Hiya /b/, I know it's me being kinda fashionably late to the party but is it still ok for me to post? I saw in the last thread someone labelled me as spam... >~<; Still haven't had time to make OC lately but I'm hoping for next week! I'll post a few extras I had from last time's casual pics~ :3 How's everyone been since we last spoke?
08/18/24(Sun)02:25:10 No.923050442
08/18/24(Sun)02:31:31 No.923050645
You better not forget! No panties too! Hehehe
Pork is my fav meat I think, affordable and easy to handle, I love me some roast pork with crispy skin! I really like grilled eel too but don't have it very often, a special treat for sure. Also eels are fish anon ;)
Thanks anon! Wish you could stroke it for me ;)
I'm all the asians combined hehehe all powerful! I've mentioned it before but I'm not gonna tell you again cause.. I wanna be a brat >:)
Ooo I make a nice miso salmon, teriyaki glazed and blackened salmon, how do you like it done usually? Yes I do cause its a funny bit
Kitty Kitty Kitty! Wtf who the hell labled you as spam? Fucking retard thats who but that also mean you still lurk <3
This pic is new for me so ~ saved! My little clone boy is growing up so fast, what kind of oc are you planning to make?
Oof unfortunately >>923050570 is correct lol I have little to no hair on my legs my entire life cause of genetics :P I could say laser would a good way to go if you're looking to do it.
08/18/24(Sun)02:32:10 No.923050663
Hey /b/ (:
08/18/24(Sun)02:32:16 No.923050670
08/18/24(Sun)02:35:08 No.923050759
>Omg I would squeeze Cheese and giving all the kisses and snuggles and squeeeeeeze the CHEESE!
HEHE<3 she would Love you so much Cali, she wuld wany all the snuggies in the World from you. Also ngl my Grandma has talked about maybe wanting to get another Cat for Cheese to have as a Fren, idk when but just thought I'd let you know =D
>I guess you could do another challenge, okay sure another 3x days with no cumming after I leave, don't fail me you dumb slut.
UWU I'll try not too, I am not even*CAGED*~righno, is that oki or do you want me in mecagie mami<3
>You still want me to do that food set don't you, me covered in stickly chocolate and whipped cream...admit it.
OHGAWDYES( ´ཀ` ) you want to be mylitlFountain Cali?MM<3 but I bet that would be MEGAANNOYING for you but I can always Dream of sucking on urPrettyToes and giving you backrubs in the Choco :P
>Didn't you want Cowie?
Is there a Cow in AC : O I'll have too look :3 but YESSSSSS and then *SUMMON* him here >:3
>he Bear is a show on FX about a chef taking to restore a family resturant from a shit hole to a high class one.
Ah, is this the Show whr the Chef Buys like $1000 of Butter and then the Manager gets all mad at him?
>Spooky panties ;)
THX heres more<3 still waiting on my Thongs, ngl I am probably going too throw all my Boy Undies away :P
KITTY =D its been so long how have you been?! Of course its good for you too post*X*<3 I've Missed you Kitty, I've been alright but a lot of Family Drama has been going on so I've been doing a lot too try to keep me busy so I can try to stay sane. Also I am gtng more into a Habit of Shaving :P BTWZ I got a ThinkPad X220 recently in the $70 Ranage wch is a STEAL but now idk what Linux Distro to *PLOP" onto it so can you please help, I was thinking Mint but can't help but want to try ArchX)...AND then from there I want too see about just doing Coding and stuff on it, it only has 4GB of RAM but will Upgrade to 16 and Screens Cracked but not badly.
08/18/24(Sun)02:35:32 No.923050775
Hey Kitty, good to see you <3
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)02:36:25 No.923050799
What’s everyone listening to tonight?
08/18/24(Sun)02:37:36 No.923050845
Cant sleep, posting oc instead
08/18/24(Sun)02:41:06 No.923050942
08/18/24(Sun)02:42:44 No.923050991
Everyones here tonight!
I'm back with the mediocre ass pics
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)02:44:33 No.923051043
Sounds comfy, nice track too
08/18/24(Sun)02:46:31 No.923051099
08/18/24(Sun)02:47:31 No.923051121
Jessi? Is that you?
Hey PAnon! Yay always happy to hear you like my work <3 How you been?
Can you/your grandma handle taking care of 2 cats? Would you not get jealous of me giving Cheese all the attention? Hehehe
Hmm you should be caged right now >:) Wow this is another HTA fantasy that I didn't know about but of course my feet are included
Yeah Cowie has been mia for soo long but I'm sure hes just passed out covered in cum in an dirty bar bathroom somewhere XD
Yes that's the show haha its so gooood cause I love cooking and food. Btw how are you cals looking? You keeping up?
Ugh yeah...I'm definitely wearing earrings and thats defs not just my hair and the background making some weird illusion. Yup I am wearing earrings XD
Its cool I was just teasing AA, Goodnight! Hope to hear from you again soon okay?
Ooo super simple recipe and I've done that too when I do salad and salmon or something. Miso salmon is super easy!
Miso + sake + mirin and marinate it overnight and just bake it after, ezpz
08/18/24(Sun)02:48:38 No.923051146
Aww thank you anon <3 I try to be hehe :P
Hey hey Tim! Nice trips ya got there :D Would you like to fill me in with what I missed last time?
Haha damn that was smooth line, very nice! Please be my guest, I'm never one who says no to some meat inside me ;3
Nah I'm fully Asian and my hairs can get stubbly, Cali has the angel gene which makes him special ^-^
Cali! My angel <3 Uhh I dunno it was some random comment here >>923041183 that left a bad taste in my mouth but hopefully this thread is more chill! I also love your new set btw, I'm keeping them all in my special folder and cumming to them tonight ;) Hmm that is tricky, I do want to do another full set one day, cutesy vibes I reckon but I'll be doing mroe casual clone stuff of sexy things I see in these threads.
Hi Jessi, it's been ages! I hope you've been well, still as sexy as the last time we spoke!
HTA I'm so glad to hear from you too <3 I hope family isn't giving you too much trouble! Amazing find on that ThinkPad, I got something for $500 and I thought that was a steal already haha. I've used Mint before and it's quite user friendly to start with. Yeah 4GB is pretty small in 2024, get 16GB asap!
Hi Rach, happy to see you're around for the fun as well! Btw I saved your feet pics from a past thread, I think you have such pretty nails!
I'll try my best to, but I don't come around that often anyways so it's not a real biggie. Thanks for looking out for me anon :3
08/18/24(Sun)02:50:11 No.923051188
on and off poster but i suppose relatively new
08/18/24(Sun)02:56:34 No.923051382
08/18/24(Sun)02:58:14 No.923051432
Oh hi Cali! It is haha .. been a little while! My dumbass didnt see your post right above
Kitty <3 its been forever indeed lol I havent posted in ages.. look at you, as cute as ever! I've been alright, hopefully everything is good on your side of the world :)
Hm yes and no.. I guess? Havent interacted on here in quite a bit :/
08/18/24(Sun)02:59:32 No.923051475
Aw thanks, was it the pic with the sandals?
08/18/24(Sun)03:00:28 No.923051501
08/18/24(Sun)03:05:32 No.923051671
Maybe they thought it was me cause there been a anon that clearly really doesn't like it when I post lol seen them a few times now when I'm here but its nothing serious. Do you want to be bullied by a femboy cheerleader you nerd? >:) *smacks your ass*
Does "casual clone" stuff me you're gonna try to clone more pics or just "casual Kitty"? I get confused easy XD
Oh gosh well I hope that not fun life part is all dealt with and you get to have fun with me now :3
Making making oc and being a whore online for attention and cock stroking XD My panties got pretty sweaty during this shoot
No way Tim the miso and sake would overpower the subtle sweetness of my cum. Maybe I just cum on the side for you in a little dish for you to dip in or would you rather me just give a shot in the mouth?
And here I thought we lost you and that ass forever <3 Happy to see you again and with some new fab pics! Please spread those cheeks for me :3
Jessi is different poster from Korean Jess
08/18/24(Sun)03:08:16 No.923051770
*X*<3 THX Cuties! Yes they are litlProgrammerSocks hehe :P
HBGQFFF(*>ω<*) I-I'm so leakyMAMI! IFck I LUV when you flip me off in prtttyPicsUWU
>Can you/your grandma handle taking care of 2 cats? Would you not get jealous of me giving Cheese all the attention? Hehehe
Idk probs :P but I'm sure they'll be alright and begudFrens<3~HEHE maybe I'll have too turn into a Cat and go under the tables to getPetties too<3
>Hmm you should be caged right now >:)
UWU I'll go get lockedupp then for you Cali(&Kitty)*X*<3
>of course my feet are included
And Shoeies ;P
>Yes that's the show haha its so gooood cause I love cooking and food. Btw how are you cals looking? You keeping up?
NICE =D I saw it on my Shorts so was like I'll check it out but haven't lol. And not really the best tbh, there are days like Today where I didn't get up until 6PM because I was tired so in like the 1500 Range today cuz I had McDonald's otherwise it would have been under 800 probs since its so hard to catchup in the Afternoon on Cals, this Month its been 1000-1500 Calories most days and its been getting that way since Last Month but probably more June even like probably Late June so I am not too happy about that. Do you have any Advice for that, OH and also ik you may have to Sleep early but what are your Thoughts on Internships?
*X*<3 I want to Kiss you so baddd Kitty. hehe, Cheese Misses you aswell^W^
And don't worry, pretty much my Wholr Family has something going on, at this rate the Holidays will just be Me, my Grandma and probably just her Parents...I'm so glad you did^^ was it a ThinkPad =D and honestly do you recommend trying to Corebooy or Libreboot my ThinkPad or just put Linux on it and maybe later attempt that cuz I'm scared of bricking it. Probs will get Mint tbh, and yes I'll get 16GB soon, its like $25 for that thankfully, also it had an i7 in it =D...ALSO how is College going, what you been up to^^
08/18/24(Sun)03:08:22 No.923051772
>white "men"
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)03:09:19 No.923051812
08/18/24(Sun)03:10:45 No.923051865
OH and I got Monitor-Arms for my Desk, wht u thnk Kitty and yes the Wires need to be organized hehe :P
08/18/24(Sun)03:10:49 No.923051867
pls dont say tranny unless ur trans. pls.
08/18/24(Sun)03:13:48 No.923051976
This right here is a No Nigger Zone.
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)03:13:54 No.923051982
You would be a lot happier if you just jerked off to the nice pictures and didn’t think about black dick all the time
08/18/24(Sun)03:14:04 No.923051989
im still alive ya doi lol
ill just be real about why i havent been active
a little over a month ago i tried E, and after a month on it i realized that it wasnt for me after my nipples started getting sore and my dick stopped functioning
and the blow to my sex drive made me completely uninterested in posting on here
so rn im waiting until my hormones normalize, and now im left with puffy nipples and a dick that dont work right>:(
at least i know what its like now :p
08/18/24(Sun)03:19:35 No.923052167
08/18/24(Sun)03:20:03 No.923052189
I've actually wondered is everyone just fine with having a dick or is this all pre-op stuff, or you just got stuck not able to rationalize a pretty invasive surgery or what?
08/18/24(Sun)03:21:48 No.923052240
Ooh an anime con? Were there femboys cosplaying as Felix and Astolfo? XD Hope you had loads of fun there and bought a few nice things! And do you visit those family members often or was this a once in a blue moon thing?
Yes it's been too long since my eyes got a glimpse of that sexy round ass of yours ;P Super happy we crossed paths at the right time, I've been busy all over the place and I'll probably stay that way until the holidays :( That being said I'm doing well, I just wish I had an extra day to take pics and dress up!
Haha yep yep you toe-tally read my mind here, I almost had a HTA moment where I was leaking 'cause of it lol!
What?? That's crazy, but everyone loves you! 100% it's a loser troll trying to scare off OC again >:( Well casual in my context means not a full dress up, edited and two dozen pics taking up half a day to shoot kinda thingy like picrel. Just simple one-offs that I copied from another poster like the one from before :3
Haha I'm sure it's not as simple as that lol, that being said as boybutt lover I'm not helping the stats go up either XD
Awww Cheese is causing a cuteness overload in meeee >///~//< Ok thanks for clarifying I'm glad it's nothing too crazy. I can't really help you with that honestly, I'm not a linux guru by any margin myself still kinda learning stuff in class haha. It's been pretty chill this semester, coding and virtualisation that sorta stuff~
Aww what a cute little setup you got there! Love the blahaj too hehehe :P Personally my OCD is telling me those monitors need to be levelled at the same height but maybe that's just me lol
08/18/24(Sun)03:23:47 No.923052294
im not trans
i know its hard to believe, but i am a cis male who willingly decided to take E
the changes that it wouldve brought appealed to me
i had thought about it for a while and wanted to try it so i wouldnt want to consider it again
now that i experienced it, ik it isnt for me
well i knew that going in, but didnt think it’d happen only a month in
08/18/24(Sun)03:25:01 No.923052326
08/18/24(Sun)03:26:04 No.923052357
I feel like you didn't really give it time. I'm not a sexual person much...but I absolutely still want it.
I was literally at a party with co workers where half of them spanked my ass with a slut paddle, or bare hand, cupped my breast, and I saw all their cocks.
I still want things...and want them bad.
And to be clear I'm an engineer, in a public facing occupation, not like something porn adjacent. I review building plans.
08/18/24(Sun)03:27:35 No.923052406
right?! like... those were the things i wanted most.
cry more lol. "wah you dont hate the same ppl i do" ur all pathetic.
now if i wanna hear my potentially racist opinions...
one day i'll get srs, then i can live in peace
honestly the best way to figure out if ur a tranner or just some dumb femboy is: can you picture yourself as an old man? >>923052364
imagine thinking i'd post oc on eternal trap
08/18/24(Sun)03:30:36 No.923052491
Hahaha I can't argue with that logic, that man's got a point
That's what I like to hear <3 Now come here and play with my body, get a taste of me and be a good boy and stick your face in here.
Omg why HTA why do you love it when I flip you off? Is it the hand fetish? XD
I mean is Cheese high maintenance now or its more of a feed/clean is all you really have to do? Let me real here if you where under the table you would be licking my feet and leaking from your pathetic cock.
Ahh right I do have that pic still...
Been noticing you've been mention a lot of fast food lately too like McD, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell etc I hope that's not too often okay? Smoothies are a easy way to get calories down I think but I think you need more clean cals versus junk food cals. Internships are only good if you get paid lol otherwise they can be a waste of time.
Maybe its better for dessert then or would you like come "cake" instead? Perhaps a combo of both :)
Hey Wolfie, surprised to see you tonight, what you been up to?
Its fine Kitty, people are allowed to not like things and I understand my content and personality is not for everyone. Or just a troll trying to start drama for drama's sake idk :P Ahhh okay well to be honest I kinda want more of this easter set now seeing it again, if you still have the stuff I mean. Can really even be just Bunny Kitty for funzies! You should string those eggs together and make anal beads kek
08/18/24(Sun)03:30:53 No.923052500
08/18/24(Sun)03:33:11 No.923052572
Did you erect it yourself? We do need you to attend a BAR meeting if it's over a certain height, you know to know if it matches our regions aesthetic preferences?
Also most people just use male pronouns for me. I'm still a guy after all.
08/18/24(Sun)03:37:08 No.923052676
cum cake you say? I think i want it directly from the faucet though.
08/18/24(Sun)03:40:53 No.923052771
Unless you're a transbian it doesn't make sense to cut your dick off. It makes it almost impossible to find a partner, gay dudes want someone with a dick and straight dudes don't want someone who used to have a dick.
08/18/24(Sun)03:42:38 No.923052807
not "can you understand the hypothetical of"
can you picture *yourself*, in 40-50 years as an old man. do you think you'd be satisfied having gone through every male secondary puberty? or does that thought terrify you?
i dont rly mind femboys lol, i think theyre based as hell. what i do hate is seeing reppers pretend to be femboys.
yeah i forgot to take my adderall today and its late >.> i'll be nicer tomorrow. not to you, though
claiming my hole is original? i legit dont know what u mean here. >.<
yep lol, the piece that has caused me anguish my whole life. i'd say good riddance.
here's all the replies from everyone else who doesnt like u bc ur mean too :) i knew i bookmarked it for a reason
08/18/24(Sun)03:45:38 No.923052884
Rach did a poopy!
08/18/24(Sun)03:45:47 No.923052888
>I almost had a HTA moment where I was leaking 'cause of it lol!
UWU so Based<3 tehe you are soCUTE! I want to *Rub*~urlitlBelly^>5<^*X*
>Ok thanks for clarifying I'm glad it's nothing too crazy. I can't really help you with that honestly, I'm not a linux guru by any margin myself still kinda learning stuff in class haha.
Well a Cousin of mine does owe me $900 =/ and now he says I won't be getting my money because he threw a big fit at me over DMs. Long Story. And no worries<3 I am not rllly either but definitely want that over WIN on my ThinkPad, I Wish I was doing what your doing but its "probably" too late to seriously get into it at 20yo (probs) :P>>>And HAPPY you enjoy my litlWARROOM<3 did I ever show you the rest of my Pics, I have a litlBookshelf aswell with Ukraine Memorabillia, and yes I'll look into that, I just got those Monitor Arms setup recently and I LOVE THEM =D hehe also hered anotha Rabbit who wants too Playyy*X*<3
UWU maybeeeX) idk hehe, can I give ur MiddleFinga a blowie><HNGQF
>I mean is Cheese high maintenance now or its more of a feed/clean is all you really have to do?
More like Feed&Clean :P not much else and she hangsout with my Grandma or Me wheneverX)
>I think you need more clean cals versus junk food cals.
I do, I got most of my Cals from a Strawberry McDonald's Shake today =/ and yes been eating *LOTS* of Fast Food like sumtimes I dnt even mention I've had it I have so much so I need too slow down on it...TEHE<3 if I'm a Good Boy will I get that Pic Mommmy an-and then lickurFeeetsies unda the Tables(^. ̫.^) also yeh my Mom keeps Sending me stuff like Internships and stuff like even for Tesla like I believe a lot is possible but I have literally NO Skills tbh so idk if they would Hire me even if they would Train me so I just don't know what too do Cali I'm scared>^< like I guess I could go to College but I just don't know >~<
08/18/24(Sun)03:45:59 No.923052891
I swear I fucked something up as I had a big multi quote thing, swear the photo uploaded but it doesn't seem to have come through...
But yes I do these things with my co workers, two I have on discord and send nudes, sometimes at work, from my office. To be fair they are in IT and IT people are weird. But I'm a engineer, and a furry, and thus also weird AF.
08/18/24(Sun)03:46:27 No.923052900
08/18/24(Sun)03:47:11 No.923052919
That sounds super scary wolfboi, I hope you get well soon <3 I know nothing about medical stuff so I'll leave that to your doc!
You would? My cock is twitching just at the thought of it hehehe ^w^
Oh that's very nice of you to get him that! Yum I love ramen, what flavour did you choose? Hope it was fun with the fam too!
It's one thing to have an opinion but they're just being douchebags so I have no doubt it's trolls. Oh yes I do have the stuff sitting around in a bag hehe, I just lose track of days and my planning skills are lacking to pull off another big photoshoot during my semester :( Haha it sounds like a lovely idea though, I'm sure during my summer (your winter) break I'll get up to all sorts of horny stuff again ;3
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)03:47:38 No.923052928
08/18/24(Sun)03:47:51 No.923052933
god do i long for the good ol' days when we'd have you on the run and shove a fork up your ass after the dogs caught you
08/18/24(Sun)03:48:28 No.923052949
OH NO : O I forgot too @ you Kitty>< silly me I am so leaky hehe your making me leaky*H0LZIE*<3
08/18/24(Sun)03:49:34 No.923052971
ive been ok
yea, hopefully my dick gets better
even my cum is clumpy too D:
its not that i didnt give it enough time, i tried enough to know what it’d be like further down the road
my skin felt different, my penor stopped working, and my chest was trying to develop
i think i experienced enough to realize it wasnt for me
if its something that actually helps you, then good on you
and im not a sexual person, i just want to look attractive in my own way, for myself
i believe trans people are real but at the same time there are people who make it their personality unfortunately
i havent been up to much :p
just kinda existing
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)03:50:17 No.923052987
>Sorry! I love black people!
Same person btw
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)03:51:02 No.923053004
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)03:51:17 No.923053013
Nothing because no one is that retarded to try it
08/18/24(Sun)03:52:35 No.923053048
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)03:53:38 No.923053070
08/18/24(Sun)03:54:31 No.923053089
last time i gave my disc to a chaser there was stupid /tttt/ drama for a week @-@
for starters, do u want boobs? that's a quick one hehe
i wasnt even tripfagging for a full week before that ss >.> tf kind of friends do u think i have ??
if u didnt like it after a month ur not gonna like it at all. stay a based femboy <3
anyway, keep jorkin' goonbros. especially >>923052949 apparently, like jfc
i post it, u goon it
08/18/24(Sun)03:55:16 No.923053106
That is unfortunately a thing.
Transmasc people.are always chill it seems but many trans femme people are just every possible hyper femme histrionic stereotype and generally not pleasant to be about.
While I would like to be a woman, and it would have made my life easier, I have no desire to actually transition. The surgical outcomes just don't seem great, I've had enough surgery for one life, and my dick though mostly useless is fine. Not bothered by it. I don't want to be associated with the annoying trannies by association really.
08/18/24(Sun)03:56:09 No.923053123
i got tonkotsu ramen here's a picture. I do have a story about meeting someone. I got a message on grindr from someone from my hometown. I live close to washington dc so it really wasn't that surprising. he wasnt my type so i turned him down before but he said nothing sexual. left my hotel at like 12am to meet him at the con and we just talked about hobbies for about an hour.
08/18/24(Sun)03:56:48 No.923053133
I meant my ass you dingus, come eat me out and breed me proper and maybe I'll let you taste femboy cock and cum :3
Are you just gonna give me a tongue bath or does your cock need attention too? This bussy needs cock inside it so badly PA, come breed me and fill me up. Here I'll even wrap my dirty panties around your nose >:)
And now you want to suck on my fingers too, jesus HTA and here I thought you couldn't be even more of a degen...
Ah okay how old is Cheese again? If low maintenance I don't see why getting another cat would be too hard. Yeah clean up your cals with cleaner food, your eating way to much junk and that probs isn't helping with your energy. Yeah its gonna be scary, we've been over this, life isn't easy (unless you're rich) and internship will teach you a lot of stuff but depends on in what industry. Clearly you don't have much idea on what career you want either so I'm not sure either. Real talk, I feel like you just want to goon, play video game and do nothing i.e. not grow up sometimes. I know its hard cause I've been there too but its something to have to figure out. What are you passionate about?
I mean we do post on 4chan lol so people can do as they please lol Dam if only I was there to help you shoot, though I think I'd get too distracted and want to jump on top of you and make out :3 Holy crap I always forget that summer for me is winter for you.. that so wild I'm like half naked right now cause it so hot XD How cold does it get over there at this time?
Oof I feel that Wolfie, days past and you just kinda melt into the week without knowing what you really did.
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)03:58:06 No.923053164
i've been meaning to upload a few more from previous threads
08/18/24(Sun)04:05:58 No.923053331
08/18/24(Sun)04:07:59 No.923053385
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)04:08:10 No.923053390
it gets a bit too much for me here sometimes too tbh
sneaky if he locked in:
08/18/24(Sun)04:09:05 No.923053415
the day you called me cuntarella was the first day i posted my tits in eternal trap lol. literally the day after i started tripfagging on tttt. muscleanon and i starting talking and i kept posting for a week. then i called u out for not being able to tell the difference between tttt and b, which seems like u still dont since ur sitting here bitching instead of just jerking off.
typical lgbt tranny she says, while harassing every single lgbt tranny in the chaser threads. goon more.
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:09:45 No.923053431
And that’s why white people have a higher rate of suicide. Keeping that shit in will kill you from the inside. I’d rather let my emotions out and be punished for it than let them build up and hang myself from the ceiling in 20 years because I couldn’t take it anymore because at least then I didn’t die like a bitch
08/18/24(Sun)04:12:12 No.923053478
It's ok HTA I should've paid more attention! That's really a dick move for your cousin to pull that off, I hope you settle that debt without anymore trouble >:( What do you mean too late? I have classmates that are in their mid-30s and you're actually still younger than me! I'd love to play with this rabbit for sure, let me massage that cute bunny butt of yours ;P
Ok I'm just checking to be sure, keep us updated, I'll probably lurk if I see you posting ^-^ Please take your time with everything and don't worry about taking pics, your health is always the #1 priority!
Oh my that's mouth watering, I get a little jelly each time you show us what delicious stuff you eat haha. Oh that's lovely! It's great to find people to connect with even if it's just platonic :D
True, I try to tell myself to ignore the baddies and you're the reason I feel confident enough to be around in the first place <3 Haha we'd be way to busy breeding each other to get any content made XD Worth it though imho heh... Yep that's right I do live in a parallel universe where the toilets flush in reverse...spooky :o It's nothing too crazy atm, if you live up in the mountains it does snow every winter though, so we can have a white Christmas in July lol
Aww...smooches are my weakness anon, you'll make me blush as my cock twitches up and down in your face *//~//*
08/18/24(Sun)04:13:11 No.923053500
It's a shame I forgot to take my work lanyard off for some of my best office photos. I don't want to out myself as someone on /o/ knows where I work and live just from my car alone.
This is weird and at home posted for /g/ since apparently penny loafers and stationary cases make me a fag or something, and you know not that a dude twice my size rails me a few times a week.
08/18/24(Sun)04:14:13 No.923053527
*PET* Good Jew <3
HNGQF>>><<<!!! MUS*LWIIICK*~UNDASHOEIES( ´ཀ` ) as I grope urButt hngqf>< my Cage is TICKLING me Cali I want too UnlooockUWU
>And now you want to suck on my fingers too, jesus HTA and here I thought you couldn't be even more of a degen...
Mommmy is making my Brain*GOOOEY*@W@ tehe, I'd probably CUM from that tbh and you can Play witmyHair if you want <3
>Ah okay how old is Cheese again? If low maintenance I don't see why getting another cat would be too hard.
7 I believe0_0 I hope I am riiight, idk off the top of my Head and we were bad at keeping track of that but her Birthday was in March I think. I'll have to Check her Documents but shes still a Baby hehe, I was thinking of gtng a BaldCat maybeee but my Grandma has too approve it^^
>Clearly you don't have much idea on what career you want either so I'm not sure either.
True and no worries Cali, I was heldback in a lot of ways like I wasn't given the proper amount of attention so I had to figure a lot out on my own and I had Aids help me throughout a lot of my School Years so idk how to really be Independent.
>Real talk, I feel like you just want to goon, play video game and do nothing i.e. not grow up sometimes. I know its hard cause I've been there too but its something to have to figure out. What are you passionate about?
There is Truth too that Cali>~<, BUT I want too Create Things and do things my way like I just want my Life too be my Own Life, and as for Passion theres a lot, like when I was Younger I did a lot of Writing which also meant a lot of Reading but I haven't done that seriously in Years.
Other than that I'd say Technology, probably I would say I lean towards more CyberSecurity if anything since thats what I Obsess over the most.
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:14:57 No.923053539
>I’m glad I never stood for anything…
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:19:05 No.923053637
Well I guess I would feel hungrier than a bitch and have your mom cook me up some eggs and bacon in the kitchen naked
08/18/24(Sun)04:19:23 No.923053644
08/18/24(Sun)04:21:09 No.923053680
fuck it im posting masc dudes
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)04:21:15 No.923053686
08/18/24(Sun)04:23:48 No.923053771
Lol I’m the opposite of a groomer
TLDR, Who’s the new argumentative troon?
08/18/24(Sun)04:23:54 No.923053773
Now honestly my balls do bother me. They seem to be in the way a lot, and prone to injury. I kinda wish you could remove them without it just fucking your endocrine system. I've never figured out tucking them up inside for some reason.
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:24:57 No.923053807
>it's possible to let your emotions out without risking long-term incarceration
08/18/24(Sun)04:25:38 No.923053829
08/18/24(Sun)04:25:42 No.923053832
I like those too especially when they hold me right.
08/18/24(Sun)04:26:30 No.923053850
no this was
08/18/24(Sun)04:27:01 No.923053864
08/18/24(Sun)04:28:30 No.923053902
08/18/24(Sun)04:28:47 No.923053905
I do not at all desire to be a woman. And when my body no longer looks good in the feminine clothing I wear I'll gladly Chad out. I know I can easily get jacked because I did it a couple years ago. I date girls so they will like me if I look like this or I look like a muscular man.
08/18/24(Sun)04:29:07 No.923053914
It is the weekend so I stayed later but its actually time for bed now for the both of us Timmy boy ;)
You want the smell of my leakage all over the panties too, dam you perv <3 Guess you can huff my scent as my tongue works your shaft, you better not cum to fast I wanna toy with you. Now I do gotta sleep now cause its late but jack off for me okay PA?
Kitty that's so sweet and I'm happy I could provide that feeling <3 Sometimes the thread can still get away from us though haha like this one :P
I know you've done it too but I've fantasied about doing a collab shoot with you but we just end up fucking and making out and blowing each other hehehe dam that got me hard. Australia is a terrifying and magical place LOL Also fun question if you don't mind answering, you have an accent right? Maybe we can save it for next time cause I do gotta sleep now but thanks for coming by Kitty ~Nya Goodnight! (please lurk more too hehe)
At this point I think I have a super power only against you where I just look in your general direction and your cock cums LOL
Ooo HTA is a bad cat mommy, doesn't even know his childs age or birthday, for shame XD Ewww no I hate bald cats, its like they are made of foreskin...
Hey cybersecurity is a great field to get into and just tech is good though the industry is rough right now but thats not a problem for you atm lol maybe there's some internship for something similar? I know this is harder for you thank your average joe cause you didn't get proper guidance growing up but don't give up okay? Especially don't give up just because its hard! You can do it!
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the fun everyone! Cali signing off
08/18/24(Sun)04:29:56 No.923053935
08/18/24(Sun)04:30:35 No.923053960
08/18/24(Sun)04:32:01 No.923053999
08/18/24(Sun)04:32:20 No.923054006
I'm gonna go with "naw dawg, naw"
08/18/24(Sun)04:32:22 No.923054012
Oh yeah. Shoe. Go nuts. Oh wait you can't >:) Kthxbye
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:32:56 No.923054030
>What an entertaining night this was lol.
08/18/24(Sun)04:32:57 No.923054031
do u actually think that's me lmao
08/18/24(Sun)04:33:56 No.923054055
good night cali. see you next time.
>you have an accent right
lol have this
08/18/24(Sun)04:34:06 No.923054060
this one my fav so far
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)04:35:17 No.923054094
08/18/24(Sun)04:35:34 No.923054105
my meds wouldve just kept me off this dumb thread
08/18/24(Sun)04:35:41 No.923054109
Errr.. hm I didn’t think this through..
It does look like a fun one, ah well thel always be new silly drama soon enough lol
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)04:36:51 No.923054152
08/18/24(Sun)04:37:26 No.923054175
bold of u to assume i was ok with puberty. that shit was like a slow body horror. watching disgusting meat slowly encase my body.
08/18/24(Sun)04:38:23 No.923054211
but i like all these :<
Black Anon
08/18/24(Sun)04:40:05 No.923054269
Stop it
I don’t wanna see any dicks unless they’re attached to cute girls
08/18/24(Sun)04:41:26 No.923054314
I'm almost 40 and picked up a dude pretty okay. Just find someone with low standards or something like me. If you got a steady income, fiscally responsible, clean, and enjoy cuddles I'm sure you can find a femboy looking for a sugar daddy.
Fwiw though I was a pet for a woman, and then married to another woman for a number of years. It took me a long time to openly admit that I like men.
Blint(not oc)
08/18/24(Sun)04:41:36 No.923054318
08/18/24(Sun)04:43:05 No.923054373
whatever. titty pic for the road. promise i'll take my meds tomorrow
ok but legit a buff dude with a slightly below avg dick is my ideal lol