finally have free time, but no clue who to fap to
i wish i had that wheel i keep seeing.
10/19/24(Sat)02:10:29 No.926174982
10/19/24(Sat)02:11:22 No.926175016
10/19/24(Sat)02:11:59 No.926175042
10/19/24(Sat)02:12:47 No.926175071
casca time
10/19/24(Sat)02:14:32 No.926175128
yeah? what else? :P
Blint(not oc)
10/19/24(Sat)02:15:45 No.926175178
thicc bailey is my go to
scared of what this is, but i pick 3?
2 good ones with strong potential.
10/19/24(Sat)02:16:42 No.926175202
10/19/24(Sat)02:17:24 No.926175223
I know it isnt as good but I wanna share this too ;w;
10/19/24(Sat)02:18:14 No.926175262
I'm not a doctor but what helps me is drinking warm water, a shower before bed, not looking at screens 30 min before bed or taking melatonin if you must. Is it stress related?
Oo that might be a little too extreme for my tastes, I don't want you to get hurt or anything cause who am I going to tease? How about I sit on your face instead and my feet crush your balls.. slightly, your gf fingering herself as you moan in pleasure.. ;)
I think it's because you where on of the first anon's I did request for and how ugh.. unique it was XD
Glad you like the outfit PA cause I love it soooo much, I feel so cute and sexy. Fun fact I wore those panties all day and leaked into them on actually a few times before the shoot (needed to hype myself up) kek
Oooo very cool! Yeah I was gonna suggest something to give more a punk/dangerous vibe but the studs should do it. You look to soft and cute XD I mean look at this >>926174125 come on <3
Well now its gonna be used for all DAT ASS lol not sure what people need a collage app on the regular for anyways XD
Such a gentleman <3 I've always wanted to be fucked while being carried hehe makes me feel like a toy, your personal fucktoy :3 I'm getting a little hard now too..
10/19/24(Sat)02:18:50 No.926175287
Goodnight anon thanks for dropping by and sticking through the thread!
Aw the guys behind the dumpster at my highschool were right all along!
Dark Magician girls have lots of alt arts too but fuck your Jinzo I Sword of Revealing Light to keep this thread kicking a little while longer..3 turns.
I'm not on hrt or anything, I'm just a boy! Yes I believe you can for sure!
This is really concerning Tim so please you need to talk to someone about this like your dad or call your brother. As much as I enjoy having you here its not the same as a real life person. Hang in there and you can do it, you've done so much to improve already and I'm so proud of you! Please don't do anything drastic okay? I only want the best for you <3
Okay no cumming tonight for you, you said you want to be a goodboy and instant test my patience. Bad HTA >:(
But I am happy I can make you feel safe and warm inside even though you are a retard gooner for my feet XP at least your locked finally.
No cumming inside cause you're not allowed to cum, its endurance trying now bitch kekeke keep thrusting inside me now. Then you better plug up bitch if you wanna wag and no I've never done pulled pork before, good luck!
Oh man its kinda just now I am, IRL people have described me as "golden retriever" energy and kinda chaotic when drunk lol Also these threads can be very rough at time, so I try to keep it fun is all
10/19/24(Sat)02:21:38 No.926175389
yess that's me lol, again sorry Ik it isnt great :P
10/19/24(Sat)02:21:50 No.926175396
10/19/24(Sat)02:23:10 No.926175446
Blint(not oc)
10/19/24(Sat)02:24:24 No.926175486
i actually don't remember who that is tbh
it's not more so the going to sleep, its the waking up slightly early than usual cause of irl things i have no control over.
10/19/24(Sat)02:24:44 No.926175502
10/19/24(Sat)02:25:33 No.926175536
Blint(not oc)
10/19/24(Sat)02:26:38 No.926175574
ah, them. i don't think i have much of them on hand.
10/19/24(Sat)02:28:07 No.926175639
10/19/24(Sat)02:30:52 No.926175732
I’m very sleepy and should probably go to bed :P
10/19/24(Sat)02:31:09 No.926175745
૮( ˃ ꒳ ˂)ა◟/づづ*HUUUMPHUMPHUMP*Cali plpls CRUSH mySkull witurButt@~@ its so PLUMP AND PRETTY!!!>W< I need to hold it plpls*H0LZ*~( ´ཀ` )
MAMIT~Tbybyt its natz fairs I wanted to cum tonight~was it the googoogaga that tested urPatience??? I do want to be a GoodBoy for you Cali I-I'll even continue staying*LOCKED* for November if thats what it takes...Of course you do Cali^W^ I liken you to a Guardian Angel or Mami for short>W< and YAS you said I can see more of urBooties am I still allowed too tonight??? : O
Also what do you think of the Pics I've shown so far tonight :P and yes I am locked but*FRUSTRATED*T~T plpls gib me a Kissmami I neeed it. And I haven't used my Plugs in a while, but I can if thats what it takes to wag~thx' I am thinking of Cooking sum more ChickenBreasts soon and maybe that will help with MealPreps to get moar Cals in since I've been struggling with that but myButt is still getting bigger oddly enough =D
Hey Rachie! ;3;3 how are u<3 I think I may Weigh 93ibs but idk if the reading on that is wrong or not, I could have sworn I weighed more and was gaining weight.
10/19/24(Sat)02:33:13 No.926175806
10/19/24(Sat)02:33:20 No.926175809
Listennnnn I can be tough!! Lmao I def need to go for a messier makeup look to pull it together that's for sure
10/19/24(Sat)02:33:33 No.926175816
Why not????
10/19/24(Sat)02:33:35 No.926175819
<3 i enjoy tease
Noo :3 post upskirt before bed <3
10/19/24(Sat)02:34:28 No.926175849
casca > cherry
(feeling silly rn)
10/19/24(Sat)02:35:22 No.926175878
10/19/24(Sat)02:35:26 No.926175880
10/19/24(Sat)02:37:04 No.926175944
hes one of the lewder ones
10/19/24(Sat)02:37:40 No.926175964
10/19/24(Sat)02:39:26 No.926176019
you got a loicense for that femboi moite
need to step your game up anon, there's loads of sexy ones itt's
10/19/24(Sat)02:42:34 No.926176125
I bet you could guess lmao
Why? You're not planning anything lewd are you?
10/19/24(Sat)02:42:59 No.926176131
10/19/24(Sat)02:43:14 No.926176141
i think he's been awake for an entire day and has gone insane
10/19/24(Sat)02:43:26 No.926176149
10/19/24(Sat)02:44:22 No.926176175
10/19/24(Sat)02:44:32 No.926176184
10/19/24(Sat)02:44:59 No.926176204
10/19/24(Sat)02:46:10 No.926176236
10/19/24(Sat)02:46:37 No.926176247
ignore it?
Blint(not oc)
10/19/24(Sat)02:46:39 No.926176249
fair enough ig.
i like variety personally.
10/19/24(Sat)02:47:23 No.926176270
Proof of??
10/19/24(Sat)02:49:22 No.926176338
10/19/24(Sat)02:50:31 No.926176382
10/19/24(Sat)02:51:44 No.926176422
10/19/24(Sat)02:52:40 No.926176454
Seems like bait lol
10/19/24(Sat)02:52:59 No.926176462
Fine it was a degenerate pervy request then? >:P
Thanks PA hehehe I'm so gonna take more pics now, should I do one like where I hang my panties off my hard cock?
I guess I don't weight that much so maybe we could try, feel like I would lose balance and fall haha Oh you are already beneath me you pathetic cuck boy, so fucking sad >:) Did you show you gf a pic of me yet?
Asian genes anon, I have little no no body hair expect the usual spots so I lucked out. So I barely ever have to shave at all
I'm imagine my legs over your shoulders and you gripping my ass and thrusting, while I wrap my arms around your neck and hold on for dear life as my cock leaks with each thrust. My moaning with any motion and panting for your cum...
Dam so its a light/not restful sleep then, sorry to hear that blint :( I hope you still find some joy being here with us though all things considered <3
Haha I talk really fast from what I'm told but don't drink very often anymore.
10/19/24(Sat)02:53:26 No.926176480
10/19/24(Sat)02:53:34 No.926176486
Please Tim just because they have kids doesn't mean they won't talk to you. Please reach out to them or maybe your mom too? I happy to see you recognize the need to talk to someone but let it be sooner rather than later, I don't want you to spiral okay? Please promise me you will reach other within the next week? Promise me.
Show me some ass Ranger and maybe I will.. you slut >:3
You did that googoogaga on purpuse and now you pay the ultimate cost, no cumming. Unless you can convince me otherwise with normal talking..hmm?
You want these booties? Do you think it would hurt it I stomped your pathetic cock? No cumming. Your pics have been fun tonight I don't have much complaints the witch one is always fun but too dark still. Yeah Mealprep would be good for you so you don't eat so much garbage :P
Always has been.
Margot you are as tough as a cotton pillow, oh yeah Im soo scared of that cute kissable face XD Your pics always make me want to cuddle and hug you hahaha natural cutie
Maybe I did anon, maybe I still do. You're gonna have to use Exchange or Ancient Telescope to see what my hand hides.
10/19/24(Sat)02:54:02 No.926176503
Sauce is femboy casca, not me
10/19/24(Sat)02:54:11 No.926176511
First one by a country mile. No interest in topping but I don't mind receiving oral one bit~
Oh! Super unexpected but I appreciate it, that's really kind thank you.
I will not abide these salacious rumors that I have a small dick. Lies and hearsay smh (you're right it is what it is etc.) gonna cross my fingers you get lost and end up in my room next time I'm taking lewds <3
Blint(not oc)
10/19/24(Sat)02:55:25 No.926176558
it's not too bad atleast, can still do some things normally and fapping helps :p
10/19/24(Sat)02:55:52 No.926176569
oh, ok
10/19/24(Sat)02:56:02 No.926176578
You don't quit bullying me you're gonna fuck around and get spooned, nerd.
10/19/24(Sat)02:56:28 No.926176592
10/19/24(Sat)02:58:34 No.926176645
10/19/24(Sat)02:59:11 No.926176665
10/19/24(Sat)03:00:31 No.926176699
10/19/24(Sat)03:01:47 No.926176739
10/19/24(Sat)03:02:43 No.926176772
10/19/24(Sat)03:03:54 No.926176811
10/19/24(Sat)03:04:21 No.926176829
>last casca for nao
10/19/24(Sat)03:04:25 No.926176835
Idk :( and yes, its weeeird.
I-I diddd???>< tehe bytytz...OKI I admit it Cali I wana drink urMilkies PLSSS I'll even put them in a Bottle so I won't spill them~*GLUUUCK*~( ´ཀ` )
>no cumming. Unless you can convince me otherwise with normal talking..hmm?
Please oh mighty Cali please let me CUM to the thought of your crushing me with those prettyBoots oh please Cali TEHE and maybe get a closer look at that EYE :3
>You want these booties? Do you think it would hurt it I stomped your pathetic cock? No cumming.
YES YES PLEASE MOMMMY I JUST WANA CUUUUUUUUUM SO BADLY PLEASE I WILL EVEN CLEAN UP MY CUMMMIES OFF THE GROUND LIKE A PATHETIC SLUT><HNHQF IT WOULD HURT ME BUT I WANT YOU TO HURT ME CALI<333*resistswaggingtailAndhumpyourleg*~I'm glad you enjoy myPics Cali and I am going to take more soon and yeab I couldn't seem to find my LEDs, I guess I don't have them afterall but I had some cheap1s I got from DollarTree...YES :3 thats why I want to MealPrep' do you MealPrep at all what are your Secret Mama<333 ALSOOO you watching any Movies lately??? I watched an Action 1 earlier about a Train and want to watch another today but what should I put on, ever since I put American Psycho my Family has been cautious of me choosing a Movie>~< oh and I put Natural Born Killers aswell but honestly their tame idk why they got upset lol.
OH AND here is a Pic of me with myDildo :P I have a few, it feels sogood<3
Black Anon
10/19/24(Sat)03:05:53 No.926176880
Bro who is this
No one gave me sauce
10/19/24(Sat)03:06:38 No.926176904
>actually one more for the schizo
10/19/24(Sat)03:07:28 No.926176938
10/19/24(Sat)03:08:17 No.926176962
everytime i close my eyes i stop existing
every now and again, i can tell the difference
10/19/24(Sat)03:11:08 No.926177029
eh maybe, in twink mode he looks very built but in a hot way, i think he could probably heem a lot of the weirdo's in here
he kinda cute tho!
10/19/24(Sat)03:11:15 No.926177032
ohmagerd !!!! the horror D:
10/19/24(Sat)03:13:18 No.926177092
itt: schizophwenia
10/19/24(Sat)03:14:18 No.926177113
10/19/24(Sat)03:15:16 No.926177151
Seeeee now we're talking. That sounds like the ideal date. Wild that you live in PA so much friend lore today
I'm on the west coast! Call an Uber and start entering random homes, I believe in you sweetheart
Me?? Idk I just work here
You are so damn pretty I always love seeing you post
10/19/24(Sat)03:16:31 No.926177186
OC :3c
10/19/24(Sat)03:17:16 No.926177207
imagine he just fucking puts you in a triangle choke and makes you suck his cock
this is also based though, bored of the idea of the top cumming on the pp, I want him to nut on mine and then use it as incentive to suck the cum out of me
Black Anon
10/19/24(Sat)03:17:39 No.926177217
We out here
Black Anon
10/19/24(Sat)03:19:55 No.926177286
A lot like Rada, if they trapped me between theirs thighs I imagine they could force me to do whatever they wanted. There’s no way I’m getting out of that death grip
10/19/24(Sat)03:20:43 No.926177308
10/19/24(Sat)03:21:34 No.926177328
aaaa thank u !!! likewise, love ur outfit for this set :0
10/19/24(Sat)03:22:38 No.926177358
I hope I've been able to help with the fapping in one way or another blint, for your health of course ;)
Got it no problem! I try to have my cock leaking too so you know the stain was fresh hehehe
Oh yeah? You think I wanna be spooned by your soft warm body and suck on those tits? Nah thats gay and only for dorks like you (please spoon me and let me suck on those tits)
Just cum for me now anon, give me your thick cream load and inside me and on my slut face. Let me clean your cock after with my tongue and we french after, nice and slow. Cum for me.
10/19/24(Sat)03:22:59 No.926177368
rada's thighs are atom smashers literally nothing will be left. if i'm ever ngmi i want rada to sit on my face
tbh all it takes is the right look and they've got me in a death grip anyway, these boys are the best boys.
10/19/24(Sat)03:23:25 No.926177380
10/19/24(Sat)03:23:52 No.926177393
Noooo I have to sleep now anon I'm so sorry, Its been a long day at the office for me and my eyes are drooping, next time okay?
Ok I dig the vibe of this pic a lot, can't see shit but the vibe is very spooky!
What do you mean "admit"? You wanting to drink my cum is not news LOL you are my cumslut whore after all. Say it.
Fine you've proven your worthlessness as a pathetic cum brain slut, you can cum but you better lick it up, split it out and rub it all over your face and thank me. I used to meal prep a while back but got bored of it quick, hard to eat the same thing everyday :P no secrets just follow a recipe. Nah haven't seen any movies lately but anyways I gotta sleep now, do what I said.
Yes I know the eye is poking out don't worry! Maybe it is my real hair its all a mystery! Yes I remember you telling me about that but please please call him, it doesn't fill be with confidence from you saying "I'll think about it". Promise me you will Tim. Promise me. I do have to sleep cause I am exhausted but remember what I said okay? <3
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I look cuter with my glasses on though haha
Haha you fell for my hand trap Ash Blossom! You think I haven't kept up? You hubris will be your demise to the shadow realm! I do enjoy yugioh though for realz haha
LAST POST been an amazing 2 threads everyone. Time to sleep, enjoy this pic! Cali signing off!
10/19/24(Sat)03:24:55 No.926177425
Crap sorry BA I gotta sleep but of course here's one before I go! More next time!
10/19/24(Sat)03:25:17 No.926177437
Black Anon
10/19/24(Sat)03:27:00 No.926177486
I was just thinking. How do people walk around and see someone like Casca or Rada in person and not just fall down at their knees and start worshipping the ground they walk on like the second coming of Christ. I would happily give my life and serve both of them
10/19/24(Sat)03:27:54 No.926177510
If I put out on the first date you won't think I'm a classy girl! Can't have that can me. (Pay no mind to how much ass I've been slinging round these parts)
Hell yeah I love when pretty girls think I'm pretty. Truly living. Also thanks! I've had a lot of fun with it and tried to get a lil creative cause I usually take pretty lazy lewds. Bars high around here jfc
You fool, you absolute buffoon you've played right into my soft hands (please suck on my tits I've been posting too long I'm losing it over here)
10/19/24(Sat)03:27:55 No.926177512
10/19/24(Sat)03:32:38 No.926177637
There's one of me in this red thong if you scroll up, but here's another shot of it~
10/19/24(Sat)03:32:56 No.926177647
10/19/24(Sat)03:33:39 No.926177669
Post more sosij.
10/19/24(Sat)03:33:57 No.926177679
filthy straggots...
I'm not really too nervous around anyone, I'm too retarded, but if I had to speak to anyone like the femboys from these threads i'd spill my autism spaghetti, they're intimidatingly hot
think it's because cute guys are rare honestly, damn I hope they invent better ways to ward off twink death.
10/19/24(Sat)03:35:59 No.926177720
10/19/24(Sat)03:39:27 No.926177806
10/19/24(Sat)03:44:33 No.926177950
TEHE>W< I'm glad u do, and yeh I'll work on it dnt worry. Well admit cuz I wana drink urMilkies straight from urTities :3~*resistswaggingtail*
>You wanting to drink my cum is not news LOL you are my cumslut whore after all. Say it.
Cali I am your cumslut whore<333
>Fine you've proven your worthlessness as a pathetic cum brain slut, you can cum but you better lick it up, split it out and rub it all over your face and thank me.
YesMami :3 tehe I'll *LWICK*~it ALL up I Promise you Cali I PINKYPROMISE><HNGQF
>I used to meal prep a while back but got bored of it quick, hard to eat the same thing everyday :P
Nice^^ maybz I'll do sumRice aswell, I had sum Jack In The Box yesterday so kinda hard to resist that.
Have A Goodnight Cali ILU & Thank You For Showing Off Your Beautiful Feet Once Again And Soles, I Am Grateful For You And I Love You So Much And I Will Now Worship YourBooties :3~SweeetDreams*XOXO*ILU3U3
10/19/24(Sat)03:44:52 No.926177962
Hehe, yeah guys always want me to sit on their faces >///<