one of my closer friends recently has been hinting pretty on the nose about his sexuality and i just haven’t known how to address it. by the end of the night we were “joking” about fucking. i think we’re becoming fwb hahaha way too socially inept to navigate this but i guess it’s exciting
11/19/23(Sun)02:03:01 No.909547195
Here we go again! <3
11/19/23(Sun)02:03:14 No.909547204
Make me >:) and show me first.
Ehhh do whatever you want and if both parties are into that, screw whatever is considered the "status quo" Tim
Idk eating me might get you addicted to the femboy taste and I'm very high in calories. Wonder what we could do to burn some :3 Cali-Mom did the best she could and I ended up only kinda fucked up LOL
Very smackable ass you got there... be a shame if someone where to grope it.
Great now I'm hungry again lol Japanese or Indian Curry? Not really unfortunately, work has taken its toll so I'm mainly just in a cooldown period now where I wanna do nothing but sleep :P I don't get to travel like you do haha
Does it not make a huge mess each time you cum though? Mayo everywhere and all over your leaking cock. Feels like this should be only a weekend fun time thing XD Do you have a fav brand of mayo?
Lol if you just lived in my laundry basket you would get dirty underwear thrown at you daily. I'm sure you would sniff it so much and cum so hard. Never eat in bed..unless its cum or a donut that one time LOL Okay HTA we gotta reel you back into normal-ish levels of horny. Please stick to you 3x max a day, no touching after that understand?
11/19/23(Sun)02:07:14 No.909547349
If you're worried just take it slow but if the hints keep dropping might be worth to just ask? Also is there a physical attraction between the 2 of you or just joking around kinda vibes?
11/19/23(Sun)02:07:17 No.909547351
Cherry you can't evade this
11/19/23(Sun)02:10:12 No.909547445
I want one tbh. Got a lot of weed friends that would love to take a hit of that while I... held it for them :3
11/19/23(Sun)02:14:26 No.909547596
i have taken it nothing but slow tbh. it’s definitely taken a more sexual turn, even if it’s “joking.” i’m not worried if he’s not interested, more just too pussy to do something. he did literally say he’s into femboys in a really awkward way at one point like yea he’s either uncomfortabke with his sexuality and wants to fuck or he’s uncomfortable with his sexuality and wants to fuck
i guess ill doll up n stuff more when he’s around n maybe he’ll be more inclined :)
11/19/23(Sun)02:16:14 No.909547658
Japanese curry and that stinks sorry cutie I hope everything is slowing down for you, travel can be exhausting too
Would you take a hit?
Why do I feel something poking against the back of my jorts?
11/19/23(Sun)02:17:51 No.909547718
>No, you're not. But I think you're still naturally one on the inside. ;)
lmfao uwu, welll I sumtimes get ~nagggy~ without me Starbucks ngl xP
>Kinda just been horny mushy brain all weekend lol.
SAMEZ!!! Idk why my cock jusrefusss to stay down its sooo weird ~3w3
Yeh ik but I habnt seen Cowie in a while =/
Cutez, wish u 2 lots of FUNS must be rllly nice being so open with ur Frens ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
*pet pet pet* goood boy <333
>Lol if you just lived in my laundry basket you would get dirty underwear thrown at you daily. I'm sure you would sniff it so much and cum so hard.
hngqf nwo i wana fuck ur panties as I smell demz Cali im so pentup righno lwikez my cock feeels ~SQUISHY~ wit a *tingtingly* feel (๑-﹏-๑)
>or a donut that one time LOL
StoryTime??? an speaking a donuts :3 u guna hab any fo ThanksGibing 7u7
>Okay HTA we gotta reel you back into normal-ish levels of horny. Please stick to you 3x max a day, no touching after that understand?
Yeh ur right Mommmy >~<, I cnt eban focus on reading or rllly anythang an cnt eban make new OC cuz my brain jusCUMS uk? Idk why its jusbenz rllly bad lately but my Sleep Schedule is sumhow still "normal". I understand Cali its just difficult for mez, I neeed to *lock* up more and NOT unlock myself <333
11/19/23(Sun)02:20:02 No.909547800
Sounds like a good plan tbh if that's how things have already gone. I've shown a bunch of my friends the pictures I post here and gotten some... Heated responses :3
Cant wait to see you recreate that vid with your friend lol.
OuO Its like your trying to get the horny goo in my head to go crazy. Treating me like a puppy boy will do that real quick.
11/19/23(Sun)02:27:08 No.909548051
Mayo Anon at first I thought this was a kink but at this point I'm not sure if your lying to me or not cause all of these seems pretty extreme. Regardless if it helps make you cum, its all cool but I would like to see a pic if the tribe will allow it. Put anything special into the mayo recipe?
Just meeting up with family and friends, I need to start thinking of the dishes cause I haven't done any planning yet but we don't do turkey cause its too much of a hassle to cook. Usually 2 chickens instead, easier to manage.
>dammit in my hard now from this succ, too cute
Ahhh ic sounds like hes dropping hints but is unwilling to make the first move or is scared too. So I think your plan to doll up would help him get the idea straight. Does he know about the stuff you post here Juturna?
Awww yis Jap curry is so comforting and warming to the soul <3 and thanks Cherry seeing you post stuff in these threads defs helps, Also loved those videos of you getting dicked :3 I came to them. How often do you have to travel for your job?
Maybe one day I send you my used panties in the mail so you can huff them until your mind goes blank ;)
Oh this was a long time ago but it was like 2 am and I had some Krispy Creams and I just took the whole box into my room. Ate like 3 in bed while watching Birds of Prey movie, covid times were wild lol Good to hear your sleep schedule is back to normal but the horny is harder to maintain... not sure what else I can do here.
AA we are all cringe here, you are among friends <3 Remember you have to show me the apple pie! Chef Cali is a lot of "please get out of my way, no I don't need help, get out please" hahaha not very cute
11/19/23(Sun)02:35:39 No.909548362
he does not, but i already present myself femininely, so there’s no “secret” to my identity. that’s why im pretty sure he’s dropping hints to me.
11/19/23(Sun)02:37:08 No.909548419
Yes slather me in it!
Hey you don't get to cum to vids of me getting fucked you bottom! When we gonna see the cali sextape?!
11/19/23(Sun)02:43:22 No.909548617
yissss thank u hta <3
i suspect he fucks good like i’m kind of excited. it’s in his <personality>
11/19/23(Sun)02:46:25 No.909548707
Ooo are you gonna make anything for the dinner Tim?
Its was okay imo its fun seeing Margot Robbit as Harley and I really liked Black Mask too but I barely remember much of the plot and reasonings to things. Something that stuck out to me was the final fight looked very much like "fake fighting" if that makes sense, like every was moving too slow? Hard to explain :P
You have no idea anon, I was camping my neightbors and waiting for them to leave the house before I look all these spicy naked femboy cock pics :3
Yeah its soup weather for sure, I made some chowder for lunch today and eat it with some garlic bread. Cozy vibes
>matching cows!
Hmmm yeah sounds like you need to make the first move cause I feel like hes not gonna? Maybe he does know about your ventures here haha and is doesn't know how to bring it up XD
Hmmm very insightful doc Maye Anon. The mayo will never give you up or let you down cause mayo gives life. How did you get into this tribe? Requirements?
Hehehehehehe sorry not sorry, hearing you moan did wonders :3 A sextape from me?? I gotta get back out in the real world then and thats scary as hell for me now XD
Maybe in the future somehow HTA who knows or maybe I'm just teasing >:3
Ohhh don't be so horny for me HTA, its not gonna help your cage situation and for all I know you're probably stroking right now. Yeah I kinda miss the early covid times, its was Animal Crossing for me <3 How would banging you help you NOT cum....stupid whore.
11/19/23(Sun)02:51:16 No.909548886
Hahaha yeah like I understand they want to help but I've got a system that doesn't need fucking with in the kitchen! Also remember to add ice cream or cum on it idk HEH, I do what I can to make the threads a fun place <3 You talking with me always helps AA even though you are also a perv :3
Freaking gotta go full Gordon Ramsey on they asses, do you like to cook too Sage?
Yes that fact that it "did it own thing" kinda make it stand out more so than the usual superhero fair :P Super low bar, that being said I did really like the hot mess roller coaster ride that was Aqua Man lol just dumb fun!
Yay awesome I love a man that can cook but seriously stay out of my way in the kitchen! >:) Whats your fav thing to make?
11/19/23(Sun)02:51:45 No.909548901
hi hi
11/19/23(Sun)02:53:20 No.909548956
i think you’re unfortunately right. i’m pretty much the last person to make the first move, but it looks like i’m gonna have to try. he might know… not that it exactly worries me if so. would def do a lot of explaining for me, lol
11/19/23(Sun)03:07:30 No.909549380
My heart was racing so much during the shoot which I already had to speed run though, if only I had something to help me :) Though they might get distracted by ass and smol cock <3
Dahhhhh Peacemaker! I've completely forgot about it but I need to watch it. The only thing I really didn't like but understand the reasoning from the James Gunn SS was they killed off Captain Boomerang before he could do anything cool. I was really hoping they'd show him killing ass before they offed him considering he was on a few of these missions already and a veteran for this kinds of things :(
Do what you're most comfortable with Juturna and I wish you the best. So is fwb the best case scenario or do you want something more?
Such an interesting culture you have Mayo Anon. What are the tribes thoughts on Japanese Mayo? Flavor and consistency is different but its mayo all the same and goes on everything. What other condiments have you beat?
Its me :P
You can learn so much online just from Youtube alone now a days. I always have cooking shows running in the background while I work too haha What do you like to make Sage?
11/19/23(Sun)03:07:43 No.909549390
Bro got the time sand!?!? The lore just keeps getting deeper.
Well... if you give me some time sand too I guess that could be nice. >w<
I'll call you daddy anytime :3
11/19/23(Sun)03:14:11 No.909549588
11/19/23(Sun)03:15:03 No.909549621
Yes plz OuO, I'm guessing mayo is involved lol
Bro, im posting to a bunch of pervs cuz I like cock and I have some friends here. This aint deeper then that, calm down. :p
Thats a bunch of mayo
11/19/23(Sun)03:19:46 No.909549769
Maybe this will be a reward when you reach 1x cums per day and water >:) Though you can always lie :P
Your brain gets mushy cause suddenly it wants to obey and serve like a good footslave. Nonono New Horizons the switch, probs have like 400+ hours from covid times alone, I love the Sims and Stardew too ;) Just farming/building house games.
Would you lick this bowl clean on your knees Tim >:) Got a pic of the french bread pizza at all, always love those cause it looks so comfy lazy food haha
I want ice cream on mine too AA as well as your load for extra sweetness and to get me horny. D'awww AA you're making me blush, I'm so glad I came make you feel warm and fuzzy inside <3
I've watched the theme song intro lol and some spoiler stuff I saw a while back from youtube thumbnails :( Somehow Capt. Boomerang threw less boomerangs in this movie vs the original shit SS movie...dammit
We are one in the same Sage, please show me some of the food you make in the future! Creambuffs on your body too :3 I ened up doing lots of holiday cooking too but on the regular for me its easy meals like pasta, noodles and soups. Korean food alot too cause its also easy haha
Yeee or even when I'm just curious, but also trash food shows like Kitchen Nightmares lol
11/19/23(Sun)03:21:57 No.909549835
Okie dokie! I'm going sleeb for tonight. I hope you all have a great night! <3
Not a bad idea, I prolly will in the future the next time I make somethin real good :3
11/19/23(Sun)03:25:02 No.909549930
ehhh that seems like a lot, maybe just a taste. no but here's the pork chops i did yesterday. I prefer it unbreaded but that's how my dad wanted me to do it
11/19/23(Sun)03:32:59 No.909550165
Goodnight Sage!
I'm gonna start watching now that I'm done Gen V but unfortunately only about half of that is my cum haha the other watch is fake (sorry!) I can't produce that much cause...I like touching my cock XD
I would say keep an open mind with mayo, anon cause it apparently originated in Spain not America. Does aioli fall under the mayo house? What does the Special Def. Mayo SDM consist of? Also because of Thanksgiving the Gravy Boat Nation is acting up again
Demon Butt :P Please eat.
Interesting cause my grandpa also like breaded porkchops maybe its a generational thing?
11/19/23(Sun)03:33:14 No.909550172
hi /b/
11/19/23(Sun)03:33:38 No.909550177
yesss we do a fair bit and known each other for about 2 years now :)
you’re probably right i’m just bad at flirting n need to reciprocate further if he’s not making a move
11/19/23(Sun)03:36:02 No.909550222
i wanna suck those smol tits until theres milk
we need to see that tape
heya cherry, did you get your schedule for ffs?
11/19/23(Sun)03:43:37 No.909550416
11/19/23(Sun)03:43:59 No.909550429
nope, but maybe i’ll have a friends-giving type thing again! i hope you enjoy the festivities, whatever that may include for you
11/19/23(Sun)03:44:55 No.909550454
11/19/23(Sun)03:45:17 No.909550465
11/19/23(Sun)03:47:19 No.909550527
>Must be a BBC, good whiteboy ;3
Based, LMFAO.
11/19/23(Sun)03:52:49 No.909550662
Take it like the whore that you are. Jokes, talk to them and have them understand that its a lot to handle (I can't take that much, not even close). Take it slow and for the love of god use lube. The second there something uncomfortable, its time to stop. Communication is key, there are plenty of other way to please each other, not just ass.
Haha not gonna happen anytime soon XD lolatrap! Maybe one day but there will be no warning, just gonna drop it and run kek kek kek
Gen V is fantastic and if you love The Boys, its more of the same but with very very horny students. Like lots of sex. Too much sex. With superpowers XD Haha nope the cage stays in the drawer, I need my cum in my mouth :P
Errr I'm catching up on South Park, Umbrella Academy and starting Queens Gambit, I'm very behind in all things TV
Guess I'm a new age mayo enjoyer then anon. Where the hell are you getting that much cum? What happens if a Mayo member mixes with a Ketchup member? Making a Thousand Island baby.
You better get to it then HTA ;) mommy's dirty panties await you.
Don't think I could get hurt you even if you would enjoy it, probs at lost squish your balls but not stomp them hard. Don't wanna do any damage, just a firm press. Feel like Black Friday always has better deals than Christmas, plus computer parts are never discounted that much. I've played every Sims ever haha but mostly Sims 4 (you can mod in sex stuff :3) and I haven't played LOU2 cause I don't have a PS5
My grandpa always crushes crackers as breading when he made porkchops. Well whatever it is as long as your dad liked it <3
Very good, very fun. If you liked the Boys you will like it. Lots of blood, lots of sex.
hey cali sorry i didn’t see your last reply!! yeah i’m hoping for fwb because a relationship could complicate other aspects of our friendship and points of commonality
11/19/23(Sun)04:01:29 No.909550900
It wants you
11/19/23(Sun)04:09:48 No.909551148
Oh I have a huge box of panko for when I make katsu or wanna fry shrimp, crackers is just how my grandpa like to make it. Oldschool "use what you got" kinda deal with him and hes not gonna change haha
lol right now its more "drop, have nice conversation, watch guys masturbate" XD
Good to hear Timmy <3 Drop that reverse uno card on him haha I'm sure he's said that too you growing up
No worries! Thread really picked up and I miss things all the time T_T Ah okay so a fwb thing and it makes sense you wouldn't want things to complicate, I feel like he's defs seen your stuff here, just a gut feeling. Whatever thats worth
So Gen V plays into Season 4 of the Boyz but you got plenty of time before that starts up. I got reminded about UA recently cause YouTube recommended me "UA Season 4 promo" stuff lol
B-but I don't get to have the feeling of my cock being stroked, though I'm sure I would cum just from sucking yours <3
This has been the most wild conversation I've had on here in a long time Mayo Anon, thanks <3 I gotta sleep now but keep jacking covered in the good stuff for me, maybe plead with the elders about a photo? Let me see the light.
I'm surprised you don't own a dildo yet, get to it!
Barefoot so you can feel my skin against your balls, plus heels might damage your useless sack. I've tried the sex mods for the Sims but the systems to get it all work is complicated and kinda janky. Anyways I gotta sleep now!
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the fun everyone! Cali signing off
11/19/23(Sun)04:12:22 No.909551220
11/19/23(Sun)05:00:30 No.909552428
is this thread dead or are there still fags on here (oc)
11/19/23(Sun)05:04:15 No.909552521
lmfao I ddnt realize u went to sleep >~< hope ure having a lovelydrrram righno cutie *x* 3u3
Well at least uze enjoyed it while gtngz to b0nd witur Dad :P hope ure alll HANGWYZ~ for ThanksGiving Tim jusdnt forget to save room for dessert. Have a goood night, sweet dreamz, XOXO~ <333
>Gen V plays into Season 4 of the Boyz
hmmmm, I'll make surez to keep dat in mind Cali ^^, probs guna go watch more The Boys righno nglz =D
>I'm surprised you don't own a dildo yet, get to it!
tehe samez >~< ig I'm jusRLLLY~ nrvs bout it maybz u cwan help me pick 1 out ltrz Mommmy tho I hab a few in M1ND ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
>Barefoot so you can feel my skin against your balls, plus heels might damage your useless sack.
YUMMMYZ!!!~ Ur right tehe I ned to feel ur soles soz BAD 7u7 an yeees my sack is rllly useless pls do woteva uze wnt to it mami I pwomise noz to squirmz too mvch (ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ)
>I've tried the sex mods for the Sims but the systems to get it all work is complicated and kinda janky.
aww must bez rllly romantic <333 I'd luv to try sum out sometime but for dat I'd need to achualy build a PC xPPP
Have A Goood Night Cali!!! ilu Mommmy ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ, have bubbbly dreams *tucks in an gibs X*, XOXO~ ૮⸝⸝ > ꇴ <⸝⸝ づ━*:・゚UWU
Imz guna head off cutie but hab a Kitty for ure troubles <///^///w\\\^///>
11/19/23(Sun)05:13:03 No.909552763
trying my best lol
11/19/23(Sun)05:20:52 No.909552967
Hi :3
bnwo warning system
11/19/23(Sun)05:39:29 No.909553430
bnwo alert
11/19/23(Sun)05:45:36 No.909553580
Sup lil slut
11/19/23(Sun)05:45:43 No.909553583
11/19/23(Sun)05:47:16 No.909553620
You remind me of her.
11/19/23(Sun)05:55:08 No.909553794
Hewlooo anon ^^, is dat uze im not Kitty tehe also RLLLY~ sleepy bytz im picrel (@W@;)
11/19/23(Sun)05:59:10 No.909553902
Yeah it is and I would wreck your lil ass, you think I would fit?
11/19/23(Sun)06:04:58 No.909554020
11/19/23(Sun)06:12:39 No.909554183
ew, CORRECT!!!
^w^ woez wht wuld u do to me, most I've had in my ass was a buttplug idk can uze anon 7u7
THX! I luvs being a witl footstool for Cali, honestly I shuldnt unlock at all <333
>can we see some tummy?
OOOO, of course ^^ byt I need to shave soz here is a slightly old pic, lick awayyy ;P
I wnt a dildo like ur cock, maybz a remote1 YUMZ(*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)
11/19/23(Sun)06:16:52 No.909554287
11/19/23(Sun)06:28:07 No.909554578
i have to wear a thumb splint and it looks so uggies like a dick trap lol
11/19/23(Sun)06:42:30 No.909554944
>whoah, so petite, cute and hot at the same time
rl-rllly? dats so kind ovz u anon blushed tbh ૮ ᴖﻌᴖა
>what do I have to do to actually fuck you?
I amz kiiinda a homeboy 7u7 I dnt rllly go out all datmuch lelz but idk anon we jusmet but be in the U S A to start an maybz know *Spanish*~ >;3
I'mz a volcel, chrckmate ˓˓ก(⸍⸌̣ʷ̣̫⸍̣⸌)ค˒˒
yesess :> PLS bez rough witme anon, I wana be skullfucked HARD asf (っ‘ω`c)
Whts a thumb splint xP an HIIII blur!! How have u,d ben its benz a while =D
11/19/23(Sun)07:29:29 No.909556087
butt :3
11/19/23(Sun)07:48:42 No.909556627
11/19/23(Sun)07:49:49 No.909556672
twinkhon myself on the bed xd
11/19/23(Sun)08:00:16 No.909556985
192cm tall skinny bitch maybe more accurate?
11/19/23(Sun)08:09:44 No.909557196
11/19/23(Sun)08:10:14 No.909557205
sure :3
11/19/23(Sun)08:20:20 No.909557444
thanks, but it's really hard to take care of so pull on my leash instead :3
thanks anon~
11/19/23(Sun)08:23:07 No.909557510
lol you are addicted to dopamine
Disc literakdkdk
11/19/23(Sun)08:23:36 No.909557525
I would wreck you
11/19/23(Sun)08:24:09 No.909557541
11/19/23(Sun)08:34:40 No.909557864
demon traps are always gorgeous
11/19/23(Sun)08:35:26 No.909557887
In my defense, I'm doing NNN.
Disc literakdkdk
11/19/23(Sun)08:38:02 No.909557956
11/19/23(Sun)08:46:22 No.909558181
>I may be a degen but I don't give my printers backshots.
have been planning on making some toys so my printers can give *me* back shots
>got contact
got a session :3
11/19/23(Sun)08:48:43 No.909558250
11/19/23(Sun)08:52:46 No.909558369
Anyone got a source on this tranner?
11/19/23(Sun)08:53:10 No.909558386
Idk not even sure whether I'll succeed.
11/19/23(Sun)08:54:15 No.909558420
I'm hornyyy
11/19/23(Sun)08:59:23 No.909558584
Forgot pic
11/19/23(Sun)09:03:25 No.909558709
I'll fuck you. But in all seriousness idk grindr can work if you get lucky
11/19/23(Sun)09:12:42 No.909558996
11/19/23(Sun)09:12:47 No.909559002
have one more anons~
11/19/23(Sun)09:13:26 No.909559031
Join me
Captcha SXYW4R kek
Disc literakdkdk
11/19/23(Sun)09:13:39 No.909559038
How about now?
11/19/23(Sun)09:14:40 No.909559066
11/19/23(Sun)09:28:28 No.909559549
I understand
No but you can have this instead