'NerdyLucy' is a slut for cum and loves being reminded of that fact!
11/14/24(Thu)22:06:43 No.927398110
11/14/24(Thu)22:06:50 No.927398115
Day 4!
Last night was exhausting lol, any requests for later tonight?
I also need some opinions on whether or not to use this tonight, or wait until later this week to use it…
11/14/24(Thu)22:13:53 No.927398315
100lbs drunk dumb femboy with a cute voice, PLEASE trade me sloppy porn/hentai
heres my vocaroo from the last thread https://voca.ro/14la40sDghxL
teleguard @M2DS39X4Y
disc @twinkyalex
twittr @twinkyalex1
11/14/24(Thu)22:15:44 No.927398376
I made a commitment! I’m almost through the week and I’ll make it even if it kills me!
That’s very sweet of you! I have it written down for you <3 I wonder if I should release the list of requests I got at the end of it all…
Sounds hot as hell, absolutely!
11/14/24(Thu)22:17:38 No.927398423
Something people need to understand across all fandoms is that people can be both Abuse Victims and Groomers. Abuse Victims becoming Abusers is incredibly common. Chud Logic just came out with this if any of you want to watch it in the background or something.
>How F1NN5TER Was GROOMED Into Being Trans: https://youtu.be/5docYZqVGiU?si=VxLKlthsLciLfulH
11/14/24(Thu)22:18:01 No.927398437
11/14/24(Thu)22:18:17 No.927398446
>plap, plap, plap, get castrated
>plap, plap, plap, get castrated
>plap, plap, plap, get castrated
11/14/24(Thu)22:19:31 No.927398481
11/14/24(Thu)22:22:40 No.927398576
11/14/24(Thu)22:25:21 No.927398672
11/14/24(Thu)22:33:08 No.927398908
11/14/24(Thu)22:33:44 No.927398925
Sure! Lucky you I just figured out how to convert to webm~
11/14/24(Thu)22:34:12 No.927398941
Been nothing new for too long
11/14/24(Thu)22:37:20 No.927399040
11/14/24(Thu)22:51:43 No.927399431
No, I definitely need to get better at taking large objects :P
11/14/24(Thu)23:00:42 No.927399692
Does boy ass turn you on?
You think so? I’ll let you decide when I put it in tonight <3
I could do that for you~
11/14/24(Thu)23:02:02 No.927399730
regular femboy but I am a top 1% ball drainer lol.
11/14/24(Thu)23:04:38 No.927399806
11/14/24(Thu)23:11:29 No.927400029
11/14/24(Thu)23:11:52 No.927400045
The honor is all mine~
Definitely stretching me with three, this is with two!
11/14/24(Thu)23:14:05 No.927400107
11/14/24(Thu)23:17:41 No.927400214
11/14/24(Thu)23:20:37 No.927400289
11/14/24(Thu)23:27:18 No.927400502
I’ll certainly do my best <3
I’ll get a good insertion vid for you~
11/14/24(Thu)23:30:25 No.927400600
11/14/24(Thu)23:38:32 No.927400822
cute white clitty
11/14/24(Thu)23:39:36 No.927400853
Guren can you this please. regular light if possible
11/14/24(Thu)23:44:14 No.927400985
How else would I do it?
Of course! Lighting like this okay or do you want it warmer?
11/14/24(Thu)23:46:09 No.927401038
11/14/24(Thu)23:46:33 No.927401053
11/14/24(Thu)23:51:47 No.927401163
11/14/24(Thu)23:51:55 No.927401166
11/14/24(Thu)23:56:21 No.927401262
Awesome! I’ll get started on everything soon!
God I wish…
11/14/24(Thu)23:56:43 No.927401273
11/15/24(Fri)00:02:01 No.927401420
Thanks babe :-)
11/15/24(Fri)00:05:13 No.927401503
I am once again asking for new OC
11/15/24(Fri)00:15:22 No.927401751
11/15/24(Fri)00:22:50 No.927401944
Hey /b/ how you pervs doing tonight? Does my boy hole look inviting?
11/15/24(Fri)00:30:43 No.927402143
11/15/24(Fri)00:32:31 No.927402195
11/15/24(Fri)00:33:33 No.927402229
Good so come have a taste of it :3
Just making sure it still has appeal here and my toys can only do so much ;) How you been anon?
It can take some toys but I'd rather feel the real thing.. mayhaps?
This seems like a HTA response but no wall of text.. my ass does need a d-day though ;)
I am fresh out of the shower all steamy and warm <3 Weirdly didn't have much of an appetite for dinner, only ate half my leftover noodles. How was the week been Timbo?
11/15/24(Fri)00:33:39 No.927402232
Hi Cali :-)
11/15/24(Fri)00:38:08 No.927402335
Hi Cali, that's a delicious boy butt! What's up?
11/15/24(Fri)00:40:44 No.927402397
Hey Cali*HUG*<333 are you doing okay? I have a lot to talk about with you and I just want to start by knowing how you are doing =D I got my NewPassport in the mail a few days ago so now I'm looking to go to Maryland for Christmas~I did called Daiso but unfortunately they said that they were no longer hiring and they acted awkward over the Phone and it just ddnt seem genuine like were they lying to me they musta known so do you think they did it on purpose Cali(இ﹏இ`。) anand I'm a litlSTRESSED over it cuz now I have to go look for another Job and I wanted to have a quick1 bfr the Holidays so idk wht to do but I am looking into Target right now...OH anand>< HNGQWFFF I had a BAD BAD lapse in my Judgement and touched myself too much because 1 of urPics *TRIGGGERED*~me so bad I couldn't stop and yeah I *FAILED* and I wnt to know if Mommmy is going to punish me0-0
>my ass does need a d-day though ;)
Definitely not going to tie you up ;3;3
>My Prowogress Report <3 [NNN = *FAILED*]
Tue, Nov 12th 5:34 AM [N]
Tue, Nov 12th 11:45 AM [Y]
Tue, Nov 12th 6:09 PM [Y]
Tue, Nov 12th, 8:18 PM [Y]
Wed, Nov 13th, 1:47 PM [Y]
Thu, Nov 14th, 12:40 AM [N]
Thu, Nov 14th, 10:37 AM [Y]
TOTS = 7 <3 https://voca.ro/1fSIneQyzjat
11/15/24(Fri)00:51:21 No.927402671
requested last night
11/15/24(Fri)00:51:33 No.927402676
11/15/24(Fri)00:54:03 No.927402739
11/15/24(Fri)00:54:26 No.927402750
Hi Rach! Hey there's the costume finally but I hate to break it to you HTA kinda ruined the surprise cause he posted you in the last thread I was in XD How have you been?
>are you an orange
good lord I hate that made me grin..so dumb LOL
Waiting to cum? Well lets not keep you up too late, stroke for me slowly okay? I'm doing well but I'm ready for the weekend to come ready. Guess we both are waiting from something to cum ;)
Would you be a dear and lay down for me then? Would you let a femboy sit on your face?
>I've dreamt of that moment.. if I could clone myself I would... to have gay sex.
Prepping for my next shoot ;) I did another fitting today and got hard again.. had to take care of it hehe
Nooo getting sweaty! I just showered...but I am all lotioned up and soft ;)
Okay that's spooky but mine were stir fired noodles haha close enough I guess? Might make some toast later with peanut butter :P Anything planned or just chilling?
>Such a poised Cheese
I'm doing good not much as happened just usual work stuff but I want it to be friday night already haha Eh don't worry about Daiso, don't get hung up on one place. Just move on to the next its unrealistic expecting a hire only after applying to a single place :P (Maybe don't say you at autistic and bad with people next time..) Welp there goes NNN lol but I must say you almost lasted 2 weeks which is already a huge improvement over last year and my expectations LOL not a fan of the 4x goon on Tues though
Okay I did not understand a single word LOL
I am Cali of the 4chan threads, pleasure to meet you. Now who is you?
11/15/24(Fri)00:55:48 No.927402783
Last one ^^
11/15/24(Fri)00:58:15 No.927402850
what's the name of this device?
11/15/24(Fri)00:58:25 No.927402852
Appreciate it ^^
11/15/24(Fri)01:01:06 No.927402925
Who? Sorry i don't recognize that name
11/15/24(Fri)01:02:28 No.927402965
Daaamn bad photo rough jaw line but welp at the end i am a dude :b
11/15/24(Fri)01:05:29 No.927403036
Yeah no idea sorry
Well thanks lol
11/15/24(Fri)01:07:10 No.927403080
I don't know if im being attacked right now lol :b i want to believe i use at least a bit of lighting
11/15/24(Fri)01:07:37 No.927403097
Lol sure not sure what power I have over dat ass but okay
You can try anon and cum inside me as much as you want but question is will I get pregnant or you die from dehydration first?
Perfect, nice a slow, squeeze a little harder once in a while. I want you to leak for me
I have a friends birthday dinner to go to, going to from Korean BBQ and I'm very excited, I like meat ;)
I actually fantasize about it often like making out with myself and frotting. If I had a clone I would defs make a OF kek
No not an outdoor shoot unfornately cause I would want to do it at night under and street light. Kinda hard to do, I'm gonna get jumped
You want this femboy cock? Beg me.
Omg Tim its body lotion I'm not slippery just soft XD
Does that mean hes getting fired or just suspended? Where are you planning to go?
11/15/24(Fri)01:08:16 No.927403110
Like this?
11/15/24(Fri)01:12:37 No.927403221
moar Hearts pics like this plz
11/15/24(Fri)01:15:17 No.927403283
next set can you try this pose Cali (w/ mask of course)
11/15/24(Fri)01:15:23 No.927403286
Hey Rachie =D sorry for spoiling urOutfit cutie also I'm going to Maryland>W<
>you have such pretty Eyes is that a disaproving look?
Mybad, I should've just let Rach post it>< and how is urSet going??????? uhuhm>< ngl another Anon said to be a Prison Guard but if thats too similar to a Police Officer like I wouldn't want to copy you yeah?
>I want it to be friday night already haha
ooo whr are u going Cali<333 OMGZ I wish I could go with uze I'd luv to hangout. I haven't been going out as much, oh and idk if you saw last thread but I am doing Cardio more again as in using my EBike cuz myTreadmill isn't working
~~~But actually running around the Neighborhood I've nvr done before where I live so it feels weeeird, but maybe I can go to the Park later when nobody is there and do a few laps.
>(Maybe don't say you at autistic and bad with people next time..)
Bybyt u said to be Truthful???(-﹏-) its not fair its natz, I just need more time maybe Target will be good about that idk.
>Welp there goes NNN lol
hehe yehX) and seriously uh I wanted to SAVEEE that load at least till urNewSet if I was going to fail~and sorry I need to calmdown on the Goooning it was risky anyways, so in total its technically 7t >~<
No, its my Mom's BFs Parents and she wants to drag me along too but I am fine with it because of Family Drama. I'll be in Maryland for like a Week :P
11/15/24(Fri)01:15:55 No.927403301
11/15/24(Fri)01:16:18 No.927403306
Requests all done <3
First the pictures then the webms~
11/15/24(Fri)01:16:36 No.927403315
anyone wanna do this together? :3
11/15/24(Fri)01:16:56 No.927403324
11/15/24(Fri)01:17:30 No.927403341
Mirror frotting <3
11/15/24(Fri)01:18:27 No.927403367
There are 2 versions of this one~
11/15/24(Fri)01:19:01 No.927403381
Here’s the other
11/15/24(Fri)01:20:10 No.927403405
OC :3 will take requests if they're reasonable lol
u/petitagneau92 on reddit
11/15/24(Fri)01:21:06 No.927403426
11/15/24(Fri)01:21:50 No.927403444
11/15/24(Fri)01:22:42 No.927403466
Of course <3
I can just imagine our breath getting hotter and hotter as we get faster and faster… I hope you don’t mind a little whimpering~
Already? The night is still so young!
Cum for me <3
11/15/24(Fri)01:23:42 No.927403490
Write "Mother of All Saiyans" on your womb
11/15/24(Fri)01:24:49 No.927403515
I guess the post just didn't send.
I was saying that this is the cloesest pic of me showing eyes, but i feel to bulky, workout did too good of the job.
11/15/24(Fri)01:26:42 No.927403569
did you ask for the dick pics?
it's harder than it looks. need to set up a tripod
11/15/24(Fri)01:27:41 No.927403601
I've focuesed on a more feminine body now tho
11/15/24(Fri)01:28:18 No.927403627
Definitely my current limit, I’m still shaking from it lol :P
As long as you still have some left… there’s a lot of night left and a lot of hotties here~
The windows of the room would fog up in almost no time at all. It’ll just be us and our cum to heat up the room~
Maybe by the end of the night. Requests tend to get me worked up
Speaking of which… requests are now open if anyone wants to see anything specific <3
11/15/24(Fri)01:29:27 No.927403644
Oh god my balls would be drained dry and I'd me a cum covered mess. Barely moving and out of breath while you continue to ravage my tight femboy hole. Let me be your cumdump please.. <3
Of course imagine my tight ass wrapped around your twitching cock. My arms around you and my tongue down your throat as you squeeze my cheeks with every pound. Does it feel good inside me?
No way, its gonna be like a 3 hour event at some point my digestive system need to do its job XD
Do you really think I don't have lube ready to go Tim? Silly boy unless my split makes it hotter for you ;) Does it?
Go have Korean BBQ cause I am too lol but he's not missing things on purpose right?
Sure thing but I'll be in uniform ;) is cum required?
>that a disaproving look?
No I was just looking at the camera lol haven't started the set yet just did a final fitting today and waiting on one more item from the mail tomorrow. Omg HTA I've said this a million times I don't care if you "copy" anything, its not like I'm the first to post my ass or anything. Just do whatever you want! Nothing planned tomorrow beside making OC XD Oh your cardio was never outside? Odd I thought it was lol yeah just go to the park, why does it matter if people are there?
Yeah be truthful after you get the job and only if they ask you directly. Welcome to work politics and tactics :P
11/15/24(Fri)01:30:05 No.927403658
Next decade sure but will they let a femboy use it for the horny? Probably not.
Yeah the heels push to it towards office territory and the props I'm gonna use also do that, hope that's okay ;)
Nah I'd just keep you cuffed and rub my cock on your face until you beg me for a taste, just let the precum drip on your lips.
Yes please. So badly..
What do you think I taste like anon? Will you swallow all of me?
Oh wow a real newcomer then, I've been posting here for over 2 years now but over every few days. So as a lurker did you come here to goon with us? Hmm?
Holy shit Guren someones been a very very busy bee. What has been your fav pic so far?
11/15/24(Fri)01:33:02 No.927403717
you better enjoy it, it hurt and they fell out making hella noise. now my roommate is awake
11/15/24(Fri)01:34:43 No.927403754
Oh I have lots of stamina, I hope you can take all seven…
Make sure to hydrate! Can’t have you dying on me :}
I have no idea lol. This one turned out pretty good given the prompt! I have a ton and I’m gonna keep going until Saturday night so there might be a hard hitter yet to come.
You’ll have to talk me through it. Instruct me on how I should take you all the way down <3
11/15/24(Fri)01:35:16 No.927403765
More spicy photo :b
11/15/24(Fri)01:36:02 No.927403785
Sorry anon. I posted yesterday but you weren't around
11/15/24(Fri)01:36:20 No.927403789
11/15/24(Fri)01:39:04 No.927403862
hope this is good :3
he's straight sadly
he knows, he caught me one in that outfit pounding my ass. he just said ''my bad'' and we never mentioned it again
11/15/24(Fri)01:40:28 No.927403910
11/15/24(Fri)01:43:30 No.927403987
11/15/24(Fri)01:44:31 No.927404010
Good boy~
I’ll have you cumming with your last breath, and I won’t let a single drop go to waste.
A little rough don’t you think? Don’t worry, I’m very durable ;}
11/15/24(Fri)01:44:47 No.927404014
Best i can do is this i forgot i took this photo.
Anyways gotta shave for tomorrows photos
11/15/24(Fri)01:48:27 No.927404088
I want you do fuck me so hard my legs are too weak to stand, all I can do is crawl up slowly to your cock to beg for more <3 Make me addicted to being used by you but promise to take care of me after you break me
I mean kinda hard to do when I'm wearing a mask but I'll see what I can do XD
>pound cake
Hehe well my body lotion smells like coconut so maybe that, now come here and clean me up. Don't waste a single drop!
Hmm yes anon paint my insides white and continue to breed me. Let me feel you get hard inside me <3 Omg cum jacking off is so hot, cum again for me. I want your hands sticky and gross, lick them clean after okay?
Dam Guren so what prompted this mass oc spree? I wouldn't mind seeing you add another light source to contrast the purple here, kinda dark. Also I think you have a clone here haha
*Spits on Tims face* I bet you would love that >:)
Oh korean BBQ is awesome, really it just cooking small pieces of marinated meat on a grill with a bunch of side. Super fun and tasty! Aw man its not the old friend is it? Cause that would suck if he lost his job :(
Imagine a cali clone threesome :3 fuck please use that as a prompt now. I wanna see 2 of me getting fucked!
Hmmm not a bad item, I do still have baby oil from the old summer set. Noted!
I've been working all day chasing scrum like you, so my cock is sweaty as hell. My cock needs to be clean, open up like a good boy and stick out that whore tongue.
11/15/24(Fri)01:49:27 No.927404105
11/15/24(Fri)01:53:29 No.927404188
You’re a very good slut. Now cum for me, cum all over your screen so I know just how much you whore yourself for me.
Oh I’m very tough, be as rough as you can <3
I guess it’s confession time huh? I’m gonna be gone until basically next year so I’m making a bunch of stuff so it’ll make the wait less awkward :P I’ll still post here but nothing new until about January 15th
11/15/24(Fri)01:55:00 No.927404220
Not sure :3 I'll tell you if I am tho once I do :P
You have a nice Butt&Lips^^
Hey Guren =D hows it going?! Looks like you've done a lot of OC tonight GoodBoy*X*<333
Annnnnnnnnnnd I *CAME*@~@ FUUUUUUCK that felt GOOOD Cali( ´ཀ` ) you really going to hang urFeeet up in the air like that all defenseless and delicate tehehe think I won't catch them??? >:3
>final fitting
So you do Practice Runs beforehand? Thats Smart, does it help clear your mind for horny? >:3
>I don't care if you "copy" anything, its not like I'm the first to post my ass or anything.
Thx Cali <3 for the reassurance. Although it is technicanally different cuz its a Prison Guard hehe. Alsoo I am probs getting some additional StudioLights for the Sides they are kinda cheap at $28 but come with 2 I think they'll really help, not getting a Background tho but I'll get Creative :P (btw is BodyGloss Oil worth $15 or is it just like BabyOil?)
>Nothing planned tomorrow beside making OC XD
Wht about urFrens Birthday Party : O going to eat anything fancy???~~~And yeah at least not in Texas, near my Cousin's yeah a bit around the School, and idk but I just get anxious when in Public if there are people starimg at me but I can just put Earbuds in and try to ignore them.
>>>Welcome to work politics and tactics :P
You should Write a Book Mommmy^^ you are so Smart<333
11/15/24(Fri)01:58:09 No.927404298
11/15/24(Fri)01:59:05 No.927404319
11/15/24(Fri)02:00:52 No.927404363
glazed in precum~
11/15/24(Fri)02:02:05 No.927404383
11/15/24(Fri)02:02:25 No.927404395
Work my shaft and use those tongue muscles, do you like the taste of femboy cum? Here come give me a kiss so we can share <3
What I wouldn't give to be woken up in the middle of the night with a cock inside me, pounding me hard and making me moan and whimper until I get creampied. Dazed and confused my cock leaks endlessly, legs tremble and I fall back asleep ;) hehehe
Hey always love meeting new degenerate fucks here XD So what kinda stuff are you into anon? Traps/femboys/trans or just curious? Yeah I only post at night pacific time so while its rare to catch me, I am usually constant with timing haha
Bitch you never said where XD lube can be applied anywhere! kekeke
How about I drool in your mouth would you accept that instead? Oh no I get sad when older folk lose their job or at risk of it at least :( especially like everyday jobs like retail and stuff. Must be hard for him, make sure to treat him to a good time okay?
Omg please show me a picture next time okay? Can't keep you are such a slut, its get me hard :3 Goodnight!
Okay for a second there I thought you meant you were leaving for a entire year and I got sad. But 2025 is in 1.5 months lol so that much more understandable but if I may. Why are you leaving? Just school/vacation time?
11/15/24(Fri)02:02:51 No.927404405
twin with the lights :3
11/15/24(Fri)02:03:55 No.927404419
>Imagine a cali clone threesome :3 fuck please use that as a prompt now. I wanna see 2 of me getting fucked!
Sorry Cali. Skill issue here, I can't make multiple clones
>Hmmm not a bad item, I do still have baby oil from the old summer set. Noted!
>I've been working all day chasing scrum like you, so my cock is sweaty as hell. My cock needs to be clean, open up like a good boy and stick out that whore tongue.
Officer I can't move that much and I need to clean it properly. Just slam it in so I can also use my tongue to lick your balls while your cock is deep down my throat.
11/15/24(Fri)02:04:30 No.927404427
I know it is not for everyone, but I think it looks pretty hot
11/15/24(Fri)02:07:46 No.927404482
last pic for the night
full slut mode <3
11/15/24(Fri)02:09:28 No.927404506
Hey! I didn't say you could cum yet! Dam the second you stop trying to hold back your cumbrain just takes over again doesn't it? Have I not posted that pic before?
Of course I do practice rounds, gotta see how everything feels and see how lighting is too. Cuts down on mistakes and shooting fine. No I have to stay horny during the shoot to get hard and do the precum pics LOL
Oh nice yeah more lights will be good for your pics too and I'm not sure how body gloss oil works but the thing with baby oil is it dries fast. I remember having to constantly reapply it and it was annoying. Birthday dinner is on sat and we going to Korean BBQ, super tasty! But if you're just jogging no one is gonna give a fuck lol relax you'll be fine.
Fuck that picture is hot and I wish I could have a background like that! Learn the skill you can do it! I gotta break into the police department for horny pics!
Do you like being face fucked by a your femboy officer? Say it. Say you love it and love the taste of me.
11/15/24(Fri)02:11:16 No.927404534
you cute as hell :3 goals frl
and yea full slut mode, nights make me horny like nothing else and being caged is... something LOL