<3 so beautiful hearts
pic is me tonight
11/27/24(Wed)19:49:32 No.927953001
11/27/24(Wed)19:54:01 No.927953140
11/27/24(Wed)19:59:12 No.927953318
This fucking fat faggot is gonna help erupt a third world war. I hope America gets bombed to hell for electing him.
11/27/24(Wed)19:59:56 No.927953342
11/27/24(Wed)20:07:15 No.927953626
11/27/24(Wed)20:08:06 No.927953653
Hearts got any warm stockings?
11/27/24(Wed)20:08:54 No.927953683
11/27/24(Wed)20:08:57 No.927953686
Trips of truth
I neeeeed it, I’ll be a good girl for warm spoons
> Not sucking dick for 2 years
What’s the point
11/27/24(Wed)20:09:04 No.927953688
11/27/24(Wed)20:21:47 No.927954120
>spooning with Hearts
11/27/24(Wed)20:25:36 No.927954255
Yeahh I should wear em more
Not very catholic
Boob jobs!
Ugh the cold weather making me cuddly… gross
It is pretty good tbf, love a bit of teasy grinding on a crotch before sleep
11/27/24(Wed)20:34:03 No.927954525
11/27/24(Wed)21:00:33 No.927955353
send btc at: bc1qektqswqrmqvsr(...)
11/27/24(Wed)21:08:00 No.927955553
wish i could afford hormones again, im tired of having a flat chest and no ass, also nightmares. ;-;
ofc i have old pics from when i was on E, but why bother posting, nobody gonna help me out anyway.
Blint(not oc)
11/27/24(Wed)21:15:38 No.927955749
Blint(not oc)
11/27/24(Wed)21:18:41 No.927955839
11/27/24(Wed)21:26:01 No.927956013
11/27/24(Wed)21:52:53 No.927956761
11/27/24(Wed)21:59:58 No.927956979
Blint(not oc)
11/27/24(Wed)22:06:08 No.927957160
wish i knew who this ass belonged to
11/27/24(Wed)22:06:23 No.927957174
Blint(not oc)
11/27/24(Wed)22:12:29 No.927957375
11/27/24(Wed)22:30:35 No.927957923
I’ll convert you
Same as I did before boobs, shorts and topless
Where’s the ring
Bill Bob Johnson XIV
11/27/24(Wed)22:33:46 No.927958022
11/27/24(Wed)22:37:43 No.927958131
11/27/24(Wed)22:43:47 No.927958358
11/27/24(Wed)22:43:53 No.927958363
Here's your fave video to entertain you lol
11/27/24(Wed)22:50:19 No.927958573
11/27/24(Wed)23:05:33 No.927959013
send btc at: bc1qektqswqrmqvsr(...)
11/27/24(Wed)23:07:24 No.927959073
forgot pic.
11/27/24(Wed)23:08:08 No.927959099
Blint(not oc)
11/27/24(Wed)23:08:12 No.927959100
11/27/24(Wed)23:13:37 No.927959238
11/27/24(Wed)23:14:39 No.927959269
11/27/24(Wed)23:15:15 No.927959279
11/27/24(Wed)23:17:40 No.927959335
11/27/24(Wed)23:34:52 No.927959883
11/27/24(Wed)23:36:32 No.927959936
11/27/24(Wed)23:38:44 No.927960011
11/28/24(Thu)00:08:27 No.927960952
11/28/24(Thu)00:11:47 No.927961052
Weewooweewoo! Alright you pervs who wants to do a horny and get arrested?
11/28/24(Thu)00:12:56 No.927961086
and i was just about to go to bed :P
hey at least hes honest
11/28/24(Thu)00:14:34 No.927961139
11/28/24(Thu)00:18:01 No.927961225
i definitely gotta make more content in this set, it looms too cute >w<
11/28/24(Thu)00:20:49 No.927961304
you get one free request before i slumber
choose wisely~
11/28/24(Thu)00:25:48 No.927961470
something like this?
11/28/24(Thu)00:27:12 No.927961515
So sorry would sleeping with me make it better? I promise you would get some calicum :3
Thats not how you use a toothbrush Mr. Bean
Hey Tim yeah well I'm busy the next few days so thought showing up today was good haha how was work for you today?
The Armpit sniffer is back :3 Yes happy early turkey day to you too, how yuh been?
11/28/24(Thu)00:30:15 No.927961603
How you lads doing tonight?
Blint(not oc)
11/28/24(Thu)00:35:03 No.927961731
anyone know which oc poster in vid related? i forgot.
11/28/24(Thu)00:35:33 No.927961744
well, well, well, i know exactly what you like~
have fun anon, don't cum too soon >wo
one day, i will u-u
i can only ever catch the aftermath but never when it happens
please please please please please fuck yes, its all i really want too. lets give both of us what we want ;>
CALI you are adorable <3
11/28/24(Thu)00:38:47 No.927961830
I feel that. I was actually gonna go to sleep, but I decided to join in on the fun lmao.
Horny and not stroking :^
What's got you feeling down?
11/28/24(Thu)00:38:54 No.927961833
That one's birdy
11/28/24(Thu)00:41:19 No.927961889
What kind of stuff did they ask you to do exactly? I hope they where helping at least T~T but probably not right?
Hmm that's straight to horny jail! Did you lay on your back, put up legs up and aimed accordingly? How did it feel you slut? >:)
Are you making sure to cum on me for every set now? I hope you at least lick the photo after to not waste all that cum :3
Thank you so much Cho! Nice toy go out there haha, hows it feel?
Hey that's awesome! What made it so great? My thanksgiving dinner is over the weekend but I going to a friends place tomorrow night instead for "friendsgiving" before the family one. We have you on file at the precinct but you don't have anything serious.. watch yo yell you perv >:)
Blint(not oc)
11/28/24(Thu)00:41:20 No.927961891
ah, that's right.
11/28/24(Thu)00:53:11 No.927962245
That outfit fits you so well!
I got a plug similar to yours! Mine is pink tho uwu
Yup! As a newbie I gotta get my numbers up :3
Go for it! I'm just happy to hear that I look decent enough for that lol
I've vented on here a couple of times, so I feel you man. At least tomorrow is a new day and it might shape up to be a good one!
11/28/24(Thu)00:58:00 No.927962373
aaaaaaaa thats sounds too good >w<
imagining a thick cock like yours sliding in and out of me has me weak between my legs
but, i need sleep... maybe a wet dream too~
always a charmer blint
<3 <3 <3
>Thank you so much Cho! Nice toy go out there haha, hows it feel?
Thank you! honestly, it feels too good~
i might enjoy sleeping with it inside me :3
>I got a plug similar to yours! Mine is pink tho uwu
whaaaaaat no way
i wanna see some proof :3
11/28/24(Thu)01:04:51 No.927962577
Thanks! I've working out recently cuz I wanna make it even bigger owo
No problem dude! I know how it feels to be in a bit of a rut, and I hope the rest of your week feels better!
Here you go :3
11/28/24(Thu)01:06:53 No.927962672
I can't just arrest you cause you want to be arrested dummy :P Are you here to turn yourself in or something? What crime have you've committed that you want a Femboy Officer to bind you up so badly hmm?
Look at that giant blue cock I have HEH have you let me fuck you yet?
No you must swallow it all like a good boy, not sure why your precum was salty though LOL you drinking enough water?
Horny jail is where ever I can get you alone ;)
You can do it however youbut the fact that you scooped any missed cum means you are such a cumslut for me <3 How would you service my cock?
Thank you so much Caramel! I'll be honest though as sexy as it fit I basically had a wedgie from it the entire time XD
Awww that's so nice to hear AA and I hope you get to meet up with the boy soon! What kind of cookie did you make?
*checks file* Says obsessive hoarding of femboy cali's armpit pic.. wait a second thats ME!.. but nothing illegal. Count yourself lucky.
Omg you slut haha though I've done that too with a small dildo but I'm a light sleeper so I kept waiting up from it XD
11/28/24(Thu)01:16:58 No.927962919
I feel that lol. My bunnygirl outfit always gives me a wedgie and I constantly have to try to fix it.
Sure lol
11/28/24(Thu)01:24:05 No.927963085
CALI*HUGZ*<333 omgz hey you are early tonight aren't you, how have you been??? What you Cooking for Thanksgiving tomorrow =D I have so much to tell uze, but first my 2Lights came in recently so I've benz playan around with those a bit~and I thnk I finally figured out my Costume so I hope its an improvement.
Tomorrow for ThanksGiving ik its cheating but we Ordered CrackerBarrel and already bought Pies^^ alsoooo I jushad Subways so I was asleeps I'm a SleepyKitten I need Mami to hug mez in the blankies I'm cold2U2
Alsooo I hope my Report is good cuz its my last 1 for Nov :3~
>My Prowogress Report <3
Mon, Nov 25, 2:45 AM [Y]
Mon, Nov 25, 9:44 PM [N]
Tue, Nov 26, 5:51 AM [Y]
Tue, Nov 26, 11:50 PM [Y]
TOTS = 4 <3
11/28/24(Thu)01:24:37 No.927963103
11/28/24(Thu)01:35:23 No.927963398
I guess theres only a few days left for NNN but you should smack your balls with my cock as a tease hehe err like 5-6 inches?
Of course but only if you deserve it, I'd hold you by your chin and stick my thumb in your mouth while doing so ;) Yes I drink so much water all the time haha
Well I can't do that cause then what I'd arrest myself? That makes no sense Timmy boy, guess you'd have to be my training partner, I need some close quarter combat practice ;) Got an ideas?
Right? Like our ass will look great but it so uncomfortable to.. move LOL Post some of the bunnygirl, I wanna see!
Alone as in the back of my patrol car hehehe
Mmm kissing the tip is always so cute and I love having it wrapped with a warm tongue :3 I'd hold you head and you can have my hands run through your hair. Make me moan and feel my cock pulsate inside your mouth. Godammit I'm hard again. Do I get to taste yours too?
Yeah I have a busy next few days so I can't make it to post so I'm here now. I have a "friendsgiving" tomorrow and I'm not cooking shit lol we just gonna get a bunch of takeout to make it easy.
Hmm I love the boots but I feel the gloves look too big for you. Also not digging the white lace stockings, seems like a visual mismatch. I expect that baton to be used properly in your ass >:)
You seem to being ordering takeout like all the time now for lunch, do you ever cook for lunch instead?
If you don't mind me asking, where would you take him for the date? Yes I remember you showing me! Never had honey butter cornmeal cookies though, is it not grainy from the cornmeal?
Ohhh flaky salt, thats some salty sweet love <3 Go up against the wall and spread your legs, let me feel you down- I mean pat you down, don't worry about where my hands go.
11/28/24(Thu)01:57:30 No.927963950
Yeah sure! Btw I've tried the plug overnight thing before and it's not very comfy :'^)
Sorry not really cuz I like being somewhat anonymous here. I think the only time I'd probably talk to someone outside these threads would be to dress up with them lol
11/28/24(Thu)01:57:38 No.927963953
Does dis means ur guna *Arrest* me Officah2U2~*trys2RESISTwaggingtail* I Promise my CUMS will be Thicc&Creamyyy tonight for a trib<333
>I have a "friendsgiving" tomorrow and I'm not cooking shit lol we just gonna get a bunch of takeout to make it easy.
Rlllly : O not Cooking??? What about for urFamily Thanksgiving, getting Korean Food? We Ordered CrackerBarrel so thats for pickup tomorrow, I just hope a bunch of Family dsnt come over for Thanksgiving because theres a lot of drama and I'd rather it just be and my Grandma/GreatsGrandparents...And I wanted to see about Cooking Turkey but my Mom said NO as it wuld be a waste of time and its too complicated or sum.
>Hmm I love the boots but I feel the gloves look too big for you. Also not digging the white lace stockings, seems like a visual mismatch. I expect that baton to be used properly in your ass >:)
ThxCali<3 and yeh I was going to go with Heels at first like bulky1s but decided at the last minute to switch and also bcuz you said you wanted to see Boots so I'm glad I did...I ddnt have any other Lace Stockings unfortunately and no Nylon for some reason so I need to get some, I've only taken about 15Pics but I plan on taking more~any Stockings do you want to see? I got some new1s from Shein I'll show you but I wasn't sure if they'd "fit" the vibe. Those are the only TacticalGloves I have but I can wear some SmallerGloves for Winter~and yes Cali I'm just worried since its really BIG><
>You seem to being ordering takeout like all the time now for lunch, do you ever cook for lunch instead?
I've Ordered only 6times out this Month<3 and sometimes yes but I am usually lazy so instead I just kinda eat nothing like maybe a litlSnack but otherwise no unless my GreatGrandma Cooks~wht do u usually Cook :P
Btwzzz *IMAGINE* Eating Dis Good Cali: https://postimg_cc/Tys9FLTq alsooo can I *PET* the BEE mami the BEE is helping me feel *SAFE* from the scawwwy darkness<333
11/28/24(Thu)01:58:22 No.927963965
11/28/24(Thu)02:14:17 No.927964329
Hi again! You doing okay?
Take off my uniform? But all my tactical gear is attached to that. I need the full weight to be good at grappling criminal scum but if I do get to hot I guess taking it off is not a bad idea. There's a technique I like doing where I sit on the perps face, they lose all strength and settle down between my cheeks ;)
Well look at that Ai Anon taking all of me in, how do you like having femboy cock inside you? Well done <3 I want to see it pool in your mouth before swallowing, let me inspect it and lick it out of your mouth. You can try that, I know its only kinda works but never tried myself as I love the taste of my own already hehe
Hehehehe but did you call it? DID YOU?
Nooo you're supposed to CALL IT XD
Aww thank you so much <3 Omg yes I would totally start fucking your mouth if you'd tease me for so long, its my turn to take control >:) and push your face all the face to my crotch as I fill your mouth with my femboy cum. Hey when you put so much effort into pleasing me with words it only natural my cock reacts accordingly <3 Maybe we can 69 instead?
Yeah its get uncomfortable if you move around a lot too I found :P Aww you look great here in such a presenting pose, now what happened to your bunny ears?
11/28/24(Thu)02:14:57 No.927964347
Why would I arrest a fellow officer of the law? Are you not here to uphold order? Plus I doubt your cum is thicc after you jerked off 2x yesterday :P
Nope not my responsibility cooking this time, cause its a lot of family and for friendsgiving in getting sushi party tray LOL Turkey is a lot of work and take so much prep before hand, I don't think you are ready for a big bird that like plus turkey is mid at best. Stockings wise either go with nothing or black/fishnets and if you want extra credit rip holes in them, I'm only teasing only do the baton thing if you want (to be a slut).
Ah okay I just noticed you always say "I ordered (insert fast food place) today" in most of our recent talks is all. I'm not a fan of subway so that pic does nothing for me LOL Why do you need my permission to pet the bee...stop that shit.
I think Zoo is always fun cause usually its a busier space so less chance of awkwardness as you have plenty of talking points during/after. Botanic garden while more intimate does run the risk of being more "boring" I guess if y'all not into plants/scenery LOL your judgement will be better than mine. Interesting, are they easy to make?
Blint(not oc)
11/28/24(Thu)02:17:15 No.927964414
Blint(not oc)
11/28/24(Thu)02:27:13 No.927964651
11/28/24(Thu)02:28:52 No.927964684
Sooon, u like my Lips dnt uze^^
my*COOOM*Brain ddnt notice it beforeee but I see Kitty now really CUTE :3 and urEyes are beautiful aswell<3
>Why would I arrest a fellow officer of the law? Are you not here to uphold order?
Maybeee>W< tehe bybyt maymaybe for sum *InsiderTrading* ;3;3 like maybe I knabbed sum of urDonuts and CUMBottles>;3;3...Oh dnt worry Cali its*THICC* and READY for (You)<3
>Nope not my responsibility cooking this time, cause its a lot of family and for friendsgiving in getting sushi party
Nice :P what kind of Sushi are you getting? And yeah it sounds like it, I helped myMom 1 year and it was really hard to prepare the Turkey>~< and yeh I am probs not ready like at all :P
>Stockings wise either go with nothing or black/fishnets and if you want extra credit rip holes in them, I'm only teasing only do the baton thing if you want (to be a slut).
Wuld it still count if I did the other end of the BatonoW0~ah oki I see I'll look around in my drawers thanks for the tips<333
>I'm not a fan of subway so that pic does nothing for me LOL Why do you need my permission to pet the bee...stop that shit.
rlllly???? : O I thought you were a SubwayBoy :3 what about the Coookies, do you wnt 1 mami<333 TEHEHE and why dnt I need permission, Bees can be really dangerous wht if it stings me><
Blint(not oc)
11/28/24(Thu)02:30:13 No.927964714
11/28/24(Thu)02:48:40 No.927965113
Fineeeee I take what I can get for my efforts :P
Good to hear sweetie, hope you are enjoying the new pics <3
I guess I am a little warm from training, I hope me being a little sweaty is okay still. Crap I forgot to wear my panties too..
Now that my ass is restraining you from thinking and moving, how do you feel? Do you think a prep would want to escape?
Good self-control there Ai Anon though if were my real cock you wouldn't get the pace drop when your close ;)
You want that femboy hawk tuah? We can french and mix tongues, you can watch me play with it in my mouth before tuahing back on your whore face, a slap swiftly coming after.
I doubt someone who fails to tell that Turnip stonks would be able to handle real stonks haha no I doubt you did, plus your a Prison Guard not a broker
Nope I'ma say no tribute from you this time, you just want an excuse to jack off again don't you? Admit it. >:)
Just the party tray that has everything but you probably have no idea what that is do you cause you don't eat sushi haha Don't do turkey just do like 2 normal chickens instead, much easier.
Yeah of course I wouldn't ever ask you to do something uncomfortable silly :P Okay I did like the white chocolate chip one back in the day but other than that Subway is not for me.
I'm assuming you are referring to the MC Bee plushie, don't be weird about this just do what you want. I know what you are trying to do here, its not subtle..
Only my cum would be the snack? What about the rest of me? :(
Aww so sweet of you to say but hey I like being titillated with lewd words too <3 I like feeling my cock get aroused..
Record? Well I guess but you have to promise its only for you, I better not end up.. well here LOL
11/28/24(Thu)02:55:41 No.927965263
The bunny ears I got were super cheap and they kept slipping off QwQ Hopefully something like that won't happen next time I get an outfit. Although I dunno what I even wanna try next... Also sit on me ÙwÚ
Why do they make you sad?
Thanks! Hoping that working out is gonna make it even better :3
Maybe I'll drop my discord one day. I'm just gonna hang out here for a bit before I do that uwu
Ngl lads I wish I wasn't shit at managing file sizes cuz there's more stuff I wanna send :/
11/28/24(Thu)03:04:51 No.927965451
HNGQWFFFFF>W< ca-can I play *PattyCake* with urBUTT Cali~if I fail u get to plow my Throat twice as hard :3~OH and hered my CORKBOARD although you can't see all of it so I'll make sure to take a more properPic =D
>I doubt someone who fails to tell that Turnip stonks would be able to handle real stonks haha
hehe goodpoint<3 bybyt you forgot 1 thing~I have the MasterKey to the Financial Reports >;3;3
>Nope I'ma say no tribute from you this time, you just want an excuse to jack off again don't you? Admit it. >:)
YesssCali bybyt I wnt to see urFEEETS>< HNGWF I thi k I'm getting blueballs. I *ADMIT* it, urRight I do bybyt its so tempting. Does this mean I am not allowed to *CUM* tonight??? Also are you going to give me Homework for the Thanksgiving Weekend :P
>but you probably have no idea what that is do you cause you don't eat sushi haha
Wasabi, Raw Shrimp, Oysters, Mustard uhuhn BREAD>< and yeh my Mom also Ordered some Foood we can Cook that isn't too big so I'll be Cooking that instead and be showing you the results :P
>Okay I did like the white chocolate chip one back in the day
GoodBoy^^ *PET* I knew you culdnt resist Chocies :3
>I'm assuming you are referring to the MC Bee plushie, don't be weird about this just do what you want. I know what you are trying to do here, its not subtle..
Yas :3 I've benz OBSESSED with it tehe the Bee helps me feel*SAFE*<333 bybyt what do you mean Cali I juswana have *FUNS* and I know I say this a lot but I genuinely Love You and want to*H0LZ* you it all feels right with urWarmth and it only grows more*HUG*<333
Hello =D I luv ur Heels!
11/28/24(Thu)03:15:47 No.927965692
11/28/24(Thu)03:18:48 No.927965765
Hmm...maybe it would uwu
Ahh I see! I think about that too every once in a while. As sad as it is I do worry about not being able to dress up all cute for reasons •~•
Thanks! Maybe when I'm not as nervous and not so much of a spurg I'll add you :3
Thanks <3 I love your hair! Also I can't remember what it's called what the white bow thing on your leg is cute! I gotta get one of those one day owo
11/28/24(Thu)03:19:16 No.927965774
I appreciate you appreciating dis ass <3 Now come and appreciate it with your cock
Fair I get that cause I have the same suit LOL Christmas is coming up maybe a sexy santa kinda deal? Where would you like me to sit?
To be fair I did as you to do it and you held back when you knew it was getting close, so good boy.
Why did this make me laugh XD the cock that never gets fully inserted always being pushed out again forever.
You want to be dommed by me so badly, its so pathetic and lewd >:) My cock pounding your ass after I creampie your mouth, I want my cum shaken not stirred. Keep it pooling until I shoot another load inside your ass.
Godammit you're right, not my fault it feels good to have my hole tongued. I should probably disarm that weapon you have in your pants too right?
I am a whole dam meal aren't I? :3 Hehehe
Well after some hot sticky 69in my ass would want some attention too..I want to feel you inside boy hole, make me feel like your personal fucktoy before we cuddle okay? Don't you just want to tongue me too?
Is losing even possible with patty cake? LOL maybe I just facefuck you for the hell of it for all the work you put into that pick. Gay ass corkboard with my asses showing haha and a fun little prison sheet though kinda hard to read. I couldn't make out all of it XD
Well if you want to see my feets save the cum for next time cause I still need to do my final shoot for this set, barefeet stuff included! No cumming this thread but no homework but if you can resist jacking off for a few days sure? Yes I know HTA and I appreciate the kind words a lot! Truly but you don't need my permission to do things you want to do, if petting the bee makes you feel safe, just do it, not because I said so. I don't like having so much "control" over you, makes me uncomfortable.
11/28/24(Thu)03:35:29 No.927966106
Thank You <333 and their called BowLaces I think, their super cheap on Ali you can get 5 for like $5 I think and I nees to get more since this 1 is starting to rip :P
myPP would *lose*>< and you'd enjoy that huh you slut tehe but I know urhungry for more *wigglesButt* >;3 [I kinda recreated ur Pic, also I used my NewLights and they made a HUMUNGUS difference]~just make sure to hold onto me so I don't fall out of the Chair>< and yeah myMom said a fewYears back to make a DreamBoard and got me 2Corkboards but I never did and its so comfy in my Room, now I just need my LEDS.
Heres an upclose look of the Corkboard, I may add more later but YES I AM *WANTED*^^: https://postimg_cc/v4xGZhYJ
>Well if you want to see my feets save the cum for next time cause I still need to do my final shoot for this set, barefeet stuff included!
YesssCali<333 you probs don't know how badly I want to fill you up right now myPenis is 'throbbing' and it needs a Kissie but I can wait and sure I can try to hold off2U2
>Yes I know HTA and I appreciate the kind words a lot! Truly but you don't need my permission to do things you want to do
Yes Cali*HUG*<3 and I'm glad my Words help you feel good and I do mean them. I am trying to RP but ik I quickly get confused and overwhelmed by it so I'll try to control it better. I don't want to make you uncomfortable Cali. I want to make you feel good so jerk off to myBussy >X3*NOMNOMNOM*
11/28/24(Thu)03:39:22 No.927966183
Oh shoot you're right! Sexy santa here I come, and umm... I'm not sure where you can sit. I never thought I could get this far (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Feel you ówò 90% of my stuff is too large to send and I've already compressed it...
I will! Any attention I've ever gotten is for dressing up :'^)
I agree! I'm down to volunteer to give the wedgie ùwú
11/28/24(Thu)03:45:02 No.927966289
11/28/24(Thu)03:46:25 No.927966305
Fine I'll add it to the list for my reshoots (if I remember lol)
I've had some experience in the past but in this position I can use my hands and mouth if need be heh
Sorry to cut it short here Timbo but its late now, happy thanksgiving! Goodnight
Don't worry Ai Anon you at least you will be able to cum again soon :3 Hopefully to me and I wanna see it
I'd give my ass a hard spank if I saw you try to touch yourself. Ew so much drool cum on my hands let me wipe it all over your face or better yet I'll jack you off but stop when you are about to break >:)
Hope you had fun tonight you fucking perv, I gotta sleep now!
Get that camera angle lower if you want to fully recreate the pic ;) but nicely done overall and yes the lighting is SO much better haha
Are you not scared of someone seeing the boy kisser memes or you know.. all those pics of my ass and cock? LOL Yeah I'm planning to take new pics either Friday/Saturday depending on how tired I am. HTA you want to fill me up very badly every time I'm here, its not news XD
Sometimes is very hard for me to tell if you're trying to RP with me usually its the "mommy" related stuff I am not comfortable with but no harm done. Anyways have a good thanksgiving HTA, I need to sleep!
Okay thats so fucking cute <3
Yee I'm planning to do another christmas set too! Those fishnets need a ripping to access the hole ;) but maybe I can sit on your face first <3 probs next time Caramel
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the fun y'all Cali sleepy times!
11/28/24(Thu)04:09:52 No.927966782
>Get that camera angle lower if you want to fully recreate the pic ;)
I'll try too Cali<3 the Tripod isn't that easy going down, still gtng used to it hehe. And thank you I've had a lot of fun shooting these and I am even more excited to make more OC =D
>Are you not scared of someone seeing the boy kisser memes or you know.. all those pics of my ass and cock?
Kindaaa :P but I did show myMom the Corkboard and it had the Boykisser Memes on it and she ddnt say anything but I'll be carefulX)
>Yeah I'm planning to take new pics either Friday/Saturday depending on how tired I am.
Nice :P no rush, have *FUN* Cali and also PLEEEASE do picrel as a Pose if you see this cuz I wana see urToes and I've barely seen them in this Set and its making me soHORNYZ>< https://postimg_cc/yDdqd2tN
>HTA you want to fill me up very badly every time I'm here, its not news XD
We can take turns ;P
>Sometimes is very hard for me to tell if you're trying to RP with me usually its the "mommy" related stuff I am not comfortable with but no harm done.
I'm sorry about that Cali, I want to try to be more mindful with you. And You Too =D have a Good Thanksgiving Cali, it was awesome getting to talk with you tonight and I want to say ILU~Sweeet Dreams & Good Night*XOXO*<333
Goodnight Tim =D have a Good Thanksgiving see you next time :P
11/28/24(Thu)04:12:32 No.927966833
Have a good night! Maybe I can dress up as one of your elves for christmas <3
I'm gonna hit the hay lads. I'll probably be back when I'm not busy with holiday stuffs. Have a happy thanksgiving <3
11/28/24(Thu)04:23:37 No.927967015
11/28/24(Thu)04:36:15 No.927967267
11/28/24(Thu)04:37:19 No.927967289
as long as there's someone fapping, the goodies shall keep coming
11/28/24(Thu)05:35:59 No.927968172
man i miss that slut i wish they'd post more often
11/28/24(Thu)06:18:21 No.927968864
i need help from the experts on who this is/where i can find this video.
11/28/24(Thu)06:29:41 No.927969024
11/28/24(Thu)07:06:47 No.927969432
11/28/24(Thu)07:35:03 No.927969859
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/28/24(Thu)08:55:56 No.927971375
11/28/24(Thu)09:30:58 No.927972154
No you're just retarded and think everyone thinks like you
11/28/24(Thu)09:40:47 No.927972431
11/28/24(Thu)09:41:46 No.927972460
11/28/24(Thu)09:42:43 No.927972481
11/28/24(Thu)09:43:30 No.927972504
Can anyone ID?
11/28/24(Thu)09:43:40 No.927972513
LMFAO its going to be 25% for Tarrifs so thats already $5 and thats not even factorying in everything else like prices going up because of it. Americans are retarded.
11/28/24(Thu)09:43:53 No.927972521
11/28/24(Thu)09:44:32 No.927972530
Shut up darkie. You're lucky we haven't chosen to bring your shithole country some freedom and democracy yet