Same tbh. They got some decent ass over there when it's twink hours.
10/26/23(Thu)23:34:38 No.908343188
10/26/23(Thu)23:35:26 No.908343209
Shit, lol. I just lurk them and other request threads and steal any hairless, cute butts & bodies for my wank bank. I post em here when it's dull.
I think so, boyfeet really are the best, when they're smol, cute & soft it's 10/10
10/26/23(Thu)23:35:48 No.908343220
10/26/23(Thu)23:36:33 No.908343248
10/26/23(Thu)23:37:11 No.908343272
gesundheit (I don't know what that word means, but it sounds like a mouthful :) )
<3 doing pretty good! how are you? :3
10/26/23(Thu)23:37:39 No.908343292
Shooting your cum up your femboi nephew’s butt before sending him to school is so cash
10/26/23(Thu)23:39:02 No.908343338
10/26/23(Thu)23:43:32 No.908343510
hellooooo, what do you think?
10/26/23(Thu)23:44:42 No.908343567
10/26/23(Thu)23:45:22 No.908343592
Thnx for asking
Thank you!
You would not believe how many attempts this took to get right
10/27/23(Fri)00:05:38 No.908344422
kiss it then
10/27/23(Fri)00:06:55 No.908344463
10/27/23(Fri)00:06:56 No.908344467
This is one of the other decent shots
10/27/23(Fri)00:07:18 No.908344486
I love it on you! :D I have the same one :)
10/27/23(Fri)00:08:13 No.908344513
sounds like the dream to me!
10/27/23(Fri)00:09:35 No.908344559
had a little precum partyy
10/27/23(Fri)00:10:11 No.908344574
HEWLO tris how is u duing tonight, hope ure hydrated just drnkn a Monster righno hope ure good =DDD
Cute panties Nocti, ure RLLLY cute ^^ if u dnt mind me asking are u guna be anything for Halloween an dnt be shy bout posting here ure always WELCOME ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
LastThread Reply For Penny Bfr He Goes To Bed, NightNight XOXO nya~ /ᐠ ̥ ̮ ̥ ᐟ\ฅ
>i’d love to walk all around you house with you watching, HTA, you cutie
YAYZ!!! I can make u sum Ocharta aswell, I've been practicing >;3
>also you’ve got some very goofy flags.
Yeh tehe, additionally I have an Japanese Imperial Flag :> wch looks particularly shiny when the Sun is out an maaaybe I'll show it later OH~ an I alswo have a Mexico banner but its not the flag itself tehe <333
>Commie / hammer sickle shit is pretty cringe but i’m sure you’ve got a good reason
Oh dnt worry Penny I'm not a commie ov any caliber ^^, its a hammer&hook (shulda clarified dat btttr cuz autism SAWI but culd be confused for a sickle, their white but the background is black) not the red flag ure probs thnkng ov.
An yes I do ฅ^.ᆺ.^ฅ, thnk ov an all Black American Flag. It represents being anti-modern America (not left right or center) along with its "traditions" among othas, dat need to be replaved in favor ov a *new* America doing away with the old America economically an otherwise. Too remove wht was bad from the old America rather than be stuck in the past (Constitution 2.0), in order to build up sumthang new an btttr in its place for the Future (CyberPunk 2077) 7u7. So just thnk ov it this way, if ur Car (America) gets damaged at wht point do u *STOP* replacing parts, an just start over with a new car¿
10/27/23(Fri)00:11:30 No.908344619
username is on snapchat ******
10/27/23(Fri)00:12:57 No.908344669
lick it all up.
this is probably the sexiest picture i have of me
10/27/23(Fri)00:13:07 No.908344675
10/27/23(Fri)00:15:06 No.908344732
Just meme related i like you cherry lol
10/27/23(Fri)00:23:33 No.908344984
mfw I leave the friend zone
10/27/23(Fri)00:28:11 No.908345156
Hey now, we're perfectly trustworthy. Above suspicion even
UWU anon
10/27/23(Fri)00:31:38 No.908345271
>Yeh tehe, additionally I have an Japanese Imperial Flag :>
Wait what how you got one of those? I want one >:( and others flags
Oh how are you HTA? And others Anons?
10/27/23(Fri)00:32:23 No.908345294
show me your background screen NOWW
also add me on snapchat
10/27/23(Fri)00:38:58 No.908345541
Hi :3 can I show you my boner?
10/27/23(Fri)00:39:32 No.908345563
well im kinda plugged rn btu sure ^^
10/27/23(Fri)00:41:57 No.908345650
Kk better be!
10/27/23(Fri)00:43:54 No.908345699
lot of negative energy in this thread
jack off to me and enjoy fun surprises
no more negativity
10/27/23(Fri)00:45:41 No.908345778
Let's rub together to bound our friendship
10/27/23(Fri)00:47:00 No.908345823
fine horny boy here
UWU anon
10/27/23(Fri)00:48:11 No.908345862
>i'm good. you?
I'm doing well UwU
>see gif
I need this
Oh hey cherry how are you? :3
10/27/23(Fri)00:49:09 No.908345897
remember: its only gay if you touch balls
just don't let your balls make contact with your homie's, and you're still straight.
10/27/23(Fri)00:52:36 No.908346025
eat my cock up
10/27/23(Fri)01:01:47 No.908346288
I'm good with this but no Gluck
Heya! I met a btard and he fucked me
10/27/23(Fri)01:03:02 No.908346327
Si por favor<3 quiero ser cogida durisimo
Thankie sir, I love showing off my cock so much
10/27/23(Fri)01:03:57 No.908346358
it is a vibrating one ^^ see that button on the top?
also is it safe as it can you hear it while its inside me? yeah, its very quiet but quite potent
is it safe to always put in? no, but thats the like, kinky part of it that turns me on a lot. Its non-negotiable, the timer is like a command. "Brrrrr buttplug in now!".
I had a couple unsafe moments when i was like, just walking in middle of nowhere and i had to hide in a bush or in an alleyway to plug myself. Riskiest one i did was when i had a sleepover with a friend, and he was already asleep, and i like, did it in full view right next to him, like max leg spread, lube up fingers, prep a bit, then put plug in. If he woke up at any point... yeah >.< he didnt and i was dying from horny afterwards was a big rush
10/27/23(Fri)01:07:27 No.908346458
UwU… okay…
10/27/23(Fri)01:08:07 No.908346482
now I want to be plugged xD but I know myself and I would make myself cum... and I'm not allowed to cum right now o.o
UWU anon
10/27/23(Fri)01:12:48 No.908346643
Thanks ;3
>Heya! I met a btard and he fucked me
Lucky, I be talking to a anon who live near me ><
10/27/23(Fri)01:15:44 No.908346749
good sub <3
hihi! <3 thank you so much :D
10/27/23(Fri)01:18:07 No.908346824
I got told this pic is to close but I look soft, so they say
10/27/23(Fri)01:19:07 No.908346867
Eh I hate the protective mother mentality and thinking everyone is gonna kill you
They usually just want to fuck you
Good, the way I like it
Nice how is that going? Gonna hookup?
10/27/23(Fri)01:22:03 No.908346971
i mean, if he (or you in that scenario) woke up and wanted to force himself on me, i wouldnt object. Kinda asking for it in that situation really. But all my friends are super straight so nothing good would happen. Like to those who knew about me i even half jokingly offered that if they ever want head im available at a finger snap, but they didnt wanna. Unlucky heh ^^
also thanks haha, i did cage sometimes but i honestly love it being just free and bounce around and stuff, i precum a ton, like, unreasonable ammount, so it always covers my legs and whatever im wearing in a lot of precum haha. But i masturbate almost always just anally, maybe no cage but still no touching too. But i do put these vibrating thingamajigs on it sometimes, feels very nice ^^
10/27/23(Fri)01:24:13 No.908347033
maggythesissy on snapchat add me hoes
10/27/23(Fri)01:25:08 No.908347063
I mean I said what city I was in and he messaged for my contacts and happened to be tall and buff and good looking
Uh yeah I'm good I'll pass
Yes he was and so was I :3
UWU anon
10/27/23(Fri)01:30:37 No.908347223
>Nice how is that going? Gonna hookup?
We still at the talking stage but it's going very well ^w^ he very sweet with me and it seems we have a lot in common
10/27/23(Fri)01:31:01 No.908347241
heading to bed now :D volunteers are welcome for cuddling <3
10/27/23(Fri)01:34:13 No.908347342
Just like me (jkjkjk) xD
Day of the dead? Well either way I hope to see moar ov u Nocti ur prttty cute :3
I hab parallel minds but my top priority is protecting Nature soz an environmentalist. You control ur mind u decide ur destiny Fren wch may sound ironic but ure ur own God (God Still Exists BYT Devil Is In Control) because u dictate urself I hope dat answers ur question <333
>Wait what how you got one of those?
On a website liiike Epic Militaria dat sells 'reenactment' memorabilia an I eban remember seeing a Black version ov it wch I thought was prttty RAD~ It was a few yrs back my GrandFather helped me :>, he has an admiration for le AxisPowers an watches LOTS ov documentaries bout them (otha than CowBoy mobis) oh an ALSWO~ funny litl thingy I saw a when I visited my hometown down SW were Confederate flags an its full ov Mexicans too liiike I eban saw a Mexican wear a hat with 1 a while back 7u7
>I want one >:( and others flags
aw I hope dat ur Future BF buys u all the flags an banners dat u wnt cutie u deserve it *x* <333
ANZ~ I am duing well I just drank an Monster, THX UWU I hope date ure well good ~3w3~
10/27/23(Fri)01:38:06 No.908347448
10/27/23(Fri)01:41:20 No.908347514
Thank you cutie :3
Hmmm kk so November I'll disappear then
I wish you luck cutie!
Well I'm meeting hom again next week m so maybe I'll record a vid of it
Also I forgot to post ass
10/27/23(Fri)01:46:47 No.908347619
yes, please :3 you can get handsy if you want!
nini! I'm sure I'll have horny dreams now that you mentioned it! maybe I'll see you in my dreams :D
respectful touching is allowed, disrespectful touching is highly encouraged <3 you can do whatever you want to me :3
nini everyone
10/27/23(Fri)01:49:55 No.908347705
He did, he fucked me for like and hour and I had to stop him cause he was going for a round 2 on meand I couldn't take it anymore i was getting sorry but then we chilled on his couch and he made me Mac and cheese
UWU anon
10/27/23(Fri)01:53:23 No.908347778
>On a website liiike Epic Militaria dat sells 'reenactment' memorabilia an I eban remember seeing a Black version ov it wch I thought was prttty RAD
Alright thanks :3
>UWU I hope date ure well good
We probably aren't going on a date sadly because of family shit -w- but we will still talk
>I wish you luck cutie!
Thanks Cherry ><
Oh can I ask a question? ^w^
10/27/23(Fri)01:58:26 No.908347879
how long till the inevitable happens?
10/27/23(Fri)02:00:00 No.908347916
Maybe I'll greentext one day
Angles sadly
Of course shoot cutie