Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)22:37:58 No.858150547 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Edition - 224 'Rent free' / 'Obsessed' counter - 86 'Just come out' / 'Closet faggot' counter - 28 'Virgin' / 'Incel' counter - 18 '/pol/tard' counter - 23 Let's increase that 61% /b/ros. Previous thread >>858147249
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)22:39:15 No.858150634 >>858148583 >the one where the little brother is like "another one your internet friends are here" Kek
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)22:44:28 No.858150925 >>858150848 >Is it really that bad? DeviantArt... What to expect...?
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)22:47:58 No.858151133 I'm Trans myself, I know that I'll never be considered a true woman but instead of hating me and other people for having a "mental illness". Why not figure out ways to prevent or make feel people comfortable with their gender at birth? Hell, why not make it easier and better medical wise for people to transition? You wouldn't just tell someone who's depressed to go kill themselves or w/e.
Anonymous 07/01/21(Thu)23:43:36 No.858154236 >>858151133 >I'm Trans myself Stopped reading there. Dilate and kys.