11/21/24(Thu)20:54:45 No.927693171
More tits for the man in the last thread
11/21/24(Thu)20:55:35 No.927693214
Yes sir
11/21/24(Thu)20:59:27 No.927693346
ohhhhh, good point! i thought you were thinking dirty thoughts. what kind of white stuff would you recommend? :o
>I can start with her but I’m saving my cum to get you pregnant Cho
anon, take a seat... i dont know how to tell you this but...
>I bet you’d be tight
I have proof I am :3
11/21/24(Thu)21:00:42 No.927693393
I'm not too picky but I love feeling that warmth on my chest
11/21/24(Thu)21:01:27 No.927693428
I have just the picture for you
11/21/24(Thu)21:04:35 No.927693537
That's all that comes out any more. Just a little damp spot on my panties
11/21/24(Thu)21:05:32 No.927693570
I’m gonna go get drunk <3
11/21/24(Thu)21:06:25 No.927693593
11/21/24(Thu)21:08:14 No.927693647
11/21/24(Thu)21:11:10 No.927693729
Right here sir
11/21/24(Thu)21:11:16 No.927693733
11/21/24(Thu)21:11:49 No.927693751
same pov pic but like this please
11/21/24(Thu)21:14:25 No.927693836
Am I cute enough for this thread??
11/21/24(Thu)21:16:15 No.927693903
I only drink water otherwise, plus I made it into food so ha!
I can’t think of another way to do it~
11/21/24(Thu)21:17:46 No.927693956
It is very worth it if you can manage. Obviously everyone is different but it was the best decision I've ever made
11/21/24(Thu)21:21:28 No.927694068
>The only one here taking a seat is you on my cock. Let me test out my hypothesis a bunch of times.
trust me, i am expert at sitting :3
heres a better, non broken example of that
>there's some stuff I can get you but I can only seem to supply it after seeing pictures of you
>how strange is that?
woah, seems kinda rare. unless we're together for a while. then you can get as much as you'd want to give me~
btw whats it look like, im a visual learner lol haha
11/21/24(Thu)21:23:20 No.927694121
Sometimes but these pics were today :)
11/21/24(Thu)21:26:35 No.927694223
me and my femboy
11/21/24(Thu)21:32:38 No.927694412
11/21/24(Thu)21:35:35 No.927694509
I don't have any fully naked. Clothes are part of the fun
Thank you, no hole though. Gotta keep the tease up
11/21/24(Thu)21:36:55 No.927694545
1 like this please
11/21/24(Thu)21:39:23 No.927694611
Mmm sounds like a great time
I'm only a bottom sorry
Thanks babe
11/21/24(Thu)21:41:11 No.927694671
I mean I only post ones where I feel sexy so that's hard
11/21/24(Thu)21:41:26 No.927694682
What does that have to do with posting your cock
11/21/24(Thu)22:11:29 No.927695581
Does anyone have MWAHnon nudes?
11/21/24(Thu)22:13:41 No.927695650
Ok I’m like 2/5 drunk now :P
11/21/24(Thu)22:16:13 No.927695745
11/21/24(Thu)22:24:18 No.927696007
I just made a bunch of OC last week man…
I made alcoholic fudge, it’s delicious and strong~
I took my pants off earlier, does that count?
11/21/24(Thu)22:24:41 No.927696018
the hair is awesome
i dont :c
wat does that mean
11/21/24(Thu)22:29:33 No.927696155
true fuck them
11/21/24(Thu)22:33:34 No.927696280
11/21/24(Thu)22:39:20 No.927696805
like this?
11/21/24(Thu)22:48:40 No.927697038
I’ll pass out however I damn well please thank you very much!
11/21/24(Thu)22:53:54 No.927697178
i wanna find out :3
thank u <33
Hmm by the looks of this incident report y'all pervs are pretty fucking gay here on /b/...what do?
Blint(not oc)
11/22/24(Fri)00:21:03 No.927699881
I have an obsession with mp4s now
11/22/24(Fri)00:21:53 No.927699909
Blint(not oc)
11/22/24(Fri)00:30:33 No.927700133
I'll be aight, it's only a misdemeanor
11/22/24(Fri)00:31:54 No.927700165
Get back here criminal scum! We need to set a trap and bait him in.. lets try using my assets..
Just being in this thread is already kinda sus anon but here if you really want to test that theory. Come on you know you want a taste ;)
Huh? Not sure what you are taking about anon :P
>4chan allows mp4s now? O_o
Fine only a misdemeanor but you have to tell me the sauce of that video now!
Blint(not oc)
11/22/24(Fri)00:33:15 No.927700196
since yesterday, and mel7158
11/22/24(Fri)00:34:01 No.927700212
Olo Camosta Officah*HUG*<333 hehe wht does *Special Police* mean are you Trained in putting Autismos in their place>< and I see you use a ThinkPad really Based wht Model is urs? I just got DDR3 RAM for mine today but have yet to put it, that will make it 16GB and then I just need to get a Battery for it :P you are so beautiful in here Cali and I Love what you did with urNails~how has urWeek been also I submitted a Job Application to Target yesterday but haven't heard back from them yet.
~Alsooooo I found a BEE :3 and it reminded me of you so since you weren't on last night the BEE helped me feel safe and I had pleasantDreams^W^
OH btw what are my Charges I dnt see them on urReporto_0
>My Prowogress Report <3
Mon, Nov 18 3:22 AM [Y] *TRIB*
Mon, Nov 18 5:29 PM [N]
Wed, Nov 20 4:41 AM [Y]
Thu, Nov 21 12:23 AM [Y]
TOTS = 4 <3
11/22/24(Fri)00:38:20 No.927700339
I can safely say I’m at 3/5 drunk right now
11/22/24(Fri)00:39:25 No.927700376
11/22/24(Fri)00:41:53 No.927700440
It’s not beer!!! Beer is gross and I hate it >:{
11/22/24(Fri)00:45:35 No.927700560
Oo its mel7158 I have a few of her vids saved myself haha that cock looks so perfect and delicious :3 How you been blint?
I'm trained in making gooners goon harder for me cause they are all useless scum that want to give me their cum >:)
I have no idea what model it is but its old as fuck cause its my work laptop LOL don't tell anyone XD especially the IT guys. Week has been normal just planning out some vacation time during the holidays. Nice keep applying to places and don't get hung up if they don't call back okay?
Why does a minecraft bee help you feel safe exactly? No charges its just an incident report but for you probably indecent exposure ;)
Fine since my tasty femboy cock won't do the trick we will have to use plan B - come and have a squeeze, I know you want to be in my cheek you fucking pervert.. get hard for me at work.
Look at you swallow an entire femboy cock and the enjoyment in your eyes, pathetic. Don't you want some of this too though?
Based beer is kinda gross, whats the occasion to get blasted tonight Guren?
11/22/24(Fri)00:49:02 No.927700666
11/22/24(Fri)00:53:10 No.927700764
Finished up a week of exams. Don’t worry officer, I’m home safe and I’m not driving!
11/22/24(Fri)01:01:34 No.927701041
Good boy. Let me grab you by your hair and shove you between my cheeks. Use your tongue and clean my asshole, don't stop until I say so. Understand?
Hmm good boy Tim <3 get nice and hard for me. Imagine you on all fours with your ass presented to me, hands cuffed behind your back. Since you can't touch yourself I'll do you a favor and milk you nice and slow..
Hell yeah but does that mean there more exams coming? Nice to see a student on such good behavior but you better not get rowdy >:)
11/22/24(Fri)01:03:18 No.927701109
Beer is awful it tastes like vomit and I don't like it :(
I wnt to *OIL* you up Officah3U3 can I play PattyCake with urButt bfr I'm put in GoonerJail to await my Punishment???( ´ཀ` )~ursoBASED lol, I'll give you all of my CumDrops also did you see myTrib last thread? It was better becuz it wasn't just Water but ik I can do better.
>I have no idea what model it is but its old as fuck cause its my work laptop LOL don't tell anyone XD especially the IT guys.
It looks kinda like a T-Model :3 and thats good it helps save munz and is easily Upgradeable hehe I bet you use Linux on it<333 CUTIE>< and please do you deserve to be on Vacation for all the HardWork you do~ alsooo I need Advice on a Gift for my Grandma =D
>Nice keep applying to places and don't get hung up if they don't call back okay?
>~<ikik Cali but I'm like so nrvs about it and I'm still scared but I'm trying to to be I am trying to be a Big Strong Boy but I need a Kissie ppls^^ and I'll see about applying for more but it won't be for long if I do get it since my Mom comes in like 2 Weeks or so and then we go to Maryland not long after but idk if we are still doing that since my Grandma wants us to be here but we might Celebrate early.
>Why does a minecraft bee help you feel safe exactly? No charges its just an incident report but for you probably indecent exposure ;)
It looks like a Flying Cat in my head tehe <3 and has BIG BIG EYES and are so *fluffy* but also I am scared of the dark so it helps me feel Safe from it so a Minecraft Bee does remind me of you^W^~so urnot guna *Charge* me then??? OH and also got some stuff in the works but first heres the Prison Guard Outfit I got although I haven't tried it yet but got it on a bargain for cheap https://postimg_cc/gallery/0yJJ1mM
11/22/24(Fri)01:08:56 No.927701298
How fem is my body?
11/22/24(Fri)01:11:07 No.927701356
Yeah I have a few weeks until finals but I’m celebrating for now :P I get really loose and relaxed when I drink, no concerns here officer :}
The only time I drink beer is during drinking games so it’s like an actual punishment for me ;-;
(It definitely didn’t take me a bunch of tries to type this out)
11/22/24(Fri)01:25:47 No.927701777
Your punishment is being bound and watching me pleasure myself and cumming on your face but you will be gagged >:) So all the cum dips off you and theres nothing you can do taste it. I did see it and saved it of course but I agree it wasn't as thick as I would have liked. No worries though
Lol no its just a normal windows laptop nothing special and purely for work, I did make it run Overwatch back in the day but it was choppy performance. Err grandparents don't really care cause its more about the gesture versus the gift itself. Maybe a nice blanket or fancy box of chocolates/cookies?
So does that mean you sleep with a night light still? I look nothing like a Minecraft Bee XD
>when HTA's baton is bigger than yours...
What why did you want to do a prison guard exactly?
No one said I was a standard officer, I am special forces. My milking that pathetic cock I make so you can't goon as hard and your libido lowers after cumming for me. You can watch me taste it to make sure your not on any drugs.
So is life as always. So why are you so obsessed with mp4 support now? I guess longer videos and webms?
Nice enjoy the time off unless the studying starts again haha
Hmm I might have to do a wellness check just in case that body looks very sweaty, you might be overheating.
Well well well if it isn't Ai Anon :3 I was just reviewing the evidence on your tomfoolery here..
What kind of dildo did you order? Even if I didn't have the recording I'm sure you would.. love.. to help me recreate it no? I'm ready come here.. on your knees.
Blint(not oc)
11/22/24(Fri)01:29:05 No.927701861
mp4s are just more convenient most of the time for me. it's tiring converting so many videos to work with 4chan, and it takes a lot less effort since I can just mute vids on /b/
11/22/24(Fri)01:36:11 No.927702057
I certainly will.
Oh no anything but a thorough physical investigation from officer Cali!!! That would be terrible!
11/22/24(Fri)01:44:06 No.927702239
hi :3
11/22/24(Fri)01:46:07 No.927702288
Haha sorry anon as much as I know you would cum so hard if you saw my night stick being polished but I only do pics
I'm not done yet you scumbag. Now I have to make milk you a second time to make sure your balls are empty. Though since you are complying so well, I'll use my mouth to get a proper up close inspection. Will you comply or do I need to beat your balls with my baton? Hmm?
Thank you appreciating them Ai Anon! This time though I kept it simple cause when there too many things on the desk I tend to knock things over during the shoot lol
What kind of material is it? I want to get a new glass dildo cause they have zero resistance going in basically, feels good and don't need as much lube. Two dollars? AliExpress? LOL
Hands you a incident report to fill out while my cock is down your thought. Make sure to sign here.. and phone number.. hey keep using that tongue.. and email please.
*kicks down dorm door* I got a report that gay things are happening in here! Everyone drop you pants to see whos hard!
Answer is obvious no? Clearly you want to do it if you're here anon :P
11/22/24(Fri)01:48:13 No.927702333
Cali you're so cute :3
11/22/24(Fri)01:51:36 No.927702406
HNGWFFFFF>W< wuld my Hands be on the front or back? omgz dats so mean!...hehe well I hope my nextTrib will be more to urliking and I appreciate that Cali, whats your FavTrib of mine if you don't mind me asking....and would you say myPP looks better after Locktober, cuz I feel like its been getting more thicc but also more *SENSITIVE* which is why I havnt been touching it as much><
>I did make it run Overwatch back in the day but it was choppy performance.
Do you still play OverWatch? I wanted too but it said it needed myPhone for OW2 so I never got around to it. Also if urWIN is slow you can get a debloated 1 off of /g/, thats what I did for my PC :P
>Err grandparents don't really care cause its more about the gesture versus the gift itself.
Rlllly???? :3 well when it comes to my GrandParents I am probs going to do like duoGifts as in Books, since I have a Printer I just Printed out some Kids Books for my littleCousins but haven't put them fully together. I was thinking of getting my Grandma a Switch Lite since she dsnt get out that much and I can get her ACNH but I haven't gotten 1 yet because I wanted to ask your opinion on it.
>So does that mean you sleep with a night light still? I look nothing like a Minecraft Bee XD
maybeee>W< tehe I used to always just Sleep with my lights on but yes cuz it helps me feel*SAFE*~and ik but like your Skin (joke) kinda resembles a Minecraft Bee and so do urEyesss OH and their also Fluffy and ClingyX)
>What why did you want to do a prison guard exactly?
An anon told me too for NNN but I did *FAIL* so>< but might be interesting. Anything you want to see : O and also ik you have said you want to see morePics so heres a NewWitchMaid*X*<333
SHREK/ᐠ≽•ヮ•≼マ is this the *Special Police Education Classroom*<3333....alsoo I can see urToeies I am feeling the urge to bark*GRRRRRRR*>X(
11/22/24(Fri)01:51:51 No.927702410
11/22/24(Fri)01:54:54 No.927702487
Full send
Officer it’s not what it looks like! I’m uh holding this for a friend!!
11/22/24(Fri)02:07:14 No.927702769
11/22/24(Fri)02:13:51 No.927702902
Woah been a while buttfart! Thank so you much these pics are fresh off the ugh.. my computer lol
How you been? Whatcha been up to?
Your hands would be cuffed behind the chair so all you can do is squirm as my cum drips down your face. Which trib? Oh gosh *checks folder* probably the one where I'm naked on the fancy bed and you shot a huge load on my feet ;)
Oh nah I played OW2 for like 2 months after its release and then bailed cause it sucked, haven't played since. Nah the laptop is just old as hell and I need to request a new one from IT.
Well depending on how old your grandparents are I don't think getting them a video game system is a good item. If they can use a smart phone maybe but unless they are interested in playing video games this seems like something you would want as a gift versus what they would want. Just a thought though
Oh yikes HTA you are old enough to not be scared of the dark.. :P How the hell does my skin resemble a MC Bee I feel like you are forcing connection now.. relax no need to be over complimentary.
That baton better go up your tight ass you slut >:) I'm not done with my set either still 1 more day of shoot this weekend for the.. "night" shoot
Of course its Shrek 2
Shrek 2 best Shrek, fight me! Hmm cum is clear but somehow his criminals cock is still hard. Must investigate further. Gotta bust out the big cheeks. Hold you by the neck, enjoy whats about to happen and thank me for letting you feel inside me.
Oh yeah I met up with both of them and we talked about how fucking gay you are. I showed them the sock pics KEK
Hmm that makes no sense! Now drop down, bend and spread them. Your cheeks.
11/22/24(Fri)02:14:29 No.927702918
T H A N K Y O U! Come here often?
Oh that a nice fun size, how is the suction? Sometimes I find cheap dildo have terrible suction :P Nah I don't want a large dildo per say but a decent size I guess? One of my oldest jelly ones (that thicker purple one in my older pics) has become gross, the material smells like chemicals now, had it for 8 years almost.
Okay that good enough for the report - I let you breathe for a moment. Ah crap the body cam wasn't on.. Oops. Are you good to suck my cock more as I finger your whore mouth.
Super cute! Show us more please!
11/22/24(Fri)02:19:55 No.927703045
11/22/24(Fri)02:24:46 No.927703156
It make perfect sens ofcier !
I have the sudden urg to eat sushi….. hmmm
Thank you so much anon! I really enjoy being in fun outfits, take pics and editing them. Kinda zen but are you here to hang out or look at boy butts? :3
No it wasn't pricey at all it was some "Beginner Anal set" that came with 3 sizes - small, medium and large for like $25. I've loved them so much but alas I must get rid of them now, so sad T~T
Isn't it weird how sometimes you think is dildo is gonna be amazing it just.. awful XD its just dick shaped rubber.. but yeah only certain ones work for me. Like that blue one in my office set ;)
Oh oopies did I leave that on my screen? How embarrassing but let me tell you something.. I loved be split roasted and my holes filled. You will never get to have that since you are a lowly criminal fuckboy. Be grateful I let you touch me.
Sigh.. fine since you've been behaving and seeing you so submissive has gotta peaked my interest. Come use your tongue and service me, let me get hard in your mouth.
I hope you've been talking to him and congratulated him on his award! Knotts Berry Farm as in the amusement park? I've never been but love rollercoasters and thrill rides!
You are slurring your words.. you are clearly drunk. Smacks your butt with baton, how does that feel?
11/22/24(Fri)02:39:57 No.927703495
just sucked the biggest dick I’ve ever seen ama
11/22/24(Fri)02:43:46 No.927703572
Nice Toys :3 do they *vibrate* AIAnon?
OMGZZZZZZZᯓ/ᐠ _ ̫ _マ!!! ITS ME!!!<333 What a Beautiful Picture Cali I Love it thank you! Alsooo the MexicoPrideFlag is higher up now and I heard u shuldnt Iron urPrideFlag lol :P
>Your hands would be cuffed behind the chair so all you can do is squirm as my cum drips down your face.
Are you gonna let it *dry* alsooo_0 u u will lick it off me right>< or are you gonna use urFeeet to collect all of it and have me lick it off urFeeetsiesUWU
>Which trib? Oh gosh *checks folder* probably the one where I'm naked on the fancy bed and you shot a huge load on my feet ;)
How Romantic<3 do you still have those Flowers from that Set, was the load big and *White* : O dang I need to be more hydrated cuz clearly I'm not not drinking enough stillX)
>Nah the laptop is just old as hell and I need to request a new one from IT.
Is it slow? Right now theres a sell for 16GB of RAM for like $12, I just set mine its def a noticeable improvement :P
>Well depending on how old your grandparents are I don't think getting them a video game system is a good item.
Grandma<3, shes 57, she uses her iPhone&iPad a lot and plays Games on it too but mostly stuff like Dominos&CandyCrush so idrk tbh.
>Oh yikes HTA you are old enough to not be scared of the dark.. :P
hngqwf>< mamaybeee if you Read me a BedTimeStory I won't bez*H0LZ*<3 and sorry I just want to let you know I feel close with my StuffedAnimals and they make me feel*SAFE* so I sumtimes pretend they are People ik and I even talk with them =D
>That baton better go up your tight ass you slut >:) I'm not done with my set either still 1 more day of shoot this weekend for the.. "night" shoot
teheX) you mean like all the wayoW0 and how many Days have you done if u dnt mind me asking, I didn't realize these were taken during the DAY and YES Shrek 2 Best Shrek...but also maMami I-I just got an Email that I was *DENIED* from Target wht do I DO(T~T)"notearsnotears"
11/22/24(Fri)02:44:20 No.927703582
wow so many people up
11/22/24(Fri)02:44:37 No.927703587
wtf those are my socks.
yesssss cum in my mouth officer cali. dw i congratulated him when he first told me about it. he loves roller coasters. he travels all the time to go to amusement parks.
11/22/24(Fri)02:45:22 No.927703604
I’m only 3 maybe 4/5 drunk right now.! I can’t feel much, you’re definitely gonna have to go harde r…
11/22/24(Fri)02:48:33 No.927703675
11/22/24(Fri)03:05:13 No.927704023
Yes are I am looking at evidence of over-gooning, we have so much on you >:)
Just gonna let it sit on your face and watch it dip. Your cock getting harder and harder as I smear it all over your face with my hands, you don't deserve me feet.
I think you a thinking of a the black lingerie set with the rose petals and yes I still have them. The load, not sure its hard to tell cause your tablet screen is seen through the cum puddle lol so probs not very thick XD
Yeah its slow but I don't think you understand. Why would I upgrade a laptop from work, its not even my properly. I'll just request a new one from IT.
Ah okay so very young grandma, don't get her a Switch regardless if she only plays simple mobile puzzle games. She won't be into AC.
I'm not reading you a bedtime story :P Yes I understand that and its perfectly normal to have a stuffy that makes you feel safe. No not all the way just as much of the baton as you can take. Its been 2 days of shooting so far and sometimes during the day sometimes at night. Alright you got denied so move on to the next place, ezpz
You mean your GAY socks be grateful I didn't use the nude pic XD
Open your mouth and show me before you swallow. How did it taste? I wanna go to Disneyland so bad but it so dam expensive like ludicrously expensive.
Smacks twitching cock with baton. By the amount you are leaking, you are feeling that huh?
No I have a variety like some silicone, some jelly but no dick shaped glass dildo.
Ugh...fucking..shit. Gah- pushes camera on. Alright I get it! My cock is melting so slow down a little..heh look at red and angry you -- got. Oh god.. I grab your head and thrust hard into your face. My cum shooting to the back of your throat :3
11/22/24(Fri)03:23:32 No.927704422
tehe wewell now urCock is mineee*N1BBBLE*>;3 hngqwfffffff wht do I have to do to get urFeeets I-I PLSSS><
>The load, not sure its hard to tell cause your tablet screen is seen through the cum puddle lol so probs not very thick XD
*OOF*X) I'll try to make it Thicccer for uze then tehe, alsoo I ddnt Cook Salmon tonight cuz I had KFC so any Recipe you wana see in particular like is there a *Special Salmon you like Cali :3 and alsooo am I allowed to*TRIB* a Pic of urstonight???2U2
>its not even my properly. I'll just request a new one from IT.
Yeh urright<3 well you can always go into TaskManager in the meantime and put the Priority up more for your Applications bot don't do RealTime because thats BAD :P
>don't get her a Switch regardless if she only plays simple mobile puzzle games. She won't be into AC.
darn:( now idk what to get her, but you gave some good suggestions.
>I'm not reading you a bedtime story :P
n-not eban a litl3U3 plpls Mommmy<333 or I can Sleep in urArms as you *PET* me<333 and yes Stuffies do make me feel *SAFE* and so do (You)^W^
>Alright you got denied so move on to the next place, ezpz
BYBYT>< now I'm worried idk what other place to do, maybe FiveBelow but I'm running out of Options it feels likeo_0 I can also try another Daiso Location maybe...OHH and how did you maintain urDildos for 8yrs do you put CornStarch on them~and yeah DisneyLand is expensive I bet I did go once back in the Early 2010s or so but with the Economy now idk how anybody is going and most of it is a scam with how much it is, I've also gone to LegoLand but don't remember any of itX)
~~~OH and btw I want to reask Permission, is it okay for me to Print out your Pics in Cards for my Personal Collection =D
Unfortunately mine is too big so I need to *Train* more :'(
11/22/24(Fri)03:37:51 No.927704716
Shut up you fucking degen scum- its only natural for that to happen. Fuck be gentle my tip is hyper sensitive now.. im light headed. Hope you being creampied by my a femboy officer, slap you in the face with my wet cock and rests my balls in your mouth. Now keep going for me ;)
Hope you enjoyed yourself tonight Ai Anon, I must sleep now with a boner hehehe
Good boy Tim, have too much and you will be addicted to me. Though I think that's already happened ;) Bedtime now, goodnight!
You look so tiny in that pic <3 Feet stuff will come in due time as always don't worry.
Just make the salmon however you want HTA, please no need to involve me in your everyday life so much XD Again trib if you want but I doubt you got good thick cum anyways kek
I know what you are doing trying to make me your e-mom even more but for you own good no bedtime stories, I don't even understand the bit that much. Is putting corn starch on them a thing? What does that do? O_o All I do is clean them with warm soapy water after usage and keep them in my nightstand. Disneyland now is the microtransaction of amusement parts, doing anything costs a premium price :P
Yes of course you can print my pics for cards, remember when you said you where gonna do that like a year ago? Okay its bedtime for me HTA!
Cool cool I hope you enjoy some of the pics I've posted tonight <3
Err like 5/6 inches at best? Is small regardless :P
I'm all locked up and can get out! My cock is too hard and needs to cum!
Wow thanks a huge compliment anon thank you so much! I'd love to chat more but its late for me and I have to sleep. Please enjoy the other pics I've posted tonight!
LAST POST bedtime for me. Cali signing off!
11/22/24(Fri)03:43:36 No.927704873
good morning anons
11/22/24(Fri)03:57:42 No.927705219
tiny enough for you to*SQUISH*~mez????UWU and thank you for being so mindful tehe you really do have the best BoyFeet<333 and yeh urright which is why I am going to wait till next time to gib u a *BIGBIG* Trib ;3;3
>I know what you are doing trying to make me your e-mom even more but for you own good no bedtime stories, I don't even understand the bit that much.
I LoveYou Cali*HUG* and you being my E-Mom helps me<333 in so many ways, alrightie no BedTimeStories, and I'll try to tone down the BabyTalk cuz I am a grownBoy bybyt still Tiny hehe>W<
>Is putting corn starch on them a thing? What does that do? O_o
I think it just helps preserve the Texture and stuff, its mostly done for Fleshlights and no I dnt have 1 but I used too.
>Yes of course you can print my pics for cards, remember when you said you where gonna do that like a year ago? Okay its bedtime for me HTA!
YAYZ =D and yes ik Cali but I have been caught up with a lot and still have been for the most part. Thankfully it is calming down more in my Life so its beginning to not be as hectic but still lots of drama and stuff~once I do some more Research I'll start doing it.
Goodnight Cali ILU*XOXO*<333 Sweeet Dreams & Thank You For The FUN! Also P.S I have gone Walking a litlbit around my Neighborhood but not Jogging yet, still getting a feel for it first, night =D
Goodnight Tim :3
11/22/24(Fri)04:29:03 No.927705893
dubs checked. Morgen :3
11/22/24(Fri)04:40:29 No.927706191
anyone have more?
11/22/24(Fri)04:44:06 No.927706278
11/22/24(Fri)04:47:13 No.927706344
Your fortune: Average Luck
11/22/24(Fri)04:48:45 No.927706377
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/22/24(Fri)04:49:03 No.927706388
eternally horny, you?
11/22/24(Fri)05:07:31 No.927706795
11/22/24(Fri)05:21:40 No.927707078
Hi chat is this a good angle
11/22/24(Fri)05:58:38 No.927707805
i fell asleep before i could reply to my anons! ×m×
ah well
i did~
i have a hard time finishing without someone lending a hand, so you might turn me into a moaning whimpering mess. but who knows :P
oooooooh, i see. you mind showing me an example? you can use me as a target for how that lotion looks!
and ty! my grip isnt too hard, its pretty soft. i could show you more of my nails gripping, but you'd have to tell me what color your favorite pen is ;P
11/22/24(Fri)06:03:17 No.927707904
How about this instead footanon
Chat this bro is really cringe maxxing I'm in a cringe competition and my opponent is you (I'm cooked)
11/22/24(Fri)06:05:20 No.927707951
i've been meaning to post my stuff to twitter, reddit and bluesky but im not the best at posting consistently on those plats :P
i do usually go by chocholatteprin
11/22/24(Fri)06:22:15 No.927708314
Heyy, please abuse my white ass :p
kik saulux2024
11/22/24(Fri)07:35:51 No.927709658
11/22/24(Fri)07:41:02 No.927709736
good afternoon quiet anons, good morning (maybe) early amerifags
11/22/24(Fri)07:52:58 No.927709950
11/22/24(Fri)08:04:38 No.927710188
11/22/24(Fri)08:14:09 No.927710400
maybe a spank would be okay
11/22/24(Fri)08:39:02 No.927710918
i shaved my legss <3
11/22/24(Fri)08:52:35 No.927711175
11/22/24(Fri)09:10:05 No.927711640
*HUG*3U3 I hope you've been doing good Kitty, I Miss You LOTS and am thinking about you snuggly in Bed right now. You&Cali are absolute Angels, probs guna take a nap soon but its nice seeing you on^^
11/22/24(Fri)09:29:03 No.927712157
How are we all getting on? Having a nice time?
11/22/24(Fri)09:45:11 No.927712612
Night Kitty*X*<3 aww that sounds so Lovely&Romantic~and thank you I hope you enjoy your Sleep&NextDay, I'm going to have some more KFC probs and then Salmon later :P
Hey :3 is that you in the pic? Doing good justired.
11/22/24(Fri)09:48:36 No.927712713
It's me X
Why are you so tired?
11/22/24(Fri)09:58:48 No.927713042
Thank you, you're too kind x
11/22/24(Fri)10:03:03 No.927713169
i know you wanna lick her
11/22/24(Fri)10:06:39 No.927713265
11/22/24(Fri)10:10:18 No.927713357
Maybe do a few things and then take a nap as a reward!
I'm good, just settling in for the night
11/22/24(Fri)10:14:35 No.927713478
Unfortunately so, it's terribly lonely
I'm Australian x