What is up with this Mavrick/GreenLand character, I heard that they doxxed Alex on here which is really fucking weird to begin with considering the amount of stalking that must've took. Any word from Alex on this?
10/28/23(Sat)20:46:22 No.908435177
10/28/23(Sat)20:47:24 No.908435233
Remember that day when it was yellow outside?
10/28/23(Sat)20:56:25 No.908435653
I'm outside your house
10/28/23(Sat)21:01:38 No.908435871
someone impregnate me plz ;-;
10/28/23(Sat)21:02:30 No.908435908
aw, its been a while since anyone called me a sissy. how nostalgic
10/28/23(Sat)21:03:42 No.908435967
10/28/23(Sat)21:06:07 No.908436064
Real talk how do I contact the Greenland police to file a report against Mavrick for doxxing Alex? This is too protect the safety of everybody here.
10/28/23(Sat)21:07:40 No.908436129
I figured if someone truly wanted to find me they could but I still try to remove what I can
10/28/23(Sat)21:08:50 No.908436178
Feel free to play with them while you're railing me :3
Ooh awesome! I'll be the best boywife imaginable,
I'll treat my husband so well!
unfortunately not, but I've visited many times and it's an absolutely beautiful country :)
10/28/23(Sat)21:09:06 No.908436189
10/28/23(Sat)21:09:28 No.908436214
thx :)
10/28/23(Sat)21:14:43 No.908436478
plap plap plap~
I do it all the time with a vibe, the feeling is indescribable. Here's the only vid I have, sorry for the low quality :/
10/28/23(Sat)21:14:45 No.908436481
10/28/23(Sat)21:14:51 No.908436487
Older pic this is the newer version we'll sans the fishnets
I might be a bit high rn but having the 'cum fucked out of you' sounds so fucking hot
Sounds like a wonderful life where do I signup
10/28/23(Sat)21:17:51 No.908436629
I've got the munchies so please do
Also shoutout to the guys with gruff deep voices, voices don't get enough love
10/28/23(Sat)21:18:15 No.908436646
10/28/23(Sat)21:20:06 No.908436737
>where do I signup
Just write your name in one of the two blanks lines at the top of this form
10/28/23(Sat)21:22:46 No.908436847
10/28/23(Sat)21:22:47 No.908436852
I'd cook dinner for my husband every night <3 I'd probably be wearing just some lacy undies under my apron :3
Can't you just download the webm and convert it to mp4 if need be? I'm kind of retarded about this stuff though, so please excuse me if I'm wrong!!
Cumming on caged dicks is super hot, it's like a further establishment of dominance and emasculation
It tastes pretty good, I promise >:3
10/28/23(Sat)21:25:09 No.908436950
I've posted my kik before...
Is that how this works? Well okay then I guess
10/28/23(Sat)21:28:05 No.908437089
Imagine still having a dick
10/28/23(Sat)21:34:38 No.908437341
you can fuck any part of me that you could possibly fuck and I'd enjoy it, and you can rest your head on my thighs afterwards ^-^
But first you have to fuck the cum out of me >:)
Are you sure you want your dessert before dinner?
mm, sounds like a fun Saturday night
yes sir! o7
10/28/23(Sat)21:35:15 No.908437363
Ok baby, it's all filled out. We just need two witnesses sign it and it's official. We'll get started on the babies immediately
10/28/23(Sat)21:35:52 No.908437385
Doesn't matter, every tranny gets it chopped off eventually
10/28/23(Sat)21:38:24 No.908437478
Having a fuckable pussy so hot uwu
10/28/23(Sat)21:40:49 No.908437576
10/28/23(Sat)21:42:41 No.908437656
can you cum in it too..?
I don't really have many vids of cumshots, I'll take some more soon though! I didn't realize you guys would like it this much :3
yes please yes please!!!
gasp! how lewd... I definitely DON'T want that...
10/28/23(Sat)21:44:20 No.908437716
told you so! :p
i did it for practical and aesthetic reasons. i didnt want to take an anti-androgen like spiro, and estrogen monotherapy wasnt as well known at the time, and i didnt see myself needing the balls anyway. anyway -- yes it did make me not horny. i actually take just a little bit of testosterone now, and that gives me energy and makes me horny. i have way less T than i did when i had balls tho, so in the end, i feel like it worked out ok. it did take me 3 years to realize that id benefit from a little bit of T tho, so thats what i tell ppl who are considering it
imagine coming into a dickgirl thread and posting about having a pussy. girl, this is not your target audience, and saying "imagine having a dick" smacks of an attempt to lord over people who dont have access to or interest in srs. some trans girls really are NPCs... i pity you
10/28/23(Sat)21:45:00 No.908437746
Going to cry Ackla?
10/28/23(Sat)21:50:18 No.908437962
if that's what my husband wants I'll be a good boywife and obey :3
If you fuck me hard enough I'll be begging you and promising you anything if you fill me up
10/28/23(Sat)21:51:51 No.908438025
You're literally post op too stop showing these old pics
10/28/23(Sat)21:52:03 No.908438033
Quads and I gluck?Gluck? No glucking of me
Yeah sure shoot it
When and where?
10/28/23(Sat)21:52:20 No.908438045
haha thank you >.< i cant tell who u are cuz anon but im glad that someone is looking forward to talking to me here ^^
im just chillin in bed, straight boy style
10/28/23(Sat)21:56:45 No.908438201
10/28/23(Sat)21:58:01 No.908438250
my tummy is really ticklish though so please be gentle, you don't want to make me squirm, do you?
hehe thanks anon <3 <3
I just wish it was a bit smaller, I wish it was super tiny and feminine looking :(
It's actually pretty comfortable once you get used to it, I've worn it multiple days on end without any issue. And yep, I've tried the tube but that's actually pretty painful so I don't use it much
10/28/23(Sat)22:01:49 No.908438419
>I just wish it was a bit smaller, I wish it was super tiny and feminine looking
picrel is ez fix ;)
Maybe the contrast of it is just as hot, cute girly body, nice cock
you good?
10/28/23(Sat)22:03:14 No.908438483
my titties are coming in nicely
10/28/23(Sat)22:04:46 No.908438559
10/28/23(Sat)22:05:16 No.908438578
hehe if you guys say so, thanks for being sweet :3
no seriously my tummy is super sensitive I'm going to be begging you for mercy if you do that >.<
10/28/23(Sat)22:06:10 No.908438615
10/28/23(Sat)22:07:55 No.908438706
10/28/23(Sat)22:08:24 No.908438732
10/28/23(Sat)22:09:12 No.908438764
Im new to cd and wear my sister's underwear
10/28/23(Sat)22:09:30 No.908438776
Woops. Forgot image.
People, this is what you really want. You are confused.
10/28/23(Sat)22:10:01 No.908438801
>I wanna humiliate a pretty sissy
10/28/23(Sat)22:10:15 No.908438806
Definitely seem like a candidate for srs. I'm having a blast.
Also why do we all have tummy rings? Lol it's so sexy and cute
10/28/23(Sat)22:10:51 No.908438821
I'm currently high and horny so yes please
My surgery isn't until November
10/28/23(Sat)22:12:21 No.908438886
oh god I've created a monster!!
yes sir :3
oh no, being forced to eat my own cum is definitely something I'm NOT into...
10/28/23(Sat)22:14:21 No.908438962
Nice, I need it
10/28/23(Sat)22:20:21 No.908439193
Can be a couple months to fully recover than it can be years as your body moves fat around with hormones I may never come back after idk
I'm not getting that much done just my jaw and chin
10/28/23(Sat)22:20:58 No.908439209
please breed me!! I need to feel a real man filling up my hole :3
okie :)
if you say so.....
10/28/23(Sat)22:21:08 No.908439216
you wanna watch me sit or you wanna watch me try to stand and end up spraying everything? either way -- into it. love piss. i already just kinda leak... not sure whether its the orchi or if all the ketamine blew out my bladder
i have never really enjoyed sex with my dick. sometimes i enjoy anal but i hate the feeling of getting my prostate punched so it needs to be at a certain angle or a small dick or something. i do love big insertions, i just dont love getting railed. as a result, im way more into kink than i am just like, conventional sex
i would be cute as fuck with a pussy but i dont know if i want one and certainly there is nothing objectively superior about having one. its a personal choice -- and its one that only the most privileged of trans girls even get to make. which is why its particularly shitty to make it out to be the grail. i find that only the most deeply insecure trans girls are so elitist about their choice of genitals
10/28/23(Sat)22:21:17 No.908439220
tell me more
10/28/23(Sat)22:24:25 No.908439324
i still have a few more Cammys
10/28/23(Sat)22:24:36 No.908439330
>cherry and Emma butt
blessed thread
10/28/23(Sat)22:27:36 No.908439446
sounds like a perfect date night :)
thx anon <3
hiii Blintrovert, how are you? :3
10/28/23(Sat)22:28:40 No.908439492
I love Cherry to death, but she doesn't stand a chance. Penny works the upper body
10/28/23(Sat)22:29:23 No.908439525
I'm doing quite well Emma, thx for asking ^.^
10/28/23(Sat)22:31:40 No.908439621
thank u, omg u guys are so nice. Im sorry im really bad at taking pics but here is something i guess ^^
10/28/23(Sat)22:31:41 No.908439623
nice! heres one of my fave pics of me. my gf beat my ass in a back alley and then pissed all over me on the walk home from the bar <3
10/28/23(Sat)22:34:29 No.908439730
I haven't seen you around in a while, hope you're well <3
yes please!!
hehe I am just a little fuck maid :3
the best I've got in some lingerie I used to have, I don't have any proper tights though :(
10/28/23(Sat)22:36:47 No.908439841
Still been focusing on other threads while checking in every once in a while.
10/28/23(Sat)22:41:56 No.908440085
sure! I'm happy You like it :)
I hope you mean that in a good way
well I'm happy you're here, you always post hot vids
Of course! Happy to help
please do, I desperately need a boyfriend who will spoon me and tell me I'm a good girl >.<
10/28/23(Sat)22:41:57 No.908440086
idk she’s taller than me so she might have some reach. i actually just lift legs lol
hiii anon
fnaf was 100% pure Kino
10/28/23(Sat)22:49:09 No.908440430
Thanks, I try my best ^^
10/28/23(Sat)22:50:51 No.908440510
when you stick it in
post-workout or anytime?
Anon… I’m so bad at games. I would lose immediately lolllll
10/28/23(Sat)22:51:01 No.908440521
Nope. we will see you tomarrow
10/28/23(Sat)22:51:16 No.908440534
oh okay good ^-^
I'll cuddle you too anon! I just like being all warm and entangled with another person :3
I haven't, I'm kind of touch starved ;-; but maybe you can fix that!
10/28/23(Sat)22:54:53 No.908440706
10/28/23(Sat)22:58:38 No.908440859
how about you stick it in my ass and spoon me tight all night :3
AHHGGH I need that so bad you don't understand ;-;
spank me all you want, I probably deserve it >:)
Nope, amerifat here !