this is hilarious lol
now you need some generic image you can post too, kinda like the "Not Caged, Not Interested" and "Caged, Not Interested" pics lol
11/02/23(Thu)00:44:31 No.908647679
11/02/23(Thu)00:48:00 No.908647821
11/02/23(Thu)00:51:02 No.908647919
so lovely <3
11/02/23(Thu)00:54:36 No.908648049
Hai again /b/~~ I hope no one here is doing NNN 'cause I got new stuff to show y'all >:3 So uhh Is it too late to post new Halloween OC??
11/02/23(Thu)01:04:35 No.908648360
Ayo, she got the cute ass drip
Hi Kitty I love your hair here <3
11/02/23(Thu)01:07:16 No.908648446
look at this taint
no mights, do
11/02/23(Thu)01:09:35 No.908648520
<3 thanks so much! :3
hi Cherry!
11/02/23(Thu)01:12:12 No.908648613
hehe, thanks <3
11/02/23(Thu)01:15:06 No.908648705
11/02/23(Thu)01:22:44 No.908648958
yes, and 9mm :P
11/02/23(Thu)01:28:03 No.908649152
>Come join me :3
that's quite a tempting offer :P
11/02/23(Thu)01:31:50 No.908649267
Thank you so much funky, you're adorable as well! How's your Halloween this year?
Alrighty anon here you go! Will you cum and fill my bucket with milk? ;P
Thank uuu~ Day 17? Wow I couldn't ever last a week because my horniness was too distracting haha, good luck on your journey :D
I always aim to be! *purrs*
Yeah I know it's a rare sight to behold hehe, no butt pics are ready from this set quite yet however...
Hi Cherry you cutie <3 Thanks it's just a wig from the party store haha, I'm glad it looks fine though!
What about 30mm depleted uranium rounds? >:)
11/02/23(Thu)01:33:01 No.908649297
You shall get a live butt pic because I'm feeling horny today ;)
11/02/23(Thu)01:37:19 No.908649415
Halloween was boring, I stayed in and played a semi spooky game (Control) :P your butt is looking extra tasty tonight :3
hiii HTA <3
>You're tempting!!
I'm blushing lol, thank you so much :3
11/02/23(Thu)01:47:39 No.908649697
11/02/23(Thu)01:50:22 No.908649780
thanks, anon <3
I sure did! :3 another fun thing about "control" I love giving up control :P
okie! RIP
I swear... one of these days I'm going to get a womb tattoo... they seem so sexy!
11/02/23(Thu)01:51:04 No.908649801
11/02/23(Thu)01:53:39 No.908649883
11/02/23(Thu)02:03:47 No.908650176
I'm well thanks HTA ^-^ Feeling all better after last week so I'm back to my usual routine of lazing about XD Trick or treating? I live in a pretty urban area so it's most apartments with keycard access so it isn't feasible and we Aussies aren't actually as big about it as it is in the states. Me? I cummed like within the first hours of November lol I never participate in it because I like the freedom of playing with my little pp ;P No rush! Like I said, Cali's still in the midst of finishing his and I'll be making more Halloween stuff well into the week!
Hehe it's warm and soft just ready for someone to enter inside it... ^w^
Ooh perhaps something girthy with penetration capabilities hmm? I hope that this cannon has a heavy load stored inside too ;)
Hehe what's it with you guys and my feet? I swear they're giant size 11 flippers but you guys never seem to mind :P
Ooh I've heard of that, did you have much fun with it? Funny you say that, actually it's just a plain nude butt compared to my regular sets with outfits hehe, maybe I should share more 'on the spot' lewds with you guys and girls...
Yes that would be a perfect treat for me ^o^ I'd love a bucket full of milk by the end of the night and gulp it all down like a good kitty~
And have me facesitting on you? When you want to tap out I'll just sink my cheeks deeper in your face >:)
Rolling dubs for anon's lewds :3
Hey hey Penny!! Thank you so much, glad it turned out alright but I wish I had fancy lighting like Cali does! Mine was pretty chill, how about yours? ^-^
11/02/23(Thu)02:05:28 No.908650225
Hi y’all ^_^
11/02/23(Thu)02:08:49 No.908650319
11/02/23(Thu)02:15:07 No.908650506
hey /b/
11/02/23(Thu)02:22:25 No.908650712
11/02/23(Thu)02:36:18 No.908651080
11/02/23(Thu)02:38:02 No.908651118
I reckon you mean something with a good spread like buckshot to carpet the target area with or perhaps a little spray and pray might do the trick ;)
Oh of course, a good obedient kitty always serves his master with a proper cock worshipping! Let me drain you dry and clean up the mess :3
Oh anon I'm here to show all parts of my naked body, like here's one for all the cocklovers out there~
You guys made me hot and bothered so I had to relieve myself, have another live one <3
11/02/23(Thu)02:40:12 No.908651168
Anyone else disappointed she fucked a black guy? Such a shame. Had to unsubscribe the moment I saw the thumbnail.
11/02/23(Thu)02:40:27 No.908651173
yo :>
11/02/23(Thu)02:40:47 No.908651181
Hwy funky ^^ how hab uze been, do anythang fun for Halloween otha than games? <333
I am glad ure duing good, ALSWO~ here is anotha pic of me cat but in a cape for Halloween ~^#>w<#^~
>I'm back to my usual routine of lazing about
YAYZ, stay hydrated Kitty dnt worry bout the treatung part tehe I'm sure uze got LOTS~ ov candies wch musta been exciting although I alrys ate most jus hab lots ov Lolipops to gluck on 7u7
>I cummed like within the first hours of November lol I never participate in it because I like the freedom of playing with my little pp ;P
GOOOD BOY~ tehe, was it Mommmy who pushed uze over the edge dnt worry I wnt tell >;3
>No rush!
Thx for the reassurance agn Kitty *pets* just not rllly used to mwaking OC still is all (ㅅ´ ˘ `)uwu
>I swear they're giant size 11 flippers
mmmmm smell must be INTOZICATING~ ^^ tehe I wana *dip* ur feet in ur litl treat bag aftr I pour sum chocolate in it an GLUCK~ ebry laaast drop (˄·͈༝·͈˄*)◞ ̑̑
Hii how rze u Fren up to anything *FUN*? :P
11/02/23(Thu)02:48:34 No.908651404
11/02/23(Thu)03:07:10 No.908651908
Found this femboy few days ago and he made me question my sexuality tbh
thanks!! i would love that, need someone to warm me up :3
11/02/23(Thu)03:17:37 No.908652168
11/02/23(Thu)03:18:10 No.908652177
5'4" 99 lb sissy that loves to be passed around online. A good sub that's ready to serve men
Kik is Nonisiss
11/02/23(Thu)03:18:12 No.908652178
can’t sleep :| wanna get dressed up but don’t wanna wake up my sis my digging thru clothes
11/02/23(Thu)03:37:51 No.908652699
i'm getting kinda tired :(( gonna go ride my dildo to sleep! cya'll :>>
11/02/23(Thu)03:55:13 No.908653138
OMG cute kitty!! o Give 'em plenty of headpats and belly scratches :3 Yeah I did get a few chocolate bars just to snack on a little hehe, bet you wish they were melted between my toes though hehe >:3
Hehe well I'm glad a simple pic like that can bring a smile to your face anon. I guess I've been so used to thinking about making sets and trying to impress Cali that I lose focus of just taking simple nudes for you guys ^-^;
Of course I licked it up even before you told me :P
Me naughty? That's impossible *halo glows* But if you really think so I guess you could punish me... ;)
I just have a server where I keep a collection of pics, no DMs though if that's what you're looking for. Invite code: x6qn8y3n
Aww thank you, I always felt my feet were too chunky to be fem but I'm glad you feel they're nice ^-^
Mmm sharing is caring <3 Cumming in each others mouths and swallowing every load is a perfect way to share our love juices between us hehe~
Nope lol I don't do vids just yet, too shy... ^~^;
11/02/23(Thu)03:59:29 No.908653246
11/02/23(Thu)03:59:46 No.908653255
11/02/23(Thu)04:01:23 No.908653299
yeah :p i'm new here! i've no clue who kitty or cali is but i'm flattered nonetheless
11/02/23(Thu)04:03:49 No.908653351
11/02/23(Thu)04:04:07 No.908653360
kitty is >>908653138
cali is picrel
11/02/23(Thu)04:06:33 No.908653410
11/02/23(Thu)04:07:24 No.908653426
thanks!! :D both very cute :>
11/02/23(Thu)04:15:50 No.908653619
11/02/23(Thu)04:19:35 No.908653719
11/02/23(Thu)04:20:08 No.908653740
>OMG cute kitty!!
tehe THX~, I'll mwake sure tooo gib her LOTS~ ov *petz* an scratchies from uze once my witl Angel wakes up ~(ˊᵒ̴̶̷̤ ꇴ ᵒ̴̶̷̤ˋ)~. Her name is Cheese, here is anotha pic byt in her main sp000pie costume <333
>bet you wish they were melted between my toes though hehe >:3
SISISI ^^, wht chocolate bars (namebrand or offbrand?) I'd *lwick*~ up EVERY lassst drop between ur delicate toes, u only dsrv the BEST lickies an I am blushing hard asf justhnkng bouz it liiike my COC~ is thobbing ૮ ̷ ̷ ̷・ﻌ ̷ ̷・ აUWU
>Of course I licked it up even before you told me :P
GOOOD BOY!!!~ *petz uze then cock* nwo how bout a witl kissieᵔદᵔ tehe ALSWO~ dnt worry bout sets eban nudes are a splendid *tr3at* from u just post woteva is comfortable rllly ure adorable 7u7
11/02/23(Thu)04:24:13 No.908653844
Do any of you get facial hair? If so, do you shave IMMEDIATELY before doing makeup? Or wait a few hours?
11/02/23(Thu)04:29:47 No.908653977
Meowdy, broke my iPhone back to android for a little :(
11/02/23(Thu)04:37:25 No.908654116
anyone got that really old pic from a trap thread she was wearing a black wig and a green corset i know its kinda vague but it has been reposted here a few times help me out pls senpai
11/02/23(Thu)04:49:51 No.908654357
Literally did absolutely nothing, situationship failed and my plans were to to go to his party
Hopefully you had fun for me
11/02/23(Thu)04:54:05 No.908654434
literally built for BBC
11/02/23(Thu)05:09:01 No.908654751
you have been a good girl right anon?
11/02/23(Thu)05:09:29 No.908654758
11/02/23(Thu)05:11:40 No.908654807
how so?
11/02/23(Thu)05:20:23 No.908654971
11/02/23(Thu)05:21:23 No.908654988
This I can get behind
Thanks :3
I approve this message
Not me but dildo applications are accepted
>you simps are so desperate.....
Only I'm allowed to bully my simps and stupid footfags
11/02/23(Thu)05:33:10 No.908655204
11/02/23(Thu)05:35:36 No.908655255
Ahhh rip. Just filter me then
Guess I'll find out how it work tomorrow night. Hotel is booked :3
11/02/23(Thu)05:44:01 No.908655453
>mfw I realise /b/ forgot about me
11/02/23(Thu)05:46:46 No.908655521
11/02/23(Thu)05:52:41 No.908655657
11/02/23(Thu)06:01:56 No.908655912
Anyone know the source of this shiny sparkly butthole?
11/02/23(Thu)06:04:01 No.908655973
11/02/23(Thu)06:27:57 No.908656457
11/02/23(Thu)06:32:16 No.908656547
11/02/23(Thu)06:33:51 No.908656575
11/02/23(Thu)06:37:24 No.908656657
Hehe nice one anon XD I was thinking 'trick or trap' but I'm not really trap material so it wouldn't work in my case lol
Thank you, you've got an adorable butt too anon :3
Ahhhhh she so cuteeee!! <3 <3 Such a cuddly baby kitty Cheese is~ Oh just the regular stuff you see in stores like mars bars, snickers and twix etc. Either way they'd all be melted across my soles reading for you to lick up >:P
A leashed up kitty you say? Perhaps talking me a walk around on all fours while following your cock should teach me a lesson on how to serve you better ;)
Hihi Cowie~ Did you have a spooky day for Halloween this year?
Aww c'mon anon a little feet pic doesn't hurt the thread haha, I'll get back to ass posting then :P
Blurby is unforgettable nya~ <3
That's my angel Cali <3 You can find him in the archives like 'the barchive dot com' or 'archived dot moe' and search Cali in the name field :3
Maybe just a little bit gay with some twink posting from me :3
11/02/23(Thu)06:42:44 No.908656795
perfect to pick up and throw around lel
fugottunh ;-;
11/02/23(Thu)06:46:08 No.908656897
Heya Tim! Glad to see you pop in the thread today, hope you have a good day at work~
How so? I mean I keep my face hidden, shoulder to hip ratio is masculine and have flat chest so I look mostly boyish (which ain't bad but it just makes me a twink more than a trap)
11/02/23(Thu)06:48:26 No.908656963
11/02/23(Thu)06:54:05 No.908657107
11/02/23(Thu)07:10:16 No.908657507
11/02/23(Thu)07:12:35 No.908657559
Its oki Pew, all I did was gib out candies an watch movies not mvch else <333
Nah, footfags are BASED~ 7U7
I ddnt forget blur *pets* ^^
>Ahhhhh she so cuteeee!! <3 <3 Such a cuddly baby kitty Cheese is~
awww THX KITTY~ tehe I wish uze were able to *pet* her she LUVS too be petted an nedz anotha Cwat around to play with (I wuld put uze on a HelloKitty leash) (꜆꜄ ˃ 3 ˂)꜆꜄꜆ฅ/ᐠ. ̫ .ᐟ\ฅ
~Heres anotha pic ov my cat Cheese tehe, alsooo shes still *sleeping* ᗢᘏᓗ
>mars bars, snickers and twix etc.
NICE I habnt had mars bars in a while do uze have any Aussie kitkats? Liks special special kinds liiike le 1s u see on TV :P
>they'd all be melted across my soles reading for you to lick up >:P
YAYZ!!!~ tehe ^^ frrrick I'm bout to cum Kitty ure teasing me soz mvch I need too cum asap omgz ^#>w<#^
For sum reason I cnt search on dat 1 *crie* ;-;
Hey Tim! Hab a good day at work tosay yUy
Nta, u dnt need to worry bout all that Kitty ure beautiful as a Boy I dnt care bout ur ratios or woteva else I'm still guna *x* uze <333
11/02/23(Thu)07:13:01 No.908657577
11/02/23(Thu)07:14:41 No.908657615
11/02/23(Thu)07:20:14 No.908657759
11/02/23(Thu)07:26:20 No.908657901
11/02/23(Thu)07:27:44 No.908657929
Can we see some more pussy getting fucked please
11/02/23(Thu)07:37:34 No.908658171
11/02/23(Thu)07:37:45 No.908658180
11/02/23(Thu)07:43:51 No.908658373
nice feets kitty
11/02/23(Thu)08:32:09 No.908659873
11/02/23(Thu)08:42:41 No.908660211
goood morning~ i have to go be a person tho
11/02/23(Thu)08:47:00 No.908660341
11/02/23(Thu)08:47:45 No.908660367
11/02/23(Thu)08:49:45 No.908660440
What would you do?
11/02/23(Thu)09:30:03 No.908661590
Aww ty Tim ^//-//^ Chat again with you another time~
You're welcome blur, always a lovely sight to see you around this thread :3
Ooh yes yes I'd love to pet your kitty and scratch her head :D So adorable, makes me wanna squeeze her! (gently of course hehe) KitKat? Yeah we do it's all over the shelves too sometimes they have mint, milo or hazelnut editions too :P
Good meowning AA~ Hope you've woken up refreshed and ready to tackle the day, my butt will be here if you need to give it a squeeze hehe ;)
Thanks anon, it definitely feels nice to know I have feet fans around here teehee ^w^
Felt bored, got fem clothes. That's all there is to it lol.
Might need to bounce off to bed soon, so glad to chat with everyone here today! Hope to get some more pics from this set ready within the coming week~
11/02/23(Thu)09:54:19 No.908662286
11/02/23(Thu)10:02:15 No.908662556
Kik or snap?
11/02/23(Thu)10:07:19 No.908662721
Dnt worry Frens, I'll clean up her eyes *x* <333
Boredom an LOTS~ ov gayporn probs 7u7
>So adorable, makes me wanna squeeze her!
awww I WANA *SQUEEZE* (gently) uze too!! *pets*, ure soz sweewt Kitty my cat wuld LUV~ to hab uze round ^^ tehe hab anotha cwatpic Kitty an ALSWO, I'm a big dummy cuz I thnk I only jusnwo realize dat ure wearing a NEW WIG (its so prttty) OMGZ I wana *nuzzzle*~ agnst it dat wuld be soz EXCITING!!! ฅ/ᐠ˶>ﻌ<˶ᐟ\ฅ
>sometimes they have mint, milo or hazelnut editions too :P
mmm YUMZ, if I eva decided to visit Australia (spideys scade me) I'd DEF mwaks sure too get sum :P
Have A Goood Night Kitty!!! Sweeet Meowy Dreamz, I Hope To Gib Uze A Cummmie Trib For Next Time Guna Go Too Sleep Nwo Alswo, XOXO nya~ /ᐠ ̥ ̮ ̥ ᐟ\ฅ
Hi Valk!! How hab u been, hope u had a good Halloween an dat uze ate *LOTS*~ ov candies :>
11/02/23(Thu)10:20:34 No.908663146
11/02/23(Thu)10:23:06 No.908663241
Thanks. I'm chilling at work in pain. pinched a nerve in my neck. I think.
they are always watching
neither Sorry.
Howdy! thank you
Hello! It's was boring. I didn't do anything, actually I went to a Chinese buffet. shit slapped.
11/02/23(Thu)10:26:34 No.908663362
that's gross but you do you.
11/02/23(Thu)10:32:10 No.908663561
need more rock hard shecocks plz
11/02/23(Thu)10:33:21 No.908663603
11/02/23(Thu)10:33:52 No.908663620
kill yourself fucking faggot
11/02/23(Thu)10:34:19 No.908663632
it's pretty bad.
I used to. got bored with it. I never started one for money just posted crap there.
I'm of Irish heritage yeah. Thank you. I've had a stiff neck before this is like 10x worse but thanks I'll try to take it easy.
11/02/23(Thu)10:36:50 No.908663726
11/02/23(Thu)10:37:11 No.908663738
11/02/23(Thu)10:39:58 No.908663833
11/02/23(Thu)10:42:01 No.908663909
slurp slurp.
That would help distract from the pain, so go for it.
That's a big dick for such a little frame.
11/02/23(Thu)10:43:37 No.908663959
11/02/23(Thu)10:47:06 No.908664068
I can do both ;p
11/02/23(Thu)10:58:41 No.908664432
It looks so smol here
Thanks that's how I like it.
wish I could but I still have 7 hours left.
11/02/23(Thu)11:03:36 No.908664586
Love staring at that poop chute. ;P
11/02/23(Thu)11:05:34 No.908664662
11/02/23(Thu)11:12:28 No.908664907
please do. it's so painful.
It doesn't stay smol.
11/02/23(Thu)11:13:00 No.908664918
As long as we can cuddle on the couch together with our pup after I'm game
11/02/23(Thu)11:25:24 No.908665305
11/02/23(Thu)11:27:13 No.908665360
hey i got a question for any femboys with onlyfans. how much do you normally make? i wanna know if something like that is worth the time and effort lol. also have some ass