Anonymous 02/26/21(Fri)22:27:00 No.848378828 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Let's increase that 40% /b/ros. Edition - 110 Previous thread >>848323267
Anonymous 02/26/21(Fri)23:11:57 No.848381706 >>848378828 If trans can change their gender at will in their minds what's the prerequisite? can a trans be a woman now and a man tomorrow? can I change gender weekly? how does society at large adapt to this game? If I need a mechanic can a trans identify as a mechanic and fix my car? Kinda hard to emulate isn't it? Of course you'll wear a jumpsuit, grease your hands and hold a wrench because that's the perception we have of mechanics and that's how, in analogy, they behave when emulating women. If mechanics is an acquired skill so is behaving like a true female. Most trans represent their femininity in a crude almost comedic way, the same way that "White Chicks" film did but the movie didn't kid itself and knew it was comedy all along... when trans represent women are they raping true valid women by presenting themselves in a misogynistic way? painting their nails, wearing make up, filling their tits with silicone and doing all kind of overly unnecessary mannerisms? Isnt' this performative clownerism? Doesn't this prove that they're imitating women in a crude way not because they feel like women but because this is the perception they've have of women and they behave like crude doppelgangers of them? Why is everything a false equivalence or a strawman argument when you compare it to their wishful thinking of becoming the other gender yet there's zero consensus in this critical gender theory and it's only spoken about in leftist circles or leftist polluted journals?