Still don't understand why fags repeat the subject in the body, but whatevs..
Can we make this a "let's ignore namefags who don't post OC or otherwise interdasting pics edition"? Trap threads always go fairly fast, but ever since """they""" started their shit these breads die quick while """they""" get their (you)'s.
11/04/24(Mon)02:01:48 No.926928738
11/04/24(Mon)02:02:20 No.926928752
cute pic of Amanda Riley and Daisy Taylor :3
Black Anon
11/04/24(Mon)02:05:24 No.926928821
Can’t post the video but could you swing it side to side
Black Anon
11/04/24(Mon)02:07:35 No.926928870
Ignore larping trolls
11/04/24(Mon)02:07:52 No.926928874
Fair enough, but haven't seen these breads hit image limit in a while. Usually hit bump limit much quicker. We'll see doe..
BTW, everyone just ignore the one above me.
11/04/24(Mon)02:08:09 No.926928880
Poo poo
11/04/24(Mon)02:10:59 No.926928927
11/04/24(Mon)02:11:14 No.926928933
11/04/24(Mon)02:11:30 No.926928942
11/04/24(Mon)02:12:48 No.926928968
Cereally dude, just ignore him
11/04/24(Mon)02:12:54 No.926928970
11/04/24(Mon)02:15:58 No.926929042
yea i don't think i'll bother getting it out tn but i have some stuff in a cage
11/04/24(Mon)02:16:05 No.926929047
If I was larping as a namefag why didn't I have a name, newfriend?
11/04/24(Mon)02:18:17 No.926929098
11/04/24(Mon)02:18:42 No.926929108
How about you schizo's poast some traps/femboys or stfu and fap?
11/04/24(Mon)02:18:47 No.926929109
11/04/24(Mon)02:20:09 No.926929142
11/04/24(Mon)02:20:43 No.926929157
11/04/24(Mon)02:20:55 No.926929165
i also have vids like that ehe :P
11/04/24(Mon)02:22:36 No.926929200
11/04/24(Mon)02:24:08 No.926929237
11/04/24(Mon)02:24:25 No.926929243
11/04/24(Mon)02:28:26 No.926929338
One of my favs, def busted a few nuts to it
11/04/24(Mon)02:28:43 No.926929341
When tf did cherry come into this? Why are you autists so obsessed with him?
11/04/24(Mon)02:30:41 No.926929392
yay :D
11/04/24(Mon)02:30:55 No.926929400
my other other wife
11/04/24(Mon)02:31:27 No.926929412
not sleeping?
11/04/24(Mon)02:32:07 No.926929429
Oh yes me too! Its the part that makes pics the most.. connectable? Hard to explain I guess, its a big deal/risk for me to post these pics eyes and all haha Yeah wait until black friday good idea and would you recommend Dan Da Dan? I only seen the memes so was wondering if it was any good
We barely know each other anon XD
Hahaha hell no I would never wear clear shoes, that's so weird might as well go barefoot at that :P I mean the IKEA hotdog isn't that big but no cause I am biting it like a normal person you pervert! Just realized melting hot cheese on my feet is a bad idea lol not my fault you love gooning to me so much kekeke you have no self control. Well you don't have to do NNN, this was your choice. You can just call it quits if you wanted to silly. Wtf grandma got two cakes, thats not fair I only got one XD
Well just so you know Ai Anon I have made 34 sets over the course of 2.5 years and have posted probably over 1500x pics at this point. My older stuff is.. rough looking back it though. I actually had to look at my folder to remember what CC meant hahaha but what do you think of this pic then? Ehh I think it would look bad and there are parts of my room and place I'd rather not show is all. I want the best I can get!
Hell I'd probs cum before you get to taste me, how about to clean me up and then you can get facefucked by a femboy hmm?
Ahhh well welcome to the degeneracy anon! Please enjoy the sights and goon as you please ;)
11/04/24(Mon)02:32:21 No.926929434
11/04/24(Mon)02:32:52 No.926929449
proof 1
11/04/24(Mon)02:33:24 No.926929462
proof 2
11/04/24(Mon)02:34:29 No.926929494
U wot, m8?
Yes, I know the story. But he's not here. I haven't even seen a damn cherry pic ITT. It's just spergs obsessed with him poasting in every bread.
11/04/24(Mon)02:35:43 No.926929521
11/04/24(Mon)02:37:44 No.926929564
I’ll squeeze hare for ya <3
11/04/24(Mon)02:41:46 No.926929659
UWU how did ufeel when you came Cali???? I wntMami to*SPUUURT*~down myThroat whenever you are feeling frustrated tehe>W< Also just so you know those sudden replies are trolls, they have been Obsessed with me and others, I haven't been on here since Halloween other than lurking once in a while, they are weirdos who I suspect is blackanon, since he keeps talking shit about me when I'm not even talking to him.
>Hahaha hell no I would never wear clear shoes, that's so weird might as well go barefoot at that :P
>kekeke you have no self control.
SAWI>< anand yeh u culd do Chocos instead hehe and ik but I want to Prove I can do at least a WEEK for you HBQWGF>< AND YEH hehe, wht Cake did u get :P
11/04/24(Mon)02:42:13 No.926929670
hi :)
I just woke up!! Play with me hehe
11/04/24(Mon)02:42:26 No.926929680
11/04/24(Mon)02:44:46 No.926929739
11/04/24(Mon)02:46:50 No.926929789
11/04/24(Mon)02:47:54 No.926929818
Cali do not respond to the schizo, he is samefagging so obvious and hard right now hes probably going to have a Heart Attack at this rate.
11/04/24(Mon)02:49:58 No.926929869
;) you need to sleep tho
come here sweetie
11/04/24(Mon)02:50:20 No.926929879
Do it, faggot.
11/04/24(Mon)02:51:53 No.926929905
mmmm i’m gon bed now <3
11/04/24(Mon)02:53:02 No.926929937
Well I'm here to tell you, you do deserve new things! I might give it watch cause I just wanna watch something that's not reruns of It's Always Sunny LOL You still talking to your brother? How's that going? Don't worry its so obvious its 1 person doing it all.
Hi Jess I gotta sleep soon but wanted to say nice fat ass there ;)
Good good, thats what I like to hear!
I had to edge a lot beforehand and drink lots of water, couldn't squirt too hard cause I wanted the cum to run down my cock and take the pic in time before I went soft again LOL Yeah don't worry about the troll its very clear its 1 person trying to stir up drama again :P
Nooo I don't like going barefoot, I don't like dirty feet! Well as long as you want to continue NNN that's fine oh back during my B-day I got ice cream cake haha cause I love it so much from Dairy Queen
What? Really? Are you sure? Like does the archive count reposts of pics? Dam I need to count them now.
Ahh the succubus set is literally just my bedroom wall and most of my early sets where that too. I'm trying my best to find good locations to shoot for some variety. Glad it makes your perv mouth water Ai Anon ;) Now have some more..
Thanks dad
Goodnight Guren!
11/04/24(Mon)02:55:05 No.926929987
skin tag, i have one down there as well.
11/04/24(Mon)02:58:25 No.926930058
lol thx
Cali, don't sleep and show me that cock more. I'd like to worship it
A dollar would be enough
lol then start jerking!!!
11/04/24(Mon)02:59:11 No.926930070
See, this is why we need to bring timestamps back.. In addition to other reasons.
11/04/24(Mon)03:04:11 No.926930175
Welp all hell has broke loose LOL Oh gosh I would also loved a full wardrobe update, hey go to IKEA and look at bed frames! Well lets keep the conversation going with him okay?
Ohhh I can't Jess I have work tomorrow :( Here have this pic and imagine like I'm about to sit on your face :3
11/04/24(Mon)03:04:28 No.926930183
2.8k??? I dnt even have that much : O are u sure Freno???? I need to do a DEEPDIVE aswell, did u use TheBArchive?
TEHE>W< I need to drink more Water that reminds me, I wana do 1 of those Pics but there HARDDD to do. And yeah its really weird, its ofc someone who has a 4ChanPass and they are spamming with it or sum. I just want the Threads to be COZY so sad to see.
>Nooo I don't like going barefoot, I don't like dirty feet!
Not even if I Cleaaan them ;3;3 I wana CLEAN THEM MAMA( ´ཀ` ) and glad to hear Cali sounds lovely probs guna have sum IceCream after this~BTWWW for the VA thing I won't get paid until December and its guna be A LOT then its like 2k after Monthly with no Taxes, but we are really bad Financially right now so as much as I dnt wnt too I need to get a Job to unfuck any debts we have so we dnt have to worry about thek anymore, so yeah I am Certified as a VA Cartaker now which is Official and I just got that in the Mail Double-Confirming it and I can also have a Job on the side =D
~ALSOOO I will send Animal Crossing Pics later of Halloween (I Missed It, BUUUT Still Doing It :3) and stuff along with My Completed Locktober Report<333
11/04/24(Mon)03:12:11 No.926930360
What about THAT pic makes it bad? Looks like smooth faceless fag in girly shit. Omitting, of course, the face. The most essential feature by most standards to determine whether or not someone is pretty.
11/04/24(Mon)03:15:55 No.926930441
11/04/24(Mon)03:18:23 No.926930491
Don't be like nigger anon, just be an anon.
Question still stands for the larper though.
11/04/24(Mon)03:19:24 No.926930511
happy if i post oc?
11/04/24(Mon)03:20:57 No.926930535
Idk but I'm an asian
Would love to lick every inch of your hole and balls!! Goodnight Cali
11/04/24(Mon)03:21:14 No.926930544
>2.8k??? I dnt even have that much : O are u sure Freno????
100% sure but mostly dupes. I spent the weekend leaking from browsing Cali's uploads
11/04/24(Mon)03:21:19 No.926930546
11/04/24(Mon)03:22:45 No.926930576
been namefagging for a year and a half bro
11/04/24(Mon)03:23:22 No.926930592
Should I make a Pastebin or something documenting all of the niggers trolling? Getting real sick of him, like right now with his sperging. Just something quick and easy to show Anons and Posters alike, anybody have an established Timeline for the nigger sperging?
11/04/24(Mon)03:24:11 No.926930612
I'm not going into the deep archives for this trap. but heres another from my my unsorted stash.
11/04/24(Mon)03:26:57 No.926930669
might be lunatrap
11/04/24(Mon)03:27:54 No.926930688
Tbh I've seen that pic, fam. But lacking even a partial face you're bretty forgettable. You're no Jess or that butterface who sometimes posts (pic rel, serious butterface, but I'd marry his ass).
11/04/24(Mon)03:30:54 No.926930736
Waiting to get some cum shower
11/04/24(Mon)03:31:56 No.926930759
Okok I just added up all the pics I have on hand (not counting special one-off pics) its comes to a grand total of
1244x unique pics, so the archive is defs counting based off of how many times I've posted. Honestly I thought I'd have more LOL Let me leave you with a new booty hole pic Ai Anon, rub your cock on the screen and cum on it >:) Goodnight!
Holy fucking shit, thats some old ass shit in there lol but you don't have them all ;)
>Newbie Trips
Good night new anon! Thanks for coming by!
Oh hate shopping for clothes? I got a easy solution, just get a maid dress and wear it everyday. EZPZ Tim!
Well if you see him in person that would be a good to time to talk but anyways I gotta sleep now Tim, goodnight!
You can't do one of those pics now anyways cause you can't cum >:) Eh don't worry about it threads come and go, they are eternal remember?
Yeah but to clean them that means they were dirty to begin with, not for me sweetie. No barefoot for me. Yes congratz on getting certified as a VA caretaker! Yes be smart with your money and don't buy things for the sake of buying things cause I know you like to do it. Lovely to see you're taking all of this seriously. Okay sleep time for me, its late :P
Cya Jess! Entertain the boys for me
Yeah sorry PAnon I am sleeping now but its kinda wild in here anyways. That being said I guess I have to show you the pic you requested next time ;)
LAST POST sleepy time, thanks for the fun everyone! Cali signing off
11/04/24(Mon)03:47:14 No.926931038
MOMMMMMMY@~@>< I ALMOST CAME!!!hbgqwf>< soPRETTTY I want to*BREEED*youuu(゚∀゚)~
>You can't do one of those pics now anyways cause you can't cum >:)
HEHEHEHE>W< sotrueMami! mypathetic PP dsnt deserve to cum without urPermissionand I will*OBEY* to the best of my Abilities and then try to recreate dat Pics =F
>they are eternal remember?
True<333 I am hoping they become better with some time, we have seen worse here and have gotten through it.
>No barefoot for me.
OHNooo૮꒰◞ ˕ ◟ ྀི꒱აBwunnny swad now, can u still wear FlipFlops???HNQWF>W<
>Yes congratz on getting certified as a VA caretaker! Yes be smart with your money and don't buy things for the sake of buying things cause I know you like to do it.
It wsnt as hard as I thought it wuld be :P and yes Cali I Promise<333 I Wish I culd spoil you with it aswell ngl but maybe sumday tehe~yeh just need to get rid of these debts I am tired of hearing my Mom talk about them its ofc really stressful for her (and us) and I do not want that to go on.
>Okay sleep time for me, its late :P
Have A Goodnight Cali ILU3U3 Sweeet Dreams It Was FUN~*XOXO*<3333
Night Tim :3
11/04/24(Mon)03:53:22 No.926931173
They're from fucking Thailand (or maybe the Philippines) or some shit. They don't have much choice. My guess (seriously, pure guess, I'm not into trannies, just femboys) is that you have a slightly better chance of getting a trad tranny waifu there as you do here.
11/04/24(Mon)03:54:11 No.926931192
Black Anon
11/04/24(Mon)04:05:30 No.926931430
Alright, I’m back
Not a good idea to eat and then play Silent Hill right after
I’m a little nauseous
11/04/24(Mon)04:18:15 No.926931683
11/04/24(Mon)04:19:24 No.926931713
Black Anon
11/04/24(Mon)04:20:30 No.926931733
Hearts, my beloved
11/04/24(Mon)04:25:09 No.926931841
11/04/24(Mon)04:43:47 No.926932191
Check'd. Dunno but if this helps.. Would say google reverse search, but that seems to suck as of late.
11/04/24(Mon)04:46:24 No.926932230
In what regard? That gooks tend toward to trad values, that they tend to prostitution, troonism, or what?
11/04/24(Mon)04:46:29 No.926932233
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/04/24(Mon)04:55:04 No.926932375
11/04/24(Mon)04:58:32 No.926932433
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/04/24(Mon)05:01:02 No.926932475
11/04/24(Mon)05:11:39 No.926932651
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/04/24(Mon)05:16:35 No.926932731
I mean yes lol but I'm going to bed, was just dropping by to see what was going on
11/04/24(Mon)05:29:08 No.926932959
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/04/24(Mon)05:31:15 No.926932987
Ashley Boobit died a traitor.
11/04/24(Mon)06:18:05 No.926933691
11/04/24(Mon)06:19:35 No.926933715
In the ether of countless other noteless and faceless fags. Why don't you become an an hero and her him?
11/04/24(Mon)06:25:05 No.926933809
Yeah, I'm jelly. He's a solid 3/5, and I'm an iffy 2/5. Still don't prove your point. If you even have a fucking point aside from trolling...
11/04/24(Mon)06:28:49 No.926933888
11/04/24(Mon)06:29:31 No.926933907
>mfw nigger anon employ spics to post on his behalf
11/04/24(Mon)06:31:07 No.926933933
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/04/24(Mon)06:32:33 No.926933963
What's not to understand? You're obviously a man of leisure, what with your free time.