Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:27:26 No.846128172 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Sissy/boi/Cuck mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Let's increase that 40% /b/ros. Edition - 84 Previous thread >>846030560
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:44:18 No.846129178 >>846128998 I don't have it saved, but I know the one you're on about
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:44:58 No.846129221 >44% of transsexuals show signs of clinical depression. >Transsexuals are four times more likely than the average person to be infected with HIV. >About 88% of children who have gender dysphoria do not hold those beliefs when they grow older. >Only 12% of boys who believe they are transsexuals still believe so when they are older. >MRI scans indicate that MtF transsexuals are either men aroused by the thought of possessing female genitalia or homosexuals who want to seduce straight men. >41% of transsexuals have tried and failed to commit suicide. >Transsexuals who undergo sex reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide.
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:46:40 No.846129348 >>846128401 >>846128373 >>846128172 >>846128441 >>846128998 >rent free
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:48:13 No.846129423 >>846129348 Cope and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and cope and seethe and seethe and dilate and dilate and seethe and dilate and cope and cope and cope and seethe and dilate and cope and dilate and seethe and dilate and dilate and seethe and seethe and dilate and dilate and seethe and seethe and dilate and seethe and seethe and cope and cope and seethe and cope and cope and seethe and seethe and dilate and dilate and cope and seethe and dilate and seethe and dilate and dilate and cope and dilate and seethe and cope and cope and cope and cope and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and cope and cope and cope and seethe and seethe and dilate and dilate and dilate and cope and cope and dilate and cope and dilate and seethe and dilate and cope and seethe and cope and seethe and cope and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and cope and seethe and dilate and cope and seethe and dilate and cope and seethe and cope and seethe and cope and dilate and cope and cope and seethe and seethe and cope and dilate and dilate and cope and cope and dilate and seethe and seethe and cope and dilate and dilate and dilate and dilate and seethe and dilate and cope and cope and cope and seethe and dilate and dilate and dilate and seethe and cope and cope and dilate and dilate and cope and dilate and dilate and seethe and seethe and seethe and seethe and seethe and dilate and dilate and cope and seethe and dilate and cope and cope and cope and cope and cope and dilate and seethe and cope and dilate and cope and cope and cope and dilate and cope and seethe and dilate and dilate and seethe and cope and dilate and cope and dilate and seethe and dilate and seethe and dilate and seethe and cope and cope and dilate and seethe.
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:51:52 No.846129631 >>846129386 not really, I think it's pathetic you losers are so obsessed with .2% of the population. Imagine spending your life worrying about something that doesn't affect you at all. You're OBSESSED. >>846129423 OMG U HURT MUH FEE FEES
Anonymous 01/30/21(Sat)12:56:53 No.846129934 Trans people are mentally ill, but you totally sane and mentally healthy people spend your time seething on fucking 4chan about it. Ok..