Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)20:47:25 No.753958434 requesting 2d traps being fucked in the ass while also being jerked off please please tell me someone has some of these, they're SO hard to find ;____;
Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)20:50:39 No.753958718 >>753957851 There are plenty of trap artists you big dummy. And there's literally nothing wrong with trap edits, anime traps are just drawings of flat girls with a dick added at the end anyway, there's no difference
Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)20:58:31 No.753959349 >>753958434 I only have two with dick touching, and neither of them are getting fucked while it's happening. I guess that is pretty rare
Anonymous 12/15/17(Fri)20:59:48 No.753959456 >>753958434 re-requesting because my dick won't explode unless my fetish is met