Trap thread ID: 834099849

First found on 2020-08-12(05:00:01)


08/12/20(Wed)03:45:25 No.834099849

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MODS = GODS Thank god someone is finally making an attempt to purge some of the cancer that's infested this shit hole board over the recent years. If you legitimately don't like the change then you are the ultimate newfag because I've been here since 2007 and this board is finally starting to look a little bit like it used it when it was actually interesting. Fuck Instagram threads. Fuck pics you shouldn't share. Fuck bbc racewar threads. Fuck trap threads. Fuck the newfags.


08/12/20(Wed)03:47:07 No.834099901

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>>834099849 Guess we'll see how it turns out within the coming days.


08/12/20(Wed)03:48:11 No.834099935

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08/12/20(Wed)03:49:05 No.834099966

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>MODS = GODS >Thank god someone is finally making an attempt to purge some of the cancer that's infested this shit hole board over the recent years. If you legitimately don't like the change then you are the ultimate newfag because I've been here since 2007 and this board is finally starting to look a little bit like it used it when it was actually interesting. Fuck Instagram threads. Fuck pics you shouldn't share. Fuck bbc racewar threads. Fuck trap threads. Fuck the newfags.


08/12/20(Wed)03:49:28 No.834099985

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>>834099849 Wholeheartedly agree. Round up the coomers and summarily execute them! Pol would be proud..


08/12/20(Wed)04:02:13 No.834100427

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Keep dreaming faggots Mods banned my friend for telling dogfuckers someone should break into their houses and lynch them, they're all scared dogfucking sissy boys who jerk it to the bbc threads we all hate. /b/ has always been and will always be a cesspool


08/12/20(Wed)04:05:32 No.834100694

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>>834099849 Whoever decided to purge all of these stupid social threads deserves a fucking medal.


08/12/20(Wed)04:27:53 No.834101512

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>>834101154 and I got a cool ban log out of it


08/12/20(Wed)04:37:34 No.834101848

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I actually appreciate it. Thanks mods.


08/12/20(Wed)04:46:53 No.834102158

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>>834101922 >>834102066 angry antifa getting their threads banned?


08/12/20(Wed)04:51:03 No.834102296

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>I wish there was a way to filter soyposters.


08/12/20(Wed)04:51:37 No.834102321

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>don't we fucking all jesus


08/12/20(Wed)04:52:45 No.834102357

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>damn found the newfag soycuck


08/12/20(Wed)04:53:34 No.834102385

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>>834102306 Only newfags soycuck but ight


08/12/20(Wed)04:58:29 No.834102534

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>If I have to go to other boards for gap material, that's a small price to pay to bring back the good ol' days. Kind of feels like the 90's again.