk about how much we both hate trannies
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)06:52:40 No.864425991 >>864425584 What's the matter? Scared to taste a strong transwomans neo-vag?
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)11:55:05 No.864436581 >>864436251 LOOK AT THIS TRANNY BEING EATEN ALIVE BY HIS VERY OWN BRAINWORMS lelellel
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)11:58:36 No.864436748 >it's time to post the same 10 images again and screech that anyone who points out I'm delusional faggot is a liberal tranny jew
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)12:44:50 No.864439062 >>864438716 >be non-american >make fun of troons >troons retaliate against magas two mutts with one stone
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)12:53:00 No.864439465 >>864414995 I know about the neovagina stuff, but do they still perform arm-sausage surgery for ftm?
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)13:53:02 No.864442543 Daily reminder that trannies are a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population, gender reassignment surgeries are even rarer, and if you spend any meaningful amount of time fretting and getting hysterical about trannies you need to get a grip and will never be happy.
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)13:54:47 No.864442626 >>864439062 >be non american >make fun of troons >troons call me a maga >say yes
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)14:02:58 No.864442980 >>864442811 Youre accusing me of something you have no proof of when you are an actual leftie faggot on 4chan out of all places lmao. I have never been on twitter in my fuckin life. I would probably get censored by soybots instantly
Anonymous 10/05/21(Tue)14:03:42 No.864443013 >>864421640 why are you fucking faggots covering the nick? its public trump won