Anonymous 02/13/21(Sat)04:37:51 No.847267341 >>847267199 It's my thread. I'm not the idiot posting underage girls in a trap thread.
Anonymous 02/13/21(Sat)04:41:36 No.847267503 >>847267086 >It proves you're a retard Says the guy who can't provide sauce of that specific vid. Granted, I'm open to be proven wrong, but a screenshot of unrelated vids from some random chick who looks like a tranny won't convince. >>847267168 Except it does...
Anonymous 02/13/21(Sat)04:48:20 No.847267811 >>847267650 Big whoop you reset your router. Now here's proof and a final fuck off.
Anonymous 02/13/21(Sat)05:00:39 No.847268319 >>847266276 I posted this in a thread i started last night, sadly I found the original later.