Anonymous 11/02/20(Mon)01:27:04 No.839106678 It's time for the official Tranny/Trap/Trans/Cuck/Cuckhold mental illness hate thread, anything goes. >ylyl >rekt >cringe Etc... Let's increase that 40% /b/ros. Edition - 15 Previous thread >>839052599
Anonymous 11/02/20(Mon)02:31:50 No.839109915 >>839109055 It's a pitiful sight indeed, so many warped minds not getting the help they need for their mental illness, and instead being encouraged to destroy their lives in a permanent way and be 'proud' doing it.
Anonymous 11/02/20(Mon)04:58:56 No.839115494 >>839114840 Took him straight down into the afterlife, since the faggot killed himself when he got home later that night, kek