Trap thread ID: 918288111

First found on 2024-05-13(21:30:13)


05/13/24(Mon)07:32:35 No.918288111

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Eternal Trap/Femboy/Trans/Twink Thread *Nuking Japan Was NOT Justified Edition* Circumcision Causes: >Permanent BRAINDAMAGE [He will forget it/it's just a forgettable memory is a LIE~The Body is like a Historical Repository and remembers EVERYTHING.] >Permanent Psychological Damage >Psychological/Brain-Rewiring >Mental Illness &/OR Depression and Suicide >Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder >Long-Term Aggravated Response To Pain


05/13/24(Mon)07:38:48 No.918288245

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05/13/24(Mon)07:43:49 No.918288365

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>>918288245 Based :3 [SAAAVED]*X*<333 >>918288265 You Will Never Be A Woman.


05/13/24(Mon)07:47:08 No.918288440

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05/13/24(Mon)07:53:44 No.918288572

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>>918288365 >that gif average night at the fett & fish estate. I spent probably an hour smooshing my face on his boy thighs last night ;_; also gojira=godzilla


05/13/24(Mon)08:05:29 No.918288868

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does anybody know who this is?


05/13/24(Mon)08:05:47 No.918288881

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>>918288361 Yes2U2 >>918288381 jew does not = white also you're a Spiritual-NIGGER :) >>918288435 Possibly, too early to say for sure. Most of these Political-houseniggers are bought off so I don't totally buy it to be honest but its a possibility and we shall see. Eitherway Society has already had its turning point and jews are losing their shit, we have to persecute the HELL out of jews and their "religion" of looking for foreskins to eat. >they also torture and drink blood of babies [ADR3NOCHROME] >>918288572 >I spent probably an hour smooshing my face on his boy thighs last night ;_; goodboy^^ give them kissies for mez pls! Were you being*SQUASHED*~between histhighs :P >gojira=godzilla oh^^ thanks I ddnt know thatX) >>918288599 >have become >now They Always Were. And + they were the OGs in ModernTerrorism with the Bombing of the Hotel King David.


05/13/24(Mon)08:13:42 No.918289078

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>>918288265 >>918288381 >>918289051 shut up kike


05/13/24(Mon)08:15:49 No.918289119

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>>918288994 calling hta a schizo does nothing to him lol >>918288881 >Were you being*SQUASHED*~between histhigh yes I wish I could live there and I miss them ;_; >Eitherway Society has already had its turning point do you think this kendrick/drake beef could possibly lead to a bigger/normie driven conversation about unethical Jewish influence in culture?


05/13/24(Mon)08:25:56 No.918289422

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>>918289310 Yes >>918289386 Kek


05/13/24(Mon)08:27:05 No.918289468

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good morning shizo thread


05/13/24(Mon)08:30:35 No.918289563

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>>918288994 Kys, its just Reality [PIZZAGATE IS REAL & EVIL~I WILL NOT REPEAT WHAT H1LARY DID] you sack of shit. You're just scared we are going to smoke you out of your Tunnels when the time comes, with your lilKIKEneck strungup by ME. Make no mistake, that will happen. All of you will pay for what you have done, I'm just telling you whats on the way. So I cannot be Persecuted for this. >>918289009 I'm*GLUUUCKING*~righno2U2 >>918289030 It was in Defense, Poland was commiting genocide against the ethnicGermans in the areas given to Poland thanks to The Treaty Of Versailles. >>918289051 I'm Honorary. I'm not sitting up here like I'm the Biggest Honorary around, its just who I am you you filthy mamzer. >>918289119 >yes I wish I could live there and I miss them ;_; OMGZZZ>W< hehe whwht about histoesss@U@ >do you think this kendrick/drake beef could possibly lead to a bigger/normie driven conversation about unethical Jewish influence in culture? Yes possibly, on its own probably not so much but it adds more fuel to the fire, it will fan the flames. Anything that contributes to that is good, we do not intend to rock the Boat we intend to SINK IT real low real low :3 >>918289468 Morning TP :P how are uze^^


05/13/24(Mon)08:34:54 No.918289700

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>>918289468 Morning TP! >>918289487 >what products do you use? Pic rel


05/13/24(Mon)08:35:48 No.918289734

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05/13/24(Mon)08:36:22 No.918289752

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Hiii uuu


05/13/24(Mon)08:36:32 No.918289757

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just chilling here before getting back to work..


05/13/24(Mon)08:38:28 No.918289820

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05/13/24(Mon)08:39:13 No.918289847

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>>918289785 i only have straight hair, because i only suck dicks in a non homo way >>918289752 i wanna suck those tiddies until they leak milk >>918289757 add a dildo to chilling, for much more chills


05/13/24(Mon)08:42:22 No.918289924

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>>918289563 > whwht about histoesss@U@ I kiss them too ;_; there isn't a single part of his body I don't spend time worshipping >Anything that contributes to that is good, we do not intend to rock the Boat we intend to SINK IT real low real low :3 hoping things turn around soon, paying big chip bag prices for small big bags is criminal >>918289468 gm very schizo


05/13/24(Mon)08:44:24 No.918289984

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>>918288111 kill yourself fucking faggot


05/13/24(Mon)08:50:18 No.918290145

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>>918289948 Yup, when i was 5 >>918289947 Lol


05/13/24(Mon)08:52:16 No.918290195

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>>918289820 >>918290145 Cuchu?


05/13/24(Mon)09:00:45 No.918290469

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>>918289847 yeah... but that kind of doesn't go well with "back to work" part, but it may happen later >>918289924 but overall good thread, it may last before kids get out of the school again and shitposting starts as usual


05/13/24(Mon)09:10:15 No.918290781

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>>918290145 >Yup, when i was 5 aye, i had a friend growing up who had several ohs, so I recognize them >>918290469 >it may last before kids get out of the school again and shitposting starts as usual threads have been in a weird pendulum between pretty good and almost unusable as of late >>918290540 >when you are working that posting is best. yeah I'm workposting about 95% of the time lol


05/13/24(Mon)09:20:48 No.918291170

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>>918290540 Hornyposting during the work will only make you more eager in the evening for some fun... >>918290781 So far these times are quite good lately. Nights are mixed bag, but overall lately it's not as bad as it used to be.


05/13/24(Mon)09:22:39 No.918291241

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05/13/24(Mon)09:25:25 No.918291331

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05/13/24(Mon)09:26:24 No.918291363

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>>918289630 BazedUWU *NOM* >>918289734 mami? tehe^^ Lola how rze uze<333 >>918289924 >I kiss them too ;_; there isn't a single part of his body I don't spend time worshipping goodboy2U2 treat him like the Queen he is hehe, do you worship hishandsss( ´ཀ` ) >hoping things turn around soon, paying big chip bag prices for small big bags is criminal Trve but I read how once a Price goes back up it doesn't go back down, might get worse ngl. >>918290145 Where you get the gasmask? Its nice. >>918290465 The Danzig Massacres. I am not surprised, I wasn't taught that in School. >>918291170 Did you build that TreeHouse :P rllly nice also like urshoes TP<333


05/13/24(Mon)09:31:06 No.918291549

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05/13/24(Mon)09:32:22 No.918291603

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>>918291363 It's hunters stand, somewhere in the middle of nowhere.


05/13/24(Mon)09:33:07 No.918291628

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05/13/24(Mon)09:33:36 No.918291653

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>>918291346 Men are like, I can do some of that and I'll probably be able to shit talk my way through the rest Women be like, I can't do that one insignificant thing, this is sexism and I am a victim #meethree >>918291398 Honestly same. This is 1 and a half hours of productive time I'll never get back


05/13/24(Mon)09:37:20 No.918291784

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>>918291363 >do you worship hishandsss( ´ཀ' ) yes, literally every part of him. he's basically his boy self around me now I miss him so bad ;_; >I read how once a Price goes back up it doesn't go back down, might get worse ngl. oh it's gonna get so much worse >>918291082 HR departments exist only to give wall-destined women something to do. my favorite HR-ism at my company is >we are an eoe and do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, gender identity etc literal next words out of her mouth >we will give you $1,000 if you refer a woman or minority to work for the company and they stay for 6 months really activates my almonds


05/13/24(Mon)09:39:28 No.918291840

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05/13/24(Mon)09:42:14 No.918291959

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It was getting dark, so these photos are a bit grainy and meh. But I will have something better to post next time...


05/13/24(Mon)09:51:07 No.918292233

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05/13/24(Mon)10:08:02 No.918292738

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Oc here


05/13/24(Mon)10:10:17 No.918292824

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>>918291870 >HR department and all I ever spoke too was 40+ up women who hated their lives and used it as a way to micromanage others that's basically any hr department sadly. if you got rid of them all, productivity would skyrocket >19th/women in the workplace was a mistake >>918292542 >Do you have any non based opinions? ive got some absolutely pea brained takes I'm sure, depends on who you ask >>918292631 it's so hard for me to hold my tongue sitting through stupid seminars and trainings like thos because idc if you're in a position of authority >desire to check dumb woman pov vs desire to remain employed pic unrelated, first attempt at a webm


05/13/24(Mon)10:26:54 No.918293401

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>>918293247 Who is miserable? I've never been more content in my life lol >>918293284 >bigger soft than I am hard if you've got at least 5" hard to play with, don't let anyone ever make you feel bad about it because thats enough


05/13/24(Mon)10:36:58 No.918293711

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More oc


05/13/24(Mon)10:39:28 No.918293786

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>>918293616 >Thanks fam, I pass that test at least yeah, obsession with bigg dix are a result of a generation of porn addicts. there's an active "big dicks" thread up rn where this is being discussed. basically anyone 6-7 inches or above (myself in included) tends to run into a lot of issues physically fitting in their partners. for me, about a third of my partners couldn't take all of me without pain, meanwhile fishboy is only 5.5 hard but he makes me cum~~ I will defend my average dick bros to the death


05/13/24(Mon)10:51:42 No.918294280

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>>918293816 as much as we butt heads cowie you do have a lot of takes I actually agree with, plenty itt too >>918293938 >so no one wants to see me lmao it's a good place if you want raw feedback or maybe fishing for a cute boy to take home (though it seems most are t4t). the only real hard rules for content here are no body hair, and at least legible pics. >always joyless slaves in those kinda places fish interviewed for a local medical supplier and the HR women there was thrilled to explain their companies draconian rules, and how you'd basically have no freedoms. she went on to say you'd eventually learn to appreciate things like >no jewelry, necklaces, piercings, watches, or accessories of any kind >it's so liberating! deranged stuff >>918294066 take the switch pill


05/13/24(Mon)11:28:14 No.918295637

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>>918292166 >Dark in the wood has some nice vibes ngl That's what I thought while taking these photos, also "let's try to do something different". But it's often hard to judge how it will look in the end, sometimes I only see photo is not good enough when compared with my other photos in the "ok to post" folder.


05/13/24(Mon)11:30:59 No.918295744

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>>918295163 >do you think you'd still want to present that way and would you still conceive of the ideal partner that way? I think so. I've come to realize that even tho I consider myself gay, I don't qualify as most people would expect. I've NEVER found traditional men attractive. Though I've leaned more on effeminate qualities, it's always been andro types I've been attracted to, the ones where it's hard to tell if they're m or f, and I've come to understand that better as I've gotten older. In a way I tried to turn myself into what I wanted out of an ideal partner, but I kind of ended up here because I could never really connect with women the way I wanted to. they have different physiology, different brains etc. I've always had a desire for extremely deep connections/experiences, and I've found that that the only kind of relationship that allows for it is an andro/nb kind, where both parties can freely walk between the role of gf/bf any time they want. you can explicitly understand all of the sensations you give your partner, and then they can give all the same feelings to you. as far as the why, idk. it could be cultural propaganda, could be being raised in a fatherless house, could be being raised in a gynocentric society that devalues men/boys. I'm not settled on nature vs nurture, but I've more than given women in my life a chance, and eventually I got tired of dealing with them. I've got everything I ever could have wanted and more in my current relationship. >>918295251 kek >>918295636 >I appreciate you being willing to get into stuff. these are my favorite topics to get into so thank you for giving me the chance


05/13/24(Mon)11:44:19 No.918296257

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>>918295999 damn checked >I think the main reason I prefer effeminate/gender non conforming people is because I've always felt like I had more in common with them I think a lot of people miss the fact that men are actually the romantics of the species. women are generally driven by status/vanity. they care about how good you can make them look. if anyone actually cares about romance, intimacy, candle lights and rose pedals etc, chances are its going to be the man usually. I think a desire for a deep, mutual understanding is a consequence of that, and I think it "leads" a lot of men like you or I down that path. I'm really an anti gooner/anti commercial porn kind of person and i know thats ironic since i post nudes here but thats another discussion. I don't think it's all degeneracy and gooning. I truly think a deeper love is possible in gay relationships and I like to advocate for it.


05/13/24(Mon)11:45:46 No.918296325

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Oc pt2: the ocing


05/13/24(Mon)11:55:04 No.918296865

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05/13/24(Mon)11:56:51 No.918296937

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05/13/24(Mon)12:00:16 No.918297079

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>>918296515 >this nigga said men are romantic i welcome you to make your case for why women are actually the romantics of the species >>918296939 >In my experience at gay clubs men are actual vapid loose whores as opposed to women? >>918296817 >And I say this as a straight man. curious


05/13/24(Mon)12:21:16 No.918297806

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>>918297237 >Nah a lot of people are just vapid whores everywhere I wouldn't deny that either. I spent my time on grindr, I know men can be just as bad. Men and women at large are different through. Women are emotionally driven, not logically driven. They care about status. Concepts like reasoning, honor, accountability dont mean anything to them. They desire taken/married men more than single ones because having a woman means they already have some value. Most of what a woman desires in a relationship comes down to the tangible value you can provide for them, or how good you can make them look. Once you cant provide those things they tend to start looking elsewhere. You cant take women at their word on what they want. What they claim they want and what they actually want are almost never the same thing. >>918297434 this came up during the onlyfans arguement I got into a few days ago, but imo there's a huge difference between posting nudes of yourself for nothing, and assigning a dollar value to your sexuality and commercializing it. I think assigning a dollar value to your sexuality/intimacy actually makes it worthless. I despise commercial porn/OF content creators for how they cheapen such a precious aspect of human experience. Worth noting most big career porn actresses end up hitting the wall and wishing they could take it all back to have some semblance of dignity and respect again.


05/13/24(Mon)12:24:10 No.918297900

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05/13/24(Mon)12:35:48 No.918298360

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05/13/24(Mon)12:44:28 No.918298711

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05/13/24(Mon)13:02:37 No.918299410

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>>918298976 >So what’s ur opinion on the whole Throne situation some oc posters have pushed? I haven't seriously thought about it but I guess I'll give a take since you asked I think kind of a gray area. it's a little more open ended, not like you're explicitly trading sex/content for money. It can be as simple as a link for your simps to buy you things. there's no hard requirement you even display the things they buy for you neccesarily. from what I've seen it tends to lead to drama and ill certainly never make one. I've seen claims it qualifies as ebegging; i don't have a strong opinion on that. >>918298711 checked. ngl stretchmarks are kinda hot and I wish I had some


05/13/24(Mon)13:02:51 No.918299417

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>>918299122 only this, not much since im out atm


05/13/24(Mon)13:07:06 No.918299593

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Sup hoes


05/13/24(Mon)13:08:42 No.918299653

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>>918299410 tyy <3 my ass just ballooned some how, went from skinny to fat. now my fat just goes to my ass and legs, ive always been fond of them your body is insane though >>918299490 yea I haven't in a while, I've been ill and wasn't taking pictures or anything so didn't carry on shaving when I got better hoping to get it laser removed or something because cream burns my skin and a razer is hard to get it all


05/13/24(Mon)13:11:46 No.918299797

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>>918298675 ty! :D


05/13/24(Mon)13:12:11 No.918299812

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05/13/24(Mon)13:18:52 No.918300113

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>>918299653 >cream burns my skin and a razer is hard to get it all try experimenting with different creams/razor heads before you write it off. aerosol gel foam and expensive Venus heads are all i use. I've experimented with pretty much every kind of hair removal technique (that I can afford), and shaving is the best balance of effort/discomfort/results for me >your body is insane though appreciate that, your ass mogs me tho lol. you'll def have some fans if you shave >>918299824 That's a fair way to put it. I kept a cashapp link in my fetlife bio for that reason. made a wopping $105 lol


05/13/24(Mon)13:31:03 No.918300590

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Say hi!


05/13/24(Mon)13:36:31 No.918300814

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>>918300367 I'm surprised I got more than noting considering that link also mentioned you'd get nothing but a thank you lol >>918300415 it takes a ton of practice to get good shaving. it's taken me many years to intuit the grain direction of my hair, and how to get a consistent shave without any burns >thanks a bunch for the recommendation quite welcome hun, gook luck


05/13/24(Mon)13:53:04 No.918301786

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Sinchan here


05/13/24(Mon)13:56:47 No.918301980

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>>918300921 >On a real heater with the based takes today thanks bab

Detroit Daddy

05/13/24(Mon)14:08:22 No.918302473

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>>918302294 Why have I been summoned?


05/13/24(Mon)15:36:00 No.918306232

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05/13/24(Mon)15:37:59 No.918306308

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>>918299653 I actually stan fett on this one >>918300113 a good shaving cream and at least half decent razor is essential to getting a good result. Creams are always a bit 50/50, work for some and not others. I *mostly* shave although I've started waxing parts of it and working my way in. Waxing has its own set of problems, not least it hurts like a mf (at least the first time


05/13/24(Mon)15:40:58 No.918306427

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>>918306344 suckie, nibble maybe gobble even? :p


05/13/24(Mon)15:43:12 No.918306530

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Me rn


05/13/24(Mon)15:44:06 No.918306570

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05/13/24(Mon)15:54:45 No.918307020

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>>918306641 howd you know? lol >>918306819 :>


05/13/24(Mon)16:38:17 No.918309115

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>>918308382 Show bussy pls


05/13/24(Mon)16:44:52 No.918309430

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05/13/24(Mon)16:51:11 No.918309978

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So bored


05/13/24(Mon)16:57:57 No.918310293

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>>918300270 you cant eat my cake >:o >>918309978 same cutie


05/13/24(Mon)17:09:25 No.918310833

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hai :3


05/13/24(Mon)17:17:22 No.918311190

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>>918311097 thx!!


05/13/24(Mon)17:20:48 No.918311356

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HEYS^^ back, I fell asleep and stuff :P >>918291603 Oh cool, is it abandoned? Do you go Hunting TP : O >>918291715 You didn't really read anything. They were genocides, 58,000 ethnicGermans were murdered and nothing you say will change that. >>918291784 >he's basically his boy self around me now I miss him so bad ;_; awww<333 socute! I hope you are together now that its laters in the day2U2 >oh it's gonna get so much worse Sadly yes^;-;^<Just use what you have to get what you need while the getting is still good, to Protect not only You but those that you love. >>918292141 >Requesting more paci pics from based brownie. Top cute Here ;3;3 >What redpilled you? >Ancient Aliens >:3 I wouldn't say "redpilled" as much as Awakened, in my case I grew up in an Environment that wasn't always too nice to me [Included Authority] so all of that negativity made me start looking for Answers to all of that, instead of just pitying myself for how I was treated. Everyone wants there to be a Meaning, but there is no Meaning until (You) give it that Meaning. Look at the Reality of the World, this is the way the World is so pull out of it as much as you can and let it go to HELL, while looking out for your own. >>918310833 ohhi cutie^^ how are you doing?