Despite all my gay I am still just a fag in a cage
10/09/23(Mon)11:47:31 No.907386568
Hewwwoooo ~ ;3;
wait really... xD
if I had an owner I'd make them get me a personalized collar that says "slut" or something lol
10/09/23(Mon)11:50:22 No.907386673
10/09/23(Mon)11:51:39 No.907386736
10/09/23(Mon)11:54:49 No.907386876
you tell me then
10/09/23(Mon)12:03:13 No.907387207
10/09/23(Mon)12:17:06 No.907387846
10/09/23(Mon)12:24:56 No.907388211
>your panties start bulging
I get excited easily, can I put it in your.. mouth.. heheh
>You're body is incredible!
thankies <3
>milk me
& you'd have me wear it outside for everyone to see? >w> <w<
In a mystical smut filled land that's /b/ xP
ilyt anon haha
I hope after you're done licking it all up maybe you'd spit it all in my mouth >•<
>no glasses makes me feel like I look weird lmao
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
10/09/23(Mon)12:37:30 No.907388779
i want to go on a date with you!!! we could get cute desserts together and do unspeakable things to each other afterwards that may or may not involve lots of cum <3
10/09/23(Mon)12:44:40 No.907389074
10/09/23(Mon)12:44:47 No.907389080
oh my god. that's disgusting, tell me more <3
10/09/23(Mon)12:53:20 No.907389457
are you sure you wanna give me free reign like that anon xD
hoi would you whore me out too then and let other people milk me .w.
>same for me!
I'm greedy and I want it all to myself sowwy not sowwy heheh
you can take me out on a date but but i might drag you to the restroom(?) (washroom?) and eat you up no dessert could beat the dessert in front of me xP
>lots of cum
yummy, I love treats and rewards
10/09/23(Mon)12:53:50 No.907389481
10/09/23(Mon)12:57:08 No.907389612
i’m sorry i don’t have anything new..! i’m at work atm… i only have stuff i’ve posted before… :/
10/09/23(Mon)13:05:34 No.907389946
LOL yes i am… hi PAanon..!! XD2mt0xj
10/09/23(Mon)13:06:35 No.907390002
YOU'RE the real treat here i cannot emphasize this enough <3 i was thinking about messing you up thoroughly to top off a satisfying date, but with your plans, you're going to beat me to it... not that i mind <3
10/09/23(Mon)13:19:44 No.907390495
Blurby flirting with all the guys today. I'm happy to see you getting the attention you need.
10/09/23(Mon)13:20:29 No.907390511
good point. love your ass btw <3
10/09/23(Mon)13:22:27 No.907390585
Good evening, anons
10/09/23(Mon)13:33:01 No.907390911
10/09/23(Mon)13:33:18 No.907390925
10/09/23(Mon)13:34:54 No.907390978
10/09/23(Mon)13:35:46 No.907391003
>I'd love to eat your little hole
I'd grab your hair and make sure you don't try to get away cause I'm def making sure you're all breathless xP
>The glasses look so sexy on you!
thank you <3 i used to self conscious about wearing glasses but now I feel weird when i don't have them on
omg can I make you my cumdump <3
>that's my milk!
hmm, I like a guy who's possesive about me ~ okay, your milk anon
>YOU'RE the real treat here
nuh, you <3
>thinking about messing you up
mess me up, I love being a squeeing dirty wet mess begging for more >w>
Hi baby ~ <3 (pls be rib xD)
10/09/23(Mon)13:42:13 No.907391277
repost, no sauce. last one
10/09/23(Mon)13:51:29 No.907391638
>nuh, you <3
i will facefuck you senseless to prove my point if i have to!!!! <.<
even if this is our first date, let's call it a lover's quarrel <3
10/09/23(Mon)13:54:57 No.907391780
condoms are evil…’>~<
i’m built strictly for deep breeding with the intentions of making babies…!
10/09/23(Mon)14:10:06 No.907392351
Never posted this one before
10/09/23(Mon)14:10:32 No.907392373
no it was me lol…. i just thought it was funny, esp if it was you… which you had already admitted in the other thread to some of it being you…
a-anon…!!! @_@
if you want…
so real >~<
just a bro with tits.! :3
10/09/23(Mon)14:10:48 No.907392388
Chaste, we've talked about this
10/09/23(Mon)14:14:20 No.907392543
>that's my milk!
hmm, I like a guy who's possesive about me ~ okay, your milk anon (i misquoted sowwy)
okay anon remember you're consenting to this xD
>you to fuck me and fill me too
fuck you yes but I wanna suck on your dicc so I can slurck (I made a word slurp+suck kek) it off you .w.
>facefuck you senseless
mommy vibes, make sure my eyes water from all choking so I can look at you all innocent puppy face and gooo "mommy don't stop"
my cumdump heheh ~ all of that milk is mineeee anon
>Very happy to see you having a good time.
is even better than that I got a (you) from you <3
>How many you hoping for?
two, i want two, three is so many I'd probably never get a chance to play with you taking care of all them little devil's being brats lol
>they ask us how we met?
we can cook up a cute story until they get older then we can tell them how mommy was a whore and daddy swept her off her feet hahah
>one day mommy and daddy were being horny on the internet...
kek, exactly
is it back that I'm an eager slut that just wants more xC
tummy bump gang lol
anythingggggggg? :0 xD
10/09/23(Mon)14:16:28 No.907392637
10/09/23(Mon)14:18:40 No.907392722
did i really..!!? XD omg…
10/09/23(Mon)14:19:53 No.907392761
10/09/23(Mon)14:23:28 No.907392892
Oh look at this top alpha energy right here I was made to breed not be bred
10/09/23(Mon)14:25:12 No.907392967
between your tears, your sweat, your cum and my own, i'll only stop when i've made an absolute fucking(!) mess out of us <3
sandwich me between your thighs please and thank you.
10/09/23(Mon)14:31:56 No.907393228
I hate you anon...
Sorry cuties but I'm a turbosub we just have to get bred together
How many for me?
10/09/23(Mon)14:39:26 No.907393549
yeah, that’s why i think it’s funny that she thinks i’m hot…. it’s like i’m transcending boundaries… XD lolol
based.. :0 i love taking loads.. <3
10/09/23(Mon)14:39:26 No.907393550
Oc from earlier today :3
10/09/23(Mon)14:41:04 No.907393606
>I'm begging you to use me
I love that, I love making boys all worked up for me and wanting me to use them all desp
>mess out of us <3
*-* you're so mommy m oml ~ I'd let you mess me up anyday/everyday <3
meanwhile I wanna be that one slut who's sucking off all the councilmen while they work on this v important matter, i figure you guys need to be all relaxed and well drained so you can come up with the best ~ heh
why aren't you already then ;w;
10/09/23(Mon)14:44:37 No.907393765
When you reach the furthest sub you can be, that's when it's the most enjoyable imo
Heyyyyy fellow turbosub, frot while we both get fucked?
I'd offer the same as above hit you're caged so we can't frot
Could rub our vellies together while getting fucked too
10/09/23(Mon)14:51:27 No.907394097
10/09/23(Mon)14:53:10 No.907394194
10/09/23(Mon)14:53:40 No.907394232
Hopefully this will help my ranking
10/09/23(Mon)14:53:43 No.907394234
10/09/23(Mon)14:54:05 No.907394254
hehe~ i don't know how it got to this point but trust me, being mommy is as pleasurable for me as it is for you <3
though, sucking all of the councilmen off along with you doesn't sound so bad...
kneel. <3
also i cant find photos im satisfied with for now so in the meantime here's me trying to figure out how to camera-- ><
10/09/23(Mon)14:54:26 No.907394278
Also this
10/09/23(Mon)14:55:04 No.907394304
Wonder if you're like me and get the butterflies in your stomach feeling when you're made to be subby for guys
Plug into each other?
I'm in heat I'm 5 seconds from messaging the dom i met from the club to ask if he wants to fuck me asap
A good majority of the time yeah but I'm home this entire month
10/09/23(Mon)14:55:27 No.907394329
I'm 160 blowjobs away from getting a new PC
10/09/23(Mon)14:56:38 No.907394393
kill yourself fucking faggot
10/09/23(Mon)15:02:13 No.907394659
10/09/23(Mon)15:02:36 No.907394673
I'm here heheh ~ but now you're mine >w>
>Could rub our vellies together
dicc**, ftfy hehe ~ but you should get special treatment cause you're like the /b/ queen or at least i like to think so
will you cum for me then, maybe moan out my name while you're cumming <w< cum for blurby, actually cum all over my face
semi hard (idk if that's a word but ehh) I'm too lazy to get myself hard and take one rn, sowwy ;-; yes u can hate me uwu
I like being a mommy's pet or a momma's boy/girl so it's perfff ~
>doesn't sound so bad
def doesn't, I'm hoping I get extra points from it xD
10/09/23(Mon)15:09:31 No.907394996
Forgot I had a vid of it
Oh like a circle of dicks in asses
God it's the best feeling right? I live for that sensation
Think we'd make cute, soft little plapping sounds while I making whiney breathey moans?
>That's not our decision :3
I love the way you think, Cowie gets it
Pffft I'm no queen of b lol you show more of your face than I do we'll equally be treated 'special' :3
Cowie is packing some heat down there I'd be scared
Proestrogene is doing a number on my tits and sex drive
10/09/23(Mon)15:15:40 No.907395230
10/09/23(Mon)15:17:28 No.907395307
i'm getting so horny just thinking about... everything~ you have mommy's vote, i can guarantee you that much <3
i've been subby for one guy EVER (because i'm way too nervous to put myself out there, what if the men are bad? ><) and i loved it. making him empty his balls and fill my mouth with cum was the best <3
10/09/23(Mon)15:17:46 No.907395320
10/09/23(Mon)15:19:44 No.907395416
10/09/23(Mon)15:22:42 No.907395562
10/09/23(Mon)15:25:33 No.907395679
10/09/23(Mon)15:26:25 No.907395725
Then you just have to plap harder so I moan louder
Making me insanely horny lately
yesssss, bit of degradation when you realize youre letting your body be used like a fleshlight for a guys plessure
Just gotta find a guy you trust and let him put you in your place consistently
No glucking!
10/09/23(Mon)15:28:39 No.907395830
>Pffft I'm no queen of b
modest cherry ~ you bring a whole vibe with you though, all the anons love you
>definitely moaning your name
good boy >w<
>feeling you grow
omg if you nursed my dick like that you get a little more than just dick in your mouf heheh .w.
yaaay I get mommy's approval <3!!
also have the people decided? how many loads am I getting ;w;
10/09/23(Mon)15:29:05 No.907395844
10/09/23(Mon)15:37:02 No.907396192
did someone say kneel
all i wanna do is be used
10/09/23(Mon)15:39:48 No.907396316
10/09/23(Mon)15:41:05 No.907396372
Nu uh I bring out the spergs lol you bring in the horndogs lol
Live in a small city I'm guessing?
Anon that's me and I post my face occasionally
Never no nope un uh
Wanna be used together?
10/09/23(Mon)15:42:08 No.907396430
10/09/23(Mon)15:42:50 No.907396460
forgot to attach
it’s just a knitted sweater hhaha