Anonymous 08/22/20(Sat)07:39:57 No.834666967 Good morning and happy Saturday! Have some mac n cheese and take a break from logs, traps, lolis, ylyl, and rekt threads
Anonymous 08/22/20(Sat)07:42:14 No.834667037 >>834666967 She looks just like my Australian girlfriend that won't stop cooking mac and cheese. I'm sick of it
Anonymous 08/22/20(Sat)07:48:26 No.834667200 >>834666967 She looks just like my emocore boyfriend who won't stop feeding me logs for dinner. I'm sick of it
Anonymous 08/22/20(Sat)08:21:32 No.834668129 >>834667037 How the fuck is it staying in the pot? This just procss that australia doesn't even exsit.
Anonymous 08/22/20(Sat)08:43:48 No.834668725 >>834666967 she used to be so cute, bros >take a break from (...) traps, lolis sorry chief, no can do