eternal trap/femboy/trans/twink thread.
Last Thread
11/12/23(Sun)00:17:22 No.909180962
11/12/23(Sun)00:17:55 No.909180987
11/12/23(Sun)00:18:17 No.909181008
used hole posting
11/12/23(Sun)00:18:45 No.909181025
11/12/23(Sun)00:20:57 No.909181116
your dick’s a nice picture for ants foh
11/12/23(Sun)00:21:47 No.909181159
someone wanted some undies last thread, I hope you enjoy ^~^
11/12/23(Sun)00:22:11 No.909181172
11/12/23(Sun)00:28:07 No.909181387
11/12/23(Sun)00:31:11 No.909181508
11/12/23(Sun)00:33:29 No.909181598
11/12/23(Sun)00:34:56 No.909181655
thank you anon, I'm glad you enjoyed
also what's the allure with feet? Respectively Id like someone to tell me lol
11/12/23(Sun)00:36:21 No.909181712
11/12/23(Sun)00:37:17 No.909181737
11/12/23(Sun)00:38:23 No.909181779
Hey /b/ love seeing Cuchu as the thread starter :3 What y'all pervs up to?
11/12/23(Sun)00:41:32 No.909181893
11/12/23(Sun)00:42:35 No.909181931
11/12/23(Sun)00:44:55 No.909182025
11/12/23(Sun)00:45:33 No.909182044
11/12/23(Sun)00:45:37 No.909182048
11/12/23(Sun)00:45:59 No.909182060
11/12/23(Sun)00:47:32 No.909182113
I literally do nothing, I just happened to have fast metabolism so it's hard to gain weight, I feel like I could be better if I were to actually workout (booty excersizes) ;0
Let's starts a barbecue, you bring the meat il bring the buns!! Lolol
11/12/23(Sun)00:48:04 No.909182135
that was the risk you took by coming into these threads anon, plus it that not a bad thing ;)
Hey Tim! How its been? What games did you buy?
You can try but I'm pretty helpless like this :3
11/12/23(Sun)00:51:13 No.909182250
11/12/23(Sun)00:54:41 No.909182369
ass posting again :3
11/12/23(Sun)00:55:49 No.909182416
We miss you.
11/12/23(Sun)00:57:56 No.909182500
Hai /b/, hope you've all been having lots of horny fun while I was away hehe~ Been meaning to get back to posting but ya know life has it's moments so I'm still behind on everything :/ Other than that, who's ready to drain their wallet with the upcoming black friday/cyber monday sales? Hehe :P
*gasp* It's my angel Cali! *pounce attack* >:3 I've been kinda occupied with life so nothing femboy related progress to share unfortunately, but I do have those Halloween pics sitting on my computer that I've been meaning to edit heh... ^-^;
11/12/23(Sun)00:57:59 No.909182502
Hey my little HTA, I know its been a while but I've been busy. As I always say don't worry about the OC stuff too much, I don't wanna pressure you into it. Feel free to give me a tribute tonight though sweetie ;) Nice report by the way the cumming is back under control. Water still needs work though its always so random, just drink a glass in the morning silly :P
Hey AA ehhhh yeah these past few weeks and even now its been stressful mainly due to work, lots of things changing. Typical corporate bullshit :P How have you been doing, whats new?
Holy crap I totally for Rouge existed and now looking back there were so many random ones like Brotherhood and Revelations. RDR is such a good one too, gonna get a PS5 for Black Friday maybe?
11/12/23(Sun)01:01:36 No.909182649
11/12/23(Sun)01:06:12 No.909182814
There you are my little Kitty <3 As much as I want more of this Halloween Kitty for my saves I also have not had time to finish editing my demon boy set hahaha (also I'm lazy, I just wanna sleep all the time now :P) Someone needs to photoshop our 2 Halloween Cat sets together :3 So can cuddle and lick each other heh heh heh
I liked Black Flag the most cause...pirates lol I understand that no rush feeling too, like I want one but there isn't enough games I want to play on it to justify the purchase. Like that other anon said what about upgrading your PC instead?
11/12/23(Sun)01:06:49 No.909182835
11/12/23(Sun)01:10:55 No.909182977
/b/ros (:
11/12/23(Sun)01:12:26 No.909183036
11/12/23(Sun)01:13:15 No.909183070
oml you are so cute :D
11/12/23(Sun)01:14:54 No.909183123
11/12/23(Sun)01:15:41 No.909183157
11/12/23(Sun)01:15:45 No.909183160
Hay everyone!
Anyone up to anything fun? :3
11/12/23(Sun)01:19:29 No.909183294
Heya Tim! It's been a minute since we last chatted, anything new you've gotten up to lately? ^w^
Nya~ Glad that I swung by today and saw you post, been a pretty full week lately so I'm slowing down with the whole 4chan smut lately *sigh* Oh I totally getcha, I feel like these days it's not so simple with how 'sets' are conducted, you gotta get an outfit, props, poses, editing to add text and little emojis, etc...It's all very time consuming! Oh I hope there's an edit of us two floating around hehe, two catboys being lewd and licking up each other's milk! >:3
Ah there you are HTA, it's time to cock worship your two mommies! Come lick us up clean like a good boy... ;) Ooh nice, I'm sure lots of stuff will go on sale so you'll be sure to find a deal! $500 usd for your build? Seeing how prices are much lower compared to the ol' crypto days you could probs build a nice entry level PC but make sure you have enough money leftover for games hehe :P
Hii AA~ Hope you've been well lately, missed you too! What's on the plan for this holiday season?
11/12/23(Sun)01:23:00 No.909183408
omg! That cock looks sooooo good omg (๑ڡ๑) and the fit!!!!!!!!!!!!! mega super jelly
11/12/23(Sun)01:24:00 No.909183444
Jessi its been so long! Is this new OC, don't think I have anything thing from you saved featuring fishnets <3 How are you?
Its kinda let up and the dust is settling finally, I've come to terms with it so its less stress now. Ohh good question, I love classic apple pie + ice cream but smashes sweet potatoes with marshmallow and candies walnuts is always a huge it in my household too
Ooooo ic if its only for Gran Turismo than yeah just wait on that PS5 then. Still think you just invest in a new laptop then Timmy, just so you can take advantage of more games. Do you play Indie games at all?
You're gonna have to remind mommy on what you "mentioned" HTA is all been a blur but what job is out of state? That troublesome to work out? Got any pics of the clothes you got? Cum on any of the demon boy pics you saved, though I have an idea which one you'd pic ;)
Yeah I feel that, I've been kinda slowing down on my posting too, just tired.
>It's all very time consuming
The clone has become the master. Heh heh heh transformation complete. Now on you phase 2....
God if you came to my house for trick or treating, I'd grab you by the cock, pull you in and make out with you until you got hard and ready...
Well well well its the FBF welcome to the cum zone bitch >:)
11/12/23(Sun)01:24:35 No.909183463
I wanna go swim
Not in these though too nsfw inappropriate
11/12/23(Sun)01:26:08 No.909183510
11/12/23(Sun)01:28:56 No.909183616
Thank you C:
Thank you so much for elaboratin, now I can understand my fellow anons deeper..
But it is :0
Fortnite sucks!! But you don't :)
Noted ;> il try to keep that in mind when I ingest grease foods ahah
I'm 21 standing at 5'8 I'm an average chud :3
The elites in halo make me horny, anyone else?
I don't live rent free in your head appearantly
11/12/23(Sun)01:31:09 No.909183693
Yes it is, as is...
And this one too
11/12/23(Sun)01:34:56 No.909183814
Not yet, but... Come to NE Ohio, you find interesting things in the forest.
11/12/23(Sun)01:39:26 No.909183961
First of all how did you even injure your cock and second of all it was defs from cumming to gay porn >:) Oh noooo I hope some perv doesn't come lick me clean before playing with my hole :3
Only a few indie games? Time to expand that catalog during Black Friday Tim! Feel like your laptop should be up to the job. How's work btw?
I want spiderman to cover me in webs please :)
Thanks AA <3 Lol I think people were just blowing it out of proportion but I did say I might take a break from posting my ass in the future, though I weirdly worry about you guys. Like cause I know you guys worry when I don't show up and then people start to speculate, Its a whole downward spiral XD. AA Thanksgiving is already chaos, if you have time, yes making it is awesome but just buy one if need be.
11/12/23(Sun)01:39:58 No.909183989
Sure has been! No need to be creative all the time. Thats alright :P
Aw HTA missed you too <3 ive been doing good or trying atleast haha just mostly really busy.. been lurking around here often just didnt post :P
Cali! <3 I know its been too long :( just been really busy.. My silly ass thought it would be a good idea to take an evening class with my internship to speed things along.. never again -_- I've been lurking quite alot but didnt feel lile reposting old stuff, didnt have time for new pictures , or anything else really that isnt school, except for this one with the fishnets lol (you were right :P)
But enough rambling about me.. How have you been, love?!
11/12/23(Sun)01:41:38 No.909184038
The views here are quite scenic
11/12/23(Sun)01:42:42 No.909184084
Team femboys unite! o7
Very close to some quads there Footballfag! It's always a blast around these hours hehe~
Aww thanks Sage <3 I hope you'll be down to give my little cock a suck? Oh this outfit is just my faux leather bodysuit and the cat accessories, I'd bet you'd be just as cute in it ^-^
>Cali got trips therefore we must suck his nips XD
Hey that's fair I mean you've got your professional life to deal with, that's already a big chunk of your day to focused on and the standards you raise around here make it always worthwhile to wait <3 Master? Don't make me laugh Cali, I've got many more belts to earn before I become the sensei here, for starters I could really use a RGB lamp :P Haha is that your idea of trick or treating? Perhaps I'd have a little trick up my sleeve too... *whips out double dildo for us to ride together* ;)
Oh I see, it's always good to be responsible and maybe save up for another sale, I mean it's all kinda just a push for consumerism anyways lol. It's the Halloween to Christmas pipeline, literally the day after Halloween is the day you see Christmas ham on the shelves!
Oh sweet, a trip down memory lane? I remember older gen consoles were a blast to play, as a kid I had so many hours on tony hawk haha
Oh sweet Jessi is here too! Haiii~ :3 Been a while since we chatted, hope you've had a chance to dress up and stuff ^-^
11/12/23(Sun)01:48:47 No.909184328
Wasn't the lake, was the Cuyahoga River, at least 13 times.
And, actually, yes lol.
11/12/23(Sun)01:48:48 No.909184330
Things have gotten so busy so fast for me too :_; I wanted to take a bunch more sets of pics but its just so hectic. Hope you are doing well cali <3
tbh... I'd be down to worship your cock until I'm all ditzy and fuzzy brained >w< and ya but lots of times the simplest fits just go so hard! And they look soooooo good on you :3
11/12/23(Sun)01:50:10 No.909184393
THX Sage!! I habnt rllly benz playing much byt its benz cozy :>
>it's time to cock worship your two mommies!
hehehe yesss Kitty *slurp gluck nibbblez*, may I gibz me Virginity to ur fussys StepMami ^^ I rlllu rllly wnt ur fussys ( ´ཀ` )
>$500 usd for your build?
Yeh probs idk tehe I'm a BIG newb wuld uze reco AMD over Intel idk tbh bytz I rememba a lot ov debate bout dat ^#>W<#^
Hiz Fren!! *x* glad ebry1 is onz nwo we just nedz Penny an few othas UWU
>You're gonna have to remind mommy on what you "mentioned" HTA
tehe welllz the whole moving out thingy months ago (complicated), yeh its a mess idk I wish I culdz just *spill* everythang but I cnt ;-;
>what job is out of state?
Sells Job <333 an its in the MidWest idk yet byt dats wht I've benz told ;3
>That troublesome to work out?
Yeh it has benz *OOF*, did liiike 20m on Friday an I am at 95ibs an no bellyfat soz I thnk I'm gud 7u7
>Got any pics of the clothes you got?
Yeees, here is a pic sawi its so dark an u cnt rllly make out the fishnets byt deyrze there an SP000PY themed ~3w3~
>Cum on any of the demon boy pics you saved
hehehe when mommmy whenz?? ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
tehe dnt worry we're back at Season UNO >;3
Just glad ure back Jes always nices to hab the whole Team here *x* 7u7
11/12/23(Sun)01:56:44 No.909184640
The Cuyahoga Valley National Park is one of the few good things about Ohio
11/12/23(Sun)02:01:50 No.909184834
Evening class with an internship, so sounds like you barely have any time for yourself :( Well any new pics from you is always welcome with that amazing body <3 If you've been lurking hope you got to see my Halloween set this year (picrel)
Work has been taking its toll on me but things are getting better, just tired mostly and really need some me time. Thanks for asking Jessi <3
Fair point, maybe games from around that time then? *shrug*
D'aww you're too sweet my Kitty <3 I just need a vacation or something, just to do nothing. Hey I mean your process to make pics sounds like its evolved a lot since you started, you are becoming a master! The shitting ring light I use had RGB function and I had 2 other little RGB light to boost the "redness", they pretty cheap too on Amazon. Its the treat side for me and a trick for you <3 Think I would want to use that dildo on you first so I could watch you leak and squirm for me :3
Well I guess you gotta take NNN for seriously then XD for your health! Goodnight FBF
Oooooooo AA thats so kind of you to think of me <3 Life happens and it builds character but don't worry I will always tell you guys whats happening if I need to disappear for a long time or something! Okay can you take a pic and show me the pie too? I wanna see a nice slice!
Seems like everyone is experiencing this right now, at least all the traps/femboy haha maybe its a towards the holiday thing? Idk :P What sets did you have planned Sage?
I miss my gamecube too but I still have a few controllers luckily. Think its time for an upgrade regardless, 10 years is a long time. Oh gosh my sweet Tim I'm sorry people are stupid and rude to you, you don't deserve that <3
11/12/23(Sun)02:02:58 No.909184873
Oo right I remember now but don't tell us anything you don't want to honey. What kind of sales job? What are you selling, femboy pics? XD Oh I can't wait to see you in these spooky clothes, be slutty for me >:) Cum now. Cum now on my pics you whore. Do it for me.
11/12/23(Sun)02:06:31 No.909184998
Lol I know that vibe so much. I get comfy and then just chill even if I had something real I was doin >w<
Slutty cow boy wanting to get milked >w< just wanted to get a bell collar and some cum lube. I also was thinking about getting a bunch of leather harnesses for some kinda set maybe a whole bondage thing. Anyway! can you please eat my soul and make me a demon slut too?
11/12/23(Sun)02:15:09 No.909185284
femboy supremacy forever
11/12/23(Sun)02:15:10 No.909185286
Thanks~ have a good night and rest up! Hope that dick of yours heals quickly too :3
That's the spirit! I'll have you guzzling my cum until your belly is full and my balls are emptied >:3 Sometimes I just like chilling in my panties and thigh highs in bed lol, the more complex the outfit the more I end up putting it aside haha :P Oh and thanks, you have an adorable cock and tummy yourself :D
Ooh yeah the nostalgia is real with those, I never had the console but my friends from school booted up an emulator and we'd just muck around on it haha, was there any particular game you missed?
Good boy, now bend over and crawl towards my feet and lick them up... ;3 Honestly brand isn't that big of a deal unlike the fanboys might think, I've used both Core and Ryzen CPUs myself and they get the job done for the everyday stuff, the real factor is who offers more price/performance, in my case it has been AMD for the most part but everyone's local prices differ.
Yeah you can say that again, literally Christmas trees were next to jack o' lanterns lol. I have the most memories with Pro Skater 3, since it's what I had access to. I was a total noob though, but had fun landing the occasion trick :P
11/12/23(Sun)02:15:37 No.909185308
11/12/23(Sun)02:16:03 No.909185321
It sure sounds like it, with how much stuff you're dealing with all at once. I'd love to take you on a special relaxing one with lots of massages to y'know...ease the body ;) Then maybe a nice rejuvenating facial treatment after to leave you feeling refreshed hehe~ Well I guess it's a bit more work than the typical up close butt pic but I've still gotta work on the execution and I dunno make it feel more "natural" I guess? Oh that's a good idea to get a ring light version, I still haven't made that throne thing because I still feel iffy about getting people to fund me for femboy porn material heh...
>I could watch you leak and squirm
And I'm guessing you're gonna tease me until I beg you to let me cum but you'd ruin it instead and plant your soles across my face to lick up... >:)
I miss Penny too ;-;
11/12/23(Sun)02:23:30 No.909185603
I LUVZ DEMON CALI OMGZ ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
>don't tell us anything you don't want to honey
I wana tell uze but I cnt cuz ov *LOTS* ov variables sorry mommmy, dnt worry boutz it I wish I culdz take u on a nice Camping Trip to ease both ov our minds ~^#>W<#^~
>What are you selling, femboy pics? XD
hehehe dnt nya~ ^^ mez bytz *FREE* real estate <333
>Oh I can't wait to see you in these spooky clothes, be slutty for me >:)
Yesss Mommmy :>!! I try to make demz EZTRA~ spoookies for uze >;3
>Cum now. Cum now on my pics you whore. Do it for me.
YES THX UZE MOMMMY!! hehehe ^^ it felt soz gud does dis meaz my Soul is twaken nwo? UWU
Yup, benz listening to lots ov Lofi lately while bngz in me blankets <333
>Good boy, now bend over and crawl towards my feet and lick them up... ;3
tehe YESSS Kitty rze uze guna gib me stompies? lwike kcik me balls tehe dnt go easy on me pls ૮꒰⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝꒱ა
THX for the PC advice toz Kitty *x* idk wht im duing lulz so probs jusguna go for the cheapest hardware dat is good ;P
I still feel iffy about getting people to fund me for femboy porn material heh...
Its oki Kitty, only doz wht u wana do jus wana let u know dat I wuld LUVZ to gib uze a witl sumthang an I dnt mind in the slighest Angel 7u7
11/12/23(Sun)02:27:32 No.909185733
Maybe we can be slutty cow boys together? I've got just the thing for lube :3 Would love to see you in some bondage stuff hehehe but honestly Sage I don't need to eat your soul cause you're already a demon cumslut inside. An ass like that can't be pure >:)
>one said im not coming back here
Watch them be back hahaha some people are dense. What if a Cali showed up and argued with you for 10 minutes on why you can take him into the break food and fuck him silly? >:D
Is it weird that I've fantasized about hunting you down in, stalking you and pouncing you. Like an random twinky boy pounces on you and all I say is "Hi Kitty" and I run off. Leaving you to wonder, if that was who you think it was :) I want a special Kitty Happy Ending at the end of my massage please.
>more "natural" I guess
Some of that is just being more comfortable with your body and its a note I've gotten from anons. Like like the "low-effort" POV style pics a lot from me cause its seems more spur of the moment/natural vs my posed/edited stuff
>plant your soles across my face
See now that you say that, I won't. I'd make you beg to taste me feet. Fuck you with that dildo until you hole is nice and gaped >:) No feet.
Can probs still buy controllers right?
Ooo such a good boy HTA, mommy loves it and did you lick your phone clean after?
No camping, we go to Disney land, have a great time and back to hotel where I can fuck your brains out, whore >:)
HTA your soul was taken my be a long long time ago, you can't live without me now. You are forever in my control, cum again for me but choke yourself a little.
11/12/23(Sun)02:30:37 No.909185833
Hey /b/ros, feelin wild tonight... I'll post a video of me cumming with this if anyone's interested
11/12/23(Sun)02:32:25 No.909185907
>guzzling my cum until your belly is full and my balls are emptied
sdfjiejwqiauedbn!!!!! I will actually be your live in cum dump, if you can manage to get me this flustered >w<
Cute :3 sounds like a pretty ideal night to me lol. I prolly would end up bouncing on a toy tho >w<
Sounds like an awesome plan! Ya that is fair I am just a lil tiny bit of a slut. Do you mind if I ask you what you camera set up is like? seems so high quality and I'm already looking for new stuff.
11/12/23(Sun)02:35:17 No.909185992
11/12/23(Sun)02:38:36 No.909186100
11/12/23(Sun)02:38:46 No.909186107
11/12/23(Sun)02:44:27 No.909186288
>lil tiny bit of a slut
You're being modest Sage, we are all sluts here :3 My setup is pretty simple, its just a $20 usb ring light that holds my phone. I sometimes then setup 2 smaller usb lights if I need extra and thats it, all of which are connected to a external battery so I can move things around easy. The ring light extends pretty high but is bad with "top down" shots. For those I've used a selfie stick in the past but don't like the arm holding the stick being in the pics :P
I wanna tease you during you shift, like I keep bending over in front of you or blushing up against you when I ask for you help :3 wouldn't that me fun? Then on your break you can fuck me in your car and release all that build up <3 Also don't worry Tim I know thats not you posting those pics.
Hey thats me but thats not my original pic for sure haha
You need to hunt down Mario Kart and some Mario Partys or something anon. I suck at smash bros and like to play with items hahaha, who did you like to play?
11/12/23(Sun)02:49:12 No.909186408
11/12/23(Sun)02:52:33 No.909186500
11/12/23(Sun)02:54:37 No.909186558
>we are all sluts here
Shhhhhhhhh dont let them know just how bad I wanna be passed around like a toy!
>My setup
*writing that down* OuO Thanks a bunch. hope to have a bunch of new (better quality) pics soon lol
11/12/23(Sun)02:57:49 No.909186642
11/12/23(Sun)02:58:10 No.909186650
Fuck Jannies, Here Uze Go Mommmy *x* <333
Shes gud dnt worry Fren she'll be back soons 7u7
11/12/23(Sun)03:02:45 No.909186796
Forgive my ignorance but I've never heard of these titles, I think it's from a generation before I even touched a controller, but I'm sure they are fun ^-^
Yes I'm going to squash your face between my toes and you'll have to sniff them all up hehe~ You better start licking or I'm going to make it hurt >:3 Just don't cheap out on the power supply, 'cause that's a fire hazard if you get something wonky! Also thanks for offering, I might request something one day, but it won't be begging or paywalling crap, 100% optional!
It's totally not weird that you're fantasizing about me because I do the same with you haha ;) I wanna be your little prey, someone to grab onto and toy with, I'll be all vulnerable as you take me away...Oh that happy ending will be very wet and sticky I hope you're prepared for it!
>comfortable with your body
Oh yeah that makes sense! I mean I'm kinda a bit insecure about my body, it feels kinda exposing to be naked and share it out to the interwebs haha but I'm sure with practice comes confidence. I've got a 'live pic' (picrel) I did last time that got good feedback though :D
>No feet
Don't make me cry Cali, I'll play on your soft side and guilt trip you mwahahaha >:3
I'll take you up on that offer hehe, I'll chain you up to a post and have your body glazed with my cum each morning then stick it inside your hole hehe~
Sigh...It's becoming really cringe after a while seeing this fetish pushed on me ya know
Oh yeah old school runescape was cool, though if we talk about old online games I uhh was a club penguin kid XD
Also sorry to see you getting impersonated, I'm sure you're not the one pushing this spam on everyone <3
11/12/23(Sun)03:06:59 No.909186914
11/12/23(Sun)03:09:47 No.909187003
Goodnight Tim! Sweet dreams <3
Hey I didn't really have a main either cause I just play casually back in the day, but I like Dr. Mario for some reason and Donkey Kong for the the expand dong XD
The clones are escaping the dungeons again :P
Ohh 4chan being weird for you again? Don't worry I'll still be around for you, mommy await you response >:)
Sage we all know you want to be gangbanged, covered in cum and mind broken cause...I do too :3
No problem sweetie, can't wait to see what you cum up with!
LOL thats one way to do it. I don't like camping, not that I'm scared its just dirty and cold. Not my scene :P
I also haven't been to Disneyland since I was a kid, simpler times back then. I wanna put a vibrating toy in your butt and have me told the remote, so I can tease you all day too <3 Your such a slut whore HTA jesus, look how much of a degenerate you've become? You want my feet that badly huh? Choke yourself for me again, until you cum <3
>Little cock needs to be played with <3
Yes I do fantasize about busting into your room and tying you down and blinding folding you...fuck I'm hard again. Licking your face and whispering "Guess who..." :3 Yeah it defs gets easier over time and a lot of anons like "live pics" style which I also don't do enough of :P
>Don't make me cry
Dammit. Fine here, get on your knees and sniff away.
11/12/23(Sun)03:21:17 No.909187383
Harvest Moon = Stardew Valley btwz dnt worry bout the trolls ure btttr than them ;P
>You better start licking or I'm going to make it hurt >:3
Yesss Kitttyz!! I'll lwick up ebry last dropz ov ur sweat btwnz ur toes dnt worry I'll be gentle wit demz ^w^
>don't cheap out on the power supply, 'cause that's a fire hazard
THX for the headsup Kitty!! Ure svch an *Angel*\\UwU looking outz for me omgz 3u3
>it won't be begging or paywalling crap
hehehe ^^ wuldnt it be weirdsss if uze started *blurrring* ur feytz~ to lure me in <333
>LOL thats one way to do it
hehehe whts le otba way mommmy? ~3W3~
>its just dirty and cold
Yeh ur right tho I've nvr benz camping bfr soz idk xD, BYTZ~ I'dz LUV to take uze to DisneyLand an *holz* hands with uze an explore the whole Park togetha :3
>have me told the remote, so I can tease you all day too <3
YES!! PLS DOZ CALI I nedz to be punished soz BAD~ omgz I wuld cage up soz fazt for uze <333
>Your such a slut whore HTA jesus, look how much of a degenerate you've become?
tehe I rllly shuld mwake moar OC ^^ for uze to prove it I've still yetz to show u how I suck on my own cock >;3
>You want my feet that badly huh?
SISISI~ I wuldz say the most DEGEN fantasy I've hadz iz uze mwaking me *impotent* by draining wit ur fets an squishing my cock liiike just *STOMPIES*~ foreva ( ´ཀ` )
>Choke yourself for me again, until you cum <3
YESSS MOMMMY!!! iluz *x* 7u7
11/12/23(Sun)03:28:02 No.909187592
Not really, I haven't had a real cock in a long time unfortunately but here's a pic of my ass with some toys inside of it, one of my favs. Hope that counts for something :P
That's the spirit! We can take turns being used or maybe even together at the same time, let me lay on top of you so we can make out and have our bodies used <3
>whts le otba way
This way, looks like posting is working again for you
Tease you all day at Disneyland, let you rub my hard bulge during Haunted Mansion and I finger your whore mouth. You will cum in that cage so much and have so much of leak down your legs as the day goes on. Back the hotel you can take my shoes off and taste my dirty sweaty feet before I make you suck my cock. Pushing you onto the bed and breeding you. Cum for me HTA. Cum. I have to sleep now honey. Dream of this.
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the fun y'all. Cali signing off.
11/12/23(Sun)03:28:59 No.909187625
Oh wow that's quite impressive, I'm just a silly zoomer who grew up mostly on the NDS and Wii so yeah I'm not really a big retro gamer honestly haha :P
Oh right that would totally make sense, also sucks to see the trolls around, have a good night Tim :3
>BREAKING NEWS: Zoomer hasn't heard of games that were launched on platforms he never owned in the years before he was even born
Sorry me dumbo :P
Hehe what a horny boi Cali is being tonight, maybe you need some assistance with that cock of yours ;) I'd be totally helpless and whimpering, begging you to let me go but secretly enjoying it the whole time..."C-cali? Is that you? Please be gentle with me~..." I'll keep it in mind Cali, thanks for always being here with the handy tips, I'd be so lost without you XD
My cock is throbbing and I'm trying my hardest not to rub it right now >~<; Must smell...
Ooh I see, well it's no biggie I like learning new stuff and it's okay admitting to being unknowledgable about hobbies and interests. Be gentle or else I'll take them away and you won't have feet to smell and suck >;) Oh that would be funny but I guess it would be awkward for the others ya know?
Aww I just missed you! Please read the reply Cali <3 XOXO
11/12/23(Sun)03:29:17 No.909187633
one for Christmas toy pic for the road, goodnight!
11/12/23(Sun)03:33:38 No.909187762
Hey I'm always horny for cute boys :P its a known fact Kitty!
I'd give you a deep kiss and whisper "beg me." as I run my hands down your body. Stroking you until you cum in my hands and feeding it back to you <3 Now with my cock hard, breeding you faster and faster until your filled. Just rub for my Kitty its okay, I just want you to feel good.
11/12/23(Sun)03:37:29 No.909187858
I was born the same year Legend of Zelda released on the NES.... Hell... I was in High School when 4chan itself launched...
But, i suppose I don't look terrible for being nearly 40
11/12/23(Sun)03:40:43 No.909187928
And I also forgot to write out the reply for you Sage oopsie ^-^;
>you have me like actually cum brained OuO
Haha that's exactly my plan, to make you completely entranced by my cock so you'll find it impossible to resist sucking it! Be my little cock sleeve and keep it warm so when I pull it out you'll have something wet and hot to rub your face all over...
Haha that's true! I'm going to rub one out for you Cali, you're my angel who makes me feel so good in every inch of my body *o* I'm going to spray cum all over that hole and lick it up like your good kitty~
Oh of course! Sleep well, rest up and we'll cum all over each other again next time, nya~
Ooh that's a pretty neat fact! And I think your butt looks great here, you're doing well for your age honestly, I hope I won't be going through twinkdeath anytime soon ;-;
11/12/23(Sun)03:50:54 No.909188156
Yesssss! plz plz plz!!!!!... ok ok ok im gonna try and chill I could go on like this forever >w< especially with the cute pics you keep give.
This pic is like, most of my stuff. I'm always getting more tho lol >w<
11/12/23(Sun)03:59:47 No.909188384
Hi :3 do i look cute?
11/12/23(Sun)04:01:30 No.909188422
Oh I'm sorry HTA I screwed up that post and had all the quotes muddled up! Here's the thing I wrote out for you before:
Ooh I see, well it's no biggie I like learning new stuff and it's okay admitting to being unknowledgable about hobbies and interests. Be gentle or else I'll take them away and you won't have feet to smell and suck >;)
>blurred pic
Oh that would be funny but I guess it would be awkward for the others ya know? I wouldn't wanna imply everyone here is a gooner or something lol
That's great news, you sure are an inspiration to older fems out there, I've been reminding myself to try look after my appearance more, I was a really pimply and hairy teen so it's a very different story now!
Aww thanks anon, glad you feel that way ^-^
I hope so, those memes kinda scare me...I just hope my hair stays where it is and that I can keep this weight going steady :S
Alright I guess if I kept teasing you it would drive you cum crazy hehe~ Those toys do look like fun though, which one are you gonna play with first? >:3
11/12/23(Sun)04:16:14 No.909188794
Latina balls anyone?
11/12/23(Sun)04:16:52 No.909188817
Wow! this is my first actually ok cage. I want to get a cobra cage and a flat one too sooooo fucking bad >w< and y would it make you nervous?
You'd have me broken in in no time >w<
11/12/23(Sun)04:43:11 No.909189476
11/12/23(Sun)05:01:53 No.909189923
11/12/23(Sun)05:30:27 No.909190621
Aww that's so hot! I can imagine you squirming around as you're getting all vibed up hehe~ I'd love to tease your hole and turn up the speed to full while you're tied up and sucking my cock >:3
Hehe lick my bussy 'cause that's the tastiest part ;P
No no don't say that about yourself! It's a step by step process, everyone needs to start off with proper research about the different types of components, like needing to balance the CPU and GPU so they don't cause massive bottlenecks, you obviously wouldn't pair a Celeron with a RTX 4090 lol :P But these are just silly examples, you'd be looking at entry level parts at your price point, think core i3/ryzen 3 tier. Anyways, you've been a horny footslut so I'll leave you with a feet pic again before I bounce off hehe, I might kick you in the nuts if you cum without my permission though...
>just look aftwrurself an ure good Kitty
Thanks HTA, I'll try my best to :3
Gonna bounce off now seeing how the thread is all quiet, hope to pounce on y'all with some new OC next time nya~ :3
11/12/23(Sun)06:04:44 No.909191379
thankie uwu
does look sexy with my cock out too?
thankie sir :3
>Hewlo cutie, ov course uze do still rememba dat Clown makeup dat u did <333
hahah thankie, glad you remind it, i'm preparing some clowny stuff uwu even more clowny n clussy
thankie sir, wanna see more of my feet?
11/12/23(Sun)06:11:35 No.909191514
11/12/23(Sun)06:17:58 No.909191627
11/12/23(Sun)06:48:46 No.909192216
11/12/23(Sun)06:49:06 No.909192225
BACKZ!!! Was playing sum UnderTale just got out ov *Ruins* bytz am tired nwo soz guna bounce off aftr dis. Goood Night to ebry1z an sweeet dreamz. XOXO~ ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
>No no don't say that about yourself!
I'm sorry Kitty, pls accept my apology. I Promise~ uze I won't say that again <333
>you obviously wouldn't pair a Celeron with a RTX 4090 lol :P
SISISI, rllly goof advice tehe ^^ I'll mwake sures to keep all ov dis in mind *x* ure truly *SPEC1AL* Kitty an I appreciate uze 7u7
>you'd be looking at entry level parts at your price point, think core i3/ryzen 3 tier.
YAYZ!!!~ hpfly I can find sum in stock for CyberMondayz an I hope dat uze gef woteva u wana get with ur deals Kitty *pet pet pet* ~3W3~
>you've been a horny footslut so I'll leave you with a feet pic again
OMGZ THX UZE KITTY~ *x* iluz tehe I luv how *GROUCHY* uze get tehe :> feeel free to nya~ at my balls as mvch as uze wnt Kitty, urez a *GOOOD* BOY ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
>Thanks HTA, I'll try my best to :3
We believe in uze Kitty, dnt be hard on urself if u dnt get sumthang quickly its bout the Journey take it day by day. ALSWOZ~ dnt worry bout the OC take ur time sweetheart, have a goodnight an sweetdreamz nya~ XOXO ( ˘ 3˘(◡‿◡˶)
YAYZ!!! I hope to seeez sum moar ltrz guna bounce nwo tho I am tired hope u have a goood rest ov ur day cutie XOXO <333
11/12/23(Sun)07:07:09 No.909192599
not particularly but that is the norm lol