nah I come here for mad dicks
thank you
08/21/24(Wed)17:32:10 No.923235249
I didn't say anyone had to stop, but gock content is just better in every sense, sorry chud
08/21/24(Wed)17:33:05 No.923235307
08/21/24(Wed)17:33:14 No.923235314
08/21/24(Wed)17:33:54 No.923235348
Alena edition?
kek, this got me
08/21/24(Wed)17:35:22 No.923235438
I don't know if yall are two different people and arguing, or some samefag, but at least post butts while you do it
08/21/24(Wed)17:35:55 No.923235468
no only saw got 2 pics posted here didn't know she posted on reddit
08/21/24(Wed)17:36:27 No.923235505
When did I "imply" anything? I just said free cocks are better, because they are, and then said that's why I come here. you're being hormonal
08/21/24(Wed)17:39:17 No.923235675
>When did I "imply" anything? I just said free cocks are better, because they are
When you tried to call chastity "cringe" and bashed me saying that it was based. That's called implied tone. Next time you see it, hopefully you'll identify it :))
>you're being hormonal
Yawn. More whiny armchair psychologist shit, lmfao
08/21/24(Wed)17:40:49 No.923235747
Speed running to bump limit
>any percent
08/21/24(Wed)17:41:32 No.923235782
>When you tried to call chastity "cringe" and bashed me saying that it was based
Didn't say that, you're gay and retarded. I called them outlandish and bizarre, because they are pretty outlandish, and said cock content is better, because it is. Idk why you're whining so much about a little joke kek
08/21/24(Wed)17:43:00 No.923235859
Stop feeling so victimized lol
08/21/24(Wed)17:44:44 No.923235927
08/21/24(Wed)17:46:57 No.923236020
I'm reposting porn and having a bit of fun before bed, you're the one throwing a shit fit because I called cages doohickeys and posted some gock webms lol
>This you?
>mass reply
Implies that you think I'm samefagging ;)
08/21/24(Wed)17:50:13 No.923236152
I've got another two saved I'll repost
08/21/24(Wed)17:50:16 No.923236154
08/21/24(Wed)17:50:44 No.923236175
08/21/24(Wed)17:50:59 No.923236182
You're still angry because I called it bizarre? weird. Def implied it tho, idk why you feel so attacked it's concerning.
08/21/24(Wed)17:51:08 No.923236190
how's everyone doing?
08/21/24(Wed)17:51:45 No.923236220
08/21/24(Wed)17:52:16 No.923236244
proof 1
08/21/24(Wed)17:52:47 No.923236276
proof 2
08/21/24(Wed)17:53:21 No.923236304
I have 0 dog fucker images saved thank you very much, other guy's using 4chanX, I disavow putting your penis inside dogs, or putting dogs penises inside yourself
Why are you crying?
08/21/24(Wed)17:55:24 No.923236421
would you like to fuck this hole?
08/21/24(Wed)17:56:03 No.923236455
Gotta keep em entertained
> Added an insult, disentangle ask a question
> question is implying an insult with no way to answer without acknowledging an insult
No I don’t have borderline/npd nor am I in denial about having a condition I don’t have lol
I give em an excuse tbf lol
It’s my face, cuteness will be questioned
08/21/24(Wed)17:57:34 No.923236529
Yeah, you've been raging for the entire thread lol, I honestly didn't expect it from such a minor jab, hope you're doing alright
08/21/24(Wed)18:00:27 No.923236696
It's because your responses are so laden with anger you seem quite upset, people are telling you to calm down too, I respond because it gives me a good excuse to post pics tbh, which is the point of these threads
08/21/24(Wed)18:00:50 No.923236712
Craving juicy cocks
08/21/24(Wed)18:04:08 No.923236882
I am not lol it’s just something to throw at trans girls cus sissies get sucked into it alongside the humiliation fetish stuff
Yeah, it’s a weird circle where I was a dick for a bit, people got mad. Then I was aggressively normal for like a month since but I guess people didn’t feel like I was punished enough for my ego so have some weird vendetta against me forever.
People see me being normal so are nice to me.. which pisses them off more so they scream bpd, manipulation and fake, inconsistent and everything else. It’s fair I guess but they should really let it go at some point lol
08/21/24(Wed)18:04:29 No.923236914
I mean it's pretty obvious, others have clearly noticed and chosen to ignore you because you seem angry and a little mindbroken
she's cute but insane, it's a shame, hope she isn't dead
08/21/24(Wed)18:05:57 No.923236994
Nah he ghosted and said he wants to do it another time. So I ghosted him
08/21/24(Wed)18:06:29 No.923237021
100% obvious
08/21/24(Wed)18:08:27 No.923237123
I'll accept your concession
Good idea
08/21/24(Wed)18:10:20 No.923237215
08/21/24(Wed)18:10:43 No.923237233
08/21/24(Wed)18:12:37 No.923237318
Can do cutie
Yeah maybe but that’s just being a dick. Not the golden goddess ego queen I was doing on day 1 lol
Careful lol you’ll get called a simp
Ask questions if you care about clarifications, don’t just gesture vaguely. I’m not hiding from anything. If you’ve just made your mind up and wna be grumpy then fine but don’t pretend I’m being slippery lol
08/21/24(Wed)18:13:46 No.923237387
08/21/24(Wed)18:14:17 No.923237414
get ya willy out
08/21/24(Wed)18:14:42 No.923237434
Trying to find another one currently. I found some femboys on grindr who are interested in me
08/21/24(Wed)18:16:28 No.923237523
Nah, it's fett, he has a nice penis
08/21/24(Wed)18:18:18 No.923237604
true, fishboy is sex
It's pretty funny tbh
08/21/24(Wed)18:18:30 No.923237617
Okie x
> framing the question in a dumb way to make an acknowledgment worse
Yeah I remember the thread, was that the question?
08/21/24(Wed)18:21:40 No.923237794
Guys with big cocks look very mean in general or super hairy which I'm not into.
I can't wait to get myself penetrated by town boys
08/21/24(Wed)18:22:31 No.923237836
I remember that thread. It seems to be a sore spot for her because she was talking about doxxing him after pic related.
08/21/24(Wed)18:26:44 No.923238053
08/21/24(Wed)18:27:05 No.923238077
i wanna eat Juturnas butt
08/21/24(Wed)18:27:06 No.923238078
That'd be perfect for my personal dildo
That's my type for sure lol
I think I found someone who has a super juicy cock
08/21/24(Wed)18:29:35 No.923238209
You can’t even insult me without calling me pretty lol
In the interest of just being direct, they accused someone of leaking their discord username to me and I was clarifying that nobody actually leaked it to me cus I didn’t want some innocent person to get shouted at… which they then started asking where I got it… which I refused to do because that would actually be doxing them… which I didn’t want to do lol
I offered to tell them on discord so it wouldn’t be leaked to the entire thread but they refused and insulted me.
That whole situation turned into me “threatening dox”
I’m glad 1 other person thought so lol
08/21/24(Wed)18:37:00 No.923238603
Are we seriously gonna do this again how the fuck can I say where I got it without literally doxing lol
Me too but the thread can’t cope
Hot dominant things
> shrug
If you read what I said honestly and that’s how you think then okay? Guess you win this round
You get to goon and annoy people at the same time, double dip
Cope harder
08/21/24(Wed)18:38:01 No.923238660
Closest I got, you’ll have to cum on my estrogen pills