I clicked on this thinking I was on gif lol
Wish we had these threads there
06/14/24(Fri)12:34:54 No.919877737
thanks :3
06/14/24(Fri)12:39:11 No.919877898
I am flattered honestly <3
06/14/24(Fri)12:44:46 No.919878102
Have i become to muscular to be a twink?
I am aware these threads don't actually like twinks
06/14/24(Fri)12:44:51 No.919878105
06/14/24(Fri)12:47:57 No.919878221
i got a whole bunch ill just start unloadin
06/14/24(Fri)12:53:21 No.919878427
06/14/24(Fri)12:56:28 No.919878544
06/14/24(Fri)12:58:14 No.919878603
06/14/24(Fri)12:58:45 No.919878619
Damn, well i think i can still pass from some angles
06/14/24(Fri)12:59:58 No.919878681
06/14/24(Fri)13:37:44 No.919879992
06/14/24(Fri)13:41:00 No.919880109
06/14/24(Fri)14:00:13 No.919880825
freshly shaven, right out of the shower (or in it), and properly moisturized. i'm also lucky just having good skin genetics from my mom. this picture isn't directly after a shower so i look a little bit less shiny lol
06/14/24(Fri)14:11:53 No.919881311
believe me brother i know, like i said these pics are old i sold a majority of these a few months ago for a nice chunk a change lol
06/14/24(Fri)14:43:07 No.919882462
sup guys?
06/14/24(Fri)14:48:30 No.919882655
thank you! as a semen demon this is my pleasure!
you misspelled licked
06/14/24(Fri)14:54:53 No.919882921
I'll take it
06/14/24(Fri)15:27:57 No.919884035
this is probably the oldest pic i got i have to take some new ones lmao
06/14/24(Fri)15:42:11 No.919884485
What city did you land in yesterday, you bratty little jet lagged slut? Don't be shy, you know you like the attention.
06/14/24(Fri)15:55:59 No.919884913
the most recent stuff i have is from 6 or so months ago, sadly i dont have the freedom to live this way all the time :(
06/14/24(Fri)16:43:13 No.919886823
not really :/ roommates for one and non-accepting family for the other
a constant fantasy of mine truly
06/14/24(Fri)16:44:57 No.919886897
aye aye capn
06/14/24(Fri)16:58:38 No.919887492
06/14/24(Fri)17:01:09 No.919887592
alas, a hard life for moi. at least i should be able to dress and present more freely soon since i'll be living alone in the next few months
currently nothing but hopefully nut vid soon when i can groom myself again
my hair doesn't grow super dark or thick there so i'm able to shave it pretty effectively, i've also been doing it for a while so that helps!
06/14/24(Fri)17:11:48 No.919888062
Would you suck me? Pardon the razor burn.
06/14/24(Fri)17:34:57 No.919888991
Why am I so pale :3
06/14/24(Fri)17:46:18 No.919889383
You think you can replace Garfield? :3
06/14/24(Fri)18:08:13 No.919890241
You can buy me snacks? :3
Like this? :3
06/14/24(Fri)18:12:09 No.919890415
06/14/24(Fri)18:22:54 No.919890928
06/14/24(Fri)18:28:42 No.919891174
06/14/24(Fri)18:40:13 No.919891669
06/14/24(Fri)18:54:43 No.919892299
06/14/24(Fri)19:07:56 No.919892840
06/14/24(Fri)19:09:33 No.919892897
kill yourself fucking aggot
06/14/24(Fri)19:10:19 No.919892926
06/14/24(Fri)19:10:27 No.919892933
06/14/24(Fri)19:11:37 No.919892964
no, luvbunny_xo on twitter
06/14/24(Fri)19:17:58 No.919893212
06/14/24(Fri)19:29:55 No.919893744
06/14/24(Fri)20:07:58 No.919895301
Correct. Gotta give it to f1nn for milking the system. No pun intended.
You know what they say about assuming right, RIGHT?
jane, i guess? or you mean what i post under on twitter etc
06/14/24(Fri)23:06:42 No.919902660
06/14/24(Fri)23:07:04 No.919902673
want(ing)punctuation. which is a very dumb name back from being on tumblr. but i havent gotten around to figuring out a new one
and thanks :)
06/14/24(Fri)23:18:24 No.919903168
06/14/24(Fri)23:19:30 No.919903216
You in black, me in white
06/14/24(Fri)23:22:27 No.919903331
Thanks I'm real new to it, my gf just recently got me crossdressing but it's pretty fun
This is the only other pic I've taken so far, ngl the crossdressing didn't last long before my gf jumped me both times
06/14/24(Fri)23:32:43 No.919903747
you're that new to it and look that good? damn...
and awesome that she's into that. more than a little jealous
06/14/24(Fri)23:39:47 No.919904035
My wife
06/14/24(Fri)23:55:52 No.919904668
06/14/24(Fri)23:57:45 No.919904746
yeah, i guess that is a benefit to being alone/single lol
you tried heels yet? and do you have you're own clothes, or can you fit into your girlfriends?
06/15/24(Sat)00:11:57 No.919905270
i think you'll like it, does amazing things for your legs. makes me feel super confidant at least
06/15/24(Sat)00:23:01 No.919905706
No idea who that is
Getting hotter by the week
06/15/24(Sat)00:30:51 No.919906049
06/15/24(Sat)00:33:34 No.919906165
06/15/24(Sat)00:36:35 No.919906261
06/15/24(Sat)00:44:27 No.919906541
06/15/24(Sat)00:44:36 No.919906547
Hey /b/ was feeling kinda down today so I went to the mall and took some pics inside some changing rooms, still in the process of editing them cause the lighting was all over the place >:3 How are you pervs doing?
06/15/24(Sat)00:51:33 No.919906804
Greetings gooner community, you will all never become a real woman HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You are so cringe especially when combined with the LGBTQ HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
If you are really a quote on quote "transgender" i want to see a video of your dick being cut off
Niggers niggers niggers
Rach and Tris Chan deserve to rot in hell for being a disgusting tranny HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Cherry, giraffeboi, Valkyrie, buttfart and fett you are so cringeeeeeee
Now time to die
06/15/24(Sat)00:53:27 No.919906878
06/15/24(Sat)00:53:58 No.919906899
HEY CALI*H0LZ*///^/W/^///!!! I'm sorry you are not feeling the best right now how have the last few days been, I wish I was with you right now to cuddle you up in that changing room and *LWICK*~UP urTummmy as I jerk you off, you deserve to be HAPPPY~ALSWOOO are those Shoeies I seeee, and urHair is so pretty along with urHandsss@~@
BTW~have you Watched TheBoys Season4 yets :P and I haven't sold myTurnips yet, but I will tomorrow cuz I dnt have a choice, alsoooooo I habnt came and its benz 2 days, 22 hours, 19 minutes, and 8 seconds but ure jusso pretty idk wht to do TEHE>W< also I am not*L0CKED*~righno, (agn) I am sorry and yes I found myKeys so I can lock right now if you want =D
Don't be mean, Cali is an Angel<3333
06/15/24(Sat)00:54:15 No.919906910
Thats nice to hear anon, not sure if I have that much leg related stuff for these pics cause time was of the essence haha, take a look at what underneath :3
No shit sherlock look at the thread we're in, we all faggots here :P
Oh you're very welcome anon please continue stroking your twitching cock for me and imagine fucking me in a changing room..
Haha its just a hoodie and tights :3 Take a look at whats under here now Tim! I mean I was kinda feeling down but doing these pics made it better! How you been?
Nooo no booty skirts, thats for another time! I just took random pants cause they take the longest to try on so the workers wouldnt be sus of why I was taking so long heh heh heh
So eager anon how about a small tease first?
06/15/24(Sat)00:55:21 No.919906945
Have such a cute fag wife just a shame her cock isn't bigger and she doesn't really top much
06/15/24(Sat)01:00:05 No.919907108
hehe you know i love boy tummy. was out doing errands today and i got this on the way home.
06/15/24(Sat)01:09:29 No.919907442
Omg what does Cheese think of me?
Oh I'm better now I just needed my creative outlook which was.. making smut hahaha had to move fast for these ones though cause technically I'm in public ;) The changing rooms were super small no way it could kit us both! I only watched the first episode of Season 4 so far but love it already! So that means you can cum in 2 hours right? No need to be locked if you're not allowed to cum anyways :P
Haha that was exactly my exact thought when taking this pic today.. well it was more like "Tim is gonna bust his nut" LOL Oooo crap now I want something sweet too! What flavor this time?
I mean I did have my mask on, my hair is kinda long and I was wearing my cute glasses. Did it happen? Nope cause I mind my business and wasn't in the girls section hahaha
Blint(not oc)
06/15/24(Sat)01:18:02 No.919907683
Lol, no it isn't.
Besides me having bad skin, I also have bad lighting too.
Blint(not oc)
06/15/24(Sat)01:21:59 No.919907792
06/15/24(Sat)01:22:23 No.919907807
I was here awhile ago posting about handholding and shopping people seemed to like my older big curly hair and I've been thinking on that lots, what do people think about the short hair? Is it at least alright or maybe I should wear a wig till it grows back out?
06/15/24(Sat)01:25:47 No.919907912
back again. was a little tied up...
06/15/24(Sat)01:25:59 No.919907918
06/15/24(Sat)01:26:59 No.919907950
Lol no if I'm by myself why the hell would I need a mask but I was at the mall and I I've been sneezing a lot due to allergies. Didn't want to gross anyone out :P
You can still bust one for me if you want to though right? Omg like orange creamsicle flavored stuff is my fav, how much does those cost? Oh hell yeah good luck with the sun, make sure to wear sunscreen, even if tis overcast!
>Unholy Trips
Fine here have some femboy ass might not have been what you exacted via panties, at least I'm easy access right?
Do you think you deserve to be degraded by me? Beg me harder you slut.
>Big Persona 5 Takemi vibes
I personally love short hair, it can meld the line between feminine and masculine and you are hyper cute. Not huge fan of big curly hair cause every time I see that style my first thought it.. shit must be hot in the summer/how do you sleep? XD
06/15/24(Sat)01:30:23 No.919908086
as you wish
06/15/24(Sat)01:31:24 No.919908121
Ummm people were talking about my ass and thighs a lot yes, was these pics
Thank you, I still don't know about it I rather my curly big hair but people seem to either want one or the other from me to look cute
Aww thank you, you have a lovely ass :) The big curly hair can get tough in hot weather but I like how soft and fluffy is feels haha sleep never bothered me with it but I sleep suuuuper easy anywhere
Ahhh I haven't shown that yet just a bit of booty and bulge
06/15/24(Sat)01:32:47 No.919908164
She likes to be caged, her cute little cock always strains so much for me when I take her from behind like a good slut
06/15/24(Sat)01:33:11 No.919908180
MMMMMMMM<3333 *RLLLY*NICELY, urButt is really Beautiful Cali I'd LUVS to stretch it out! I-I wana rip urYogaPants up and *POUND* you in that changing room as you scream into my mouthieUWU https://voca.ro/1fiBCruMaynP
>Omg what does Cheese think of me?
SHE ABSOLUTELY *LOVES*~YOU =D and she was kinda brushing her Pawie up agnst you tehe, she hopes to *PAT*~you 1s day you cutiepie, like her Eyes went all wide once I showed (You) to her and she looked sooooCUTEZ~>W< ~
>had to move fast for these ones though cause technically I'm in public ;)
haha >:3 I am sure you could find a Beach too *SINK* urToesss in then huh ;3;3 glad you are feeling better aswell! Don't want you feeling down Mommmy, ilu so much and want to make sure you are taken care fors૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
>The changing rooms were super small no way it could kit us both!
*I KNEEL*>W< I'll be your Carpets mama!*ST0MPIE*~HNGQFFFFFF<33333
>I only watched the first episode of Season 4 so far but love it already!
lol beat me to it :P I haven't yet but HomeLander is a pretty big deal huh, Watched a Movie with my Grandma&Cousin today then we went to go watch the Sunfall and had McDonald's wch I'm still eating and I am starting to average like 2kCALS pretty easily now but 3kCALS is a Challenge for me still, and I even ran out of my WeightGainer =l
>So that means you can cum in 2 hours right? No need to be locked if you're not allowed to cum anyways :P
YesssCali<3333 bybyt mypp has benz so *G000NED*~OUT like literally only been looking at BoyFeeets tbh, and also I've benz a BADBADboy lately so it is deserved tehe...wi-will you allows me to CUMMMIES~all over urButt Cali, OMGZ =D DO I GET BUSSYPRIVLIGES MOMMMY AM I ALLOWS TO TOUCH MOMMMY૮꒰ྀི∩` ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
You look cute with both, how do you look Short&Curly :P
06/15/24(Sat)01:34:07 No.919908214
Dat ass.
06/15/24(Sat)01:34:18 No.919908223
its good i like fulfilling requests
06/15/24(Sat)01:36:41 No.919908299
Ummm I think this is the closest I have to short+curly I can share easy
06/15/24(Sat)01:37:42 No.919908343
06/15/24(Sat)01:40:05 No.919908437
All the time, breeding her is such fun and she is a real dirty whore when she gets horny
Blint(not oc)
06/15/24(Sat)01:45:07 No.919908650
06/15/24(Sat)01:45:35 No.919908669
I don't have one it's something I need to shop for so maybe when I have a shopping friend
Ummm alright
06/15/24(Sat)01:45:37 No.919908670
That's Cali, and yes I agree.
06/15/24(Sat)01:46:53 No.919908714
06/15/24(Sat)01:48:31 No.919908772
>Begging dubs
Sigh.. fine you can get on your knees and let me rest my cock on your face. You can watch me get hard and leak all over you. Do you think you deserve a taste?
Ooo love your style here and the curly hair does look great too. I guess you have a pillow anywhere you go XD is it hard to maintain? Whats your hair routine for it?
I guess it is lol a partially I just don't wanna get other people sick either :P I don't wear them normally though only when I'm under the weather or something, specially in the summer, shit is hot, like dis ass :3
Haha that would make way to much noise you horny slut and I think I understood the voco XD Oooo now Cheese is a fan of mine too awwww yisss <3 Thanks HTA don't worry too much I just needed a day to be a slut for you :3 You will love the first episode right off the bat I think, Homelander is hot tier psycho right now XD OOo so proud that you are getting your cals in, don't jump to 3k so fast, just do like 2.5k or something lower.
You will have to wait the 2 hours if you want to cum otherwise you fail the 3x Challenge right? Also isn't that the cage I hate in that pic?
Dat me.
Hey thats rude to HTA we got it down to 3x a day now XD I usually only jerk off before bed cause it helps me sleep but recently I've been swapping to the every other day thing too. Maybe cause its getting hot? Idk :P So I sit on your back and rub you down right? Do you want me to be naked?
Old ass pics of me XD I do love the bunny set tho
Blint(not oc)
06/15/24(Sat)01:54:20 No.919908993
06/15/24(Sat)01:54:42 No.919909002
How was the mall trip? Buy anything?
06/15/24(Sat)01:57:18 No.919909088
It can be tough to maintain yeah when it was longer I would usually wash it every 3 or so days, I have a number of hair care products as well as moisturiser and one thing I think not often people do is I would also use a scalp oil too for the roots and growth. Detangling it was the worst but I got used to doing it as like a fidgeting thing so I didn't need to worry as much probably with that. It was maybe an hour of work most days with a day or two each week I would do double that to make sure it was healthy, clean and soft
That dress was borrowed from a friend it's just the closest I could think but booty I do have this one from a halloween in shorts
Ahhh all the short hair votes okkkk