always nice to catch you so easily
>dick kiss
09/05/23(Tue)05:20:26 No.905567611
09/05/23(Tue)05:30:13 No.905567804
*Kitty used a revive potion on the thread!*
Oh my weekend was really nothing special, just was with family mostly. Went out for dinner which was nice :3 Oh it really depends on the software you're planning to use and what games you play, go watch some benchmarks on youtube that do a chip comparison to see how it lines up with what you want. Personally I just go for whatever is better price to performance at the moment, which is usually Ryzen processors here locally. You can make it up to me by glazing my toes like a good boy ok? Then once you've came, lick them clean and sniff my soles ;)
Oh hey that's my feet :D
Twink faggot here reporting for duty ^w^
Hihi Cowie, cute asf tummy *o*
09/05/23(Tue)05:59:02 No.905568381
HI HTA, I've been good same ol haha ~~ hru? :3
09/05/23(Tue)06:07:46 No.905568613
OC this is me, took it 30mins ago for someone who wanted me to copy a gif
married, wife is away tonight, been railing lines of cocaine and using her panties and toys to have fun, add me on discord if you want me to cam and show off for you
my cock is soft and useless right now from all the cocaine
i will also feed my bimbo wife and her fat tits and pink holes, love having her degraded
its preferred that you cam too or at least trib my wife or me
DISCORD goonerbf1
09/05/23(Tue)06:08:37 No.905568630
another of me with one more coming
also into piss if you are
09/05/23(Tue)06:09:36 No.905568649
last one on her add me for more and me camming
younger preferred but all welcome
and please also cam or trib
DISCORD goonerbf1
09/05/23(Tue)06:11:06 No.905568686
>another meth addict sodomite aids shitdick pedo rapist thread
You know you've got your own subreddit for this, right?
HTA ~ Mommmy =)
09/05/23(Tue)06:11:13 No.905568689
BACK, sawi had to do sumthang important ~>*"*<~
>was with family mostly.
awww that is wholesome Kitty, mine was bouz the same <3
>Went out for dinner which was nice :3
YAYZ, I habnt benz out to dinner in a while. Wht did uze eat? ( ´ཀ` )
hmmm depends byt most heavily demanding is probs VMs, also wana do editing tho. As furz vidya jus a lot ov OpenWorld mostly [modded], or games like HOI-IV =D
>once you've came, lick them clean and sniff my soles ;)
Yes Kitty....tehe I am SWRZ I am soz guna cumz to uze in a sec it jus felz soz gud to edge ure soz bwatifl >~<
I am well THX fur asking, jus watching youtube Icebergs nuthang special while snacking an was jus playing on my WII a litl an am tired X)
WA? ~3w3~
How Re Uze?! I ddnt see u earlier, did u miss Cali?....ᴖ̈
09/05/23(Tue)06:15:15 No.905568795
09/05/23(Tue)06:23:21 No.905569029
felt cute, might delete later.
09/05/23(Tue)06:32:50 No.905569286
09/05/23(Tue)06:44:21 No.905569553
>watching youtube Icebergs
hi cutie glad to hear you're okay <3
oooo ~ I love watching icebergs um.. which one in particular were you watching ;0
09/05/23(Tue)06:51:41 No.905569731
Hey Blur, nice to see you again cutie :3
Yay \^w^/ *alchemy +100 exp*
Oh no WA, must be a little lonely then :( Don't worry Kitty's here to help anons with the horny buzz hehe, how's my clone pics coming along btw? You reckon Cali will like it? Ooh an Aussie cute boy, have you received any pics so far?
Oh we went out for Asian food, had a nice stir fry seafood noodles with prawns and clams :D Unfortunately I can't pull the figures from my hat, so to be sure just check those relevant benchmarks online. But factor in other things like having a well rounded build, with decent speed ram and a good video card too! Hehe I'll let you cum to me HTA but if you were here I'd ruin your orgasm just so you can leak all over my soles >:)
09/05/23(Tue)06:53:32 No.905569774
09/05/23(Tue)06:54:30 No.905569790
09/05/23(Tue)06:55:03 No.905569803
09/05/23(Tue)06:58:26 No.905569878
>how's my clone pics coming along btw?
Hurting my brain. Not even joking lol. Kinda like the cat in the matrix. You did good kitty. I think it's fun but don't over do it lol. The blue/pink contrast was very nice tho.
Pics, vids, might already have offer him a dildo and a plug tail, who knows ;). Very manly outside, very girly inside.
09/05/23(Tue)07:25:37 No.905570529
I lied sorry anon ;-;
09/05/23(Tue)07:27:33 No.905570583
kill yourself fucking faggot
09/05/23(Tue)07:40:39 No.905570861
how are you guys doing this morning?
09/05/23(Tue)08:16:25 No.905571890
09/05/23(Tue)08:39:32 No.905572577
09/05/23(Tue)08:42:47 No.905572656
henlo sin-chan here
09/05/23(Tue)08:43:39 No.905572679
my ass, wrinkly soles and toes
09/05/23(Tue)08:50:09 No.905572850
Not one have you has left me a vocaroo so you're all getting left at the altar
09/05/23(Tue)09:06:05 No.905573350
09/05/23(Tue)09:20:41 No.905573803
09/05/23(Tue)09:25:05 No.905573933
09/05/23(Tue)09:35:26 No.905574276
09/05/23(Tue)09:36:45 No.905574322
lmao legit modern day monsters
fucking transgender wtf
keep raping them kids trannybros
holy shit did you read the news today?
09/05/23(Tue)09:40:50 No.905574483
09/05/23(Tue)09:41:01 No.905574492
>holy shit did you read the news today?
I literally had to type in 'transgender' to get any results about wtf you were talking about bro, there were 0 on the main page
the troons may be living rent free in your head anon
09/05/23(Tue)10:00:28 No.905575206
09/05/23(Tue)10:01:45 No.905575268
09/05/23(Tue)10:12:23 No.905575767
I'm good, been pretty chill tonight ^-^ Oh yes please blur, I'll tease that little tight hole of yours and squeeze your ass cheeks with my fingers and taste them all over with my mouth ;P
Smelly boyfeet is so fucking hot honestly, plus the shape of yours are so cute and suckable ^w^
Same here AA, Cali is my idol <3 The fact I'm even cloning his pics in the first place is a part of the reason why I think he's an inspiration to /b/ femboys :3
09/05/23(Tue)10:13:34 No.905575812
im weak for these holes
09/05/23(Tue)10:21:34 No.905576158
09/05/23(Tue)10:27:21 No.905576396
09/05/23(Tue)10:46:51 No.905577142
>alegbraic question
Here's the same thing in set theory notation
09/05/23(Tue)10:48:18 No.905577212
09/05/23(Tue)10:50:24 No.905577302
09/05/23(Tue)10:50:55 No.905577328
09/05/23(Tue)10:52:00 No.905577376
I love expressing things in math form :3
You psychopath, I do not trust you around children
Literally me
>Spraying my anti straight repellent
09/05/23(Tue)10:53:15 No.905577431
09/05/23(Tue)10:54:42 No.905577489
how does this make u feel
09/05/23(Tue)11:08:36 No.905578032
We aren't your biggest fan either.
Mmmmmm yummy boysweat
>IBM missiles
It's IB missiles (the m in IBM stands for missile) but I'm actually working on drones, missiles are so 1980s boomer cold war
>Roll-on is better
In what world?
Make me do your math homework and suck your dick. I'll love you forever >>905577979
09/05/23(Tue)11:13:00 No.905578189
Afternoon. Another fun day to boy mode. Down to 182 so that's nice I guess.
Ocean cooling down
09/05/23(Tue)11:13:13 No.905578195
dubs to summon penny
09/05/23(Tue)11:19:23 No.905578426
Fuck no sugar daddies online
09/05/23(Tue)11:21:37 No.905578535
That is my dream someday. To generate money by doing what turns me on hehe.
Fat chubster giant huehue
09/05/23(Tue)11:22:56 No.905578603
you can do that shit on cash app broski
so if you're an adult and have a job/ID it's ezpz
09/05/23(Tue)11:24:16 No.905578673
Real nice Texas. Real nice.
>Maga voters practising eating shit ahead of November 2024
09/05/23(Tue)11:24:22 No.905578683
>tease that little tight hole of yours and squeeze your ass
YES PLEASE ~ heheheh I'd be such a submissive little puppy all exposed and behaving like a good boy for you ~~~ .w. >w<
no but maybe *we'll hang out* together lol
I need to watch more to pick a favourite but they're all so good haha ~ & omg I used to be into scp soooooo much it is also def one of my fav spoopy xD
09/05/23(Tue)11:31:26 No.905579011
09/05/23(Tue)11:36:54 No.905579257
Anyone else try IPL? Trying it out on one thigh for a few months
09/05/23(Tue)11:40:55 No.905579440
09/05/23(Tue)11:43:01 No.905579532
>:3 oh god I wish. Showing off too perverts gets me going
IPL stings a bit. I've been using on Face once every two weeks and I've noticed much less growth, but it takes me days to grow anyway.
Was your breast growth through those hormones? I was in the shower and the feel of the water dripping off my nips really got me stuck on having a cups :3
I have a passport and cash. Need to start an alpaca farm of attractive people hehe
09/05/23(Tue)11:45:10 No.905579625
My dream would be.
1. Go to work
2. Come home and get ready
3. Video games and dragon dildos
Plsnlike and subscribe
Just need to lose 20lbs oh dear god
09/05/23(Tue)11:46:48 No.905579713
kill yourself fucking faggot
09/05/23(Tue)11:53:44 No.905580002
TY someday maybe I can pull it off
So just for skin care then? Having boobs is extremely arousing to me but I have super sensitive nippers so maybe that helps.
Oh god lunch is almost ogre
Wagie back in cagie
09/05/23(Tue)11:59:03 No.905580231
On it. His face is fucking hot too. Even with facial hair I absolutely fucking would
I don't put face pics public
09/05/23(Tue)12:12:13 No.905580844
I wish I could wear these swimsuit bottoms out
I only went to the pool once this summer
I honestly prefer like a lake or something where it's not so crowded but all of our water is nasty here :(
09/05/23(Tue)12:14:33 No.905580934
I definitely need the coverage though
or to get my wings clipped
at least they match
09/05/23(Tue)12:21:04 No.905581362
09/05/23(Tue)12:22:38 No.905581426
You have not left this world.
09/05/23(Tue)12:23:11 No.905581445
>will be
I already am bb
>I really want to be raped.
you can have your fantasies but you do not want the real thing
09/05/23(Tue)12:40:23 No.905582083
09/05/23(Tue)12:48:11 No.905582392
09/05/23(Tue)12:50:18 No.905582472
Heyy b
09/05/23(Tue)12:56:32 No.905582748
09/05/23(Tue)13:01:55 No.905582957
Right behind my dad
On it
Misguided coomer sexually repressed virgin fantasies
09/05/23(Tue)13:09:59 No.905583299
09/05/23(Tue)13:11:48 No.905583378
Idk u tell me
Bored horny stupid what else?
09/05/23(Tue)13:14:32 No.905583479
09/05/23(Tue)13:22:14 No.905583804
I'd only get srs from Thailand where it's a bit more developed in that field even then the cost is a large issue and a lot of complications that can go wrong have dissuaded me a bit, personally I figure I'm here posting myself up unto a point that I feel passable enough to not get clocked in public then I'll probably disappear off the internet and might get the surgery then
Also curly or straight?
09/05/23(Tue)13:26:15 No.905583994
Wow pushy much! Is this a better angle for you milord?
So so tragic rip me
Wait you or me? Cus mine is like right there
09/05/23(Tue)13:29:04 No.905584115
People say I'm a slampig, am I? :3
09/05/23(Tue)13:34:52 No.905584345
I think it looks cute now how to learn how to do it and maybe I should nail down the vapid stupid LA girl look by going blonde?
Thank you :3
I need Cowie to give me dress recommendations
Thank you blur baby
I'll give it to you once it's off :3 thank you too
Idk I spent a fair amount researching it with like Dr. Banks and such I feel like the western srs is just a literal gash wound they give you
Also straight is my everyday look.... fuck, those are the vibes I'm giving off?