Sigh.. (just jaywalk or litter or something you idiot so I can arrest you) Don't you want me to cuff you?
Your mind was broken long ago you idiot.. oh yes we have an entire department to decipher your messages XD
Oh don't worry I have a solution (probably) I just didn't account for it before the shoot and your content is great no need to compare haha
Hmm seems like minor infractions, I'll let them side cause turnips I'm over trying to help you but not running cause rain is fine. Also you really don't have to show me your gambling winnings HTA O_o? Though the not reapplied for anything is pushing it...
Hello! Welcome anon! Are you the same anon from last time? The same one who asked "Who you is?"
Curious to what pics you've gooned too AA (beside mine) care to show me some pics? Sorry to say but this set might not have a armpit pic cause the uniform, thought I did have a fun idea in mind to fix that :3 Yeah everything is swell, kinda overwhelmed right now can't lie haha everyone want to be a criminal all of a sudden XD
Yes of course Casca it wasn't the first time I've used for you my fun hehehe also loved those video where you couldn't help but smile, you're so cute when you do! Goofy ass
11/18/24(Mon)01:40:39 No.927530746
Your mind was broken long ago you idiot.. oh yes we have an entire department to decipher your messages XD
Oh don't worry I have a solution (probably) I just didn't account for it before the shoot and your content is great no need to compare haha
Hmm seems like minor infractions, I'll let them side cause turnips I'm over trying to help you but not running cause rain is fine. Also you really don't have to show me your gambling winnings HTA O_o? Though the not reapplied for anything is pushing it...
Hello! Welcome anon! Are you the same anon from last time? The same one who asked "Who you is?"
Curious to what pics you've gooned too AA (beside mine) care to show me some pics? Sorry to say but this set might not have a armpit pic cause the uniform, thought I did have a fun idea in mind to fix that :3 Yeah everything is swell, kinda overwhelmed right now can't lie haha everyone want to be a criminal all of a sudden XD
Yes of course Casca it wasn't the first time I've used for you my fun hehehe also loved those video where you couldn't help but smile, you're so cute when you do! Goofy ass
OMG How did you make this so FAST LOL I LOVE IT!
11/18/24(Mon)01:51:04 No.927530989
Ummmm Puppi thinks it did this right this is where the nice people were? Someone asked Puppi's size but Puppi hasn't really measured since the cage but maybe 2-3? Puppi doesn't know sowwii is small enough Puppi wouldn't need more than two fingers to touch it if Puppi was a bad doggy
11/18/24(Mon)01:52:17 No.927531022
Anytime I do anything panties related now I always think of you.. godammit
Honestly it didn't taste like much but sticky texture but my musk smell was there hehe the mesh panties are so tight around my crotch
Anything you want Jess, whatever you all are comfortable with but you getting a facial/creampied would be amazing!
No sorry I only post here, why want to show me something?
>Fuck sorry I screwed up copy pasting and pasted my bottom replies twice...
Aw thanks Tim! See I would get my goons to cuff you can drag your ass back to my office. You think I didn't think this through? You are helpless now.. alone with me.
Thank you so much anon! There are lots of cutie peeps here tonight!
Well I based it off of your Ai pics silly! You are the one who keep sparking my gooner oc creative side up <3 You will see the report soon enough I promise! Oh wow that's a lot of work just to fap haha but thank you so much for doing all of that! Means a lot <3
I'm doing well thanks for asking anon! What brings you here tonight? How was the weekend?
11/18/24(Mon)01:54:48 No.927531083
Sorry I screwed up my copy pasting in the first post. Now see the replies here >>927531022
11/18/24(Mon)01:55:49 No.927531107
Cali^^ OMGZ<333 you mentioned me uhuhm 2T, I feel so Blessed dat myHearts*POUNDING*oW0~
>Your mind was broken long ago you idiot.. oh yes we have an entire department to decipher your messages XD
YAYZ =D ohoh that dsnt sound good tehe well I do have Autism^^~wawait does dis mean I can BabyTalk??? Will Officer Cali allow me to BabyTalk in the Interrogation bcuz it makes me feeel*SAFE* and I have a litlRiddle for youuu ≽ > ⩊ < ≼
>Oh don't worry I have a solution (probably)
Whats that if you dnt mind me asking and thank you Cali I appreciate it it means a lot from you^^
>I'll let them side cause turnips I'm over trying to help you but not running cause rain is fine.
byBYTTTo~o I wana show u myHousie plPLS I wana show u all the Cool Stuffs I can gettt~and mybad Cali but I am Gambling responsibly I Promise you and yes it is I-I'm just scared><
~~~ALSO how was your Fren's Korean BBQ???
11/18/24(Mon)01:58:27 No.927531185
Puppi was never bad! Puppi is good :3 The cage is for a good doggy. Ummm but sowwii noo Puppi only has cage and butt. Maybe next time owner lets Puppi out for a playtime
Puppi is a doggy silly :3
11/18/24(Mon)02:09:47 No.927531529
Puppi loves to be cuddled and squished soooo much :3 Thigh squish is for alll to enjoy
Puppi feels so funny reading this x_x Puppi wants to breed soooooo bad but owner says not until a year of cage training
Puppi has worn this flat cage from owner since December last year with 2 days a month free of it for chances to cum :3
Puppi has one last ass for new phone friends :3
Ahhh thankiessss :3 Can Puppi have headpatsss?
Puppi loves you allllll <3 Owner is calling for exercise time before Puppi gets foods so is goodbyes until Puppi is allowed to use a phone again <3 Puppi will beg to be allowed back to wonderful new friends soooon :3
11/18/24(Mon)02:16:54 No.927531773
Well if you could post it here that would be lovely but I understand if you don't want to. Maybe you can describe it to me?
I shit you not they are the same ones that I ugh... used to do your original request way back when. I was cleaning out my dresser drawer and found them last week and was like "omg I totally forgot about these" I love them so much! So if you still have those pics, well I am wearing them right now as we goon together here ;)
Huh? What do you mean I mentioned you? What did I say exactly?
No please don't baby talk our unpayed interns already have enough work trying to decipher your vocoroos XD Fine you can tell me the riddle but if I don't like where its going maybe bad cop will have to come in...
Oh I just have another set of 2 light I can use to help is all haha nothing crazy
Hey at this point I don't care about your turnips, I tried my best, its on you now. No need to tell me you missed them every week :P
BBQ was great and I defs ate too much meat but I tend to over order haha bad thing about it though is that your clothes smell like smoke after
Thank you so much!
11/18/24(Mon)02:17:45 No.927531796
*pulls you in close while I'm sitting on my desk* Where did you put the maid dress Timmy boy?! Why don't you have it on you scrum?! *Spits on face*
Ooohh okay that's completely understandable! No need to post anything then I was just curious as usual :3 Super happy for you that you found some that can match your freak XD
Chill as in I'm gonna make more porn kek Okay so what do you think of a pic in this set but I don't have the blue uniform on and just the straps/belts?
Silly anon I'm always horny, hey a chill recharge weekend is always good. So what kinda content do you like to cum to? Care to share?
>Yup it a lot, I mostly work on homework lol I need cuddles tbr
I'm so sorry UwU I screwed up replying to everyone! If I was there I would totally give you some cuddles plus you are taller than me so I can be the little spoon :)
I hope you have some time for yourself too, maybe just take some quick pics for fun? UwU has a white hair fetish - got it
Noooo more ideas I can't spend anymore money! (I might have spend more money) You think you can toy with me with your fancy computer pics? Turn around and bend over!
11/18/24(Mon)02:25:49 No.927532031
11/18/24(Mon)02:30:11 No.927532156
edgiiiing@W@ and uhuhm you @ me twice CutiePie*X*<3 tehe oki no BabyTalk bybyyyt will this Cop punish me or is it *PET* Times~3U3~
>Fine you can tell me the riddle but if I don't like where its going maybe bad cop will have to come in...
ohoh tehe OHOH uhuhm I have BIG Beautiful Eyes>W< Clothes that are sosoBRIGHT and Fingers as long as Octupus Tentacles~and have an annoying litlBeta at my Feet every chance he gets...*WHO* am I <333
>Oh I just have another set of 2 light I can use to help is all haha nothing crazy
rlllly???? Studio Lights???? : O
>No need to tell me you missed them every week :P
I swear I habvnt missed them as much as you think0~0
>BBQ was great and I defs ate too much meat
GoodBoy*PET*<333 is it weeeird I want to see Food in urMouth likike a Burgaaa Pic would be so PRETTTY and also I'm eatiny Burgers right now but I'll show u the 1s I made over the Weekend~like you take a bit out of it>< so it sounds like urWeekend was good overall then do you plan on doing any Early Christmas Shopping~and also I am going to Maryland for Christmas with myMom :P
11/18/24(Mon)02:42:17 No.927532437
Thanks so for the kinds words anon! I do what I can <3
Its because its only only pair of mesh panties and the elastic part has never shown are weakening if that makes sense? Ughhhh fine why do I feel so embarrassed posting this.. its not even the panties in my hole thing - my old pics where so.. well the quality was different back then let just say XD
How dare you disrespect my authoritah!
I hope you enjoy being ass-boarded you fucking scrum, you can have some air when I hear you beg. Don't get no funny business in your pants either.
So you just want an officers blue panties? Fine I'll even do you one better and not wash them for a few days beforehand. Hope the smell makes your pathetic cock bust for me.
I'm already planning somethings for next month and the new year.. sigh I do enjoy it though. Well well well look at all this, someone already wanted to go to pound town already but I'd rather use my own instruments. *splits on baton and shoves it up your ass* you like that?
Goodnight AA thanks for dropping by!
11/18/24(Mon)02:42:52 No.927532458
Right I remember now! Sorry its hard to keep track sometimes when everyone is an anon :P Well I'm happy to help guide your down your sexual awakening kek
What sparked your interest in boys if you don't mind me asking?
You can just hold me and we can fall asleep together :) You better not snore though..
I'm surprised you don't have that stuff with you - guess you don't have much time anyways?
Does that mean you are into older men? O_o?
Ooo that double @ was a mistake sorry! I screwed up cope pasting my replies from the last thread :P
Okay like I know the answer is probably me but octopus tentacle fingers? Really? LOL Then again who else would you be referring... plot twist - its Kitty
No just more LED lights, I can't afford studio lights and rather not have them for silly internet porn XD Oh god a Food Fetish now? No I not gonna show you food in my mouth that's gross :P Yeah black friday is when I do my christmas shopping like everyone else and Maryland? Go visit Tim/Rach! :3
Fight me! LOL
11/18/24(Mon)02:50:19 No.927532606
OMG my angel Caliiiii a new set?! Please arrest me and lock me up like the naughty kitty I am >:3
Hey /b/ it's been a while, here's a pic I just took of myself lying in bed with my little sharky friend :3 I finally have a lazy day to lounge around since I'm now done with my semester! I have so much to catch up with everyone, care to fill me in with all the news? Nya~
11/18/24(Mon)02:53:15 No.927532672
omg kitty. your legs look adorable. you never got to see my halloween oc
11/18/24(Mon)02:56:22 No.927532720
Literally scroll up anon but heres more butt before bed soon
So what about dating boys make the experience more enjoyable compared to girls? - oh wait you just want to lick cute bulges right? Hehe
Stop you're not supposed to be enjoying it! God dammit... ugh I'm gonna step on that pathetic cock but stop as soon as you're about to cum >:)
Omg Kitty! The last member that's on my incident report has arrived :)
Yes its a new set but only a few pics for now, gonna redo them :P That pics gives off such elf vibes with that ankle bracelet! I can't believe you are finally done school (for now) does that mean you will be here more? It is getting late for me but I'll stay longer for you <3
You've seen my goth set now too right?
11/18/24(Mon)03:00:36 No.927532785
HOT>W< ey you shuld try a JackStrap like Cowie TEHEHE>W< also did uze see my Burgaaas Mommmy I wana know what you think >>927532343 =D
It still Warms myHearts^^ its oki~and yes Octupus tehe but like urFingers areL000NG is wht I mean and just like that *KITTY IS SUMMONED* =D
>I can't afford studio lights
I sent u an AliexpressLink they are $28 and not rlllly Studio but still good if you want something like that, I asked TP and he said their good :P
>I can't afford studio lights and rather not have them for silly internet porn XD Oh god a Food Fetish now? No I not gonna show you food in my mouth that's gross :P
Not evenz a Burgaaa*LWIIICK*2U2 and yes Maryland tehe and I'd love too if they are okay with that so we can Play Games and stuff!
Btwzzz am I allowed to Tribs you or will it be Wataaa?
KITTTY*HUGGG*(^´W`^) omgz it sounds like we need to get you started on urMomArc Kitty<333 you look so Beautiful Kitty 10/10 Pic, how have you been??? And its great you Finished urSemester GoodBoy*PET* but unfortunately I haven't done my ThinkPad BIOs change yet~a lot has happened since you've been gone like I got Certified as a VA Caretaker and am not getting Paid for that but also looking for a Job on the side but I've never had 1 bfr so its really nervewracking....OH and I did a Proper WitchMaid Set disYear =D
Not much this Weekend but watched the JakeTyson Fight and UFC 309, just chilling right now.
11/18/24(Mon)03:04:45 No.927532873
I'm not gonna post the other panties in my ass pics its so embarrassing T~T but I'm glad they are still enjoyed by degens like you <3 One side of the panties will have an ass smell, the other my leaky cock smell :3 I wanna shove it in your mouth before I ride you..
Would you not rather my my precum straight from the source? Hmm?
Gah now I'm so curious what idea you have planned up in that head of yours... also looking to get a room at a hotel to do the shoots if they cheap enough. Sigh you are so pathetic and sad >:) *grabs your head and fucks it with my throbing femboy cock* that baton better not fall of your ass or else I'm duck taping to you.
How was that not more butt? Its as butt as butt can butt.. here more butt.
Its okay you can hold me tight and I'll protect you <3 Ooo yes pancakes with a side of bacon and maple syrup please! I mean if its just shaving stuff that's not sus or anything right? Oof daddy issues..sorry to hear that UwU *big hugs*
11/18/24(Mon)03:23:27 No.927533226
I don't know what a jack strap is unless you mean jock strap :P
That was an aggressive amount of mushrooms, too much fat in the pan and patties. You end up boiling the panties and not letting them sear properly. Less fat or pour out some next time. Nice toast on the buns but personally for me, just toasting the inside is enough.
No need to link me, I've been spending too much on material for oc content and the light I have are good enough I promise, thank you though! Hey go gotta ask Tim/Rach that not me, sure you can trib since it a new oc night and Kitty is here :3
We got the confession boys, pack it up! This faggot is a dick sucking boy loving gay boy and its on the record now. You can cum on my feet and lick them clean after, enjoy the smell.
Remember to kiss your homies goodnight <3 I think its a sense of boys know what boys want and for the most part its giving them affection and simple things like listening, making them feel safe also. Plus they can be as lewd as you want too kekekeke
Now is anal jail where my ass gets pounded a lot or not at all? I need answers.
What does what feel like? (Better not be bait)
Hey we have a deal here no need to bring violence into this but take my panties and I'll let you lick my precum as payment <3
Can I have a hint? Please?
Look at my baton twitch so much, let me give it a little SHOVE to make sure >:)
My cock needed to me milked properly buy a desperate dick loving bitch.. simple as that now do your job.
Correct! However the "X" I use when I don't have my final numbering down yet. Anything I've posted is subject to change.
So we can get high together off my scent? Dammit I'm getting kind cub.. How about I have my socks in my mouth and we press over faces together hehe
How's school life now? Are the classes hard? I want breakfast sausage too btw ;)
11/18/24(Mon)03:24:00 No.927533237
Hi Tim~ Thank you so much! AHHH I love seeing you in femboy mode, it's like when those characters reveal their true form and boss music starts playing XD I really hope you don't brush this off as a one off thing because I want to see lewds next time ok? >:3
*radio static* Suspect has been apprehended on suspicion of femboy milking without a permit and wandering around without his designated catboy handler. What are you gonna do about it Cali? ;) Thanks heaps, it's a little cat anklet I got and I've been slowly piecing together some stuff for a proper set... Hopefully it means time to dress up more often but I've got other commitments to keep me busy during the break so we'll see! It's a weekday, I don't want you to miss out on beauty sleep even as much as I wish I could spend a few more hours together <3
*hugs you back and purrs* Aww ty HTA, massive congrats for getting that certification! I'm super proud of you and so happy you're taking steps in the right direction! I'm sure you'll do great! Love to the pics too~ :3
Hi UWU! Yep it's the first semester in this new course but I've studied in the past already. Thanks lots, how are things on your end?
11/18/24(Mon)03:30:22 No.927533354
meet Calio, I swear that name wasn't intentional. Also I may have told my family i'm gay.
i've never been one for feet but fuck it, put them all over my face.
11/18/24(Mon)03:36:22 No.927533495
True but at least I got munz on UFC 309 :P
JockStrapX) ooooo wht Pics do you wnt me to trib??? I hope its not Watttar bcuz I wnt it to be*THICCC*~ohoh tehe>W<
>Nice toast on the buns but personally for me, just toasting the inside is enough.
I used myToaster^^ and yeh I put quite a bit of Mushrooms~wht do you mean by fat and so you mean I should only have like 2 Patties at a time in the Pan, thats a NewPan btw :P I did about 12m for each Pattie and thank you for the advice Cali<333
>No need to link me, I've been spending too much on material for oc content and the light I have are good enough I promise, thank you though!
I Understand Cali<333 but if you do just ask away*X*<333 and we appreciate you for all of the OC and Funsies you provide us you are an amazing Boy ILU*HUG*^W^
>Kitty is here :3
2 Angels <3 <3
*LWIIIICK*>:3 thank you Kitty and yes I'm trying hehe~alsooo those Cards are probs coming soon are you still oki with me Printing our urPhotos??? I am guna Print them out as litlCards when I do^^ and yeh I get my 1stPaycheck next Month but its only for taking care of myGrandma but it opens up other Opportunitys aswell and thank you*X*<333
How has School been for you btw :P
11/18/24(Mon)03:36:58 No.927533507
11/18/24(Mon)03:44:27 No.927533645
Ohh its feels like a butt, feels good when I squeeze it and sitting is nicer cause of the natural cushions. Feels good to be in tight pants too
Stop you've violated the law! Pay a fine or serve your sentence.. both are having sex with your arresting officer >:) You look so soft and kissing in that pic I love it so much! I miss seeing you in these threads and hope you get plenty of time to be a whore hehehe I really hate to leave now but its late for me and I have work tomorrow :( that being said my post time hasn't change usually 9-9:30 Pacific not sure what time it would be for you but I'll try to get on earlier maybe? Goodnight my kitty clone <3
I'm literally holding my socks right now and sniffing them hehehe thanks for talking with me tonight you perv <3 Goodnight!
>wasn't intentional
Sure it wasn't Timbo.. sure :)
You would let me do anything to you let me real but sleepy time now Tim goodnight!
I grab the back of your head and shove my cock all the way down your throat shooting my thicc femboy load inside you. Hmm yes take it all you slut. I slap your face with my saliva cum cover cock, bend down to your eye level, tell me how much you loved it and beg me for more. Hope your pounding your toy Ai Anon, goodnight ;)
Do one of the new police pics of your choice!
Fat as in oil/butter/fat, the 2nd pic all the liquid which is probably coming from the fat in the patties is preventing proper browning. Don't over crowd the pan like you always do when cooking I've noticed, 2 patties is max I'd say. Okay gotta sleep now!
Omg UwU go jack off already XD Agreed math sucks lol but nice to catch up UwU cya next time!
Yeah boy don't as support affectionately and emotional growing up compared to girls so we are starved for it now haha Thanks for dropping by tonight anon
LAST POST Sleep time! Cali signing off!
11/18/24(Mon)03:45:55 No.927533671
Wish there was more
11/18/24(Mon)03:46:59 No.927533687
You really like this picture huh anon, think this is the second or third time I've come in here and seen myself :p
11/18/24(Mon)04:39:42 No.927533835
Can you blame anon? :3 it’s a very cute pic ^^
11/18/24(Mon)04:41:40 No.927533858
Just a fan
11/18/24(Mon)04:48:21 No.927533939
Here uze go Cali*HUG*<3333 I'm sorry about the late reply! I hope you see this I assume you are asleep now tehe~I defs need to drink more Wataaa and take more Zinc but I think its better than usual, and yeah that makes sense thank you. I used Olive Oil and possibly the Minced Garlic I added on the Pan made it worse and yeah I always add too much mostly because I get impatientX) but I'll try to stop doing that asap.
Have A Goodnight Cali! It Was Cozy Tonight And I Am Going To Be Dreaming About You&Kitty, ILU Sweeet Dreams*XOXO*~3U3~
11/18/24(Mon)05:33:34 No.927534581
Okay so captcha decided to crap itself and now I lost all my replies!
Cute cat plushie Tim :3 Ooh and a big congrats on coming out to your family, you should be very proud of yourself for opening up about these things! Well done ^-^
Yeah go for it, if it's for your personal collection that's cool with me! Hopefully the pics come out nicely :3 Wishing all the best with your future job plans too, I'm sure you'll find something worth pursuing. Ehh I guess this semester was pretty alright but some subjects were boring theory stuff with lots of writing *yawns* Glad I have time to chill out now tho~
Well as long as you're getting by smoothly that's what matters! I hope you've also have time to take some new pics too
Oh well, I guess I'll pay the fine with cum and serve my sentence with you punishing my hole until I've learned my lesson ;) I really missed chatting too and couldn't wait for the break to finally come around! Hopefully we'll chat again next time you hop on and I'm hoping to make some new proper OC sets in the near future ^w^ Sweet dreams my angel Cali <3
I'm technically still around but I think everyone else is sleeping so I might bounce off too. Scratch y'all later~ Nya :3
11/18/24(Mon)06:10:03 No.927535100
11/18/24(Mon)06:12:51 No.927535152
11/18/24(Mon)06:20:05 No.927535263
11/18/24(Mon)06:26:41 No.927535365
11/18/24(Mon)06:57:11 No.927535722
tehe<3 hey Kitty I cnt fall asleeps ca-can u*H0LZ*me as I fall asleep and Read me a Bedtime Story????^W^~and yes the Pics will be for my Personal Collection only, I'm guessing that GlossyPaper would be the best for them so I'm hoping to get started on that asap but first I'mgoing to do some ThinkPad Upgrades and other stuff like decorate myRoom.
>Wishing all the best with your future job plans too, I'm sure you'll find something worth pursuing.
Thank You KittyCat*HUG*^W^ I hope so aswell and I appreciate it, I've never had a Proper Job before so its tough with little to no direction.
>Ehh I guess this semester was pretty alright but some subjects were boring theory stuff with lots of writing *yawns* Glad I have time to chill out now tho~
GoodBoy*PET* you are such a Smartie^^ and I'm glad aswell I want you to take a nice break~I've Missed You a lot Kitty and I hope that I get to talk with you more sooon, and also myCat Cheese Misses You aswell and she is doing good and so is my Grandma. ILU*XOXO*<333
>And checkout this *Heart*Pond I made in ACNH =D
11/18/24(Mon)08:03:15 No.927536736
bump... I will be back in a bit
11/18/24(Mon)08:07:17 No.927536805
11/18/24(Mon)09:10:32 No.927538153
100lbs femboy porn slut in oklahoma, lets trade porn u like or whatever you wanna turn me into
teleguard @M2DS39X4Y
disc @twinkyalex (dont just say "hi" or "wyd")
twittr @twinkyalex1
11/18/24(Mon)09:49:55 No.927539318
Monday's threads are always slower than usual...
11/18/24(Mon)10:06:16 No.927539816
11/18/24(Mon)10:07:30 No.927539862
11/18/24(Mon)10:16:44 No.927540155
Hey cuties <3 Long time no see
11/18/24(Mon)10:16:53 No.927540164
they announced some updates, so that was probably it, all seems to be back to normal now
11/18/24(Mon)10:45:53 No.927541070
11/18/24(Mon)11:01:03 No.927541530
Hey! And who might you be? <3
11/18/24(Mon)11:01:32 No.927541549
I like shiny trap ass. Latex or satin panties preferably.
11/18/24(Mon)11:02:55 No.927541598
11/18/24(Mon)11:04:45 No.927541652
11/18/24(Mon)11:05:23 No.927541683
11/18/24(Mon)11:07:05 No.927541738
11/18/24(Mon)11:08:22 No.927541781
11/18/24(Mon)11:09:06 No.927541811
Good boy, then. <3
Current discord is @claretcall btw
11/18/24(Mon)11:10:03 No.927541847
Tp wide lens so9n
11/18/24(Mon)11:12:22 No.927541951
11/18/24(Mon)11:17:10 No.927542125
11/18/24(Mon)11:19:27 No.927542210
11/18/24(Mon)11:21:14 No.927542278
11/18/24(Mon)11:23:31 No.927542349
11/18/24(Mon)11:24:22 No.927542534
11/18/24(Mon)11:25:03 No.927542561
11/18/24(Mon)11:29:11 No.927542742
11/18/24(Mon)11:30:07 No.927542770
Hehe... I usually end up using zoom at 100-200mm, because it have nicer bokeh and minimal distortion.
I have tried shots like that before with 19mm prime but problem is the camera needs to be really close and then it casts shadow over my ass and it looks bad... so need to do it with lights in my room where I can control the lighting better and avoid that...
11/18/24(Mon)11:34:56 No.927542937
11/18/24(Mon)12:08:03 No.927544246
11/18/24(Mon)12:27:39 No.927545008
Oh sorry forgor my name lol
It's nym hihi everyone <3
11/18/24(Mon)12:29:09 No.927545063
11/18/24(Mon)12:40:02 No.927545410
V cool & fun!
sad but funny
trump'll drop elon at some point & give him a funny lil nickname like 'mini muskman' & talk about how many times he poos a day
that's something to look forward to!
I think I am? I try to be at least
here you go!
Awww that's v sweet anon <3
11/18/24(Mon)12:45:03 No.927545556
I just post photos here... so of course I will.
11/18/24(Mon)12:46:10 No.927545587
11/18/24(Mon)12:59:06 No.927546054
11/18/24(Mon)13:03:06 No.927546207
yeah, I know... but best I could find for now is something like this... also there are some much better asses in these threads
11/18/24(Mon)13:09:04 No.927546394
11/18/24(Mon)13:15:13 No.927546600
11/18/24(Mon)13:36:18 No.927547391
is a temporary one!
That anon btw is correct!
All my pics are from before the surgery
I had it removed almost a year ago & it's been one of the best decisions i've ever made : >
No new pics sorry! I kind of stopped taking them after surgery, I got scared of the negative reaction they might have too tbh
I take pics for my bf every few days tho!
11/18/24(Mon)13:38:39 No.927547488
11/18/24(Mon)13:54:12 No.927548068
Nonono a surgeon did it, the results are p great ngl!
>nice trips
That wasn't the kind of content I made & the few pics I have of it I don't like sharing, sorry mr anon!
11/18/24(Mon)13:54:54 No.927548099
11/18/24(Mon)13:56:29 No.927548146
11/18/24(Mon)13:57:14 No.927548175
Just read you’re post op
Fucking grim
11/18/24(Mon)14:07:08 No.927548492
11/18/24(Mon)14:13:07 No.927548724
Good afternoon
11/18/24(Mon)14:13:22 No.927548738
It makes sense that you have a bf and I suspect you were with him before your bottom surgery because the number of guys who would be interested in you post op that didn’t already know you drops to almost nothing. This won’t help you much because the damage is alreadly done, another angels wings clipped, but most guys aren’t attracted to trans girls because we want a shitty imitation of a woman. Especially not a Frankenstein neo vagina when we’re barely attracted to the reap thing. At the end of the day we like that you’re soft, feminine boys but once you start messing around with surgeries, fake tits, chopping your dick off and all that shit. It goes south fast. Anyone who told you different was a groomer kike and you fell right into their hands.
People like this do not have your best interest in hand and will be laughing at you when you regret the whole thing in a couple of years and post a trauma dump on reddit