Probably not if people keep giving the samefagging tard (you)'s.
10/26/24(Sat)12:51:54 No.926539774
10/26/24(Sat)12:55:11 No.926539883
10/26/24(Sat)12:55:27 No.926539897
10/26/24(Sat)12:56:34 No.926539940
10/26/24(Sat)13:03:58 No.926540209
good morning thread ^_^
10/26/24(Sat)13:09:24 No.926540416
10/26/24(Sat)13:11:12 No.926540484
that's me! :P
hai hubby :3
10/26/24(Sat)13:13:41 No.926540574
10/26/24(Sat)13:14:26 No.926540596
You remind me of Alizee, you have her body type... maybe you can wear a sailor outfit like she did and grind on mee???
10/26/24(Sat)13:15:40 No.926540639
the patterns look nice on photos, so I like them
10/26/24(Sat)13:18:53 No.926540756
10/26/24(Sat)13:19:10 No.926540771
I'm honored to be compared to such a beautiful woman, just for that maybe I could do that for you? >:3
10/26/24(Sat)13:19:25 No.926540784
10/26/24(Sat)13:20:20 No.926540823
10/26/24(Sat)13:22:32 No.926540910
Hearts got any jean shorts?
10/26/24(Sat)13:28:00 No.926541146
10/26/24(Sat)13:28:33 No.926541180
10/26/24(Sat)13:29:05 No.926541205
10/26/24(Sat)13:29:44 No.926541233
sometimes i get weird looks at the gym
10/26/24(Sat)13:31:22 No.926541303
10/26/24(Sat)13:39:00 No.926541634
10/26/24(Sat)13:39:13 No.926541643
sorry I was busy
here's the fett frames. most of this gear I had earned back in 2014/15 (what was the endgame at the time) so had a bunch of resources/weapons already piled up when i came back. my frames don't do a good job of showing the sheer variety you can pull off with these things. the granularity of the customization is almost absurd but if you play you already know this.
the game has expanded so much I basically got kicked back to Venus and had to progress through the new quest system with my oldfag gear
10/26/24(Sat)13:41:42 No.926541746
10/26/24(Sat)13:42:17 No.926541769
Yeah somewhere but put away for winter lol
10/26/24(Sat)13:45:53 No.926541933
10/26/24(Sat)14:02:49 No.926542769
10/26/24(Sat)14:04:34 No.926542831
Hearts and Rach vid like this please
10/26/24(Sat)14:05:11 No.926542854
>So I'm assuming thats just adding open world elements to the early game
yeah i had a lot of that same disorientation. weird mix of unlocked later game segments but questing the early game again. the quests are phenomenal and basically every one introduces some new type of gear or gameplay mechanic (railjack missions can level all of your equipment btw, like when you need to level up after formas)
>I'm surprised at how quickly I started mashing ctrl + space over & over.
wait until you get some good melee attack speed + mobility mods, it gets fucking goofy
> for pure goofy factor I know I'm gonna buy the Bonaparte Skin and force myself to main Vauban or something.
vauban is an og, I love him
top recommendation is play whatever looks coolest and is the most fun. I personally love mesa because she forces me to get good with the gunplay
10/26/24(Sat)14:12:33 No.926543165
best use case
10/26/24(Sat)14:18:11 No.926543380
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)14:20:53 No.926543495
Got a bit of time to relax for a little bit. How is it going Anons? :3
10/26/24(Sat)14:24:31 No.926543649
10/26/24(Sat)14:25:57 No.926543714
10/26/24(Sat)14:26:36 No.926543750
happy saturday, y'all <3 lil selfie from today :3
10/26/24(Sat)14:28:38 No.926543833
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/26/24(Sat)14:31:26 No.926543940
10/26/24(Sat)14:32:38 No.926543987
10/26/24(Sat)14:33:30 No.926544024
10/26/24(Sat)14:35:27 No.926544096
you get his blueprint through one of the main quests, components are a little trickier though. you get quite a few frames/components through questing
>Also the graphics got way better I feel, either that or it holds up great, lotta the enemy designs, especially the Grineer, are really cool.
agreed, but one thing I'd suggest is turning on enemy highlights in the accessibility menu, because they can be a little hard to distinguish from the background sometimes. I set mine bright red at 35%. in that menu you can also set semi auto weapons to fire automatically which is all godsend for a boomer like me who can't see and has carpal tunnel. enemy highlights actually made me feel like I could be previse in my movements cuz I could finally see
>How easy is it to get platinum btw? That's like the big f2p currency right?
honestly 20-30bux you could probably set yourself right with everything you could reasonably want. otherwise you can sell blueprints for platinum in the trade window. use the warframe market to check market proves. using brackets you can also link any item in the game in chat, if you want to look at it
10/26/24(Sat)14:36:29 No.926544133
Naomi Gomez
10/26/24(Sat)14:36:30 No.926544134
10/26/24(Sat)14:37:15 No.926544158
10/26/24(Sat)14:39:17 No.926544219
10/26/24(Sat)14:39:47 No.926544238
oooh maybe a month or so? :0
10/26/24(Sat)14:40:08 No.926544245
<3 :D
10/26/24(Sat)14:41:43 No.926544308
I almost got into warframe bad. But I play too many other games to get anywhere in it lol. That grind is real. An my friends stopped playin' it
10/26/24(Sat)14:44:39 No.926544404
fuck yeah red heels
10/26/24(Sat)14:47:26 No.926544502
10/26/24(Sat)14:50:44 No.926544619
so pretty ...
10/26/24(Sat)14:51:05 No.926544628
now I'm blushing xD thank you! :D
I'm here from time to time :D especially busy during the week due to work, but I'll try to pop in more often :3
sure! :D
10/26/24(Sat)14:55:07 No.926544752
oooh the fall could be fun :0, I've always liked the cool, yet bearable weather
and of course I'd wear earings! any earnings you want in fact :P
10/26/24(Sat)15:02:49 No.926544993
I'm fine with both, open up >:3
some cute hoop earrings would work ^_^
10/26/24(Sat)15:04:39 No.926545045
I really haven't noticed the grind being all that bad yet. the way they structure the game, you can always progress toward other content or equipment while you're working on your actual goals. I've honestly ran into so little of the "go to x and kill x things," I actually find it nostalgic when it happens, cuz then it feels like a traditional mmo instead of "every mmo you ever played but better"
>THANK YOU for that accessability tweak holy shit
extremely welcome, glad it helped you out lol
>I might just end up buying it then, cuz I can tell after work the drip-feedy-ness of not having it could get a bit cancerous
no shame in buying your first frame, or two, just so you have something you enjoy playing while you progress. it's cheaper to buy the components in trade with p and then just build them yourself tbh, even if you have to rush it.
>I've got to make an appearence at a gay halloween party, aka drink 4 beers and fuck off back home to jerk off and play warframe.
the life of the ultimate bachelor
>as usual, that one you posted earlier might turn me into a footfag like HTA.
hehe, glad you like it.
i honestly enjoy just coming in here and just posting about vidya I like lmao
10/26/24(Sat)15:05:22 No.926545061
ooh, okay! let me see what I can do :)
thanks! :D
10/26/24(Sat)15:17:40 No.926545417
10/26/24(Sat)15:19:12 No.926545483
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)15:39:47 No.926546254
>Mess? like you’re sick :(. I wouldn’t care tbh you too cute.
No I'm not sick, my hair looks bad, I need to shave and my face is bad too :(
>I’d make you something to eat tho How’s school?
I would love some home cook food, it ok got a D in math sadly
10/26/24(Sat)15:40:13 No.926546264
10/26/24(Sat)15:40:49 No.926546289
10/26/24(Sat)15:41:02 No.926546297
Proof 1
10/26/24(Sat)15:41:33 No.926546314
Proof 2
10/26/24(Sat)15:43:19 No.926546370
I normally would like black lipstick to complete more more gothic look, but maybe some red lipstick for the wedding dress? whatever looks hotter slurping down your cock, it's up to you ;3
this might be your best one yet, this is insane :0
10/26/24(Sat)15:44:19 No.926546406
10/26/24(Sat)15:46:48 No.926546476
10/26/24(Sat)15:47:58 No.926546524
that would take some time to render, with all that fabric and skin detail... screw cinebench, trapbench here we go :P
well, correct
I like the amount of detail on it, nailed the focus and all the colors too...
10/26/24(Sat)15:50:04 No.926546606
thank you, I can see from your name why you like it >w<
I saved it even, these threads are only made better with your photos :D
10/26/24(Sat)15:52:49 No.926546710
cant wait to leave black lipstick marks all over your cock >:3
thank you! it's one of my favs ^_^
10/26/24(Sat)15:54:43 No.926546790
10/26/24(Sat)15:56:42 No.926546864
scared :(
thank you :P
I've been told I'm big for someone my size >:3
10/26/24(Sat)15:59:24 No.926547028
wanna taste? >:3
10/26/24(Sat)16:00:35 No.926547077
Thank you!
xD Nope no titties here! Natural twink/femboy body
Hey Kao how you been? Still sexy as always ;D
Fr your lighting and well, everything in this pic is fantastic!
10/26/24(Sat)16:00:59 No.926547090
I'm not really good at that type of role play, maybe towards someone who's smaller, younger and submissive.. otherwise it feels kind of weird.
I always like to do some good colors while shooting the photos, lit everything well in some interesting way. Post editing is mostly about bringing the color up, but never faking it completely, otherwise it would look... well just fake.
yeah, but it's always good when there's multiple posters active and thread isn't as bad, posting OC alone can't fix horrible threads but it certainly helps
10/26/24(Sat)16:01:18 No.926547100
i look skinnyfat but worth a post anyways..
10/26/24(Sat)16:11:46 No.926547523
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/26/24(Sat)16:15:00 No.926547653
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)16:16:04 No.926547706
>What’s happened? Probably a mix of stress and other stuff I’m guessing. Your face is cute tho.
Yeah, and being busying with school so I forget sometimes to take care of myself :(
>What would you like to eat? Dang those aren’t the good D’s Fuck that sucks. I wish I was smarter to tutor you man.
I'm down for anything ;3 it alright anon math suck
back on my laptop
10/26/24(Sat)16:16:48 No.926547738
bulge is as nuzzle-able as ever! >:3
10/26/24(Sat)16:18:07 No.926547791
hehe, what a shame! :P
here ya go! :D freshly taken <3
10/26/24(Sat)16:19:29 No.926547862
Please do.
10/26/24(Sat)16:19:41 No.926547875
hmm, it will be sunny and nice day tomorrow again, considering going out to take some more pics while I still can... but kind of risky, there will be people everywhere on sunday :X
10/26/24(Sat)16:30:40 No.926548368
Thats what i need rn.
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)16:31:57 No.926548425
>Not much free time. Let me take care of you easy just keep stuff clean and my cock blue balls free. I’ll cook for you too ;)
Ah anon that sounds great hehe UwU
>I might log back into discord but I gotta get drink first lol wanna add me if I do?
Sure why not
10/26/24(Sat)16:35:09 No.926548566
I'm kind of well known for the quality around here, using proper camera etc. One of the reasons I started was too many oversmoothed and filtered photos around...
I like to keep all the details and so all pics stand out even more, but it's not easy as at this resolution, you can see everything, all the flaws...
And yes, these really look great on 4K monitor, like on OLED with the vibrant colors etc.
10/26/24(Sat)16:36:27 No.926548612
yeah old EU hours were comfy, not sure where cowie disappeared though
10/26/24(Sat)16:37:56 No.926548667
:D I'd love that :3
10/26/24(Sat)16:39:52 No.926548722
she is very much not
10/26/24(Sat)16:40:49 No.926548751
Wanna discord?
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)16:41:54 No.926548790
>yeah old EU hours were comfy, not sure where cowie disappeared though
I think Cowie got alcohol poisoning then die or he find someone. I miss him sometimes
10/26/24(Sat)16:45:05 No.926548901
Aww thank you ^_^ right back at ya ;D I wanna tease that cute cock of yours all constricted by those fishnets
I need to take some new pics soon! I'm hanging out with friends tonight but maybe after that I'll have some time to get lewd
10/26/24(Sat)16:45:59 No.926548933
10/26/24(Sat)16:47:10 No.926548976
10/26/24(Sat)16:48:10 No.926549018
10/26/24(Sat)16:48:44 No.926549041
ehm... well it would be more like this...
I always try to find some quiet, private place... but people will wander everywhere, walking dogs or riding mountain bikes and such.
I miss old EU hours too. Not sure what happened to Cowie, disappeared from day to day, haven't said anything weird before it either.
10/26/24(Sat)16:50:07 No.926549084
By far my favorite shemale
10/26/24(Sat)16:55:20 No.926549266
I am at Portugal. Im happy to satisfy raging bulls like you. Fast and hard.
Im a sissy cuck husband.
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)16:55:39 No.926549278
>You’re so cute dude. Just want to bear hug you
Thanks anon >< I need a bear hug to be real.
>Sweet, I’m gonna look for my discord tag rq I don’t remember the login lol
Kek good luck with that
>I miss old EU hours too. Not sure what happened to Cowie, disappeared from day to day, haven't said anything weird before it either.
Indeed, hope he ok
10/26/24(Sat)17:03:08 No.926549522
thank you :3 now I really want to be fucked lol
such a cutie <3
so sexy :3
10/26/24(Sat)17:03:26 No.926549536
10/26/24(Sat)17:07:20 No.926549680
maybe you should get a pair of fishnets? :0
do it then >:3
10/26/24(Sat)17:09:25 No.926549753
forgot to put my name, SHIT >:/
10/26/24(Sat)17:09:40 No.926549763
I have some experience there :P
10/26/24(Sat)17:18:58 No.926550103
Thank youu! Your pretty sexy yourself ;D would put my hands all over, an I love your hair! Closed my tab an caught the 15 min captcha again. lame.
10/26/24(Sat)17:19:29 No.926550128
10/26/24(Sat)17:22:29 No.926550277
I really should! It's on my list for sure <3 I has some hot pink ones but I got rid of em. Plus I like the look of black alot more.
10/26/24(Sat)17:25:44 No.926550405
<3 <3
hope you don't mind all of moaning xD I can be a bit vocal :3
such a cute butt <3 I'd love to give it a squeeze :D plus, public play is a huge kink of mine :D
mmmph <3
10/26/24(Sat)17:26:03 No.926550414
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)17:26:39 No.926550437
>Dude I’d give you much more than that. Cuddling would be nice too that’d be sick lol
>I probably should have logged in before I drank lol
You are drinking alcohol anon?
10/26/24(Sat)17:30:20 No.926550578
Julia Rubio
UWU anon
10/26/24(Sat)17:36:05 No.926550861
>Yee I’ve been sober for a yearish lol I’m not an alcoholic it’s just I didn’t drink lol.
>I found my discord name is :Raca559
>Like my gamertag lol
kek I add you
10/26/24(Sat)17:42:15 No.926551140
10/26/24(Sat)17:43:23 No.926551184
10/26/24(Sat)17:45:00 No.926551257
Ah that would turn me on so much, its one of my kinks as well :*) Not to exhibitionist levels but if someone was slyly groping me in public that would turn me on, alot <3 I'd return the favor ^_^
10/26/24(Sat)17:51:33 No.926551514
Or we could find someplace somewhat secluded and I'd pin you to a wall and grope your cock til you started to throb, then pull yours and mine out and rub them together as people passed by not to far from us <3
Wasn't it you who I was talking to about having plugs in each other with remotes so that we could make each others knees buckle as we walked around town >;D?
10/26/24(Sat)17:54:52 No.926551650
fuuuck o.o that sounds so hot :3 I just know that I'd end up on my knees with your cock in my mouth :P
10/26/24(Sat)17:55:47 No.926551686
oh absolutely, black fishnets go with everything ^_^
maaaaybe that was me :3
10/26/24(Sat)17:57:33 No.926551761
disc: whist1221
10/26/24(Sat)17:59:43 No.926551832
10/26/24(Sat)18:04:35 No.926552056
and I'm glad I can help you out anon ^_^
@shemalejanice (aka mericson)
10/26/24(Sat)18:05:10 No.926552095
10/26/24(Sat)18:10:28 No.926552335
Mmmph I'd grab the back of your head and guide you nice and slow, making sure you get to taste every inch of my cock as it swells inside your mouth, pulling it out every so often to slap your cheeks with it ;)
They really do! So sexy too <3
I thiiink so, was a steamy time ^_^ I've always had a plug fantasy tho. Having someone send waves of pleasure through me with a touch of a button in public makes me so damn horny >;3
10/26/24(Sat)18:13:50 No.926552473
hehe, it's one of my favorite pics, I should take more like it :3
aweahwgeaw I wish we could make it a reality >~<
10/26/24(Sat)18:14:42 No.926552512
it's kind of fiery...
10/26/24(Sat)18:19:35 No.926552748
@shemalejanice (aka mericson)
10/26/24(Sat)18:21:49 No.926552852
10/26/24(Sat)18:23:38 No.926552941
and now I'm melting into subspace <3 hoooly hecck <3 <3 <3
cuties :3
10/26/24(Sat)18:23:42 No.926552946
send bitcoin at: bc1q5nvd3xnjz(...)
10/26/24(Sat)18:23:48 No.926552947
>posted like a week ago
>yet nobody gave me sum to be able to buy estra and spiro again
>not even replied with posting a discord group or sum where mb someone could help me out.
Ig i eventually gonna kms then.
10/26/24(Sat)18:24:52 No.926553009
damn I'm really REALLY horny again >////<
anyone wanna (you) me with any depraved and horny thoughts you have about me? :3
send bitcoin at: bc1q5nvd3xnjz(...)
10/26/24(Sat)18:28:37 No.926553172
wouldn't mind whoring out here if i were on e, but oh well, your loss.
10/26/24(Sat)18:28:47 No.926553181
hehe, I bet riding you and watching you squirm as I edge you with my tight ass would be soooo fun >:3