Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)03:48:37 No.767713752 >>767713708 It's very sad. It's the best 4chan can give me.
Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)05:09:46 No.767718110 >>767717795 Yummy cumie :3 and no, i just have my tumblr o.o
Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)05:13:39 No.767718285 >>767717736 So why not grow some assets first and cross-dress later?
Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)05:23:46 No.767718740 >>767718285 Sorry, i like to be skinny, don't want to be more or less than now >>767718415 Cutietrapnya dot tumblr dot com and i'm latina
Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)05:44:45 No.767719719 >>767718960 <3 yei >>767719137 uwu ohh thanks, i'd check it later >>767719346 how much i have to weight to look like a girl? 70Kg? 100kg? 200Kg? huh?
Anonymous 05/05/18(Sat)05:54:27 No.767720138 >>767719719 I guess that 70 kg is enough for the majority of women to acquire respectable curves. As long as it's lean weight gain, not fat.