>We can corrupt more anons together <3 tag team fuck some boy and make them rethink their life choices..
Yes more femboys succubus >:3
Now I want to do a succubus outfit now UwU any tips?
11/01/23(Wed)01:39:23 No.908599611
11/01/23(Wed)01:40:07 No.908599641
11/01/23(Wed)01:40:41 No.908599656
11/01/23(Wed)01:43:42 No.908599763
I wanna get railed so Bad <.<
11/01/23(Wed)01:44:29 No.908599797
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)01:48:04 No.908599945
>Finally had penetrative sex with them on accident last weekend
How do you have accidentally have sex?
>I wanna get railed so Bad <.<
Same -w-
11/01/23(Wed)01:53:38 No.908600132
11/01/23(Wed)02:02:20 No.908600412
11/01/23(Wed)02:02:35 No.908600430
>Sorry went to get some ice cream back now
I know you would PA you big fucking perv <3 hell i get of on my own scent too remember? Just burnt out from work, I just wanna sleep :P
I still don't have a PS5 either, they are pretty expensive and I'm okay with just waiting for the game to be on PC. I wanna play the new spiderman, you interested in that series at all? We have each other Tim don't worry <3 (also all the other pervs in this thread hahaha)
Unfortunately not in the set cause its really hard for the camera to pick of the cum in this lighting, not even sure if I have any in the backlog but I'll check for you. You can cum anything you want you pathetic slut cause every gets you off >:)
The corruption is complete, FBF is now in my ownership.
Oh thanks for the compliment anon you are too kind! My body is nice at best lets not push that too far haha
Maybe I let you breed all those femboy first as endurance training, demon boy wants to watch you break them >:3
Oh my goodness look at all the squirting action there, so much of it too everywhere. This pleases me so much..my cock is getting hard now too :3
You would just misbehave on purpose so you could feel my feet against your body. Stompies would be a reward to behaving instead, so you control yourself. Was this before you discovered me too? Right me being gone also didn't help...hmmm but cum on your fav choco so you enjoy it more honey <3
Lol this is true yeah it just hydrating coconut lotion so you are right on the money, smells really nice
Ah don't worry about it AA I'm be fine but please get some rest! Sweet dreams!
11/01/23(Wed)02:03:09 No.908600450
this one is crazy hot.
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)02:03:14 No.908600452
Mhm alright wish a friend would do that to me
11/01/23(Wed)02:08:07 No.908600636
11/01/23(Wed)02:09:22 No.908600681
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)02:10:15 No.908600711
>I want to be OK with it.
It ok to be a boy kissing anon ;3
True me anon boys have a lot more cool things then girls
11/01/23(Wed)02:13:28 No.908600812
11/01/23(Wed)02:16:24 No.908600923
11/01/23(Wed)02:18:43 No.908600998
should i just give up
11/01/23(Wed)02:20:59 No.908601069
Kitty you can't just drop one new pic and expect me to not want more...omg yes claw nails would be perfect, I honestly considered doing it too cause devil but I was lazy and spent wayyy to much money already XD Take your time with the set, hell I'm not even done editing this set now cause...I'm lazy
I'm honored to be your cum target for the night Gooner, please cover me in your thicc load
I get cold so easy its not even funny PA but remember I sleep in just a tshirt and panties (i like the feeling of my blanket on my legs) hope holding me would lead to anything else ;)
Good question! No I'm single but basically since the pandemic my drive for a relationship went down. I became more of a homebody so that doesn't help the dating much :P
Found a pic that you might like ;) will post after this one. You are just addicted to femboy cock now aren't you? Funny you mention "boymilking" :)
Omg Tim go play the first one, buy a PS5 and play the new one now LOL Moneys not a issue for me either its just I can't justify it cause there only like 2 games I want to play on it. The catalog is just not worth atm.
Yes of course, you will be marked with demon boy seal. A cut i make with the tip of my tail that says "Big Gay" and then your cock and soul will be bound to mine forever. Allowing me to portal to you whenever I please to drain you for my own pleasure..
Fair point then you must train to make the femboys cum with your cock but not cumming youself, thus edging yourself in the process. Saving the load for me >:) Now tell me did all that cum go to waste?
>Cali dick pic
Hmmm maybe... ;)
11/01/23(Wed)02:21:38 No.908601089
11/01/23(Wed)02:23:07 No.908601146
so are anons doing NNN of what’s the deal with that here? (sorry for being a newfag)
11/01/23(Wed)02:23:51 No.908601181
ok i know the scars are bad and stuff but instead of focusing on that would someone please tell me if my tits look stupid
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)02:27:17 No.908601292
Dam I need some femboy milk :>
>pic not me
11/01/23(Wed)02:31:16 No.908601430
yes sir!~
11/01/23(Wed)02:31:36 No.908601441
11/01/23(Wed)02:40:00 No.908601691
11/01/23(Wed)02:41:29 No.908601734
Hmmm lay down and let me purge your body of all its unnatural holiness and let me plunge my cock deep into your mouth. I will smother your face with my cock and balls until the purity is all sin >:)
Well I didn't want to scare you away silly, I won't bite I promise...come play with my body as much as your heart desires...<3 >:3
You should be able to and hopefully no save data is lost or anything. Fine I'll post the casual dick pic in a second.
Heh let me feel that cock creeping between my thighs, rub mine with yours, we will sleep better after a good cumming. <3 Feel like I'ma wake up with your face in my ass though...
Thank you so much honey but cumming just from fucking dick? How degenerate of you, you better lick the floor clean of your mess too, all while I step on you.
Haha UwU anon you would get the freshest milk from me I promise ;) drink up...
You're doing a serve to the horny femboys, such a gentleman <3
Good just what I wanted to hear, I love the taste of my own cum but I'm sure that was known already ;) Your needs a nice tongue bath from me after a squirt like that. Fineeeeee will post after this one.
Yes this pleases mommy <3
Penny be creeping and not posting that Cammy, let me see more please!
11/01/23(Wed)02:43:00 No.908601781
Dis me cock right now. Yes I am leaking a bit, thanks yall
11/01/23(Wed)02:43:19 No.908601786
incredibly based. exactly the way i like it
guess you just need to make it happen :3
(not to ruin ur boner but i just sound like a boy lol)
thanks, UWU :3
feel free~
11/01/23(Wed)02:45:10 No.908601848
Yes sir!
11/01/23(Wed)02:51:13 No.908602008
11/01/23(Wed)02:54:39 No.908602116
Omg so sorry HTA, I missed it! Let me post a new feet pic for you! Please cum again.
Need to figure out how to limit the stompies so they stay a high value reward. Maybe you only get kisses sometimes or a nice cock stroke from me or uncage time? So you really into cumming on food then eh hmmmmm...guess that makes sense cause you are doing what I asked lol nah this won't count towards NNN until I leave.
I'm just gonna wake up like this is normal and go "sigh" PA please its 7am in the morning....as you look up at me in a daze :)
Good night FBF I can be your sleep paralysis demon too :)
Your gonna keep me up all night from the please though...do I get to taste cock at least?
Thanks bro, I don't do live pics very often but there it is lol
Literally 3 guns in this pic lol thanks Penny, did you end up doing anymore new pics?
What would you do to help me Tim?
Well with all the planned we talked about I'm sure you can trap--find one soon to play with <3
Oh gosh you just gonna cum again while I try to clean you up... sigh your hopeless.
Lol anon its not "larger" I just the angle I swear, I have a smol cock :3 I do cover my tummy a lot when I cum..slowly gathering it all up with my fingers and sucking them clean. You're sooo horny now anon..good.
11/01/23(Wed)02:57:28 No.908602199
um my hobbies used to be play violin and crochet but.. haven't done either of those since july.. sometimes i play games (minecraft, stardew valley).. listen to music.. get high.. idk
oh! i adopted a greyhound last week cc:
been havin fun petting him and feeding him and taking him for walkies ccc: his name's griffin here's a pic :33
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)02:57:45 No.908602214
>Haha UwU anon you would get the freshest milk from me I promise ;) drink up...
Thanks yummy got any more? :3
Cali have a bigger cock then me QwQ
>thanks, UWU :3
No problem ;3
Oh Cali did you read this? >>908599302
11/01/23(Wed)03:01:05 No.908602327
sounds great to me, I’d love to experiment with all of the different ways you can make both of us feel good
hope i haven’t missed ur discord DM or something! If I have just text me again I’ll be sure to respond. also bully away i’m sure i deserve it hehe
I just post here, but i’ve posted my butt like in one soc thread but that’s it. sometimes people’s discords just get lost in the shuffle tho yknow (+ i have a feeling i know who this anon is >:3)
nothing after the initial set. I’m trying to pace myself a little + need to think of good ways of framing the pics.
I’ve got a few more outfits / accessories here or coming in the mail so I don’t wanna burn myself out / oversaturate the threads
yeah no Twitter or anything else like that yet. only gonna venture out if people really really want me to tbh
11/01/23(Wed)03:07:52 No.908602543
11/01/23(Wed)03:14:18 No.908602763
>ill suck your dick
Thats so gay Tim, big gay XD Hope you don't mind femboy cum in your mouth :3
I always got more, one second UwU
>did you read this?
Ahh crap sorry! Tips would be you can make any outfit a "succubus" just by adding horns/wings/tail honestly. And its the "attitude/poses" that really sell the devilishness, so you gotta appear kinda dommy. Other than that, do black nails lol
Nice I also get some play things down here :3 "How long have you've been bred for down here under the desk?"
Dammit the man speaks the truth...I cannot hide my motives. Give it to me.
No making out in the morning before I blushed my teeth PA! I feel gross :P Goodnight PA!
Double Cammy vision, please sit on me. Yes take it slow Penny coming from someone who.. doesn't know how to do that lol but the burnout is real even with making gay smut XD Would still love to see you do some more Cammy poses!
Really even for a femboy? When its not hard it gets even smoler XD Omg I want to frot with a big cock so back and just see the size difference. Makes me feel like a toy :3
Don't lie anon you let me 69 you regardless of what I wear, if anything at all
11/01/23(Wed)03:14:25 No.908602765
11/01/23(Wed)03:20:22 No.908602955
I definitely plan to re-visit all of the outfits i’ve done so far. I feel like i’ve really only scratched the surface for Lola Bunny, Link, Cammy, etc (at least i hope i can squeeze some more original / higher quality stuff out of them cuz i’ve loved wearing them)
Your pics always look super high effort so it would be no surprise if you ever wanted to take a break or something. Regardless, I’m happy to show off for you Cali! It really makes me happy that you like my stuff
(btw doesn’t it always feel like you take more pictures than you actually do? funny how that works)
11/01/23(Wed)03:20:39 No.908602960
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)03:27:14 No.908603196
>just by adding horns/wings/tail honestly. And its the "attitude/poses" that really sell the devilishness, so you gotta appear kinda dommy. Other than that, do black nails lol
Alright thanks Cali oh where did you get your tail from?
>stalker vibes
Oh stalker? Like the games?
>pic related
11/01/23(Wed)03:30:05 No.908603285
wait it was Tim? tbh I have no idea how you type. You’re usually a Cherry enjoyer right? I don’t really keep track of all of that tbh
try me, i can take it
hiiii HTA! i kno u already seen this but have more Cammy :3
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)03:33:51 No.908603403
>s.t.a.l.k.e.r gamma is a very good conversion and free even UwU
I know about it just don't have a pc, yet plan to buy one :3
11/01/23(Wed)03:34:24 No.908603431
>Ladies and gentlemen we gottem
I hope you realize that that's really gay anon >:)
D'aww thanks I like being a good boy and yes I want to tease the boys down here in the desk dungeon. The horny brain is fully taking over, I fantasized about someone doing that before, just pushing me down and flopping their cock on my face and tell me "suck it"
How sweet anon, let me be your boytoy :3
Oh yes re-visited after a break is nice and I've done that a few times myself. Its a double edge sword for me that my standard has gotten higher but that means more work. Yeah last year I went ham making pics and slowed down a lot this year. I love seeing you get creative and post new stuff, you're one of the best OC posters around too!
> take more pictures than you actually do?
Omg yes. Always feels like I snap 100+ pics and then it turns out to be like 10 LOL I'm not crazy!
Rest up HTA but did you like the new feet pic up there? I gotta sleep now too honey, stay hydrated and horny
Hey if I showed up in full boy mode its be really gay >:) Its okay if you don't like it you can just..give it back to me
You can find the tail on both amazon and aliexpress, with the aliexpress being much much cheaper
LAST POST for the night, thanks for the spooky fun everyone! Cali Signing off
11/01/23(Wed)03:37:54 No.908603545
11/01/23(Wed)03:41:12 No.908603629
>higher standard
i’m up for the challenge! >:3
But yeah I can totally see how you’d go super hard then slow down and go in waves and stuff. It’s interesting trying to keep up with all the threads and stuff for sure. Fun tho too!
Good night Cali!
oh alright, a based femboy enjoyer. Nice (they’re my favorites too)
yeah i guess so. I think most of the people here are nice enough tho, I wouldn’t get too bent out of shape about it, anon.
other ppl i’ve talked to make it seem like it’s just especially bad in the fall / winter but it clears up in the summer?
11/01/23(Wed)03:46:29 No.908603781
>bad in the fall / winter but it clears up in the summer?
Trolling is worse in summer but is offset by better posters and more of it, a lot of traps are in uni/college.
11/01/23(Wed)03:47:07 No.908603805
UWU anon
11/01/23(Wed)03:47:29 No.908603807
>I mean it's an old game I'm sure if you haven't tried already, try it. Highly recommend bandit faction
I want to play it so bad but no pc -w-
>No one's talking about me >:(
Sorry Cowie did know if you was on QwQ
I stay to talk but it 2:45 AM for me and I have school tomorrow -w- Bty do you like trains? :3 goodnight everyone ;3
11/01/23(Wed)03:53:34 No.908603958
11/01/23(Wed)03:55:40 No.908604000
I actually did. I had a really busy day.
True true :(
They'll be here by Friday. DHL have text me :3 I might take them to that guys house and do some more pics with him at the weekend.
Gag. Me. Bitch
>do you like trains?
Yes, I'm not nerdy enough to know much about them but trains are cool