Trap thread ID: 853802619

First found on 2021-05-06(20:15:29)


05/06/21(Thu)16:10:23 No.853802619

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Lets see your companions /b/ too many porn and trap threads. before you start shitting on my choice of dog, i hate all the pibble/nanny dog bullshit, mine is big dog/cat/black people aggressive(All because life events, live in philly). I know what i have, and i trained it to be the perfect companion. lets see what you got ITT: Pets/Companions


05/06/21(Thu)16:12:43 No.853802749

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>>853802619 that's cool. it ever eat any babies? I have a fat cat.


05/06/21(Thu)16:16:03 No.853802935

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>>853802749 nah no babies. He's good with family members, always keep him on a leash outside for his own safetly so thankfully never had an issue. Hows the shedding situation on that thing? im allergic and hate pet hair so thats why i decided to get this nig.


05/06/21(Thu)16:16:40 No.853802978

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Deeep vagina


05/06/21(Thu)16:19:01 No.853803131

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My doggo.


05/06/21(Thu)16:22:54 No.853803363

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>>853802935 she sheds a lot but I brush her pretty often so it's manageable. luckily no one in my house is allergic cause we also have this little cunt


05/06/21(Thu)16:33:06 No.853803969

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>>853803662 yeah. she's like a discount Bengal though, her markings aren't very pronounced.


05/06/21(Thu)16:39:26 No.853804348

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>>853803973 gtfo


05/06/21(Thu)16:46:05 No.853804728

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05/06/21(Thu)16:49:28 No.853804924

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>>853802619 My free range rabbit, love her to bits


05/06/21(Thu)16:49:35 No.853804931

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>>853802619 Axl


05/06/21(Thu)16:50:12 No.853804970

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05/06/21(Thu)16:50:14 No.853804972

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>>853802619 Axl older brother Riley


05/06/21(Thu)16:53:51 No.853805201

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This is my pupper


05/06/21(Thu)16:54:34 No.853805256

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>>853804689 no, train your dog and dont let me be a retarded stereotype. My dog eats boiled chicken with a raw diet because he is a part of the family. >>853804737 Some type of pitbull mix. I think mastiff and apbt. he's big (68 pounds) for a apbt but still agile and athletic as a mofo. >>853802966 he has, while walking idiots assume that its ok to pet the dog, we were doing training and the idiot decided to come up and right away put his hand on my dogs head without even asking. He lunged, i said stop, long story short, the dude had a ripped shirt, but no bite marks. Threatened to call the police, scum fuck.


05/06/21(Thu)17:06:19 No.853805990

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>>853804728 >>853804970 That is a beautiful dog man. Very lean from the looks of it. >>853805027 i dont give in to the whole blue nose/red nose bs. its the same dog, but people tend to believe different coats are "rare". >>853805378 my dog was also on a leash and he came up behind like a moron. I really hate people that come up to dogs or let their kids do whatever without consulting the owner. I have a vest that i put on him when we're training, and when thats on, its game time and he knows it. But meh, shit happens. Luckily we were able to get out of it without my having to put my dog down since its a pit and thats a no no . >>853805549 lmao, the reason why these dogs get a bad name is because any idiot off the street can go to a shelter and get one for free(also you know....."mah nigga got a bluenose rare pit hes over 100lbs". I would never adopt an older dog, let alone a pit. Only way i would get one is if i trained it since a pup. which goes for any dog that can do damage. >>853805624 pictures dont do them justice, they're nicer looking in person. >>853805899 stop it. >>853805809 no bite marks of any kind, just ripped shirt from being a baggy wigger >>853805767 thanks man. Hes got some droopy lips so i get what youre sayin


05/06/21(Thu)17:20:21 No.853806869

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05/06/21(Thu)17:29:21 No.853807471

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>>853802619 I have two jack russels, yes my dogs are nanny dogs but pitbulls are truly the lowest of dog breeds. That thing should be shot, it's an over agreesive mutant dog, only people compensating for something get pitbulls, litteraly 100% of the time


05/06/21(Thu)17:30:11 No.853807535

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>>853806492 trust me brotha i know. i never let him out of my sight. He has been aggressive towards other animals like cats but as soon as i say the command he stops and lays down. >>853806564 oh boy here we go! Where did you get the idea that hes aggresive towards all people? i said hes racist.. so he doesnt like dark skinned people around him, off leash, he avoids them (Experience from being a puppy). And hes protective ofnleash. I want him like this... he is a guard dog and a family member, nothing he does will make me want to get rid of him you turd. I dont understand how you americans just want these apex creatures as couch potatoes...This is why the breed gets all this hate, because faggots like you would get one, and not think about anything besides "wittle kissy poo licky licky". >>853806624 nah son, hes here to stay. >>853806642 idk about that mate, mine is sweet, WITH the people he surrounds himself with, strangers are a different story. When it comes to unpredictable, that is all body language and you will be able to see it. If thats the case, then all animals are unpredictable... stop with that BS argument. >>853806712 You seem to have insecurities, was your dad in the army and your mom get dicked down while he was away? >>853807107 i wish you nothing but happiness my friend. Due to being allergic i never really got to connect to cats that way.


05/06/21(Thu)17:33:42 No.853807758

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05/06/21(Thu)17:42:59 No.853808386

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05/06/21(Thu)17:46:31 No.853808571

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>>853807471 thats like... your opinion man. do you live in the hillbilly south where you had bad experience with them? of just read articles where nigs and white trash got turned on because they dont know what theyre getting into? I built this man a house from scratch, he plays with neighborhood kids. But take him downtown where the homeless and blacks are? thats a different animal, i muzzle him and everything when encountering scenerios he's never been in. Call me what you want, but a bad owner is not one of them, this is the best dog i have ever had and wouldnt trade him for the world. >>853807943 gsd, too much hair. doberman, had one, wanted something new. malanois? i dont have the time to meet its exercise requirements. >>853807949 When he was a pup, i took him to my friends house that had a cat, the thing almost took his eye out, after that, he was always cautious around them, stop talking you sound weak son. >>853808111 its funny you should say that, because i've never even thought about it as a status symbol. Being that this is the first pitbull i have ever owned, he is also, the most intelligent dog i have had. >>853808284 how much do you weigh? >>853808011 funny enough is that the gsd mix is not mine, and has had about 5 biting incidents. again, dont put me in the same demographic as the idiots who adopt the ptsd shits from the pound. >>853808499 thanks, probably still eats better than you


05/06/21(Thu)17:49:32 No.853808752

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My happy doggo


05/06/21(Thu)17:49:41 No.853808761

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>>853802619 My 4 year old boxer.


05/06/21(Thu)17:50:44 No.853808874

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>>853808592 sorry to hear that man, i got my pit after my doberman passed away. dont mind the big head, its photoshopped, i have other pics of her on my other drive. >>853808752 beautiful! too much hair for me having it indoors.


05/06/21(Thu)18:03:26 No.853809644

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>>853808954 youre fucking stupid. he doesnt get aggressive unless people touch him..... he ignore people, the muzzle is there for protection just in case.. you know, precaution? if you went outside more often youd realize that there is a lot more than just "Nigger dog, white trash owner". please, if you're gonna judge, tell me this, what is your yearly income? net worth and weight since youre throwing accusations of being a chad for owning a dog that can do damage lol. I got the dog before even knowing it was a pit, thought it was just some lab mut. I have a great job, work from home, owned a house since i was 25 despite immigrating to burgerland without knowing the language. >>853809309 it all comes full circle, its usually idiots who own the breed, and of course, not trained. I've been bit my labs, and nothing happened, why? because they cant do damage. I've had bad experienced with other animals but its all about the individual, im not gonna group them in the whole category if that makes sense.


05/06/21(Thu)18:06:48 No.853809846

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05/06/21(Thu)18:08:24 No.853809957

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>>853802619 Pit mixes are great dogs if you don’t like people always bringing little kids around


05/06/21(Thu)18:09:37 No.853810036

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Don't have pictures of my dog on my phone because i'm not a girl and i'm at my office, but I have a black Cane Corso named Rook.


05/06/21(Thu)18:11:43 No.853810181

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>>853802619 My red tail boa Lousiel I love her very much


05/06/21(Thu)18:11:57 No.853810198

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>>853802619 >>853802935 >>853809957 Shitbulls should all be killed, nothing but a worthless breed for retards and niggers who like them because they look ghetto, put them to sleep and buy a proper breed


05/06/21(Thu)18:11:59 No.853810205

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>>853809957 lol >>853809963 first of all, are all you muts programmed to go up to random dogs and touch them? serious though. >>853810036 great dogs! >>853810024 try testing it out on yourself you obese loser. Dont blame society for making you a human Michelin Man, if you go for walks, you might find that its not all about what you read online.


05/06/21(Thu)18:13:53 No.853810337

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>>853810205 Care to explain why they're banned in a LOT of countries, counties, states, cities? Also why they're responsible for the majority of fatal AND non-fatal maulings? Yeah, fuck your shit ass breed, nigger


05/06/21(Thu)18:14:08 No.853810351

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My baby girl


05/06/21(Thu)18:16:31 No.853810502

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05/06/21(Thu)18:17:35 No.853810563

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Lotta Pitbull hate in this thread, huh? Everyone I have ever brought into my house went from being afraid of my dog to loving her pretty quick, after they realize how much work I put into her. I can understand how you kids can be afraid of her though , tbh.


05/06/21(Thu)18:20:11 No.853810727

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>>853802619 Her name is elvis


05/06/21(Thu)18:20:14 No.853810730

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>>853810420 Yeah they're beyond retarded.


05/06/21(Thu)18:22:33 No.853810868

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>>853809764 Thanks. She really is clever, and so good with my small kids.


05/06/21(Thu)18:24:20 No.853810973

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>>853810728 >sure thing, poor ownership. If chihuahuas were able to do as much damage, they would be on the same list my man. Poor ownership my ass, also why is it every time someone goes after your fugly ass mutts chihuahuas get somehow added to the mix? They can't even fucking do the same amount of damage one of your shithounds can, so they're 100% irrelevant.


05/06/21(Thu)18:24:55 No.853811013

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>>853810852 thats sweet, go ask mommy for some tendies for that statement. you deserve it.


05/06/21(Thu)18:26:46 No.853811126

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>>853808752 Gorgeous dog, unlike these fugly niggerdogs who look like shit: >>853802619 >>853804348 >>853805201 >>853805256 >>853807535 >>853808571 >>853809644 >>853809957 >>853810205 >>853810351 >>853810563


05/06/21(Thu)18:29:29 No.853811298

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>>853810974 Isn't she though she's very friendly too I'd have her out for a full picture but she's too strong it's a hassle to get her out if she doesn't really want to. The light makes her scales rainbow and when she sheds she is crazy vibrant


05/06/21(Thu)18:35:56 No.853811730

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Old girl


05/06/21(Thu)18:36:04 No.853811732

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A curious thought, from all you pit haters, have you ever encountered one? i was the same way before i got mine, i thought they were just aggressive dogs that went apeshit, but mine has changed my whole view in general. >>853811418 its not something i taught him, but its not like its a dealbreaker. >>853811558 I sure do, tuck in them folds and send it my way baby


05/06/21(Thu)18:37:45 No.853811864

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>>853810713 My dog was a rescue, from when I lived in Detroit. When I got her most of her ribs where still healing up from when some Mexicans nearly beat her to death and tied her to a tree to starve. So yeah it was a fair amount of work to deal with a a dog like that. Your issues with the dogs aren’t their aggression levels, it’s their size and the demographics of people who usually buy them, train them to be guard dogs and then leave them to die when they get inconvenient . Only then for them to be picked up by some half retarded Karen who puts zero work into the dog and let’s it at her 2 year old toddler... I sell a bunch of cute fluffy dogs do people all the time and there’s nothing wrong with excepting the fact you aren’t equipped to deal with a large possibly aggressive rescue when you can get a well bred bichon for $1600 I have both volunteered at rescues and worked for breeders for multiple years now


05/06/21(Thu)18:38:59 No.853811940

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>>853811659 Had her since 2015 and she was around 2 years old when I got her. She eats big rats now and they have MASSIVE nuts lol


05/06/21(Thu)18:39:26 No.853811967

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>>853811732 >A curious thought, from all you pit haters, have you ever encountered one? i was the same way before i got mine, i thought they were just aggressive dogs that went apeshit, but mine has changed my whole view in general. Yes, several times unfortunately, same fucking thing happened, they all tried to attack my dog, so fuck you crackhead niggers who own shitbulls, literally hundreds of breeds out there and you choose a shitbull? You retards are just that, retards.


05/06/21(Thu)18:47:41 No.853812623

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>>853802619 He looks like a champ. Here’s me and my doggos.


05/06/21(Thu)18:48:08 No.853812654

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>>853812348 No kidding, these retarded niggers think they're Jesus Christ himself for "rescuing" a pitbull, we'll see them soon enough in the news when their dog mauls them or some kid to death, fucking idiots don't know the walking liability they adopted just so they could pat themselves on the back.


05/06/21(Thu)18:48:54 No.853812705

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>>853812623 Wigger with nigger dogs, what a combo.


05/06/21(Thu)18:51:52 No.853812932

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>>853811998 for $5 ill let you see his balls >>853811864 bro you can get through these people. They dont go outside and socialize, which is the main reason why their outlook on them wont change. The reason why these dogs get such a bad name is because there is so many of them, and of course idiots like to get them and just leave them. >>853812119 seems to me like you live in a bad area or just are surrounded by incompetent fools who had the dog. >>853812337 yeah man majority of these fools just read headlines and go by that. I have never met any other type of dog that was so interactive and obedient. I am aiming to get a Rottie so my dog has another to play with. >>853812348 >dogs cant learn on their own go back to /v/ >>853812654 as i said in my original post, dont see me as the Pittie nanny dog type of owner... >>853812623 very nice doggos, you ever take them on trails? >>853812705 obese faggot talking shit, what a surprise, if you can counter, go ahead baby


05/06/21(Thu)18:54:29 No.853813135

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>>853812932 >obese faggot talking shit, what a surprise, if you can counter, go ahead baby Are you trying to sound tough on the internet? lmao, put your niggerdog to sleep


05/06/21(Thu)18:58:54 No.853813477

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>>853813135 found the fatty. Dont be scared of dogs, they cant kill you.


05/06/21(Thu)18:59:20 No.853813499

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>>853812932 Oh yes bro your dog learned on his own..... you have a genuinous pitbul that found out blacks commit alot of crime. It has nothing at all to do with it being a super aggressive shitbred. Quit coping saying the people here are jusy antisocial that's why they can recognize the shit breed is a shit breed. Nothing to do with that's, it's because anyone that has seen a dog killed by another dog, there's a 98% chance they saw a shitbull kill another dog. Most people, even outside of pol are aware pitbulls are a violent shit breed. But you already know this, being you muzzle your dog and has admitted it's a violent breed. Just poison that shit animal already. You will never own a dog.


05/06/21(Thu)19:01:11 No.853813630

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>>853812584 I have been selling dogs for years. Last I checked Irish wolfhounds cost like 3-4K a pup. Usually idiots don’t do the kind of research or have the kinda cash lying around that would lead to them buying a $3,600 wolfhound on a whim. Most pit bulls we gave away we literally gave them away for free to half retarded women who where buying a dog to feel “more safe” completely on a whim. If you get a pit puppy from a reliable breeder and train it as you would any large breed high energy dog you aren’t going to have any problems. And Little pups are cute af and there is nothing wrong with getting a little pup if you are intimidated by a large one.


05/06/21(Thu)19:02:35 No.853813726

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>>853813477 I'm actually normal with a BMI of 19, but I bet that GF of yours is as lardy as it gets considering that's the type attracted to types like you who look like crackhead trailer trash who happen to be niggerdog owners, wouldn't surprise me if you let your niggerdog fuck you and your girl, lmao.


05/06/21(Thu)19:03:22 No.853813784

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>>853812665 Not at all difficult to keep I haven't had any problems with her health or otherwise they just usually have different feeding quirks so I guess the biggest problem would be if you put a rat in there (always feed dead) and she's uninterested and it goes to waste they get pricey but just order them in bulk online and they're affordable. They can get mites and stuff but she's never had any. Always had healthy skin and I don't really do anything extra at all just mist sometimes and I hardly ever really it's humid here as is.


05/06/21(Thu)19:12:14 No.853814393

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>>853813726 good job on not stuffing your face, now go outside for a bit and socialize. >>853813885 >philly trash i live outside of cc. nice try tho. >>853814106 damn that sucks, wtf happened? when mine is off leash he avoids all strangers/ >>853814315 its expected


05/06/21(Thu)19:18:50 No.853814791

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this is muh dog Walter still pretty young bout a year and a bit old now


05/06/21(Thu)19:19:35 No.853814834

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>>853814573 asked if he wants to bite children. He seemed confused. >>853814791 nice eyes man!


05/06/21(Thu)19:25:44 No.853815161

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>>853814860 wtf? if your dog acts like this keep him leashed. they look good dont get me wrong, but other people's safety should be #1 exp since having a pit and they can do damage.


05/06/21(Thu)19:31:01 No.853815445

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OP here, stepping out for a job with the child mauler. Its been fun, if this thread is still alive when i come back i shall respond to the incels yet again. take care and hope your week is filled with opportunity.


05/06/21(Thu)19:39:49 No.853815950

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i have two cats. this one is zeke


05/06/21(Thu)19:41:20 No.853816024

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Cry more, retards. Best dog I ever owned, on the left, playing with a buddy at doggy day care.


05/06/21(Thu)19:43:23 No.853816152

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this is(was) my oscar, she's a torty and was a cute little character. she was 8 but got run down by a car. i cried by eyes out and i never cry.


05/06/21(Thu)19:43:59 No.853816190

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>>853804924 I too have a rabbit that wanders my home.


05/06/21(Thu)19:53:59 No.853816825

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>>853816190 Such a fluffball, rabbits are so underrated as a pet such loving and curious creatures with big personalities They really blossom when given the space


05/06/21(Thu)19:58:46 No.853817145

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More tears of jealousy that nothing will ever love you like this boy loves me please


05/06/21(Thu)20:03:11 No.853817416

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>>853817284 Mmmm yes cry harder bb


05/06/21(Thu)20:08:31 No.853817720

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>>853817605 Aww seethe and cope, you unironic incel.


05/06/21(Thu)20:12:10 No.853817929

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05/06/21(Thu)20:13:18 No.853818001

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When I was younger my dad and a few neighbors got into a conspiracy and poisoned a retarded neighbors shitbull who kept trying to nanny the many young children in the neighborhood. Pitbull owners are always retards


05/06/21(Thu)20:13:49 No.853818034

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>>853816308 >contributing member of society in a few short years. Lol don’t be mean, you know that’s not gonna happen.


05/06/21(Thu)20:14:43 No.853818090

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This was my cat. He was a stray that I was feeding and I eventually let him come inside and chill. I loved this little shit to bits. One day I noticed a big lump on the side of his face and I thought I would take him to the vet the next day. Well, next day comes and he's at my door covered in blood cause whatever that lump was, it popped and it was bleeding a lot. My neighbor got him in a cage and sent him off to a vet as I was looking for the closest one to me (don't own a car). Never saw him again. It's been almost 4 months. I miss you buddy