Trap thread ID: 930194287

First found on 2025-01-19(08:45:04)


01/19/25(Sun)03:15:24 No.930194287

1.74 MB
Im going to be testing out my lewd station for a few hours tonight and would very much appreciate porn suggestions, ill have a monitor cycling through a folder of lewd stuff and id love to add some variety to it, The chain goes up and over the wall and then clips into place ontop of a bolted down electromagnetic lock which is connected to a smart outlet so i will be trapped in the space for as long as i set the smart outlet for, Im going to test different methods but i think itd be fun to setup my monitor to cycle through a porn folder and be out of reach while im chained. So i could have no control over it and just have a constant stream of porn and colors, I can also do requests and maybe write stuff on the walls if anyone’s interested in that, but if not ill just post lewd stuff i find interesting for a time im around to keep the thread up, Ill post an update with a timestamp in a few minutes once im actually in the space and locked in Also any suggestions on making the space more interesting or ideas in general are appreciated


01/19/25(Sun)03:32:13 No.930194798

378 KB
Ill try setting the lock for 20 minutes and then post some stuff i find interesting to keep the thread alive, ill be around for most of the night wether the thread is active or not lol


01/19/25(Sun)03:36:20 No.930194896

467 KB
Tldr: I’ll be locking myself in this space with porn blasting for several hours and would love porn suggestions and general attention, Pic is from an earlier test


01/19/25(Sun)03:44:49 No.930195109

419 KB